[Study for thesis] How did you learn MJ had passed away?

How did you learn Michael had passed away?

  • Through internet (which website?)

    Votes: 65 57.0%
  • Through television (which program?)

    Votes: 37 32.5%
  • Through radio (which station?)

    Votes: 12 10.5%
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I-Télé, a French news channel.

I was on the internet, the TV was on, but I was not really watching. Then they said Michael had been taken to hospital. They didn't say "rushed", they just said taken to hospital. So I was not really worried. He looked in a bad shape, I had heard rumors saying that he was ill, so I didn't think the news was so surprising.

Then I think they said that Joe Jackson said Michael was in a very serious condition, then talked about La Toya arriving at the hospital crying.
For a while they speculated about the fact that Michael was taken to the UCLA medical center (instead of Cedars Sinai). First they were trying to confirm it was UCLA, and then they said that if he was taken to the UCLA, then it WAS an emergency. According to them, if it had not been, he would have been taken to Cedars Sinai.

Then they showed the LAPD stopping the traffic around the UCLA.

Then they reported the paramedics had confirmed he was in cardiac arrest when he got to the hospital. That's when I understood it was REALLY very bad, and started to expect a bad news, either he was in a deep coma or would pass away. I thought that if the paramedics had failed to ressucitate him, it was definitely not looking good.

Then it was strange : TMZ confirmed Michael had died, I Télé reported the news, saying that TMZ was a very serious website and could be trusted. But as no other media was confirming , I télé sarted going 'oh well, they are usually serious, but they could be wrong, we don't know..."

Then some uncited sources were confirming his death, others that he was in a coma.

I remember at one stage I went out to get cigarettes, it was a quarter to midnight here, I was almost certain Michael had passed away, though I télé wouldn't confirm it.

Then the LA Times confirmed his death, then a lot of other US media started to confirm the news also, then all of them but CNN.

So I decided to wait for a more serious confirmation, it came around 1am I think, when they said that the Coroner's office had issued a statement saying that there would be an autopsy.

I stopped watching after that, for me the picture was clear, Michael had overdosed on something and died. I couldn't see any other reason why he would suddenly go in cardiac arrest, and an autopsy was needed.

I had the feeling that something was seriously wrong with drugs since I saw the "Living with Michael Jackson" thing a few years ago. So I was shocked by his death, but not really surprised by the cause.

I am 40, his music has always been part of my life since I was 12 or 13 years old. I think all the people of my generation know songs like 'Billie Jean", "Beat it", Thriller , Black or white and so many others by heart , even if you didn't like him at the time. He is such a monument in music, and music was such a monument in the 80s.

I am not what you would call a great fan, but I do have a lot of respect for the man, what he had to go through.

That night I was just listening again to his music, and when listening to Billie Jean, Black or White, etc... I was thinking that back then, it seemed impossible to imagine that it would end this way.

So sad and shocking.

sorry for the out of the topic stuff, and probably not so good English..
I was on Twitter and it exploded with 'get well soon Michael', 'please pray for Michael', so I knew something was wrong. Then upon doing further research, I found a link to TMZ who reported the death first.
I was sleeping and my best friend who is also a huge MJ fan called me! She was concerned that I would have a breakdown. We comforted each other over the phone. Then I put on the tv..and went online and my facebook was filled with RIP Michael! I woke up into a nightmare! It was so devastating that my limbs got numb and my hands got soo cold..
I got a text message on my mobile phone from my mom who told me. Then I opened the TV (local finnish station, news) and saw Jermaine's statement.
I heard it from the radio

I was driving to work 7 am in the morning and the DJ said that 2 hollywood stars had passed away and she said she will reveal them after the next song. I thought I probably don't really know them, so I didn't care but when she announced it was MJ, I was so shocked! I thought it was a joke!
I rushed to work and to the lounge where the TV was and saw everyone was watching the horrifiying news! I was too shocked to be sad! The whole day I can't concentrate at work! I still can't believe it for the entire day! The radio was playing his songs non-stop and the TV had many tributes. I only cried 3 days after that and continued on crying so much till the Staples memorial!
I feel so much for all of you. The horrifiying experince we all had went thought that day. I do feel a lot better now, but think of that day is just so sad!

