Support thread for those ppl who don't listen to leaked songs

I've also not listened to any snippets, only the full Breaking News and Hold My Hand :)
I've listened to the snippets...After trying NOT to for the longest time...I admire those of you who are able to resist temptation...I refused to listen to Hollywood Tonight on Ellen, but then just couldn't resist.....And, well, the truth is....I just hadn't lived before Hollywood Tonight....:lol:

All I wanna say is....You guys are in for a treat !
I cracked.

I've listened to everything.

I'm weak and bad and pathetic and don't regret it one bit.

(it sounds AMAZING!).
I've listened to the short snippets on HMV and a few other songs; KYHU, BN, HMH and Monster (MJ only version) but I am not listening to anything else. That is it for me until the album comes out... I don't want to spoil anything else!!
I'm kinda doing this. i have avoided all snippets and leaks of songs from the album. I listened to Breaking news when i came on the site, and have been hearing Hold My Hand on the radio and have since downloaded that. But the only other leaks i have actually listened too are the songs which are not on the album like Blue Gangster (oh so amazing) because it could be years, if at all, before we hear these songs. I am really looking forward to hearing the new album in full, for the first time=D
ok, so i failed..... =( i had to listen to Another Day!! Could no longer handle the fan made versions i've had for the last year........ and it is AMAZING!
Aawww, c'mon guys. I wanted you to be strong. :( (But I am so happy that you were able to enjoy them).

Ok, no more slip ups! :D
I definitely try to stay away from songs that I know are on the album. It's very tempting but I'm that way with every artist. I love buying physical CDs, opening it up, looking at the artwork, and most of all, hearing all the full songs for the first time in HQ. Luckily, Michael is only a little under two weeks away. I didn't have too long to lose my resolve.

Now, I DO listen to and download leaked songs that are not on Michael. I know they may or may not be on future albums, and more than likely, if they do they'll be tampered with a little like Hold My Hand.

I've heard Breaking News, of course. I bought the digital Hold My Hand. I did listen to Keep Your Head Up, but I didn't know it was on the album. I listened to the MJ-only versions of Monster once for like 1 minute, but I honestly can't remember what it sounded like and I refused to go listen to it again.
I've heard Breaking News, listened to Keep Your Head Up twice, Much too soon once and Hold My Hand of course but that's it for me. I'm trying my hardest to stay awy from all the other leaks since I want it to be something special when I put that CD in the CD player. I just want to do it the "old way" as I still remember being a 12-year-old kid coming home from the store clutching the HIStory CD to my chest and feeling completely ecstatic at the sound of Mike's voice. I just want to get that same feeling back since it's been so long. :)
oh god i feel so weak ....

i have now heard Hold My Hand , much too soon and Another day in full....but only heard snippets of the rest .

So still need to hear HollyWood Tonight , Best Of Joy , (I Like)The Way You Love Me , Behind The Mask ....

Not even counting the other 3 "songs" .


I've heard the three Cascio songs :( and, of course, HMH :)

But I'm not going to listen to any other snippets until December 14th. I'm also staying away from the discussion of the songs I haven't heard yet. I want to form my own opinion, as I did for the 3 Cascio tracks.
Long before the album was announced I decided that when there's one, I am going to go through the whole experience the old fashioned way. I'm gonna listen to officially released songs only in order of appearance on the radio and in stores and avoid all leaks. So far I've managed to keep this promise and didn't listen to anything except "Breaking News". I downloaded all the snippets that appeared this week, but I am avoiding that folder lol And yesterday I was sent a youtube link, I went to check it and as soon as I realized it was "Keep Your Head Up", I clicked stop and ran away. I don't even read the threads about these songs cause I don't want other people's opinions influence mine...

I am doing it because I want the first listen to be special. I want to listen to the songs in excellent quality and be amazed by their beautiful sound... I am sure it's going to be an amazing album!

