Stop X Factor crap going to number one. Buy Rage Against The Machine now.

The campaign is working ;)


Rock band Rage Against The Machine is ahead of X Factor winner Joe McElderry in the race for the Christmas number one, early sales figures suggest.
A Facebook group aiming to get the band's 1992 hit Killing In The Name to the top of the festive chart has attracted more than 750,000 members.
But McElderry's debut The Climb, out on CD on Wednesday, is expected to catch up by the weekend.
The Official Charts Company (OCC) said it is "a very exciting battle".
Campaign criticism
It is understood that there is a 10% margin in sales between the two singles after Sunday and Monday.
McElderry's song was only released digitally after his victory in the X Factor final at midnight on Sunday, giving it less time to rack up sales for this week's chart than Rage Against The Machine.
X Factor judge Simon Cowell has criticised the internet campaign, calling it "stupid".
Prior to the final of the ITV talent show, he said: "I think the campaign's aimed directly at me."
The Facebook page includes a link to homeless charity site Shelter, which has raised nearly £30,000 in donations.
Rage Against The Machine, meanwhile, are signed to Epic Records, which is part of Sony BMG, the same label as McElderry.
Ladbrokes has re-opened its betting for the number one Christmas single just 24 hours after closing it.
Ladbrokes spokesman, Nick Weinberg, said: "Earlier this week it looked a done deal. Now Joe appears to be facing an almighty battle for top spot.
"This Christmas could be the first time in a long while that we see a genuine competition."
McElderry is at 1/3 with Rage Against the Machine at 2/1.
The OCC's Martin Talbot said "two different records have captured the nation's imagination".
"According to our initial sales estimates, there is no doubt that this tussle is far from over," he added.
This is harsh...let the guy have a number one...He's worked hard and he's humble. He really wants this.
This is harsh...let the guy have a number one...He's worked hard and he's humble. He really wants this.

True but The X Factor is positioned every year so the winner gets the Number 1. It's the industry doing all the work, not Joe. In a few years, Joe will have faded to the background.
Let him 'ave a number one, he'll disappear soon :)
Wow i cant believe how many people actually care about what becomes number 1 for xmas..i mean its not that big of a deal. I've bought joes single because i really like his voice and think he was great every week. Think about the older generation sitting down to xmas dinner, watching top of the pops and that rage garbage is on..its not festive and convenient is it
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True but The X Factor is positioned every year so the winner gets the Number 1. It's the industry doing all the work, not Joe. In a few years, Joe will have faded to the background.

So what..people don't actually buy as much as they say they do or something?

Let him 'ave a number one, he'll disappear soon :)

I didn't know Can You Feel It was at the start. I knew it was out but I haven't listened to it. Sorry for assuming you meant the X-Factor one.

No its ok :), no need to say sorry.

Joe goes in the shops today I think.. so expect a surge.
I think this campaign is really stupid, sorry. I buy a single because I like it and not just to deny others their rightful success.
I watched the x-Factor final and Joe seems to be a lovely, down to earth bloke, so why should I do this to him?

