
There was a huge spider in our house yesterday. It was one of those ones with a tiny body and long thin legs. It was enormous. And it's legs were so long it was wobbling all over the wall, and it fell down twice while it was crawling. It made me jump like three times. Haha. Then eventually my sister plucked up the courage to squash it with a box. :D
That's the second time one of those beasts has gotten into our house. And we've only been here since July. :lol:
awww dont kill them they have a life like us just they do different things to us :lol: like scare the hell out of human being's when they least expect it my tarantula once got in bed with me he must of been lonely that night but he has since died unfortunately
OMG! i'm afraid of spiders!
where i see, i kill them!
i feel sorry for them when i do it, but i can't help myself, i'm afraid of them too much, and do not want to live with them in one flat...
OMG! i'm afraid of spiders!
where i see, i kill them!
i feel sorry for them when i do it, but i can't help myself, i'm afraid of them too much, and do not want to live with them in one flat...

awww i live with tarantulas so im used to spiders i dont fear them as much anymore i used to but now it dont really bother me as much
I don't like spiders either and it's creepy when you don't see a spider web and you walk right into it.Cause the whole time your thinking where's the spider.

Susannah xx
^^ i agree ^^

last night i went down into the kitchen to make a drink wasnt that late and in the sink was a garden spider he must of crawled up the plug hole and in that way he looked so sweet he was all wet and his legs were dripping so i picked him up and put him outside he ran away as fast as his 8 legs would take him he was so glad to be set free and i was too