Support thread for those ppl who don't listen to leaked songs

Hey, my name is Athina and I am a Michaelholic as well!
I have heard Keep Your Head Up and Hold My Hand but I have decided to resist and wait till the album is released. It's been 9 years since we had an album and back then we were waiting for the radios to play snippets of the album. Dangerous, HIStory, Blood On The Dancefloor and Invincible all the way. It was like a ritual to me and I want to keep it with Michael! I need some help to resist though with you guys! We can make it till 14th December!
Hi, my name is JMie and I am a Michaelholic. I've just seen a link to Hold My Hand in another thread and I am trying very hard not to download. I would normally have no problem waiting for a day, but I am going on vacation for a week in half an hour and I am not sure I'll be able to buy the song through my mobile internet tomorrow, although I am going to try!

Not downloading, not downloading, not downloading....
LOL lom_kit
Hello, my name is Alejandro and i am a Michaelaholic. Ive been clean for 1 day. Today i heard that a snippet of HMH has leaked and I didnt asked for it. I feel proud of myself

edit: this thread NEEDS to be sticky. What if another snippet leak and i dont find this thread??? idk if i am strong

Way to go! I am proud of you too!

I am trying to ignore the new Monster snippet thread. I have to keep telling myself "Back away from the Monster snippet thread, if you give in, you'll lose control and stay up until dawn uncontrollably scouring the web for more snippets"
This thread is great. I've listened to a bunch of snippets already, but I really want to stop. I want my first experience with the new songs to be complete songs, not snippets. So, starting now, I'm not listening to any more snippets or looking at the threads for the new songs. (BTW - I've basically forgotten what the snippets sounded like, so I don't think I totally ruined the experience.)

I didn't realize a video snippet of the One More Change video is out. That is really tempting - LOL.
Okay, my name is Matthew Jam and today was a bad day. I fell off the wagon. I listened to the new snippet of Hold My Hand. But I figured "I already know the song, so it doesn't really count. And besides, it's officially released tomorrow anyway."

Or am I just justifying it to make myself feel better?
I´m not sure if the snippets are the version which is on the album,I´ll wait.
I´ve made up my mind that I´m going to love this album and there are plenty of time to listen to it in the future.
Okay, my name is Matthew Jam and today was a bad day. I fell off the wagon. I listened to the new snippet of Hold My Hand. But I figured "I already know the song, so it doesn't really count. And besides, it's officially released tomorrow anyway."

Or am I just justifying it to make myself feel better?

I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but it's justification. I did the same thing with the One More Chance snippet. I justified it to myself by saying it didn't count because it was a video snippet and not an audio snippet. But, a snippet is a snippet.

The good thing is, we can always start over again. So jump back on the wagon. No more snippets. We can do it. Gagghhhh! This is so hard!
I Have Stopped Listening To The Leaked Songs Now (Exept Breaking News And Keep Your Head Up XD) . It's Not Really So Exiting And Funny If You Have Heard Everything On The Album.
Long before the album was announced I decided that when there's one, I am going to go through the whole experience the old fashioned way. I'm gonna listen to officially released songs only in order of appearance on the radio and in stores and avoid all leaks. So far I've managed to keep this promise and didn't listen to anything except "Breaking News". I downloaded all the snippets that appeared this week, but I am avoiding that folder lol And yesterday I was sent a youtube link, I went to check it and as soon as I realized it was "Keep Your Head Up", I clicked stop and ran away. I don't even read the threads about these songs cause I don't want other people's opinions influence mine...

I am doing it because I want the first listen to be special. I want to listen to the songs in excellent quality and be amazed by their beautiful sound... I am sure it's going to be an amazing album!

Is there anybody here who is as crazy as I am about it? lol

Im leaving my personal feelings about the controvesy and the fact that its a posthumous album aside for a few minutes.

Your post brought me back to 2001 and INVINCIBLE era. I did EXACTLY the same thing.

As soon as leaks started, I avoided all those emails and posts on forums. I avoided threads on forums discussing the lyrics, the snippits etc. The only song I heard was YOU ROCK MY WORLD.

