sorry but i have to ask


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
hey all ive been so confused about something and that something is gavin arivzo.

the boy who accused him of molesting him well i read up in gavin he was a fan of mj and his wish was to meet him before he dies and well that came true. and they said he has only weeks to live then michael comes along and gavin lives and gavin says all these things like michael will never do anything to a child in martain bashir doc. gavin and michael seemed like good friends. then all of a sudden gavin accuses him off molesting him im so confused why did he accuse him is there a reason why he accused him coz they seemed so happy. gavin was cured from cancer after he met michael he was a fan of mike a HUGE fan for him to be cured of cancer after meeting him so why accuse him. then that what i dont get if he was a fan why accuse him of it??

Lie for it
Spy for it
Kill for it
Die for it
So you call it trust
But I say it's just
In the devil's game
Of greed and lust
They don't care
They'd do me for the money
They don't care
They use me for the money
So you go to church
Read the Holy word
In the scheme of life
It's all absurd
They don't care
They'd kill for the money
Do or dare
The thrill for the money
You're saluting the flag
Your country trusts you
Now you're wearing a badge
You're called the "Just Few"
And you're fighting the wars
A soldier must do
I'll never betray or deceive you my friend but...
If you show me the cash
Then I will take it
If you tell me to cry
Then I will fake it
If you give me a hand
Then I will shake it
You'll do anything for money...
Anything for money
Would lie for you
Would die for you
Even sell my soul to the devil
Anything for money
Would lie for you
Would die for you
Even sell my soul to the devil
Where do your loyalties lie?
Is that your alibi?
I don't think so
You don't care
You'd do her for the money
Say it's fair
You sue her for the money
Want your pot of gold
Need the Midas touch
Bet you sell your soul
Cuz your God is such
You don't care
You kill for the money
Do or dareThe thrill for the money
Are you infected with the same disease
Of lust, gluttoney and greed?
Then watch the ones
With the biggest smiles
The idle jabbers...Cuz they're the backstabbers
If you know it's a lie
Then you will swear it
If you give it with guilt
Then you will bear it
If it's taking a chance
Then you will dare it
You'll do anything for money...
Anything for money
Would lie for you
Would die for you
Even sell my soul to the devil
Anything for money
Would lie for you
Would die for you
Even sell my soul to the devil
Anything for money
Would lie for you
Would die for you
Even sell my soul to the devil
Anything for money
Would lie for you
Would die for you
Even sell my soul to the devil
You say you wouldn't do it
For all the money in the world
I don't think soIf you show me the man
Then I will sell him
If you ask me to lie
Then I will tell him
If you're dealing with God
Then you will hell him
You'll do anything for money
Anything for money
Would lie for you
Would die for you
Even sell my soul to the devil
Even sell my soul to the devil
Even sell my soul to the devil
Even sell my soul to the devil
Even sell my soul to the devil
Even sell my soul to the devil
Even sell my soul to the devil
Even sell my soul to the devil
Exactly, with what the song Money says...
lies, i blame the parents... but who am i to say?
There's an entire archive of good information that can be found in the MJJF archives. It covers all the info from the trial separating the truth from the lies ...
It wasn't originally Gavins doing!! It was Gavins mother influencing her kids to take advantage of a very kind and very giving and loving especially towards children (especially ones whom are deathly ill like Gavin) man,like Michael Jackson WAS!!!! Janet Arvizo is the main reason these FALSE accusations started and that horrible nightmare trial took place! Michael did take care of Gavins health problems and it is why Gavin is still here after his bout with Cancer!!! What took place is Janet and her children once Gavin was stronger and healthier,started taking advantage of Michael and his home/Neverland,his wealth and his generosity!! So Janet and her children were cut off from Michael,his home and all the rest of it!! She didn't like the idea of her free meal ticket and other expensive things that had been done for her and her children were suddenly stopped and she'd have to now fend for herself!! So she decided to hurt him in the worst ways possible!! Basically try to destroy his life,career,home everything he's ever worked for!! But as you know now her greed and plan back fired!! Michael was proven innocent on all counts!! Thank You God!! Janet Arvizo saw and used Michael and when he told her No More!! She didn't like it!! Furthermore its obvious she was hoping for more with him getting her kids to say they called Michael, Dad or Daddy which they admitted in court during the trial!! And she wound up marrying a man during the trial with the last name Jackson!! So her married name now is Janet Jackson!! Eww!! Gavin sadly went along with what his mother and siblings convinced him to do!! So it really wasn't his fault,the blame is primarily on Janet Arvizo and Tom Sneddon!! Money hungry people who hoped to take down a beautiful,generous,kind hearted man Michael Jackson!! But wound up losing Big Time!!!! "The Truth Always Prevails!!"
his parents were hoarding celebs and trying to find someone to pull a big one on. they had leno, bryant, tucker, polanker, coleman *fritz*, ratner, lopez *george*, and then mike...he was the easiest target.

