Stop X Factor crap going to number one. Buy Rage Against The Machine now.

Cant wait to listen to the chart show later!

In Joe's song. I CANNOT STAND the lyrics 'Its the climb', and the way it is sung. It makes me want to be sick.
oooooooo. has anyone thought that this whole campaign was started by Sony themselves to increase sales and get a load of cash?
Come on raaaaaage! F*ck joe!

On another note, Journey - Don't Stop Believing just came in at number 9. That compared with Rage getting number 1 would be perfect :)
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I am actually so proud of the british public right now.

Feel sorry for Joe.

But this needed to happen.
Thank God.

A decent rock band who write their own music and play their own instruments wins against that syrupy kareoke-singing, Joe-I'll-be-working-in-Sainsbury's-in-2011-McElderberry.

Finally something to be cheerful about in 2009.
At one point towards the end of the week Joe was even selling his single for 29p.

How sad and desperate.

He might as well toddle off to the job centre now.
At one point towards the end of the week Joe was even selling his single for 29p.

How sad and desperate.

He might as well toddle off to the job centre now.

Thats a bit harsh.

Its not Joes fault. Hes a great singer. He hasnt even had a chance to write his own stuff yet.

I was all for RATm taking number one over Joe. But I do feel sorry for sorry for him.
Thats a bit harsh.

Its not Joes fault. Hes a great singer. He hasnt even had a chance to write his own stuff yet.

I was all for RATm taking number one over Joe. But I do feel sorry for sorry for him.

Oh please.

If you want to be a musician, if you want to write your own music, if you actually care at all about music as an artform the last thing in the world you would do is go on the X Factor.

I have no sympathy for him. These shows are quick-fix ways of getting people known and selling massive copies of one single. Real bands and musicians gig and tour for YEARS to get the kind of exposure that the X Factor gives these fools in a matter of weeks. That's why you never have anybody on these programmes who have any substance. Sure, they can sing, but they have the personality of a wet fish and wouldn't have the first idea of what to do with an instrument.

It's a very sad state of affairs.
Oh please.

If you want to be a musician, if you want to write your own music, if you actually care at all about music as an artform the last thing in the world you would do is go on the X Factor.

I have no sympathy for him. These shows are quick-fix ways of getting people known and selling massive copies of one single. Real bands and musicians gig and tour for YEARS to get the kind of exposure that the X Factor gives these fools in a matter of weeks. That's why you never have anybody on these programmes who have any substance. Sure, they can sing, but they have the personality of a wet fish and wouldn't have the first idea of what to do with an instrument.

It's a very sad state of affairs.
I love everything you just said!
I love everything you just said!


Even Michael busted a gut back in the day, performing in grotty strip clubs and talent competitions for YEARS. This is how real musicians and performers cultivate and hone their craft.

The X Factor gives delusional and frankly not very intelligent young people the idea that they can be the next big thing just by singing in front of Simon Cowell. All these kids care about is fame and getting it the easy way.

They have no interest in music, if they did they would spend their time practising an instrument or joining a band or studying the greats of the past.
Oh please.

If you want to be a musician, if you want to write your own music, if you actually care at all about music as an artform the last thing in the world you would do is go on the X Factor.

Some people just want to sing and have no interest in learning an instrument.
Some people just have a dream to become a singer and release albums, this is a way for them to be catapulted into that. Nothing wrong with going for it.

I have no sympathy for him. These shows are quick-fix ways of getting people known and selling massive copies of one single. Real bands and musicians gig and tour for YEARS to get the kind of exposure that the X Factor gives these fools in a matter of weeks. That's why you never have anybody on these programmes who have any substance. Sure, they can sing, but they have the personality of a wet fish and wouldn't have the first idea of what to do with an instrument.

It's a very sad state of affairs.

Its not all about being able to play an instrument. Some people are just singers....

Yeah, and if all those real bands had the oppurtunity to get that kind of exposure that fast then they would take it as well. Of course they would. It just so happens that there isnt anything like that for bands or musicians in general yet.

The people who go on it just love to sing. Theres nothing wrong with that.

I think one day there will be something similar to the X factor but with all bands in the competition.
The people who go on it just love to sing. Theres nothing wrong with that.

Maybe not. But there's a reason why virtually all of the X Factor winners bar Leona (who has an exceptional singing voice) have faded into oblivion.

They all sell a ridiculous amount of copies of some lame cover version at Christmas time and then when they start releasing their own music, when the X Factor hype and exposure has died down, it all goes tits up. That's because they only got there in the first place because of the television programme. Any marketing expert will tell you that if you promote something heavily enough it will sell, regardless of whether or not it's any good.

