Spike Lee will premiere the new 'This is it' video on Thur Dec.10th@7PM [Merged] With Youtube link

Re: Spike Lee will premiere the new 'This is it' video on Thru Dec. 10th @ 7PM

Nova, you may be a little wrong there!

This is a quote in a interview with Spike!

Lee also showed a preview from his newest project, a Michael Jackson music video he directed before the star’s death last summer.

So this may have been planned already and everyone saying Michael was not to of use that song, may have been wrong! We wait now with baited breath! Is this the very last project of Michaels before his death?? i do mean Video project by the way.


I miss u Michael , your new projects do not have the same appeal anymore, however i want your legacy to live on and on!
Re: Spike Lee will premiere the new 'This is it' video on Thru Dec. 10th @ 7PM

I'll wait and see what it is. Just wish it was Michael announcing his new video. *sigh* :cry:
Re: Spike Lee will premiere the new 'This is it' video on Thru Dec. 10th @ 7PM

Can't wait to see this video!!
Re: Spike Lee will premiere the new 'This is it' video on Thru Dec. 10th @ 7PM

Thanks so much for posting! I cant wait to see this. The short fil he did for TDCAU was so awesome and I'm sure this will be wonderful. Well, as wonderful as it can be without Mike here.
Re: Spike Lee will premiere the new 'This is it' video on Thru Dec. 10th @ 7PM

Nova, you may be a little wrong there!

This is a quote in a interview with Spike!

Lee also showed a preview from his newest project, a Michael Jackson music video he directed before the star’s death last summer.

So this may have been planned already and everyone saying Michael was not to of use that song, may have been wrong! We wait now with baited breath! Is this the very last project of Michaels before his death?? i do mean Video project by the way.


I miss u Michael , your new projects do not have the same appeal anymore, however i want your legacy to live on and on!
Okay... I guess I was wrong.
Re: Spike Lee will premiere the new 'This is it' video on Thru Dec. 10th @ 7PM

He began filming this video in Gary, Indiana AFTER Mike passed.
Re: Spike Lee will premiere the new 'This is it' video on Thru Dec. 10th @ 7PM

He began filming this video in Gary, Indiana AFTER Mike passed.
Yes, I thought so. I remember reading about this a while ago.
Re: Spike Lee will premiere the new 'This is it' video on Thru Dec. 10th @ 7PM

Cool! This will be interesting to watch! :)
Re: Spike Lee will premiere the new 'This is it' video on Thru Dec. 10th @ 7PM

Nova, you may be a little wrong there!

This is a quote in a interview with Spike!

Lee also showed a preview from his newest project, a Michael Jackson music video he directed before the star’s death last summer.

So this may have been planned already and everyone saying Michael was not to of use that song, may have been wrong! We wait now with baited breath! Is this the very last project of Michaels before his death?? i do mean Video project by the way.


I miss u Michael , your new projects do not have the same appeal anymore, however i want your legacy to live on and on!

Could you please give me a link to this interview you're quoting? Thanks!
Re: Spike Lee will premiere the new 'This is it' video on Thru Dec. 10th @ 7PM

Thank you so much for posting this...I have been waiting & wondering what Spike was doing when he was filming in Gary in September...he was mysterious about what he was doing! This is wonderful news and am looking forward to Spike's genious at work!
Re: Spike Lee will premiere the new 'This is it' video on Thru Dec. 10th @ 7PM

Dec. 10th @ 7PM ...what time zone is this?? :)
Re: Spike Lee will premiere the new 'This is it' video on Thru Dec. 10th @ 7PM

i can't wait to see it!
Re: Spike Lee will premiere the new 'This is it' video on Thru Dec. 10th @ 7PM

I am just wondering what it will be like.
There's a lot more to wait... but Mr. Lee has done great for MJ so I DO want to see this!!

Of course, it can't be compared to waiting for MJ to actually releveal his new short films... but... whatever... I rather not to go into the sad part of it.

Thanks for the info!!
Re: Spike Lee will premiere the new 'This is it' video on Thru Dec. 10th @ 7PM

Of course not, this song was recorded almost 30 years ago. The estate executors couldnt believe their luck when they found a song called "This Is It", according to themselves, that was the only reason why they chose this song to add to the TII soundrack/Greatest Hits no other reason.
So its safe to say Michael had recorded this song while being in his early 20s and then forget all about it, neither did he have any intentions to re-record and release this.