the kid wasn't a fan, everyone wants to meet mj.
yep the mothers doing shes kind of a psycho, saying he tried 2 abduct her in a hot air balloon and stuff
yep the mothers doing shes kind of a psycho, saying he tried 2 abduct her in a hot air balloon and stuff

Ahh, such treasured memories of those times, when I first heard Jalusional's claims ....... NOT!! SO GLAD IT'S OVER!!!! :punk:
guess ur question is answered,all i know is if i see any1 of those kids walkin the streets of california i will have my lil cuzins beat they asses lol
Money money money and fame fame fame. She hoped to get Mike's money and be pitied by the press and the public at the same time. Well she got one of them, just she's famous for acting crazy and spewing lies!
Another good song for this ordeal,

"Ain't it a shame"

I still grieve the horror of 2005 and will never forget the evil that Tom Sneddon and covert-now-terminated-Sony operators inflicted upon an angel.

I am SO glad that we are all (Michael most of all) able to begin moving on and looking toward bigger and better things.

"You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet"

I think that should be the anthem of the fans at this point. It is the best title for now and for the future!
It was the mother and Tom Sneddon indeed. I am still very sad for gavin because he was just an innocent child. I still think it's child abuse, (by his mother and Tom Sneddon) to have hims say such horrible things. I think he will keep a major trauma of it later in life.
It was the mother and Tom Sneddon indeed. I am still very sad for gavin because he was just an innocent child. I still think it's child abuse, (by his mother and Tom Sneddon) to have hims say such horrible things. I think he will keep a major trauma of it later in life.

Do you honestly feel like this? Cause i couldn't disagree more with you. IMO this guy is just as much to blame...he could have come forward already and admit nothing happened. He could have prevented the whole trial actually...come on now. Let's not act like this POS was a victim...the only victim was/is Michael. I can't even imagine what that man had to go way that Gavin was a victim.

Screw him.
Do you honestly feel like this? Cause i couldn't disagree more with you. IMO this guy is just as much to blame...he could have come forward already and admit nothing happened. He could have prevented the whole trial actually...come on now. Let's not act like this POS was a victim...the only victim was/is Michael. I can't even imagine what that man had to go way that Gavin was a victim.

Screw him.

I have to agree, having once been a 15 year old boy myself, that a) he knew exactly what he was doing, and b) he thought he was smart enough to pull it off. What a way to learn that lesson and how wrong he was And at what cost? Our Michael. It will bother him to the grave. There is nothing he can do now and forever. One way he admits he is a liar (along with his mother) or shut up and live a life in exile. Tough poo.
i believe the day will come when both boys who were both manipulated by their parents will come forward with the truth. both had absolutely the vilest type of parents one could have. and it is so sad, that even there is evidence in the first one of the father who was setting up the plot in a recorded telephone conversation that the general public can be so stupid and the press can suppress it, but it didn't go away now did it? but the public would rather be spoon fed than do a simple internet search to find it. i can't stand it when people talk out of their asses, are clueless, and lazy and allow innuendo of a twisted press to be their "source." in any case, i think the horses mouths will speak some day. then what will everyone say?
i believe the day will come when both boys who were both manipulated by their parents will come forward with the truth. both had absolutely the vilest type of parents one could have. and it is so sad, that even there is evidence in the first one of the father who was setting up the plot in a recorded telephone conversation that the general public can be so stupid and the press can suppress it, but it didn't go away now did it? but the public would rather be spoon fed than do a simple internet search to find it. i can't stand it when people talk out of their asses, are clueless, and lazy and allow innuendo of a twisted press to be their "source." in any case, i think the horses mouths will speak some day. then what will everyone say?

I've been wondering how many people will be creeping out of the woodworks over the next few months to capitalise on MJs forthcoming success, I hoping that one of them will be these boys, now men, to tell the goddamn truth! probably won't happen, but I cant dream!
4get that "he was manipulated by his parents" bullsh*t. he knew what he was doing. i wish my mother or father wud ask me 2 faslely accuse sum1 who spent their time helpin me get my health back or any1 for that matter of stealing ,let alone sexual abuse. he was old enough 2know what was goin on,and whats right and wrong. no excuse
to each their own about opinions of responsibility. i do think at some point, both will speak of their own accord.
this is something SAD. Michael is an innocent man who was taken advantage of by 2 familys who are selfish and mean. No there is no excuse for what these people have done to a man whos heart is as pure as gold. How ever i dont see why we should have pity for someone who knew what they were doing. He was old enough to know right and wrong that is true but have you ever thought that his parents REALLY are the evil in this? Here in the town i live in there are some down right evil things going on and no one is being held responsible. The parents of these 2 boys are not sane they need help.

