

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Great Britain
Who else HATES spiders!?

I just sat down to watch TV when a spider abseiled from the ceiling right in front of me. It was literally dangling in front of my face!

it scared the life out of me!
:lol: I have entomophobia, so pretty much any bug sends me into a panic attack, some attacks are worse than others, but spiders and roaches are always at the top of the list. The bigger they are, the bigger the attack. And if a spider dangled from the ceiling in front of my face, I think you probably could have heard me screaming from where you are.
omg what a horror story! That would have freaked me out!! Im so scared of spiders..my worst enemies!! and if it was hanging in front of me...i dont really know what I would do.. probably scream my lungs out and run outside or lock myself in the bathroom lol!! (ok now im itching everywhere on my body..lol..feeling like theres a spider on me)
Nope...don't like them at all!! I can hold snakes and pick up other bugs but for whatever reason I'm horrified by spiders.

I had one drop down and dangle between my face and my monitor once while on the computer. My first reaction was to push away from it and I tried to push my chair back... :bugeyed
...And one of the wheels got caught on the carpet and the chair (myself included) went ass over.
OMG! I can't see spiders! It scars me to death, you can't imagine! :|
One time I was going to take a shower, I walked to my bathroom, when I saw a enormous spider, with enormous legs! I don't know what kind of spiders are those, but I do know that I only saw one spider of that type. Its body was "little" (compared to its legs) and its legs were about 10 cms each! :| One time, I was on my cousin's car when I saw a big spider (not like the other!) in front of me! I was lucky, because no one was behind us and I couldn't control myself so I got out of the car until my cousin turn on the conditioned air and it disappear! Then I got into the car, more calm but always with fear that the spider came again... we were talking about spiders and she told be a friend of her saw a spider once in her bathroom. She described the exactly spider that I saw! You must thinking I'm lying about its size, but I'm really not! I think its a spider who stays in humid places, so we saw it on the bathroom. I don't know if that kind of spider exists in the all places of the world, but I hope not and I hope you'll never see it! Really! :|
Yeah I'm a guy and I'm not ashamed to admit that spiders...well bugs in general creep the hell out of me! I'm 20 years old and if a spider is in a room of my house I can't be in that room with it. I have to wait for someone to come and get it. Its kinda funny in a way thinking about it.

My best friend is a girl and she thinks its hilarious that she had to come in and get moth that got in her house because I wouldn't go near it lol.

But yeah I've been that way my entire life. I just can't stand any form of insect no matter how big or how small. People say "well this insect has a purpose" yeah well I still wish all bugs just vanished! Really.

You ever get those "stink bugs"? I'm not sure if that is the proper term for them but that is what they are called in this neighborhood at least. They started popping up about two years ago in my city. Every Summer they come and obviously if you crush them they stink apparently. Well one time I must have had a "nest" or something in my curtains this was two years ago. My mother got one and a few mins later another would appear and this just kept happening for like 20 minutes till finally we bought bug spray and got rid of the curtains. It was horrible! And my room smelled really bad for several days because of the spray.

I also get these long caterpillar like things. I'm not sure what they are exactly. But they are hairy and very fast! They seem to come to my room and my room only. It's not like its a dirty room or anything so I'm not sure why they come in here. I just know they creep me out.
I am definitely not a fan of spiders. I tend to freak out everytime I see one inside. I remember once I saw a huge black spider crawling around the loungeroom floor, that was about half the size of my hand, and I ran to get some fly spray to kill it and I must have sprayed at least half the can on the spider and when I left the room to put the spray away I came back into the room and the spider had disappeared! I was like !!!!!! omg where did it go? I never found it either. I looked under the lounge the tv unit stand.... sheesh!!!!
You're not alone, Scorpio. I'm fifteen and about six-foot tall and, I'll tell you right now, I'm terrified of spiders and cockroaches! They're so disgusting. Once, I walked out into my garage because I was thirsty and wanted to grab a Gatorade out from the fridge. On the way, there was a huge, disgusting, and hairy spider sitting there. I'm not going to lie, but I ran in screaming like a little girl.

