
:lol: I have entomophobia, so pretty much any bug sends me into a panic attack, some attacks are worse than others, but spiders and roaches are always at the top of the list. The bigger they are, the bigger the attack. And if a spider dangled from the ceiling in front of my face, I think you probably could have heard me screaming from where you are.

OMG!!!! me too...bugs eewww.... when I was a kid I could of cared less as a matter of fact I was a big tomboy now I am old enough to know better ewwww bugs grosss me out. Then the funny part my husband does karate on bees...lol.....what a sight.....lmao
Yeah I'm a guy and I'm not ashamed to admit that spiders...well bugs in general creep the hell out of me! I'm 20 years old and if a spider is in a room of my house I can't be in that room with it. I have to wait for someone to come and get it. Its kinda funny in a way thinking about it.

My best friend is a girl and she thinks its hilarious that she had to come in and get moth that got in her house because I wouldn't go near it lol.

But yeah I've been that way my entire life. I just can't stand any form of insect no matter how big or how small. People say "well this insect has a purpose" yeah well I still wish all bugs just vanished! Really.

You ever get those "stink bugs"? I'm not sure if that is the proper term for them but that is what they are called in this neighborhood at least. They started popping up about two years ago in my city. Every Summer they come and obviously if you crush them they stink apparently. Well one time I must have had a "nest" or something in my curtains this was two years ago. My mother got one and a few mins later another would appear and this just kept happening for like 20 minutes till finally we bought bug spray and got rid of the curtains. It was horrible! And my room smelled really bad for several days because of the spray.

I also get these long caterpillar like things. I'm not sure what they are exactly. But they are hairy and very fast! They seem to come to my room and my room only. It's not like its a dirty room or anything so I'm not sure why they come in here. I just know they creep me out.

OMG you pooor thing a nest.....OMG I would have a heart attack...all those spiders....ewww makes me sick. My daughter is 15 and allergic to spiders so if we see one I call hubby very quickly.......HONEY COME GET THIS NASTY SPIDER....lmao
Daddy Long Leg spiders are okay but anything else, no way! 409 works good to kill them, one or two sprays and that's it.

One time I was one the computer and a spider was going down the web and I felt a plop and it landed on the top of my head in my hair!!! It was a big one too! :bugeyed I freaked out!!! lol I was so paranoid after that and kept feeling like there were some all over me. You know how you get that itch or tingling like something is crawling on you?
We have these HORRIBLE looking bugs in our basement that I thought were spiders....but it turns out they are called camel crickets. Google it.....you'll be tramatized for life. And those things follow you. I can deal with a lot of things but spides and crickets.....no sir.
We have these HORRIBLE looking bugs in our basement that I thought were spiders....but it turns out they are called camel crickets. Google it.....you'll be tramatized for life. And those things follow you. I can deal with a lot of things but spides and crickets.....no sir.

Well without really thinking much about it I looked them up on wikipedia.... and now I am actually a little traumatized.... and it says that they are limited in sight so they just jump at the 'percieved threat' to scare it...ie: YOU. Nice........ :bugeyed

Thanks for that!!! I've got goosebumps now. Yeeesh!
Has anyone seen the movie The Fly where the fly with the human head is trapped in a spider's web and the spider is going down to eat him, and the man-fly keeps yelling ''Help me, help me?''

That was creppy
Has anyone seen the movie The Fly where the fly with the human head is trapped in a spider's web and the spider is going down to eat him, and the man-fly keeps yelling ''Help me, help me?''

That was creppy

Thanks for the mental image.
here's a pic of me holding one the one im holding is a bird eating tarantula shes large and has got a tendency to bite me if she wanted we call her fangs of steel :lol:

shes a goliath bird eating tarantula


excuse the quality it was done via webcam becoz she dont like camera's and come to think of it i dont either thats why i cut my head shot off :lol:
here's a pic of me holding one the one im holding is a bird eating tarantula shes large and has got a tendency to bite me if she wanted we call her fangs of steel :lol:

shes a goliath bird eating tarantula


excuse the quality it was done via webcam becoz she dont like camera's and come to think of it i dont either thats why i cut my head shot off :lol:

eeeekkkkk......my cousin used to have one of those. She insisted that it was sweet, but I could never bring myself to hold it.