This is why I hate the X Factor so much. It baffles me that the general public are dumb enough to go out and buy these God-awful singles year in, year out.
Maybe not. But there's a reason why virtually all of the X Factor winners bar Leona (who has an exceptional singing voice) have faded into oblivion.

They all sell a ridiculous amount of copies of some lame cover version at Christmas time and then when they start releasing their own music, when the X Factor hype and exposure has died down, it all goes tits up. That's because they only got there in the first place because of the television programme. Any marketing expert will tell you that if you promote something heavily enough it will sell, regardless of whether or not it's any good.

This is why I hate the X Factor so much. It baffles me that the general public are dumb enough to go out and buy these God-awful singles year in, year out.

I agree with you there. I havent liked one of the X Factor singles. Alexandra Burke is doing quite well for herself though.

I enjoy watching the X Factor for the most part, I just hate the fact that it has been perfectly crafted to take the Christmas number 1 spot. I was so proud that a stand was taken this year!

I do think that Joe has a great voice though, and hes a nice guy. So I do feel slightly sorry for him. But this really did need to be done!
I don't buy it with Joe. Those kind of drama school kids are quite nauseating. It's like they've been robotically programmed to flash their big teethy grin whenever the cameras are rolling. It's so fake and a little creepy.

I would much rather see Axl Rose punch a photographer in the face than some puppet on a string who's been coached by his PR team about how to handle the press.
im not going to hate on anyone. But i will make this point, most of those winners from xfactor linger for one year, with one album and it stops there. Those people will not be making albums or stay famous for years, they will use thier fame in the future by going to places and say hey remember me i won x-factor some years ago. sad but true..
The X-factor is pretty much the Simon Cowell show. Hes the only one who wins every time.
this is what simon cowell produced many years ago, wrestlers who can't sing.

Awww, gotta love the Macho Man though. OHHHHHHH YEEEEEEAAAHH!!!!!!!

I love the fact RATM beat it to number one. Its hardly a festive song.

But it makes me laugh hearing the lyrics 'F*ck you I wont do what you tell me' knowing what it has accomplished haha Ahh love it...
News said just shows what people can do in numbers...........many people.............together can change things and shift the emphasis..........
My question is this...........
What happened to the hope of getting MJ to number one spot this Xmas?
There was a thread on here about it and also a face book group to try to make it happen...... :-(
News said just shows what people can do in numbers...........many people.............together can change things and shift the emphasis..........
My question is this...........
What happened to the hope of getting MJ to number one spot this Xmas?
There was a thread on here about it and also a face book group to try to make it happen...... :-(

The RATM Group was focused solely on beating the X factor number 1. I guess enough people were fed of it to jump on board.

I think the MJ thing should be done. Like we should all seriously do it one day. Just pick a random unknwon MJ song and get it to number. Im sure it can be done.
The RATM Group was focused solely on beating the X factor number 1. I guess enough people were fed of it to jump on board.

I think the MJ thing should be done. Like we should all seriously do it one day. Just pick a random unknwon MJ song and get it to number. Im sure it can be done.

Yes! Now that their point has been made............can we all please at some point pull ourselves together to make MJ number one??:yes:
We are many!!
Lets do it!!:)
But how? When? What song?
I'd be interested to know at what position in the charts MJ is at the mo as I amongst many downloaded his song to try to get him to number 1.
Yes! Now that their point has been made............can we all please at some point pull ourselves together to make MJ number one??:yes:
We are many!!
Lets do it!!:)
But how? When? What song?
I'd be interested to know at what position in the charts MJ is at the mo as I amongst many downloaded his song to try to get him to number 1.

I dont think we had much chance for the Christmas number one. People were REALLY behind this thing.

I would vote Whatever Happens. If it is possible. I would also say it should be for June 25th or for his birthday next year.
That would be fitting.

MJ for number one on the anniversary of his death? Or his birthday. That would be something I could really get behind.
I dont think we had much chance for the Christmas number one. People were REALLY behind this thing.

I would vote Whatever Happens. If it is possible. I would also say it should be for June 25th or for his birthday next year.
That would be fitting.

MJ for number one on the anniversary of his death? Or his birthday. That would be something I could really get behind.

Yeah L.T.D!!!:)
Whatever happens..............don't let go of my hand!!:yes:
For us all to make MJ number one for the anniversary of his passing, or his birthday would be wonderful!! :yes:

I would say perhaps his birthday. As then it would be like our gift to Michael. What say you?