I signed onto facebook to see lots of people saying that he was in a coma. I went to the TV to check all the news stations, my mum and husband both rang me to make sure I knew and eventually news confirmed he had passed. I stayed up all night with the news on in the background because I couldn't go to bed, was in shock.
Firstly my cousin rang me (she is also a huge fan!) but i missed her call so she told on msn that he had died although I didn't believe it (thought it was another rumour) so I searched it and found out on TMZ.com. Still didn't believe it so watched BBC News live all night, and thats how I found out it was confirmed :'(
I wasn't feeling well that day. hadn't slept at all the night before... so I came back from work a little early 'cos I wanted to take a little nap in the early evening. I hadn't turned on the radio at all in my car on the drive home because of a splitting headache. got home, turned on MSNBC and saw it. almost felt the floor drop from beneath me. oh god. :(
I was sitting in my mother's room, it was 3:20 pm (I live in Redding CA) I was watching Headline News,They were talking about H.D. & all of a sudden, It said:

KLA: Michael Jackson Hosptailzed
I started to cry because I was really worried for Michael..:sad:
Then they had a doctor on talking about what has to be done for a person who has suffered a heart attack. Then there were Sources who said that they were familar with Michael's conditon, It said:

Sources: Pop Icon Michael Jackson in a coma

Then they brought the doctor back on, they told the doctor that Michael was not breathing when the medics arrived, the doctor said that time was very important..he said that the medics needed to make sure Michael was getting CPR done correctly in order to save his life...I'll Never forget the headline that came after:

LA Times: Michael Jackson Is Dead

I cried even harder when it was confirmed, my lil brother was like why are you crying, it's not that big of a deal. He didn't get it, he thought it was funny. My brother Jonathan was all, "Why are you crying?" I couldn't talk, Cause I was still crying & wouldn't stop. Jonathan then looked up at the tv screen & saw the headline: "Michael Jackson dead at 50". Jon then said, "Holy Sh*T!" I called my mother to tell her that Michael died, she was like "uh oh" She didn't get it until she saw me crying, that's when it hit her. I will never forget 6/25/09 for as long as I live, part of me died that day..
i was right here from almost the minute that there was a thread started about there being an ambulance at his house, and everybody was like don't panic, and people were just worried about the shows being canceled...I don't know if that thread still exists or not
I was asleep and my dad came bursting into my room, woke me up, and told me the horrible, horrible news... I then ran to the TV for an explanation... it was all too much :(
i was at work. My co worker has an ifone. She got a message there. She brings to me and my exact words " get away..thats a bad joke" but my manager and other ppl started going on the internet. I was completely oblivious to the situation. I was driving home later that day. and my mom calls and says " i have bad news". That`s when i realised that he was really gone. Tuned in to the local radio station, they were playing MJ one after the other...remixed etc...I pulled into a macdonalds parking lot and sat there. Too shocked to even cry. It was a beautiful sunny day. Then i went through my ipod and i have all my MJ music in it. Thriller music thumped out of my subs and speakers. Everyone started staring, some even started moving to the music. Then i pulled out from the parking lot, screeching my tires...MAD...LOST...LONELY...It hurt soo bad inside where my heart is. I thought i was going to have a heart attack. I drove home like a maniac. Got home and tuned into CNN. Ever since that day until today my ipod is set to play ony Michael Jackson songs.
Since it was night time here in Norway when he passed away, I was in bed, just fell asleep...and woke up by the sound of a text message on my phone from my sister..where she wrote "OMG...rumours are saying that Michael Jackson is dead. I don't know if it's true, but he has supposedly died..CNN hasn't confirmed it yet"... I got wide awake, in total shock rushed out of bed, turned on the tv, went on the computer and straight to cnn.com...where it was confirmed... I couldn't believe it..I was in total shock..I just couldn't believe it. I knew I wouldn't going to sleep much that night, and I had to go to work 8 the next day..I cried myself to sleep..and was hardly able to doing anything productive at work the next day..but the employees at my summer job reeally felt for me, since we had the radio on and MJ songs were playing all day, I cried and cried when I heard the songs and read everything on the internet on various pages :(