I don't know about anyone else but when I see pictures of spiders I feel like they're on me.....lol
here's a pic of me holding one the one im holding is a bird eating tarantula shes large and has got a tendency to bite me if she wanted we call her fangs of steel :lol:

shes a goliath bird eating tarantula


excuse the quality it was done via webcam becoz she dont like camera's and come to think of it i dont either thats why i cut my head shot off :lol:

Wow... It's beautiful! :bugeyed

Here's one hubby took...
Those brown, slow-moving ones? They popped up here in Jersey a couple of years ago. They are all over the place in the warm months. And then, if there happens to be a warm day in the winter, they make an appearance. They came to the East Coast about ten years ago from Asia and have been slowly spreading out since.
When I was 7 I woke up with a spider sitting on the bridge of my freakin' nose!
Still gives me shivers thinking about it! :scare2:

Also OMFG at those spider pictures and mental images ^^^ :scare:
We have these HORRIBLE looking bugs in our basement that I thought were spiders....but it turns out they are called camel crickets. Google it.....you'll be tramatized for life. And those things follow you. I can deal with a lot of things but spides and crickets.....no sir.

Camel crickets are cool looking creatures. And besides did you know that if you have a cricket in your house it is suppose to bring good luck. I don't know why you don't like them. I have major love for insects and beetles. Well all except for ants, bees, wasps, yellow jackets, and hornets those are the only creatures that I have a major hatred for.

I have an absolute huge love for spiders. I could never understand why people have to hate them so much. When I see a spider in the house I just say hi to it and I just leave it alone. Or if it is in a place where I don't want the spider to be. I just put it in something and take it back outside where it belongs. Unlike most people I don't like killing a living creature of any kind. Because those creatures have just as much right to live as you do. I once killed a fly and I was very upset about killing it. And I still feel quite guilty about killing that fly.
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OMG stop posting those pics they're really freaking me out!!!! :bugeyed
Don't get me started on spiders!! I absolutely hate them! Actually, any bug freaks me out.. just the other day, it took me 25 minutes to build up the courage to even attempt to get rid of a lady bug in my room..
No matter how tiny a spider is, I get freaked out every time I see one, and 80% of the time, I have to yell for my dad to come and get rid of it (which is kind of embarrassing, seeing that I'm 21 years old!)
And don't get me started on moths or bees (or even flies). I run to my bed and hide under the covers, and call for someone to come get rid of it before I come out!!
Wow... It's beautiful! :bugeyed

Here's one hubby took...

omg fangs of steel

eeeekkkkk......my cousin used to have one of those. She insisted that it was sweet, but I could never bring myself to hold it.

I don't know about anyone else but when I see pictures of spiders I feel like they're on me.....lol

:lol: bless ya i live with them and i hold them i play with them one thing they hate and thats having their rump tickled :lol: they run a mile fast as their 8 legs will take them
I just had quite a big spider crawling the wall beside me. I put it into a glas and set it free. Unfortunately my cats are not useful in cases like this. They are even more frightened than me.
I just had quite a big spider crawling the wall beside me. I put it into a glas and set it free. Unfortunately my cats are not useful in cases like this. They are even more frightened than me.

I officially love you for doing this!:clapping:
It's people like you who make a difference in this world.

And lol @ cats being frightened... I've seen that happen, their ears go all funny and flat:D
Thank you :)
I hate killing animals for no reason, just because they are smaller than humans we don't have the right to believe their life is less worth.
Of course I'm still not happy to see a spider in my room ;)

Fluffy, yeah, that's exactly what happens, when cats are frightened :-D

i did get a freight bought a month ago.i was laying in bed and felt something on my forehead.
put my hand up and felt it turned the light on and **** it was massive and hairy had to wack it with a frying pan.i dont usually harm them but i panacked.
If it wasn't for Spider's we never would have gotten this kick ass super hero!

Spiders are too creepy for me, I even don't want to talk about spiders ;)
Omg those photos made me shiver,i have a huge phobie of them,when i was at school i think my infant school someone throw a spider at me and since then thay r not for me at all,if there is one in my place i will frezze and have to ring someone to come and get them,no joke even tiny one like money spiders r a no no when,i had a friend when she found one she would put a money spider one her i was like how could u do that,wish i didnt have a fear of them as i cant watch ant tv show or film with them in its a no no for me :no::no::no:,i do take my hat off to ppl that can handle them though xxx
to be honest since ive lived with tarantula's im not scared of spiders id happily share a room with one as long as it aint a big giant garden spider that comes up the plug hole of the bath they are huge and horrible looking to me they look mean but little ones i dont mind

i wouldnt kill them id just ask my roommate to move them out spidercases too :lol:
haha, for some reason I had a dream about spiders last night? It probably was because there was this huge ass yellow spider in my bathroom last night. Never saw one like that before.
I'm so scared of spiders, you couldn't even imagine!
If I see a spider the one thing I can focus on that moment is the spider until I killed the spider and afterwards I'm shaking like hell :lol:
Infact there is one hanging outside my window that made a huge spiderweb and he has hairs on his legs and body it's quite a large spider too, you should see me close the window before going to bed, I'm too scared it will come inside.