Trying to take money from someone who opend his home and has given them help is not the way to pay anyone back. Filling the heads of children full of lies and deseat is a form of child abuse. Getting them to do something they KNOW is wrong is child abuse. This is something in Michaels past that i for one seem to think he wants to forget and put behind him. He was falsely accused and found innocent of ANY wrong doing. I think it needs to be dropped.
Do you honestly feel like this? Cause i couldn't disagree more with you. IMO this guy is just as much to blame...he could have come forward already and admit nothing happened. He could have prevented the whole trial actually...come on now. Let's not act like this POS was a victim...the only victim was/is Michael. I can't even imagine what that man had to go way that Gavin was a victim.

Screw him.

I agree with u on that staffordshire!
Gavin was old enough to know what is right & what is wrong, its just a shame he chose to do the wrong thing.
o is gavin under gag order now? could he admit mj's innocence if he wanted to?
there is no gag he can say what he wants.

when u are raised by scum you end up like scum. hence that family and their nasty little plans
No one seems to talk about this, but I believe the child molestation allegation that were made against Michael in both 1993 and 2004 involves many many people in the entertainment buisness. Jordon Chandler and The Avizos were used as pawn to try to destroy Michael Jackson from a business standpoint. The amount of money that Jordon Chandler received and the money that the Arvizos try to get is peanuts compared to what was really at stake, BILLIONS OF DOLLARS.


Michael Jackson was the sole owner of those publishings up until recent years and you had a Mega-Corporation that wanted complete control of those publishings.... SONY. For Sony to have complete control of those publishings would have been a huge monetary advantage for a music corporation in this ever changing times in the music industry.

I believe the man by the name of Bert Fields, who is a prominent attorney who at one time represented Michael Jackson and Sony music is somehow involved in a well ochestrated attempt to destroy Michael Jackson for his publishing empire. And in a way they were successful in doing so. I also believe that Larry Feldman who represented Jordon Chandler was part of the conspiracy with Fields to destroy Michael Jackson.

In my humble opinion, those molestation allegations were made against Michael Jackson with the hopes of:
1. Detroying him in the court of public opinion therefore making it harder for him to sustain a successful recording career.

2. Hoping for a conviction and prison time which would have really destroyed him....

3. Michael Jackson falling financially in debt so that he would have no choice but to sell off his assests such as those publishing rights.

These were High Power Lawyers that represented and Billion dollar corporation that wanted total complete control of BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of dollars. Don't think that it's far fetched for them to try and destroy someone at any cost.
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^ u know u have a valid point there, i wouldnt be surprised that some ppl in the music biz were invloved. There so many ppl that have major grudges against michael and are so jeaouls of him, they would do anything to destroy him.
4get that "he was manipulated by his parents" bullsh*t. he knew what he was doing. i wish my mother or father wud ask me 2 faslely accuse sum1 who spent their time helpin me get my health back or any1 for that matter of stealing ,let alone sexual abuse. he was old enough 2know what was goin on,and whats right and wrong. no excuse

I actually agree with this. While technically not an adult yet, I wouldn't really call him a child. He was old enough to know better and know what he was doing to an innocent man. He did it to get money and nice things, and that was more important to him than Michael, who had been so kind to him. It is the mother's fault for all she did, but I do not take all of the blame from Gavin who lied on the stand and tried to hurt and ruin the life of an innocent man. I have nephews who are his age - one younger and one a little older - and believe me they know what they are saying and doing. And anyone who believe that Michael did that to someone his age obviously hasn't ever been around teenage boys.
i believe the day will come when both boys who were both manipulated by their parents will come forward with the truth. both had absolutely the vilest type of parents one could have. and it is so sad, that even there is evidence in the first one of the father who was setting up the plot in a recorded telephone conversation that the general public can be so stupid and the press can suppress it, but it didn't go away now did it? but the public would rather be spoon fed than do a simple internet search to find it. i can't stand it when people talk out of their asses, are clueless, and lazy and allow innuendo of a twisted press to be their "source." in any case, i think the horses mouths will speak some day. then what will everyone say?

Are you saying there's telephonic evidence with Chandlers dad plotting? How do you know that?