I am not a spiteful person and I wish Joe all the best for his career and hope that it will be similar to the one of Leona Lewis. Besides, I like the song and I have already downloaded it. :D
There were loads of Joe's single in HMV when I went to town earlier. My sister kept turning them around and covering them up with other CDs. Hahaha.
I like watching the X Factor and I like Joe, but as a fan of REAL music, RATM are definitely my choice. I downloaded their song yesterday.
zzzzzzzzz what a pointless campaign, I wont let anyone tell me what music I have too buy whether it is Simon Cowell or 2 randoms from facebook. Why cant people just buy what they like and what they personally think should be chrsitmas number one? Isn't it there song Killing In the Name? And arent they main lyrics "fuck you i wont do what you tell me?" (how very festive of you to those who brought it!)
How funny where everyone that was told to buy it -IS BUYING IT! Simon Cowell has never started a fb campaign saying "x factor for xmas number1"
Its christmas lighten up people!
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zzzzzzzzz what a pointless campaign, I wont let anyone tell me what music I have too buy wether it is Simon Cowell or 2 randoms from facebook. Why cant people just buy what they like and what they personally think should be chrsitmas number one? Isnt it there song Killing In the Name? And arent they main lyrics "fuck you i wont do what you tell me?"
How funny where everyone that was told to buy it -IS BUYING IT!
Its christmas lighten up people!
They weren't told. They did it by choice.
zzzzzzzzz what a pointless campaign, I wont let anyone tell me what music I have too buy wether it is Simon Cowell or 2 randoms from facebook. Why cant people just buy what they like and what they personally think should be chrsitmas number one? Isnt it there song Killing In the Name? And arent they main lyrics "fuck you i wont do what you tell me?"
How funny where everyone that was told to buy it -IS BUYING IT!
Its christmas lighten up people!
zzzzzzzzz what a pointless campaign, I wont let anyone tell me what music I have too buy wether it is Simon Cowell or 2 randoms from facebook. Why cant people just buy what they like and what they personally think should be chrsitmas number one? Isnt it there song Killing In the Name? And arent they main lyrics "fuck you i wont do what you tell me?"
How funny where everyone that was told to buy it -IS BUYING IT!
Its christmas lighten up people!

Nobody is telling anybody else what to buy. The people buying RATM are doing so because they want to make a statement against XFactor and what it's doing to the music scene in the UK. They agree with the sentiments of the people who started the campaign and are choosing for themselves to support it.
The campaign itself is against the inevitability of X Factor having the Xmas No.1 single following months and months of free publicity in the media and taking up hours of weekend TV. It's not against Joe personally, though I'm sorry he may feel it is. People are fed up with the lazy, bland music that X Factor churns out year after year, ruining the music charts and preventing real artists having their chance. As the years have passed, the impact of X Factor has grown and right now it has a firm grip on the music scene in the UK. Other record companies have difficulty promoting and making a success out of their artists due to the X Factor effect. the X factor artists are just as disposable as the music they are forced to record by their record company - a company that treats them as though they are a product on a conveyor belt. They move from the real world, into the interview process, when they get the job they move to the marketting department where somebody creates a back story for them, then they progress to the clothes department where they are styled, then onto the 'customer facing' side of things where some are thrown in the rubbish while others are further polished to released cookie cutter music before being most likely dumped back into the real world with a harsh bump before the conveyor starts rolling again for next year.

What baffles me is why so many people buy the X Factor winner singles when the vast majority of them will never really listen to it and will lose interest by new year. By the time January comes around most copies of the song will be used as coasters. X Factor winners are a passing fad and are lucky if they can sustain a successful career for longer than one album (sometimes they can't even manage that!).

McElderry's song was only released digitally after his victory in the X Factor final at midnight on Sunday, giving it less time to rack up sales for this week's chart than Rage Against The Machine.

That is true, but RATM increased its lead from 6000 copies on Tuesday to 65000 copies today, so the extra sales period on Sunday for RATM is not really relevant - they increased their lead even after Joe's single was released. BUT the release of Joe's CD today will make a large impact on tomorrows midweek chart and I expect Joe to take the lead. Even if RATM only manage to take 2nd place I will be happy that a statement has been made. It will still be a massive achievement to pull a song like KITNO from obscurity and turn it into a huge selling single, increasing its previous best chart position by a mile. If Joe is No.1 then Cowell will be happy of course, but the statement will have been made and could allow for an even bigger campaign next year.
Nobody is telling anybody else what to buy. The people buying RATM are doing so because they want to make a statement against XFactor and what it's doing to the music scene in the UK.

I think if you looked into figures you may find x factor has infact boosted the music scene in the UK, as from where "music sales" have been boosted.

The music scene in the UK has been boosted by these reality programmes, think about over here, we have Lady Gaga , Beyonce etc (all u.s ladys) Previously in the 90's (Britney, Backstreet boys etc) I could go on and on about U.S talent that makes it over here. Well X factor etc have helped the UK music scene, Leona Lewis and Susan Boyle are well known in America now.

IMO the Christmas number one should be cheesy and fun and light hearted why not? Id much of rathered heard Mr Blobby get back to number 1 this xmas, rather than RATM.
the real xmas winners will be Sony BMG - they own the rights to both songs.