Agreed. I remember reading an article where a Sony exec said they found a tape that said 'This Is It' and played it and that's how they got the song. We would have been getting a new album and new short films from Mike though. :sigh:

Nova, you may be a little wrong there!

This is a quote in a interview with Spike!

Lee also showed a preview from his newest project, a Michael Jackson music video he directed before the star’s death last summer.

So this may have been planned already and everyone saying Michael was not to of use that song, may have been wrong! We wait now with baited breath! Is this the very last project of Michaels before his death?? i do mean Video project by the way.


I miss u Michael , your new projects do not have the same appeal anymore, however i want your legacy to live on and on!

Do you have the source for this?

Re: Spike Lee will premiere the new 'This is it' video on Thru Dec. 10th @ 7PM

on my birthday. Thanks spike best b-day present I could ever get. I can't wait to see it.
Re: Spike Lee will premiere the new 'This is it' video on Thru Dec. 10th @ 7PM

Bah they moved it back.... I wonder why.
Re: Spike Lee will premiere the new 'This is it' video on Thru Dec. 10th @ 7PM

Bah they moved it back.... I wonder why.

This is the right link to the article:


Spike Lee criticizes media
By Rachel Wang
Staff Reporter
Published Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I quote:

"Lee [...] spoke to about 240 students and faculty, answering questions from moderator and director of undergraduate studies for Film Studies Terri Francis about the image of black people in American mainstream media and his connection to Michael Jackson. Later, he gave a preview of a previously unreleased Michael Jackson music video he directed for the song “This Is It.”


"Lee also showed a preview from his newest project, a Michael Jackson music video he directed before the star’s death last summer. When Lee asked the audience how many people had already seen “This is It,” the newly-released Michael Jackson biopic, only two students raised their hands.

“That’s it? Can you all not afford to see movies?” he joked. He then asked if anyone planned not to see the movie, and no hands went up.

Lee said that his friendship with Michael Jackson grew out of his childhood love for the Jackson 5; he owned Michael Jackson lunch box and had an Afro like Michael Jackson’s so that the girls at school would like him.

Lee said that prior to Michael Jackson’s death, the only MJ album on his iPod was “Off the Wall.” When he died, however, Lee downloaded everything Michael Jackson iTunes had, a total of eight hours of music."

Well... I hope this is really so, that is, new and with Mike actually involved in this (meaning, you know... before... well... you know what I mean...)
Re: Spike Lee will premiere the new 'This is it' video on Thru Dec. 10th @ 7PM

^ The part you bolded was exactly what drew my attention.
What does that mean? They only released TII because Mike died ( no way in hell would Mike have chosen that half finished song as an 'anthem' for the concerts IMO), so does that mean they were working on a different song/video before ? And then there won't be images from the movie but something new?:scratch:
Re: Spike Lee will premiere the new 'This is it' video on Thru Dec. 10th @ 7PM

^ The part you bolded was exactly what drew my attention.
What does that mean? They only released TII because Mike died ( no way in hell would Mike have chosen that half finished song as an 'anthem' for the concerts IMO), so does that mean they were working on a different song/video before ? And then there won't be images from the movie but something new?:scratch:

Same question here.... I will never believe MJ would have want that song to be released, so this should be somenthing... new?? For the shows??? :O

Ok... less than 2 days to find out...

Let's wait... let's see...

Re: Spike Lee will premiere the new 'This is it' video on Thru Dec. 10th @ 7PM

Spike has been looking out for MJ since his passing, nice Spike.
Re: Spike Lee will premiere the new 'This is it' video on Thur Dec. 10th @ 7PM

i just saw the video on vevo its very touching i cried once again! alot of beautiful clips/photos and his childhood home was the main theme of the video i loved it
Re: Spike Lee will premiere the new 'This is it' video on Thur Dec. 10th @ 7PM

i just saw the video on vevo its very touching i cried once again! alot of beautiful clips/photos and his childhood home was the main theme of the video i loved it