Sorry..that was a little long...
I had just woke up around 8am here in Australia. I got two steps out of my room and my friend I'm staying with was already in front of me. She was like...I have something to tell you, I don't know for sure but there is a rumour. She put her hands on my shoulders, looked me in the eyes and told me they were saying Michael was dead.....
I thought it was some stupid rumour and brushed it off but she looked ready to cry. Then I went to the computer, to CNN...and well, that was that.
ouff...it's soo sad, I remember it too...when I opened the page CNN.COM, and they confirmed it..I just could not believe it.
I heard it through the television, I was watching Shownieuws on the dutch television and they said Michael was brought to the ambulance with a cardiac arrest and I litarely said WHAT to my mum, I just couldn't believe it.
But right after that I was running upstairs to my computer and I watched the TMZ website every minute.
After that TMZ comfirmed that he passed away, I ran downstairs to watch CNN and I stayed up till 3:00 in the morning to watch every bit I can't remember if I cried a few tears while I was laying in bed to go to sleep, but I definitely cried when I got over the shock and over the fact that I couldn't believe it.
Sometimes I'd rather not think or talk about that night because it's hard, but it will always be in my head forever I will never forget that night :( :cry:
I was watching a clip on youtube about the O2 shows (which i had tickets to for two shows july 30th & January 7th) & my two friends sent me texts from the usa...saying:
1-TMZ is saying that Michael Jackson has passed away today
2-Sorry man, but news reports are saying Michael Jackson has died..This sounds real..

I refused to believe it and i just walked around my house saying No! No! No!!!
until I saw the confirmation on Cnn ..I was certain it was a publicity stunt or just another random MJ news story to hype the shows...I am/was crushed. ;-(
i get woken up by my alarm at 6:am by the radio. i lie and listen to the news then i get up. on this morning i remember listen but not believing. i got up, dressed etc then thought ...hold on a moment, i have to double check this so put the tv on.
going into work that morning was the hardest ever. i can't remember much of the day, its abit of a blur. it hit me harder the next day after i,d watched every thing i could. i was having a really difficult time until i found MJJC, thank you guys you saved me really.
My wife said she heard he was sick and in the hospital so I checked on drudgereport.com and this is what I saw:



I saw that and I just sat here silently because I was stunned. Then my wife came by and asked me what was wrong and I said, "He's...he's dead, honey. Michael Jackson is dead." And I just sat here in the computer chair motionless and speechless after that.

Then I had to go to work and he had a tv on Fox News which was covering it all. I had to fight all night not to cry. When I saw the stretcher with his body on it I just about lost it. What a horrible night.

By coincidence (or is it?), as I'm typing this....Gone To Soon is playing on my pc. Wow.
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I heard about MJ's passing 3 different ways.

1. I was just about to get up and my mobil/cell phone rang, it was my friend we got talking and then she said something I didn't want to hear. She said Oh did you here about MJ? I said What happen to MJ? she then said MJ passed away I was like What? MJ dead? I then I was like oh ok. Soon we got off the phone.
2. After I got up I was like I don't even Believe that a second. So I turned on my computer and jumped on the net and the news was right there, I knew Farrah had passed away but MJ? I was not believing it.
3. Then I turned on the TV and there it was...MJ is dead... I just sat and watched the whole thing..