I said that exact same thing to my brother! They're laughing all the way to the bank. They're making a mint on the X Factor song and making a mint on a song that they never expected.
I said that exact same thing to my brother! They're laughing all the way to the bank. They're making a mint on the X Factor song and making a mint on a song that they never expected.

Yeh.. and Simon works for Sony.
From MusicWeek: ... 039443&c=1

Rage still leading running for Christmas number one
10:34 | Thursday December 17, 2009

By Ben Cardew

More than 80,000 CD sales yesterday were not enough to allow Joe McElderry’s The Climb to overtake Rage Against The Machine’s Killing In the Name at the top of the midweek singles charts.

However, the physical release of the single from the X Factor winner did allow it to cut the LA band’s lead at the top of the midweeks to just under 37,000 copies today from around 65,000 yesterday, according to figures from the Official Charts Company.

Killing In The Name has sold around 253,000 copies so far this week, all of them digital. The majority of The Climb’s sales are still digital but this may change with the CD single now widely available.

Many retailers who do not traditionally stock CD singles – including Asda and Tesco – are stocking The Climb on CD.

The two singles are leading one of the closest races in years for the Christmas number one single. A number of bookmakers have now installed Rage Against The Machine as the favourite to top the festive charts.
You know who i think should be the christmas number 1? The Scat Man!!
zzzzzzzzz what a pointless campaign, I wont let anyone tell me what music I have too buy whether it is Simon Cowell or 2 randoms from facebook. Why cant people just buy what they like and what they personally think should be chrsitmas number one? Isn't it there song Killing In the Name? And arent they main lyrics "fuck you i wont do what you tell me?" (how very festive of you to those who brought it!)
How funny where everyone that was told to buy it -IS BUYING IT! Simon Cowell has never started a fb campaign saying "x factor for xmas number1"
Its christmas lighten up people!

The race to Christmas number 1 had allways been quite a big deal and a big part of Christmas for many people. The X Factor has took that away.

That song is chosen because it perfectly fits the rebellion against the X factor single. Cant say I agree with it, personally I would have wanted it to be a campaign to buy George Michaels Christmas song instead. :)

For all those who are worried about Joe not getting his number one. He will easily be number 1 the week after Christmas if hes not number 1 on Christmas.

Im sure he has countless number 1's to come in his career as well :)

The fact is, the X factor is positioned very carefully so that it ends just in time for the new single to be the Christmas number 1. They could start it a week earlier so it ends a week earlier, or even release the single after Christmas. But they dont.

Eventually, the public were going to rebel against it. Its unfortunate for Joe, but its sort of Simon Cowells fault in the first place.....he got greedy. Every single year.

Even if Rage Against the machine dont beat Joe to number one (I dont think it will) at least it has made the Christmas number 1 race interesting again!
This is the first time in ages where there has actually been a chart battle for the xmas number one which is great.
This is the first time in ages where there has actually been a chart battle for the xmas number one which is great.

Exactly! :yes::D

I love it myself. Ive missed it.

I just wish it was an actual Christmas song that was battling the X factor, but oh well.

I think I will listen to the chart show for the first time in months on Sunday.
Exactly! :yes::D

I love it myself. Ive missed it.

I just wish it was an actual Christmas song that was battling the X factor, but oh well.

I think I will listen to the chart show for the first time in months on Sunday.

I cant remember when I last listened to the chart show! I dont even know what the number one is I just lost interest in it.
Just remember THe Climb is a MILEY CYRUS song. Lol from a Disney star how unoriginal and low can you go.
I cant remember when I last listened to the chart show! I dont even know what the number one is I just lost interest in it.

Same. Even about 2 years ago I still used to at least check the internet to find out what was number one. I dont even bother anymore :\
It ended at 12am last night. Anyone know when will the results be announced?
Same. Even about 2 years ago I still used to at least check the internet to find out what was number one. I dont even bother anymore :\

I cant remember when I last listened to the chart show! I dont even know what the number one is I just lost interest in it.

Just to fill you guys in : Bad Romance by GaGa is number one.
