So Eminem DID stick up for MJ after all?

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I remember seeing Eminem talk about how he was a fan of MJ.
I don't think he was being pressured to apologize. His fans didn't really care about the whole thing, media wasn't judging him for it, so who was he pressured by?
On Eminem`s video for "Just Lose It"

"I think that it`s demeaning and disrespectful but I also want to make it clear it`s not just about me but a pattern of disrespect that he has shown to our community. He needs to stop it and he needs to stop it now."
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I remember seeing Eminem talk about how he was a fan of MJ.
I don't think he was being pressured to apologize. His fans didn't really care about the whole thing, media wasn't judging him for it, so who was he pressured by?

He felt the heat from MJ, MJ fans and BET who wouldn't play his video is where his lame explanation came from!

I remember MJ calling Grealdo Rivera show by phone. Geraldo was the only one from the media supporting MJ about this video from what I remember.

Geraldo was outside in front of MTV studios in New york with MJ fans who where protesting with signs against the video! So that MTV would ban it! MJ thanks Geraldo and the fans for this while on the phone!
Looks like a fake transcript..I mean, unless there is someone here who can post where this comes from like a reliable source, until then, could easily be a fake.

dude, youre just as bad as the ignorant people who decide to make ANY excuse to believe that michael is sick, perverted etc...

its a real interview. ive seen it (somewhere). eminem has praised michael not only this time but many many times in the past.

yeah he did just lose it, and he took the piss. out of a lot of other people too. he apologised and admitted he was a dick.

michael likely forgave him. you should too. hes a human being.

michael was above human and god-like, but the rest of us make mistakes and we deserve to be forgiven for them if we apologise.
Oh stop. They cannot be compared. Tsukiji was hardly saying they were unwilling to forgive. Nor were they making stuff up as regards Em as the media cont. did with MJ to come to the conclusion of him being sick and perverted. It is hardly the same.

And if you have seen the interviews personally, then good for you. (The more who say they have seen it, the easier it is to believe it exists). All they were saying is they have not seen it. And a transcript could be easily forged. They have their right in not believing something that they cannot confirm. If many others took a similar approach imagine the difference in , for instance, MJ's life. To call someone ignorant for taking such an approach is demeaning.

We don't know how MJ felt about EM. But being a fan of MJ does not mean that we loose all individuality and just because he did something or felt some way, we should too. if a person was personally offended by the video and do not believe EM and choose to cont to feel this way, who are we to turn up our noses at them? Let them alone.

MJ was hardly above human and was just as much an imperfect man as the rest of us. We all make mistakes. Forgiveness is earned from repentance. We are all accountable for ourselves.
yeah he did just lose it, and he took the piss. out of a lot of other people too. he apologised and admitted he was a dick.

...the rest of us make mistakes and we deserve to be forgiven for them if we apologise.

You're absolutely right. If someone makes a sincere apology, we should at least try to accept it and move on. But also being human, it ain't always that easy.

I think how you feel about the person and specifically an entertainer in general makes a big difference. If you always liked them, it's easier to accept the apology. If you never cared one way or the other, you just care less about the apology.

I've never cared one way or the other about Eminem and am suspect about how sincere his apology is, but yeah, he is human. Maybe, he genuinely is regretful, but I wasn't buying his records before the video and I can't see myself EVER buying one now.
Ummm, I still dont like Eminem because he will CONTINUE to make fun of people, thinking it's hilarious!
And the point is that he did it. He insulted MJ in a music video (which is a permanent thing), and when he was doing it, he knew what he was doing
lol @ anyone who thinks there was heavy pressure to apologize to MJ in 2004, especially considering Eminem's fanbase demographic, whether white/brown/members of the "black community" are generally not that easily offended. Then again maybe I'm discounting the influence of Stevie Wonder and Steve Harvey on the average teenager and 20 year olds that listen to his music LOL.

I judge a person's character by the way they speak about MJ.

So you're a big Eminem fan then?
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lol @ anyone who thinks there was heavy pressure to apologize to MJ in 2004, especially considering Eminem's fanbase demographic, whether white/brown/members of the "black community" are generally not that easily offended. Then again maybe I'm discounting the influence of Stevie Wonder and Steve Harvey on the average teenager and 20 year olds that listen to his music LOL.

So you're a big Eminem fan then?

Unless of course you also judge a person's whole character by if they've done a satire about MJ, which would of course just be a silly and outrageous way to judge an entire person :).

you being foolish and hinting at musical snobbery here sadly. I'm 17 and practically every single person i've EVER met has a bit of stevie wonder on their ipod, ranging from the basics to whole albums, more people i dare say than eminem, he is a hugely respected figure and anyone of any age will take his views seriously.
^ so you're arguing that the average Eminem fan will stop listening to Eminem's music because Stevie Wonder said something bad about him, or even CARE? I doubt it.

I'm also wondering how you would even know that practically every person you've ever "MET" (in caps!) has some Stevie Wonder on their iPod lmao. That being said, I understand Stevie Wonder is a legend and I have him on my own iPod, before this starts turning into some unnecessary lecture on music history.
^ so you're arguing that the average Eminem fan will stop listening to Eminem's music because Stevie Wonder said something bad about him, or even CARE? I doubt it.