we miss you MJ!!!
I actually found out at work through a co worker. I woke up around 12pm, took a shower, ate then took off to work a little bit before 2:30pm. Unbelievably, this whole time i did not watch tv or go online. I started my shift at about 3pm and as i was signing in on my forklift (i work at warehouse), one of my co workers came up to me and said, "Hey did you hear about your boy?"
I said, "Who?"
He said, "Michael Jackson"
I said, "No, why? what happened?"
He said, "They're saying he died"
I said, "Yeah right!!"
He said, "Naw man im serious, my wife just called me right now and she said it's all over the news"
I said, "Oh What the F*ck!!"
Then after that i went to the locker room to make some calls to confirm it and before i could i got 3 text messages and 2 phone calls from people telling me the same thing about MJ all within about 10 minutes. I couldn't believe it. I just sat there for few minutes feeling numb and in disbelief. Then i remembered i still had an 8 hour shift to do which sucked cause the last place i wanted to be at that moment was at work. I still couldn't believe it till i got home and watched all the coverage on tv. Then little by little it started to sink in. Every time they showed the little graphic with "R.I.P. Michael Jackson" it felt like i got kicked in the stomach. I stayed up till about 4 or 5 am watching MTV's marathon of his videos wondering why this had to happen to Mike...
I couldn't believe it. I just sat there for few minutes feeling numb and in disbelief. Then i remembered i still had an 8 hour shift to do which sucked cause the last place i wanted to be at that moment was at work. I still couldn't believe it till i got home and watched all the coverage on tv. Then little by little it started to sink in. Every time they showed the little graphic with "R.I.P. Michael Jackson" it felt like i got kicked in the stomach. I stayed up till about 4 or 5 am watching MTV's marathon of his videos wondering why this had to happen to Mike...

Ahhh man....no doubt. That's how it was with here too. I just didn't wanna believe it at all, no matter what I'd read. And then I was there at work trying to keep my game on point and do what I had to do...but then I saw the stretcher....s***.....I ALMOST lost it. But instead I just got up and went outside to smoke a cigarette. It wasn't until later on at home that I faced it and.......well.....it wasn't pretty when I got home, I'll say that much.

But for real.....it took me a while, like a week or so maybe? to really grasp what had actually happened. I know I stayed "in shock" for a minute.....but after awhile I just broke down....real talk now.....I never really cry....but facing the loss of MJ at such an early age....all those memories of dancing (more like jumping lol) on my bed back in '83-'84 with my "Beat It" jacket on came rushing in and facing that the fact that he's now gone here on earth....well....it just was too much to handle and I'll admit it right here and right now.....I balled. I cried my eyes out as many of you have and as many millions around the world did. Most won't even admit it. Most are like "hell no....I mean...yeah he was great, but I didn't cry or nothin'." Bulls***. A lot more people cried than will admit. I guarantee that.

Lord. Good Lord in heaven. I miss Michael. About 20 some years ago I promised myself that I would see him live in concert before I died. I never thought that Michael Jackson would die BEFORE me. Man.....it sucks.

God bless you, Michael Jackson. Thank you so much for all the memories and all your music that will live forever. I know that I will meet you in heaven with God and Jesus one of these days. I know that.
Well because of the time difference it was really late here when it happened, and I had already gone to bed. The next day I woke up, went on Facebook and found that I had been invited to a group named RIP Michael Jackson. I thought I was going to fait :(
Ahhh man....no doubt. That's how it was with here too. I just didn't wanna believe it at all, no matter what I'd read. And then I was there at work trying to keep my game on point and do what I had to do...but then I saw the stretcher....s***.....I ALMOST lost it. But instead I just got up and went outside to smoke a cigarette. It wasn't until later on at home that I faced it and.......well.....it wasn't pretty when I got home, I'll say that much.