All I know is, that when I do have a wife - she's going to be the one getting rid of it.

AWwwww they're only little ^_^

I don't like the shiny ones they looked bald or naked or something. :lol: Spiders are okay in my book.... BUT I do hate when you're walking along a street minding your own business and you walk through a spider web and you freak out LOL it's so embaressing and crazy LOL People from across the road watching you go from walking normally to do some kinda weird dance.

I like spiders :D

*is tempted to post pictures of her favourite ones* :trish:
I used to be soooo scared of mosquitos, because they always have it in for me!! I didn't like spiders either, but then I thought; spiders eat mosquitos! So since then spiders are my friends. Of course it's not nice if they absail before your face! (lol) thats just creepy. But remember they don't have it in for you; mosquitos have! And spiders are just there to help you get and keep your room mosquito free. Hope that helps!
I have a problem with killing spiders (and animals/bugs in general).
I always capture the spiders and let them out right away, I'm weird like that.
Somethings are even scarier.... scientists estimate that in an average person's lifetime they swallow 10 spiders during their sleep!!!!! I was watching a National Geographic program once and they interviewed a girl who had a blocked right ear and it was discovered a spider had laid eggs deep insider her ear and they were hatching! I think I must have sprayed a can of fly spray around my room after watching that.
Spiders....I dont even wanna think about them.
this is what happend last night:
I was laying in my bed, just reading a book. Then from the corner of my eye, I saw something dangling really close to my face.
I looked to the side and there was a HUUUGE spider! I was so shocked that I made a sudden move. I hit the spider and I think it's in my bed now.
I slept on the couch tonight, because I'm too scared to find the spider.
I should ask my mom if she can clean my sheets..
I can't watch the cave part of Moonwalker. I know Michael's all brave and sh*t, but f*ck that.
Even he couldn't get me near a spider. He could offer me anything including himself. Not a chance.
I won't go in a room if I even think there's a spider in it.
Somethings are even scarier.... scientists estimate that in an average person's lifetime they swallow 10 spiders during their sleep!!!!! I was watching a National Geographic program once and they interviewed a girl who had a blocked right ear and it was discovered a spider had laid eggs deep insider her ear and they were hatching! I think I must have sprayed a can of fly spray around my room after watching that.

ok I just died!!!!!!!!!!! You´ve scared my for life!!
Eww omg I hate spiders! :bugeyed They are such ugly creatures and though they are so tiny and could absolutely not harm me in any way (at least in where I live..) I freak out everytime I see one.

My summer job may not be the best one for me since I'm dealing with flowers and there's always some spiders in them and whenever I see them my work gets interrupted.. :doh:

I'm not so scared of the tiny spiders but even if they're just 1 cm.. *shivers* eww.. I feel uncomfortable only knowing if I'm in a same room with spider, one night I happened to notice there was a HUGE spider (at least for me, it was like 3 cm, lol :D ) in my room and I couldn't go to bed until I had found it and end its days :( I feel bad killing them because I know they haven't done anything so I keep telling myself 'good, now there's one spider less to scare you'.

Also I have a horrible memory of a day I was reading on my bed and I felt little tickling in my bare toe, I thought it was just something and touched it with my other foot and EEEEWWW there was this nasty spider on my TOE!!! Omg I touched the spider it was awful my heart was beating so fast!!!

Thank God we don't have the biggest spiders in Finland.. I wouldn't be able to live in my house with 10 cm spiders! OMg I don't want to even think about it.
I love spiders they're so cute
You're in the wrong thread then :lol:

LOL reading this thread makes me laugh.. :D (though reading your stories freak me out at the same time) it's so funny we're scared of spiders.. we're like hundred times bigger than them.. it's weird.
You're in the wrong thread then :lol:

LOL reading this thread makes me laugh.. :D (though reading your stories freak me out at the same time) it's so funny we're scared of spiders.. we're like hundred times bigger than them.. it's weird.
They're just so disgusting! Egh, the hairy legs ... the eyes ... the fangs! I better not get into any further details.

Oh God, I hate spiders. They're so..gah. Gross. lol. Even though they say they actually help out your home by eating other insects still! I woke up one morning and there was a huge ass one right on my ceiling above me (my ceilings are slanted so, it was pretty close to my face. :angry: )
I can't watch the cave part of Moonwalker. I know Michael's all brave and sh*t, but f*ck that.
Even he couldn't get me near a spider. He could offer me anything including himself. Not a chance.
I won't go in a room if I even think there's a spider in it.

I know right! lol. I have this on VHS still and I watched the entire thing for the first time in years about two months ago and I had to turn my head everytime those spiders came on the screen. I wouldn't even be able to touch that spider switch MJ does.

A few years back this guy (that I strongly dislike but he thought we were friends) saw me at the mall. I was walking around with my then girlfriend in the Halloween store. So this fool comes from behind me with this huge stuffed spider in my face. Yeah I freaked out and ran out of the store lol. He just gave me more reason to hate him. He thought it was hilarious of course as did my gf whom knew I was afraid of them. So I wasn't a happy person.

What's messed up is shes terrified of bugs as well so I used to get the spiders and stuff out of her room all the time if I was there. Yeah that was always fun...
Im so there for you guys,i got a huge araphicphobie sorry for spellings i truely hate all spiders,i can even watch any shows or films with them in and if there is one in my place i will freeze truely untill someone comes and takes it away,i know why i am like this cause when i was young someone throw a spider at me and since then i Hate them with a Capital H grrrrrr x
ugh. So tonight I was at work (I work in clothing) and in the backroom we have rolling racks that are just stacked with clothing. I moved a pile of shirts and a big, hairy black spider like catapulted itself off the stack towards me. I kid you not. I almost peed myself in terror. LOL I am a manager there and I went screaming out of the backroom and dropped all the clothes I had in my hands.

That about sums up my fear of those nasty things, and this happened just tonight. *shiver*
I have a problem with killing spiders (and animals/bugs in general).
I always capture the spiders and let them out right away, I'm weird like that.

Join the club! :)
I'm always catching bugs and releasing them outside, because they live such short lives anyway - why make them even shorter?
As for spiders - I live in Australia but come from Europe, so the massive huntsmen inside my house were a shock and horror at first.
Now we've got a deal - they can stay, providing they keep their distance. Like - walking all over my ceiling is fine, but FALL ON MY BED WHILE I'M IN IT AND YOU'RE OUT OF HERE, AAAAARRRRGGGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate spiders. Yeah, I know, they're beneficial, more scared of us than we are of them, blah blah blah. But they are too creepy and weird for me. Too many legs and I can't take seeing their eyes! I kill them when I see them. My brother captures them in containers and lets them loose outside. There's a saying that killing spiders is bad for your karma, so I guess I'm in trouble.

When I lived in the middle of Pennsylvania a couple of years ago, I left my room one day and on the way back, I saw a dark mass in the corner near the floor. I peered at it and it was this disgusting, big, hairy spider. I had never seen anything like it and I was so horrified I locked myself in my room and didn't come out for over two hours until I had decided how I was going to ambush it. I even sent out these e-mail updates to my mom on the "situation" like it it was some covert operation. I finally sprayed it out of the corner and smushed it in a wad of paper towels that was probably an inch thick. I then put the wad in the bottom of the trash can, took out the bag, and threw it in the dumpster outside the building like it was TNT or something. :doh:

You ever get those "stink bugs"? I'm not sure if that is the proper term for them but that is what they are called in this neighborhood at least. They started popping up about two years ago in my city. Every Summer they come and obviously if you crush them they stink apparently. Well one time I must have had a "nest" or something in my curtains this was two years ago. My mother got one and a few mins later another would appear and this just kept happening for like 20 minutes till finally we bought bug spray and got rid of the curtains. It was horrible! And my room smelled really bad for several days because of the spray.

Those brown, slow-moving ones? They popped up here in Jersey a couple of years ago. They are all over the place in the warm months. And then, if there happens to be a warm day in the winter, they make an appearance. They came to the East Coast about ten years ago from Asia and have been slowly spreading out since.