Is there anybody here who is as crazy as I am about it? lol

You know what?
I wish I hadn't heard a song yet.
I just jumped into every song, without second thought.
And yes, the magic of the old days gets lost.
My mistake, I shouldn't have listened... but then.... I am not that strong :doh:
I must have the best willpower. I've only heard Hold My Hand, BN, & Keep Your Head Up in full. I heard leaked snippets for Monster & Much Too Soon, but that's it. I really want to listen to Hollywood Tonight bad though :lol: I think since I've waited this long, I can wait a little longer :timer:
i had downloaded several of the leaked songs and snippets. but just deleted them all to avoid the temptation as i am really looking forward to getting together with my cousin on the 13th and michaeling out over the amazing new songs. But i have got all the ones that ain't gonna be on it, ie. DYKWYCA, Blue Gangster and Slave to The Rhythm(which i adore!)
Bump this thread now!! Ohh the album has leaked and I need to get my mind off the leaked album and that thread abt the leaked album :D

so far Ive listened to some snippets and obviously to Hold My Hand and Breakings News..

its very very hard not to ask for a link to the leak...

support pls!!!! :D
:hug: I understand. I am trying to hold out. I have listened to snippets, and I admit i listened to a few songs. But I want to wait to listen to the whole album. I hate waiting, but I think I will enjoy it more.


But you can do it. Hold firm!
ginvid;3117803 said:
:hug: I understand. I am trying to hold out. I have listened to snippets, and I admit i listened to a few songs. But I want to wait to listen to the whole album. I hate waiting, but I think I will enjoy it more.


But you can do it. Hold firm!
Hopefully i can.. ill have the album on friday, just 4 days.. ahhh
its hard but im gonna try to not go the thread abt the leaked album although its fun to know what everyone thinks abt the album. haha. and yeah gonna get myself buysy with work and uni too....
If you are any left I really feel with you. :lol:

Michael is a perfect album.
Guys when the 14th comes you are going to be the happiest fans because you did not listen to leaks. Think how exciting this will be to you all. It is a great thing to look forward to so you do not need a support group at all. You should all be very happy--CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
I can't help listening to even a snippet:D but I can't wait to hear it all:angel::angel::angel::angel:
Thanks for bumping the thread!!! I am still waiting! I know that album has been leaked but I am not downloading and I avoid all the new songs discussion threads. I even had to run away from twitter because Gaz started posting his thoughts about the album song by song lol

I just want to buy a good old CD, come home and listen to it for the first time the way it's supposed to be. :)
With the album leaked, this is becoming incredibly more difficult BUT I'm still refusing to listen!

Really looking forward to BTM & HT - the reviews so far of these two especially, are brilliant! :D
I was not listening to leaks, but I did listen to MJtunes and they played all the leaks this afternoon (except for Cascio songs it seems), so I'm off the wagon... sorry! I still haven't heard Monster though. I think that's the only one.
how many percent of the persons who supported this thread 1day ago are, still havent heard a song in full?? :D
I haven't listened to the album leak and I don't plan too...I have heard the snippets of all the songs...I've heard full HMH, BN, and AD (I cracked on that one :ninja:)...But that's it..I won't listen until it's released!!
I´ve heard BN and HMH but that´s all.I´m looking forward to get the album soon.
The 1st time I hear these songs I want it to be with a CD, the best quality and hear the best I possibly can!!!

Just 1 week to go, interesting reading the track reviews, if this was some other artist I would download but not MJ.

I hope all these people downloading do actually go out and support MJ when CD is released, Im sure real MJ fans will.
I never listen to leaks of MJ songs that are due to be released............but i'll listen to songs would probably never be released (Thriller demos, Dangerous acetate and other songs that never make the cut to Michael's albums)...........

.........I've only heard Breaking News ( and youTube acapella version) and Hold My Hand ( version and my Maxi CD arrived today)!!!!!!

........I did the same with Invincible (only heard You Rock My World and Cry before I brought the album)......

........and the same with Number Ones, The Ultimate Collection and Thriller 25!!!!!