But for real.....it took me a while, like a week or so maybe? to really grasp what had actually happened. I know I stayed "in shock" for a minute.....but after awhile I just broke down....real talk now.....I never really cry....but facing the loss of MJ at such an early age....all those memories of dancing (more like jumping lol) on my bed back in '83-'84 with my "Beat It" jacket on came rushing in and facing that the fact that he's now gone here on earth....well....it just was too much to handle and I'll admit it right here and right now.....I balled. I cried my eyes out as many of you have and as many millions around the world did. Most won't even admit it. Most are like "hell no....I mean...yeah he was great, but I didn't cry or nothin'." Bulls***. A lot more people cried than will admit. I guarantee that.

Lord. Good Lord in heaven. I miss Michael. About 20 some years ago I promised myself that I would see him live in concert before I died. I never thought that Michael Jackson would die BEFORE me. Man.....it sucks.

God bless you, Michael Jackson. Thank you so much for all the memories and all your music that will live forever. I know that I will meet you in heaven with God and Jesus one of these days. I know that.

I feel ya...I mean im man enough to admit yeah i cried. I was able to hold on for some time after his death, but the memorial at staples center...the end with Paris and then when they put that spotlight on the empty stage with just the microphone and mic stand...that was it, i broke down :( I mean MJ was more than just a fav artist of mine, he was an idol to me. With all the bad and evil in the world, he was the proof that GOOD people exist. And kinda like you with the Beat It jacket, i started flashing back to when i was 9 years old and i asked my mom if i could get some loafers like MJ had lol Once i had those bad boys on, i rolled up my pants and performed 'Billie Jean' for my fam ha ha good times :) I also made the same promise to myself that i would see MJ in concert the first chance i got and with talks of the 'This Is It' tour possibly coming to the US i thought to myself, "I don't care if it's in New York, I'll fly out there to see him!" lol I think about it now and it's just real depressing that now it'll be forever just a dream...
I feel ya...I mean im man enough to admit yeah i cried. I was able to hold on for some time after his death, but the memorial at staples center...the end with Paris and then when they put that spotlight on the empty stage with just the microphone and mic stand...that was it, i broke down :( I mean MJ was more than just a fav artist of mine, he was an idol to me. With all the bad and evil in the world, he was the proof that GOOD people exist. And kinda like you with the Beat It jacket, i started flashing back to when i was 9 years old and i asked my mom if i could get some loafers like MJ had lol Once i had those bad boys on, i rolled up my pants and performed 'Billie Jean' for my fam ha ha good times :) I also made the same promise to myself that i would see MJ in concert the first chance i got and with talks of the 'This Is It' tour possibly coming to the US i thought to myself, "I don't care if it's in New York, I'll fly out there to see him!" lol I think about it now and it's just real depressing that now it'll be forever just a dream...

Man....right about now I really wish I was in Cali to hang out with you. My Mom is from there (San Fernando area) but I've never been there. What I'm saying is that you share a real similar story to me, man.

The absolute biggest breakdown I had after Mike's passing was during the memorial. When Jermaine sang "Smile" and when Paris spoke.....oh man....wow.....well.....yeah...wow.....I'm just saying.....that was....whew...I broke down right there. I'll admit it. I balled when I saw Paris talking about her Daddy like that. As a father of two little girls myself....it hit me like a ton of bricks.

And the mic stand with the spotlight......that hit me too.

I'm glad to hear another person from back then also told themselves they would have to see MJ before they passed away. That was an almost life-long dream for me. I'm almost 31 now and it's been a dream of mine for like 26-27 years.

I had heard rumors that the "This Is It" tour might come to the U.S. after the U.K. run, and I was pumped. I told my wife that we would be going to see him no matter what. No matter where we had to go we would see him. But sadly, as we all know...that will never happen. :(

God bless you Michael. We will all miss you, man. We will miss you until we see you in heaven with the Lord God Almighty. He reigns forever and ever and I have absolutely NO DOUBT that you are with Him right now and you are happy and in peace, away from all the haters and away from all the chaos and away from pain. God bless you, Michael. We'll see you one day.