[Study for thesis] How did you learn MJ had passed away?

How did you learn Michael had passed away?

  • Through internet (which website?)

    Votes: 65 57.0%
  • Through television (which program?)

    Votes: 37 32.5%
  • Through radio (which station?)

    Votes: 12 10.5%
  • Through newspaper (which paper?)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The major tendency doesn't surprise me, I asked the same question to French fans, and most of them heard it from TV, because of the time zones. Most learned it the following morning. Apparently it's the same for Europeans posting here. There is a real pattern in terms of medias that's discernable. Don't hesitate to continue posting, and thanks a million for those answers!!!
I have no idea how I got to TMZ that day, all I know is that I kept refreshing the page. I don't know why I kept refresing it. When I got to TMZ first time, it said "Michael Jackson rushed to the hospital." I kept refreshing it until I saw the unbelievable headline, "Michael Jackson dies".

The second I saw it, I walked away from my computer, didn't believe what I just saw. I didn't believe it!!! I sat down at my computer again, my phone started ringing, my msn were with people asking and telling me about the news. I was glued to CNN until I had to leave for work. I slept 30 min that day.

I didn't believe it!

It took me 8 hours until I cried, on my way to work, the minute I walked out my door, my tears were flowing on the tram and at work. Cried for days.
Re: How did you learn MJ had passed away?

I was on here when the 'mj rushed to hospital' thread started

same as you (thats the worst thread in Internet and MJJC History)
and i immediately switched on my TV on to CNN, Sky news and BBC, switching from one to another, until i stuck with CNN as all of you were saying it was the best one at the time.

about 10 mins later as soon as i switched to sky news, in bold black letters it said what happened, i just broke down into endless tears, but stuck with CNN as they said he was still in cardiac arrest. i stayed up late and continued typing away on here, and with my eyes barley being able to watch the TV screen, and then suddenly CNN came out confirmed it, i switched off my computer and MJJC, turned off my TV, and went to bed and just broke down in tears again, it destroyed me and i remember just screaming ''It isn't fair!!'' and i didn't stop until i somehow just fell asleep. work up in the morning was about to go to work in the morning and just started crying again.

I Miss You Michael :heart:
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I was literally watching T.V for like 5 hours after the 'in hospital' news started. I was shaking, and shouting at the T.V. whenever they said something bad about Mike and the concerts. When the headline changed from 'cardiac arrest' to 'passed away', I didn't know what to do. I phoned my dad to tell him, and broke down on the phone to him.

First time I've ever cried about anyone dying. Somehow, im glad it was for Michael.
Worst day of my life? Definitely.
Internet. Was using Twitter, and someone asked Kenny Ortega if it's true that Michael was taken to the hospital. So I instantly googled MJ news and then saw TMZ reporting MJ had suffered cardiac arrest and it instantly freaked me out. Because cardiac arrest is never good. I first thought they may be exaggerating and maybe MJ just collapsed frm dehydration again and will be out the next day...Then I went to x17online and they said "MJ might have already passed away" and I swear I almost went into cardiac arrest myself. Was in a complete shock and I just could not believe it. I kept reading it over and over again and I just thought that can't be true. Until TMZ said MJ had died. And then CNN. My whole world fell apart within a couple of hours. The worst day of my life. Even worse than when my dad died. :cry:
I learned it on the internet via TMZ, within the first minute of the story breaking of his cardiac arrest.
My mom has called me the morning after - I live in Europe, so on Friday, the 26th of June, 8:00 am. I´ve logged in to the forum Maximum Jackson, read the headline and froze: Michael Jackson has died!!!!