I'm also wondering how you would even know that practically every person you've ever "MET" (in caps!) has some Stevie Wonder on their iPod lmao. That being said, I understand Stevie Wonder is a legend and I have him on my own iPod, before this starts turning into some unnecessary lecture on music history.

This topic is exhaustive, these wounds have been reopened, it was foolish for people to open this thread.
Since I never listened, trusted or not like Eminem at all, yeah I still don't like him and his music, but I'm kinda glad to hear he's sorry for his video which I still believe is still the crappiest "Just Lose It", some friends I knew pisses me off because of this and wait til they wear about this story.

Again, I still don't like Eminem, but I'm happy to hear he's sorry and still supports Michael. I guess can respect him now.
dude, youre just as bad as the ignorant people who decide to make ANY excuse to believe that michael is sick, perverted etc...

its a real interview. ive seen it (somewhere). eminem has praised michael not only this time but many many times in the past.

yeah he did just lose it, and he took the piss. out of a lot of other people too. he apologised and admitted he was a dick.

michael likely forgave him. you should too. hes a human being.

michael was above human and god-like, but the rest of us make mistakes and we deserve to be forgiven for them if we apologise.

Are you kidding me?..Don't blame me or others for not believing any apology by him if not one person can find any video or any reliable source for this. If he really did apologize you could find me proof, but nope..nothing yet? It's insulting to me that that you put me in the category of those ignorant against Michael.

I'll say it again because people keep ignoring a major part of what I'm saying.

The man contributed to fueling the negative perception of Michael. That will never be forgotten. Quit being judgmental on those who do not wish to forgive that.

He didn't apologize to Michael (show me proof), and people need to stop saying that Michael "likely forgave him", you don't know, I don't know, nobody knows that.
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I've heard him praise Michael..........but everybody does that in order to get brownie points with the public and the media.......

But where is the apology?????
I judge a person's character by the way they speak about MJ.

I do too..........

You can't speak bad about good people who do good in the world........It's wrong!!!!

........Would you like someone to diss Dr Martin Luther King Jr. or Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson Mandela or Mother Teresa????
:eek:fftopic:^^^That really made me think about that movie Barbershop where Cedric talks about Rosa Parks. I'm sorry. It just made me think about it.
6 pages proof..lock please? -_-

All this thread has accomplished is causing judgment and criticism of one another..and not even proving anything.
I think Eminem and MJ share a lot in common, it's a shame they could never be friends. *sigh*
I don't think that Krshna and Tsukiji understand that the few people who have said they remember this interview aren't actually spending hours scouring for proof for them. It's obviously very hard to get a hold of and you guys aren't particularly worth that much effort lol. This isn't a court room. You can go on harboring doubts that we all just share the same fictional memory or whatever. There is no "proof" other than multiple liars on this board vouching for having seen it lol.
So that's what your argument is based on? That people not scouring the internet for hours? Umm for Eminem apologizing about the video would be a very easy thing to find, if he actually said it but He didn't say it. I've given this thread 6 pages for someone to post where it came from, and nothing has come up. He didn't apologize, ever.

You must understand, that anyone, doesn't matter who it is, that willingly portrayed Michael in such a disgusting manner, will get constant skepticism from the Michael Jackson community.
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So that's what your argument is based on? That people not scouring the internet for hours?

It is not an argument but a fact: there is no one here who would feel like spending hours looking for a clip that's apparently rare or digging it out of somewhere and uploading it for your self-important ass lmao.

Umm for Eminem apologizing about the video would be a very easy thing to find, if it actually said it but He didn't say it.

Once again, this is hardly the first time a certain clip of something has been difficult to find on the Internet. For instance I sometimes look for stuff on YouTube and other sites that I enjoyed watching in the past and I don't find it because it's NOT THERE :). And no it's not necessary that it would be there just because it includes Eminem saying he apologizes as if it's a world event, because other people do not care about this as much as you do.

I've given this thread 6 pages for someone to post where it came from, and nothing has come up. He didn't apologize, ever.

Kay. Me and the other people made it up when we said we saw it :). There, you have finally outright said what you have been beating around the bush about like a chicken for most of this thread: we are liars.

You must understand,

I do understand. That's why I take such pleasure in scrutinizing you.

Here's another one for the road to get you rattled:

Personally I don't even find it very offensive but I'm sure there's somebody on here who will. Enjoy.
Hmmm so, not only are you a liar, but you take things completely out of context and act like a little child if anyone disagrees with what you say. Oh, and your self important ass needs to chill out, all the lying must be tiring.

Cya later, I'm done with your instigating posts.
^ Before you go though you forgot to name the other liars too: Yeezy, AdamBa17, and even bluetopez who apparently hates Eminem all said they remember the interview lmfao. Your clutch on this straw is funny, don't get me wrong, but surely if you're bold enough to call me a liar then you gotta issue it to everyone else who's said the same thing :).

Tsukiji: all-knowing being.

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