I managed to avoid EVERYTHING else.

The weekend before the album release, I cant remember if it was Saturday or Sunday, I went to MJNI's Official Sony Album release party at the Hippodrome London.

It was the most incredible way to hear the album for the first time. They dimmed the lights and played the entire album right the way through. There was no preformances, just some graphics and photos on the big screen.

I just lay on the floor and let the music, Michaels amazing voice flow right through me.

JMie if thats what you want to do for this album, then stay strong and resist. If you want to enjoy this album, are excited and want to treasure the first time experience of listening to it, then good for you.

Im not saying it will be easy, especially with this added controversay, but in the end only YOU can decide whats best for you.
Great thread.

After the album announcement I also promised myself that, until its release, I would not listen to any leaks, snippets, fragments, etc. and so far I have managed to keep that promise. I listened to 'Breaking News' for the first time when it was officially released online, and the same goes for 'Hold My Hand', which I also bought on iTunes as soon as it became available. And although it became hard for me to enjoy BN after all the controversy, and I eventually decided not to listen to it anymore until I get the album (I deleted the MP3 and everything), I love HMH and can't stop listening to it.

And now it's less than a month until the album will be released and I am very happy that I have so obsessively stayed away from all the leaked tracks, because I would really hate to spoil that moment when I come home from the record store, pop that CD in my player, plug in my headphones, turn up the volume, close my eyes and listen to the entire album for the first time.

But it's still hard. What, for example, should I do with a song like 'Do You Know Where Your Children Are'? Which all the fans are praising like it's the second coming... And it's not even on the official track-listing... I've told myself, "maybe it's a hidden track" and "maybe it'll be a B-side to HMH" and "maybe they have other plans for it. They should, if it's really that good! Dammit, they better!!". But the bottom line is that I don't want to listen to it in crappy quality. Or in an unfinished state. So I won't. But how do you guys deal with that song? And when do you feel it would be ok to listen to it? Or do you just try to forget about it?
Bump! :D

There are "only" a few days left until the release of the album and until now I successfully avoided all snippets but it's becoming harder.

I just heard part of "Hollywood Tonight" on Ellen show and it's AMAZING. :woohoo:
Guys, this is really cute!! :D Reminds of me of a "virginity before marriage" sort of thing. :D

Hello, I am Pace and I totally fell of the bandwagon. A long time ago.

However, I successfully avoided reading excerpts of the Shmuley tapes, although I do think I have a download somewhere, I didn't watch the "Secret Lives" about MJs children and I haven't read any Taraborelli book, trying very hard to respect his privacy. I also didn't share any HMH shoot pics until TMZ leaked them anyway. So I am really trying.

My spirit is very willing but these fingers, damn them- whenever I see a "leak" thread, they just have a life of their own.

I respect all of your strong wills, but then again Michael Jackson is the only person in the world at this point that makes me go chase download links, I think I stopped the download thing 7 years ago.

I admire the strength in you, although I promised myself I won't be downloading the album somewhere although somebody in Europe is going to have it way before me. I don't want to ruin the beauty of holding a brandnew MJ album in my hands.
The new snippets from HMV are GREAT !!!

BN sounds sooo much more like MJ!! - It is MJ no doubt!

Michael will be the best album ever !!!!
There's no way I'd slip at this point, we're too close.. The one song I find incredibly hard to resist is Hollywood Tonight, because everyone seems to be so excited about it!

I'm keeping strong, I'm keeping strong, I'm keeping strong, I'm keeping strong, I'm keeping strong, I'm keeping strong, I'm keeping strong.....

Strenght to all of you who've chosen to follow the same path as me! We can do it!!!

And those of you who are slipping... Enjoy the songs :cheeky:

*goes back to listening Blue Gangsta,STTR & DYKWYCA*
ok, I must confess. I watched the clip from Ellen, because I decided it was a part of official promo, so what the hell, I'll watch! :) lol and also I adore Ellen :) I loved the clip and the song is amazing. I think it will still be a kind of surprise on the album though, because due to all the cheering in the clip it was hard to hear every detail in the song. And I am NOT listening the snippets on HMV site, I am not, I am not, I am not!

