Talk about / post pictures of your pets [ Threads merged ]

Michaels Lover

post pictures of your pets

forgive me if there's already a thread like this, but i did search and didn't find any. only other threads about pets, but none where ppl are posting pics of them

i'll start with my fur babies

the guinea pigs....

dominik (left) and victoria


and 1 hamster.....

Re: post pictures of your pets

I have a guinea pig also. Her name is Ino. I must take a pic of her. lol.
Re: post pictures of your pets

forgive me if there's already a thread like this, but i did search and didn't find any. only other threads about pets, but none where ppl are posting pics of them

i'll start with my fur babies

the guinea pigs....

dominik (left) and victoria


and 1 hamster.....


Awww.... They are so cute!!!!

I have two cats now.. I'll upload their pics and then post here. :)
Re: post pictures of your pets

awww they are so cute! I don't have any pets... :(
Re: post pictures of your pets

can't wait to see the pics :)
Re: post pictures of your pets

^^ that's a lovely dog. Sad that he can't be with you anymore.
Re: post pictures of your pets

ohh those pets are really cute! :)

my 2 hungry ones....waiting for breakfast,lunch,dinner etc...all the time :lol:

Re: post pictures of your pets

Aww how cute pets ^_^

I wish I had something to post on this thread.. :(
Re: post pictures of your pets

^^^me too, Hanna... :sad:

ohh those pets are really cute! :)

my 2 hungry ones....waiting for breakfast,lunch,dinner etc...all the time :lol:


lovely ones, Ági! :wink:
Re: post pictures of your pets

Heres my dog Bo, shes looking smooth in her MJ sunglasses! lol

Re: post pictures of your pets

^^^ awwwww soooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:yes:

@ Bigtaterman: your dog looks cool!!!:punk:
Re: post pictures of your pets

Yeah she my little attention junkie :lol: but I love her to death :)

Okay here is Prickles my evil kitty


She's so tough she eat's trees for breakfast!

Re: post pictures of your pets

ya'll have some gorgeous pets :D
Re: post pictures of your pets

Kinga: thx :)

L.J.: Prickles looks realy cute, cool cat :D
she would be great friend of mine..they could climb trees together :lol:


and another one of my dog:
Re: post pictures of your pets

I'll do one better...Here is a video of our pet rabbit Nester...aka "Thumper"

Re: post pictures of your pets

^ awwwww

L.J.: Prickles looks realy cute, cool cat :D
she would be great friend of mine..they could climb trees together :lol:

Aww yeah!!! Prickles falls out of trees though :lol: she's kinda hopeless :toofunny:

Awww MJProjectgroup! your Pukkie looks a little like my Prickles! :) sooo cute in the grass :p
Re: post pictures of your pets

aww lovely pets everyone, I have to take pics of my pooches to show them off.
Re: post pictures of your pets

^ awwwww

Aww yeah!!! Prickles falls out of trees though :lol: she's kinda hopeless :toofunny:

Awww MJProjectgroup! your Pukkie looks a little like my Prickles! :) sooo cute in the grass :p

Yeah they do look alike, foreigner sisters maybe :D

^^ Thnx Kinga, together they are just like a married couple. Fight sometimes but always make up :lol:
Re: post pictures of your pets

Thanks LJ!! He's a little character, he gets very the morning, you try to put food in his cage, and he stages a Rabbit Attack on you!! LOL!! I call him PJ Funny Bunny too..
Re: post pictures of your pets

My dog....(She died years ago though...)

(It was her birthday, so we made her a cake...:lol:)
Re: post pictures of your pets

Oooo, a cakie! That's a nice dog Sum. May she RIP.

If I can, I'll post pics of my cat.
Re: post pictures of your pets

Phew...long time i dont come and post on MJJC...
and i HAD to check out the pets thread....
great one btw! :kickass2:

awwww u a cat lover...and i must say i loooooved ur cats (and dogs and hammsters and turtles and bunnies too, dont be jealous ^^)
oh, my, LJ, Prickles eats trees for breakfast?? :bugeyed
Well, Lilica breathes fire and Pepsi has a taste for my blood (yep, just mine, she wants me dead), now follow that, punk! :shifty:
Who's bad? :eek:

This is Pepsi, my boyf's cat...also my daughter but she hates me...


This is Lilica (yep, stealing food from my plate, thats why she has a huge tummy...)


Re: post pictures of your pets


He likes to cuddle and get a lot of attention so he would be glad to hear that you want to cuddle him :D
He sleeps in my lap everyday looking that way, I love him till dead :love: