Car Radio - the Michael Baisden show - I couldn't figure out who was joking, Michael Baisden (radio announcer) or Michael Jackson, so I burstd out laughing and said, 'they seriously need to stop playin' - - and it was the way Michael Baisden did it too,
he already has a kind of comical tone to his voice to me, as it is, so he interrupted himself talking about something when he said, "wup hold up, something just in, it looks like Michael Jackson may have been rushed to the hospital in cardiac arrest" - that was the point where I thought he was about to come with a punchline.
Then upon arrival to my destination, the first TV show I saw said it was confirmed by the L.A. Times, so then I was convinced it was a joke or just some bad publicity stunt. . .
It took about 3 or 4 TV news shows to convince me this was serious.