And I am not listening to Much Too Soon on iTunes either. lol
i watched Ellen on mute..i just wanted to get a feel of the song by the energy in her dancing & the crowd reaction.

I did not hear a pip....

No snippet either.

10 days to go...
I've listened to all the Cascio songs (because it wasn't as if I could look forward to those without knowing if it was really him or not anyway).

Other than that, I have held off from any other leaks. Haven't heard Much Too Soon, haven't listened to any of the leaked snippets. It's driving me insane, I desperately want to hear Hollywood Tonight and Behind The Mask.

But I've got one week to go - MUST STAY STRONG!!!!!
I just want to say - all of you have my greatest respect! :bow:
Me and strong will are two different stories, I couldn't resist... :wub:
wow, Memefen, RESPECT!! I thought of watching on mute but couldn't resist in the end. But I only watched twice and won't be watching it again lol I'll pretend I never watched at all lol

I don't know what to do about the Oprah show on Monday. She's going to play Keep Your Head Up and Monster and I don't want to listen to them. I hope people who will upload the show on youtube for us, will let us now when to switch off the sound!
I have such respect for all of you who are able to do this. I had said that I was going to save the Neff-U tracks (Hollywood Tonight and Best of Joy) until the album came out. Then Ellen played the snippet and I totally caved. Y'all are in for a real treat, the songs are most definitely worth waiting for :)
wow, Memefen, RESPECT!! I thought of watching on mute but couldn't resist in the end. But I only watched twice and won't be watching it again lol I'll pretend I never watched at all lol

I don't know what to do about the Oprah show on Monday. She's going to play Keep Your Head Up and Monster and I don't want to listen to them. I hope people who will upload the show on youtube for us, will let us now when to switch off the sound!

oh are the second person 2 say this. But isn't it stuck in your head? MJ's melodies often stuck in my head after 1 listen. Reading people' reaction is hilarious. From the posts here, i am most excited about Hollywood tonight (positive across the board), Behind the mask, Monster, Best of Joy, Much too soon.

I love Breaking news a looooooot, so i am looking forward to finally have it on my ipod.

Blue gangster makes it easier to stay away from the snippets & leaks....i have been listening 2 it for days....

As for Oprah, i will find a clever way to avoid the songs. I hope.
there was so much cheering, so it didn't... it doesn't mean it's not a catchy song though! I am sure it is. it's just that my head is exploding with "Slave to the Rhythm" today, and there's no place for another tune in it right now :)
Great Thread JMie!

I only listened to the songs which won't be on the album.

From MICHAEL i only know 'Breaking News' & 'Hold My Hand'!

This will stay that way until friday, dec 10th, when MICHAEL get's released
in germany!

Now i'm so excited, the hype since the snippets on HMV is so great & it's hard to resist, but i'll manage to do it!
And i will have the full experience & joy on coming friday!
Go to my media store today and buy 'HMH'Single & The Experience for PSP, this will help me to get along well, till friday.

I wish you all the same excitement & joy i'm feeling. This will be ANOTHER GREAT moment in my life, which i have to thank Michael for, so much!
But i'm sure, You all are feeling the same!

Same here! Although I have heard Breaking News and Hold My Hand, simply because they were shown in full on the official website. I never listen to leaked songs if I know that they are going to be on an album.
I don´t listen to snippets,I wait for the album.
It seems to be many amazing songs in the future,the best is yet to come..
As soon as the snippets came out, I kept wanting to come in here and offer support for those who were still holding firm. I feel so proud of you and your reward will be great. Unfortunately for me, I am not that patient.

But congrats to you guys and remember a week goes by very quickly! :hug:
If you give in now, you've wasted your time. 1 week left, you can wait. I wish I waited. I've heard too much - now I know what to expect. It makes it less exciting, believe me. But the second you play that album - that's when you're thankful for all your hard work.