Take That BEAT michael!

Re: Take That BEAT michael! [About Britney Spears' CD]

*shrugs shoulders* I dunno son!
Pretty much sums it up.

I don't see the big fuss.

You know how they can factor in inflation for sales of certain things? If they could do that with time.. like, factor what the sales would have been had their been no internet or fewer box offices or whatever, I bet MJ actually still sold out faster.

Right, exactly.

And good point vncwilliam.
Re: Take That BEAT michael! [About Britney Spears' CD]

When I saw Britney in the title I assumed there was some kind of discussion going on inside about how her and Take Thats albums are both called Circus. Well Take Thats is ' The Circus' but it still doesnt really make sense.
oh i didnt know someone changed my thread title to have somethin to do with britney??? Well its back to the original i posted :)
I think MJ beat Take That now with ticket sales for This Is It :D?