That was too much for me. 2 days after I had to leave my country to get my minds in a correct order again!!! Horrible!!!!
God:( I was acting a couch potato, in front of the TV. It was very late at night, everybody were asleep and there was me munching on a sandwich and browsing channels. Weird thing is that I remember all of the details giving a fact it was really some random, normal evening...of course all up to the moment:( Then there all of the sudden some interrupting of the program (RTL) I stared blank at, and this reporter saying "we just received news that Michael Jackson died..blabla" And I remember that weird experience it was as if I was watching my own self from some distance, kept munching on that sandwich feeling somewhat bizzare. Like, really bizzare, like too calm.
Then it kinda stroke me, so went to check on CNN, but on CNN they were reporting he was being brought to a hospital, so I thought, okay, our TV is talking shit again.
Unfortunately they were right, even right-er than CNN.:(:(
I was already on the computer, I don't remember what I was doing though-probably checking my email, about to come on MJJC.Then I went to TMZ and that is where I first saw the news that he was rushed to the hospital
I was watching CNN that our Michael was rushed to the hospital :cry: and I kept watching CNN and then thats where I heard it :cry:
On the internet. I googled his name like I did everyday to find out what exciting news was to come of the concerts. The day before it was 300,00 crystals throughout his show, the next day he was rushed to the hospital.
From the DAMN CNN! My mom was callin me while i was watching a movie online. And I went to the living room, and she's like "Michael has been taken to the Hospital" and i'm like..."Nhaaa, They're just makin' up stories..."(How i wished I was right about that)

Than I saw it was CNN and I went back to the computer to check out MJJC and it said on BRIGHT RED(BREAKING NEWS"Michael Jackson taken to the hospital")AND i couldnt access it cuz there were too many ppl. on here and it crashed. I tried Facebook, Twitter, Myspace...everyting was sooo slow that i couldnt access anything.

So i just went back to watching the TV! (CNN) and watched second by second coverage. 1st it was "He is in a comma"...then it was "CNN hasn't conformed it yet but LATimes has conformed that The Legendary King of Pop Michael Jackson is dead"(Thats a harsh way of breaking the news...they could have said, "Michael Jackson has *Passed away* NOT Dead)

I just broke down in front of my parents, my mom hugged me, but My dad "didnt feel anything"...he was laughing and talking to my mom, and she told him to be SENSITIVE...he goes"what was he to her that she's crying", and after that i was sooo pissed and sooo terribly sad that I cried like i've NEVER cried b4.(Who was he to say that about the Man i love and admire soo Much?)

It was A HELL DAY for me. IMO! I'd NEVER wanna experiance a sadness like that Ever again. Talking about it has brought tears to my eyes again...

Tnx 4 this thread btw. Now I can actually reminisce about it...but its still sooo hard! DAMN!!!
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OMG, I found out in the worst way possible...

It was my graduation day and I was so happy looking ahead to the wonderful days of Summer when Mike will perform again.

My classmate's sister went up to us and announced that MJ died. She said that she heard it on the radio and that she was so shocked! My heart constricted but I thought it was just a sick joke. I seriously didn't believe it. I was in denial. I forgot about the whole thing during the ceremony but it was seriously bothering me. The very first thing I did when I went home was checked on this site. I used to be a lurker here because it always has news on MJ. I knew that I can trust this site but my worst fears were confirmed and I cried like hell. I didn't get to sleep at all that night. I was in a zoned-out state. I was just paralyzed with sadness and lonliness. I can't even watched the TV bcause it was all about Michael. This site truly saved me during those hard times. I can't believe it was only 2 months ago.
I was searching for something on Google, can't remember what, and spotted the link to the TMZ article on Google News.
Since Farah Fawcett had died in the same day my first thought was it was a fake news (and creepy and morbid and mean and....), but just after few minutes I saw the same few confused words reported over and over again on lots of other websites.
Then Twitter and Google froze for a while so I had to turn on the TV and heard the confirmation from the night news.
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I had just woke up I had slept in late I had been awake for a bit over an hour I have hard time 'waking up' so I was sitting in the livingroom staring off into space and my mother walks in and tells me...I went in shock and I felt cold chills quickly run down my entire body.. next reaction was flip thro' the news channels and not much longer i went to computer and listened to music videos read posted.. I switched back and fourth bewteen what was being shown on TV on all channels to everything online,and talking to friend via text/instant messages...I learned fastly tho' the TMZ had reported the passing first and that many ppl found out via internet rather than news channel on TV.. I took me till July 7th after the memorial to cry.
I woke up, made breakfast and jumped online to check my emails. The home page on my computer is ninemsn.com, and I saw the words "King Of Pop dead at 50'. My mouth dropped, and I was in utter shock. I ran straight to the tv, and they were reporting that he had had a cardiac arrest, but hadn't confirmed the death (the news program was a delay from the east coast). I sat there for about 20 minutes in shock, until the news reader eventually said that the reports that he died was correct. It's then a single tear ran down my cheek - still in total shock. I was in shock up until I stayed up to watch the memorial, it eventaully set in, and I cried the whole way through it.

