
I'm happy I live in europe I thought I'd search for the huntsman spider someone mentioned.
OMG I'm already scared of the spiders you find here I'm glad that sort of spiders don't live here.
I'm so scared of spiders, you couldn't even imagine!
If I see a spider the one thing I can focus on that moment is the spider until I killed the spider and afterwards I'm shaking like hell :lol:
Infact there is one hanging outside my window that made a huge spiderweb and he has hairs on his legs and body it's quite a large spider too, you should see me close the window before going to bed, I'm too scared it will come inside.

awww bless
I hate spiders. In one of my old houses my bedroom window opened up right onto the garden and we lived in the country as well. So if I opened my window, I'd usually end up with a huge black spider in my room. Yeesh! It was horrible. Sometimes it would be on the back of the door so I was trapped in there with it.
Thank goodness for vacuum cleaners. Perfect for sucking up those horrible hairy bastards. :lol:
HA! Spiders.. well they are really good for the garden to keep some nasty pests away... There is some Indian story or lesson that says Spiders protect your home... like you can't kill them.. forget the details, but an Indian friend/neighbor told that to me many years ago.

I recently caught a few spiders on a local weather TV Channel I watch which shows various areas in Oregon. I was originally only testing my new SanDisk V-Mate (and love it!) and then caught these spiders on a couple BEACH cams on the same day. It was like they were taking over! One seen in Pacific City Beach, Oregon, the other in Astoria (Beach) Oregon and I posted up the video here:


Today, they moved one of the live cams and I have to review the video to understand if it was a heli, or lighthouse or a UFO over the ocean (wasn't there when I first started recording, then bam, it was there.. then they went to something else.
But so far, no spiders on the Live cams today. LOL
I hate spiders. In one of my old houses my bedroom window opened up right onto the garden and we lived in the country as well. So if I opened my window, I'd usually end up with a huge black spider in my room. Yeesh! It was horrible. Sometimes it would be on the back of the door so I was trapped in there with it.
Thank goodness for vacuum cleaners. Perfect for sucking up those horrible hairy bastards. :lol:

sorry i just had to :lol: i couldnt help it when u put perfect for sucking up those horrible hairy bastards :lol:
spiders well tarantulas do actually flick hairs from their rump as a warning sign that they are gonna strike and bite you
I hate spiders. In one of my old houses my bedroom window opened up right onto the garden and we lived in the country as well. So if I opened my window, I'd usually end up with a huge black spider in my room. Yeesh! It was horrible. Sometimes it would be on the back of the door so I was trapped in there with it.
Thank goodness for vacuum cleaners. Perfect for sucking up those horrible hairy bastards. :lol:
LOL hey I do that too sometimes! (vacuum clean them) :D
it had a yellow ass ??

deary me it must of forgot to put it's boxers on that morning :lol:


No I was just emphasizing on it's size. lol. It was big....and it was pure yellow. Ugh..I hate spiders. lol.
Yeah the huntsman spiders can be freaking huge and they jump too! They seem to pop up when you least expect them and it can scary too, cause you leave the room to grab some insect killer spray and when you come back they've disappeared which makes me totally freak out in a bad way. It's like omg! where did the thing go?
Yeah the huntsman spiders can be freaking huge and they jump too! They seem to pop up when you least expect them and it can scary too, cause you leave the room to grab some insect killer spray and when you come back they've disappeared which makes me totally freak out in a bad way. It's like omg! where did the thing go?
:bugeyed :bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed They JUMP??!! Ewwww than God we don't have them here *shivers* Sorry for you though. :mello:
Yeah the huntsman spiders can be freaking huge and they jump too! They seem to pop up when you least expect them and it can scary too, cause you leave the room to grab some insect killer spray and when you come back they've disappeared which makes me totally freak out in a bad way. It's like omg! where did the thing go?

I heard that those things are often found in people's CARS, and that when they suddenly appear the likelihood of an accident is greatly increased. :dropdead:
I heard that those things are often found in people's CARS, and that when they suddenly appear the likelihood of an accident is greatly increased. :dropdead:

My friend had that happen. She felt an itch on her leg, looked down... it was a huntsman. :bugeyed
She managed to pull over without crashing the car. I would NOT be so calm about it!

And thank you for telling me they jump...it adds an entire new element of terror to it lol. :mello:
Is it just me or does there seem to be tons more spiders this year than usual? I keep getting loads in my house! I don't like it. :(
Is it just me or does there seem to be tons more spiders this year than usual? I keep getting loads in my house! I don't like it. :(

I know what you mean. I've had more spiders in my house recently than usual. But it might be because my dad hasn't sprayed yet. Blah, either way....yuck.
There's huge spider outside our kitchen window. I see it everytime I go to the fridge (whic is often, lol). It's so ugly.

Oh and there was tiny spider in the SHOWER today, eww. I was good girl, though, and decided not to drown it this time :trish:
I've just been cleaning up my back garden and found two MASSIVE spiders, eww eeerr, they were quite close to my bedroom so I killed them with special insect stuff, now I feel a bit guilty :(

they've got their own back though, now i'm paranoid ther on my back LOL
I just looked huntsman spiders up on Google, and those are freaking scary :eek: :swoon:
Thank god we don't see those that much here in The Netherlands phew lol.

The spider is still in front of my window haha and it's not planning on going away any time soon, someone cleaned the outside of my window last weekend and he tried to kill the spider but it was somewhere between my roof and window and that is where he has made his home.
So he thought he killed it but the same day in the evening it came back and made a new spiderweb, I'm used to ''it'' being there in front of my window now but I pray to god that it doesn't sneak in my bedroom because I won't sleep until it's gone lol! :lol:
^ Eww that's horrible :bugeyed I hope it goes away so you could get a nice and peaceful sleep!!
I really don't like spiders. But I don't have it bad as my friend. He is totally scared if them. One time i hovered up a dead spider which was on the floor and he still freaked out and wouldn't go near or touch the hoover lol.
I just looked huntsman spiders up on Google, and those are freaking scary :eek: :swoon:
Thank god we don't see those that much here in The Netherlands phew lol.

I know they are really creepy/scary.... I'm going to be flipping out here in summer I can see it now. I ran into this website, that shows the different spiders in Australia, so I would know what I am in for... http://www.xs4all.nl/~ednieuw/australian/Spidaus.html
I didn't sleep very well afterwards :bugeyed :swoon:
My friends are going to have a blast watching me flip out and scream all the time!!! :mello:
I know they are really creepy/scary.... I'm going to be flipping out here in summer I can see it now. I ran into this website, that shows the different spiders in Australia, so I would know what I am in for... http://www.xs4all.nl/~ednieuw/australian/Spidaus.html
I didn't sleep very well afterwards :bugeyed :swoon:
My friends are going to have a blast watching me flip out and scream all the time!!! :mello:

Oh god! I'm litteraly shivering here, I even pulled my feet up because they look so scary :lol:
Me!!! oh, I can't stand a spider in the house. Even if a small one is near me I scream for my boyfriend to come remove it - but never kill it :)

Funnily enough, if I go to the zoo or some sort of wildlife place, I am facinated by the spiders behind the glass cases. Odd.

But if one comes anywhere near me - eeeek!
Me!!! oh, I can't stand a spider in the house. Even if a small one is near me I scream for my boyfriend to come remove it - but never kill it :)

Funnily enough, if I go to the zoo or some sort of wildlife place, I am facinated by the spiders behind the glass cases. Odd.

But if one comes anywhere near me - eeeek!
Oh I know, and for some reason I can't switch the channel if there's some nature document about spiders on tv. I don't know why because I'm absolutely scared of them in real life..