I still can't believe it - maybe because he hasn't been buried yet, I don't know. But I still just go "oh my god" when I am reminded. And when I watch him perform, I still can't believe the world has lost him. I guess I just don't want it to be true :(
I was on MJJC and read reports that he'd been taken to hospital because of cardiac arrest. So I followed the story on TMZ and that's where I found out.
I got a text from a friend. I thought it was a stupid joke. I was like yeah right! I check online - nothing. She said no look again. I typed it in again and there were about 100 articles which had just been posted up. I couldn't really believe it. It didn't really sink at all actually. I kept going on with life as though nothing has happened. I was in a weird way for a couple of days.. It sunk in over the coming days and I felt incredibly guilty and sad for the way I had acted on the day he died. I balled my eyes out at the funeral. Never cried that hard in my life. Sorry to go a bit off topic. I found out through text message and Google.
i was cleaning my dog when my husband came upstairs and tell that something bad happend to michael, i rushed to my sisters home and we both ( she,s also a fan) watched tv.
it wasn,t confirmed by then.
Then cnn gave me the confirmation........
Car Radio - the Michael Baisden show - I couldn't figure out who was joking, Michael Baisden (radio announcer) or Michael Jackson, so I burstd out laughing and said, 'they seriously need to stop playin' - - and it was the way Michael Baisden did it too,

he already has a kind of comical tone to his voice to me, as it is, so he interrupted himself talking about something when he said, "wup hold up, something just in, it looks like Michael Jackson may have been rushed to the hospital in cardiac arrest" - that was the point where I thought he was about to come with a punchline.

Then upon arrival to my destination, the first TV show I saw said it was confirmed by the L.A. Times, so then I was convinced it was a joke or just some bad publicity stunt. . .

It took about 3 or 4 TV news shows to convince me this was serious.
None of those, I received a text message from my friend.. the message I will never forget..
The internet flashed up with 'King of Pop Michael Jackson in a coma'. I then switched off my laptop and waited for some confirmation. At about 11:30pm i had a phone call from my brother's best friend saying 'it's terrible. Just terrible. I assume you've heard?' It was at that point i knew, without anyone saying it outright, that Michael had died. I was so ill and didn't sleep until half past five in the morning, i was in such shock! :(
None of those. I'd just woke up and my dad told me. I was like 'no he won't be..'. I thought it was another stupid story. I went downstairs put on sky news and still didn't believe it until i listened to jermaine and he confirmed it. Then i tried to get on the forum on the official site (which is the forum i used before this one) but it had crashed and closed. so i came here..

il never forget the look on my dads face and the sound of his voice.

i watched the news channels all day.
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Internet - I witnessed the thread on MJJC which changed everythingl... It will never truly be the same again.
I brushed it off as a sick rumor when my co-worker told me Michael was in the hospital, but my curiosity led me to the Los Angeles Times where they had an actual report that Michael was rushed to UCLA earlier that afternoon. I said a prayer for him and continued to search for credible news. I was feeling optimistic until 30 minutes later when I started my car and heard an instrumental of "Human Nature" as the Michael Baisden Show on 92Q confirmed his death.
on mjjc, my eyes immediately glanced at the thread an ambulence went into michael jacksons home. and so i flipped the tv on and googled what was going on. i'll cringe over that and the thread forever. its weird going from omg what happened, to maybe it was someone else in the house, to maybe its the children...oh god, and then again back to michael, thinking maybe its dehydration, then they say coma, cardiac arrest.
I was asleep, woke up and looked at my phone like I always do to check the time. I had 2 text messages, one was from someone who who hardly ever texts me so I knew when it just said "Michael Jackson is dead" that it must be true. I quickly turned on the tv and heard them talking about it, the second text message said the exact same thing too.
I had just gotten an ingrown toenail fixed (so I was in a lot of pain) and then I went to the bank to deposit my paycheck that I had gotten that day. I was in my neighborhood coming home and the classic rock radio station I have on all the time reported that Farrah Fawcett had died earlier that day and had breaking news that Michael Jackson had died (but that was at the time that he hadn't been officially pronounced dead.) I shouted "HOLY SHIT!" in my car, then went inside to tell everyone, but they had on Fox News and it was the only thing they, and every other news station, were covering.
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