So Eminem DID stick up for MJ after all?

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Jan 17, 2004
I found this

So I was curious as to whether Eminem ever apologized for the song "Just Lose It" so I did a little research on the internet and stumbled across this:
(snippets from the interview)

"i never meant to intentionally diss or bash anybody"
"it was just pure jokes"
"but you clearly made michael jackson upset"
"and i apologize for that"
"he's.......(sway cut's him off)
(sway look's shocked to hear eminem say sry)
"but i think what the people wanna know is why are you apologizing"
"when you have had beef's in the past with ja rule and benzino
and made diss tracks about them"
"where is your diss track about mj"
"i can't diss someone i grew up listening to"
"i have to much respect for him"
"i mean i joke with talking about his nose"
"but when it comes to talent-wise there's too much respect that
i have for him"
"i talk all the time in my songs about being chased by the
papparazzi and people making fun of me cuz they don't
understand who i really am"
"and if there's anybody who has had it worse than me it's
michael jackson"
"so that's one of the main reason's i didn't come back with a
diss song against michael jackson"
"i mean i mention the neverland ranch a few times on encore
but i don't take it too far"
"plus, he's the biggest star in the planet"
"he's more famous than the president"
"you think of michael jackson first, before you think of the
"that's how famous he is"
"and plus he has like (a-cajelion) fans around the world"
"now let me ask u.......(em cuts sway off)
"through all the sh*t that he's been through"
"that's a true artist"
*and those are true fans*
"but, did you ever like michael jackson"
"michael jackson was one of my idols"
"well, he still is"
"i mean, i like his music"
"i like his dancing"
"but my i love his attitude"
"he doesn't give a damn what people think about him"
"i respect and admire any person who has that kinda attitude"
"unfortionitly i don't have that attitude, so the minute someone
criticizes me or says something negative about me i take my
anger out on them, that's just the way i am"
"so your a fan of michael jackson"
"i can't picture you listening to michael jackson i
n your room going (hee-hee)
(sway starts immetading michael)
(eminem starts laughing)
"na, seriously when thriller came out"
"i was the first one on my block who coped the album"
"but don't you think the guy is a little bizzare"
"not really"
"you have to understand it from another artist's postion
we are always constantly trying to stay in the spotlight it's
called publicity"
"i mean the plastic surgury mask that he wears, the kids wearing the mask so
u can't see there face for protection"
"and i adolize the way he acts, and performs"
"and that's that"
Looks like a fake transcript..I mean, unless there is someone here who can post where this comes from like a reliable source, until then, could easily be a fake.
No, it's real. I saw it on MTV when it aired as part of a special promoting the Encore album. Don't have a link or anything, but... I'm not lying lol, so believe me if you choose to. I remember these exact words though from both Em and Sway.

I was annoyed by how Sway just continually tried to goad him into saying something nasty.
No, it's real. I saw it on MTV when it aired as part of a special promoting the Encore album. Don't have a link or anything, but... I'm not lying lol, so believe me if you choose to. I remember these exact words though from both Em and Sway.

I was annoyed by how Sway just continually tried to goad him into saying something nasty.

Hmmm, well It would be great to see an actual video of him saying that, Until then I'm not so sure I would believe it...
I love Eminem, and I have no doubt it's real. I;m sure MJ got over it, the fact some of his fans haven't is...ugh.
I love Eminem, and I have no doubt it's real. I;m sure MJ got over it, the fact some of his fans haven't is...ugh.

You can't speak for how if Michael "got over it". Only he would made that judgment, not you. He was nothing but angered and upset how he was attacked in that video, we do know that for sure.

You do know that Eminem's video against Michael is one of the many contributing factors to the negative light Michael was portrayed by people right?

Your Judging fans who haven't forgiven someone who contributed to the negative perception of Michael in some people? Give me a break.

Oh, and no video/no reliable source , then I doubt it's authenticity. Totally fake until I'm proven otherwise.
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If he apologized it was due to pressure. You can't have respect for someone and then do what he did.
Oh, and no video/no reliable source , then I doubt it's authenticity. Totally fake until I'm proven otherwise.

Umm, I understand if you don't completely believe it, but to say that it's "totally fake until proven otherwise" is basically you straight up calling me a ball-faced liar, which I don't appreciate. If you have doubts that it's true then you should also have doubts that it's fake and remain in the middle until someone provides a video.
Umm, I understand if you don't completely believe it, but to say that it's "totally fake until proven otherwise" is basically you straight up calling me a ball-faced liar, which I don't appreciate. If you have doubts that it's true then you should also have doubts that it's fake and remain in the middle until someone provides a video.

I never said you were ball-faced liar. If i think it's fake that doesn't mean I think your liar, it just means that without a video or reliable source how can I trust something that could have easily been typed up by anyone?
It was cheap, he may be a mega star but compared to michael jackson he is still nothing and is no one to talk about someone far more successfull than them. I will never forgive him for that video, the mans agenda is clear, sorry eminem fans, but i think he has cause a lot of problems for this world and is the opposite of the message michael tried to give.
I never said you were ball-faced liar. If i think it's fake that doesn't mean I think your liar, it just means that without a video or reliable source how can I trust something that could have easily been typed up by anyone?

Okay, I told you that I sat and watched this interview with my own eyes and remember these exact words, so you saying it is totally fake means that I am either a liar or am mentally ill. Once again, you don't know me so I understand if you choose not to completely believe it unless shown a clip, but how can you definitively say that it's 100% fake, especially if it takes so much evidence for you to definitively say it's 100% true? I wouldn't have cared if you had just said "I don't know if it's true or not" but flat out saying it's fake without PROOF of said fakeness is an unfounded attack on my honesty.
Okay, I told you that I sat and watched this interview with my own eyes and remember these exact words, so you saying it is totally fake means that I am either a liar or am mentally ill. Once again, you don't know me so I understand if you choose not to completely believe it unless shown a clip, but how can you definitively say that it's 100% fake, especially if it takes so much evidence for you to definitively say it's 100% true? I wouldn't have cared if you had just said "I don't know if it's true or not" but flat out saying it's fake without PROOF of said fakeness is an unfounded attack on my honesty.

I don't think your liar, or mentally ill, I don't at all..Don't think I'm attacking you in any way because I'm not at all. Your reading too much into me saying "It's fake until proven otherwise". I'm not denying if you saw it. And your right about staying in the middle, I will do that now..

It's just that Eminem showed me by creating that video he didn't care for Michael at all..The things said and done in that video are simply disgusting..I mean there's so much in that video,like to make fun of a situation that Michael almost died by in 1984? I don't see how a man could do that, then turn around and act like he's sorry..It's just hard for me to accept that. Like I said before that video was just one of the many factors in trying to portray Michael in such a negative light, hard to forgive something like that.

Anyways I'm going to bed, good night to you GMS and everyone :bye:
he made a video and song that can be played over and over again insinuating that Michael was guilty...

his apology don't mean sh**t!!
Ok, he didn't say all of that. Here is the transcript from MTV.

Yet for some reason, I would still pretty much swear I saw the parts of the interview not shown in the MTV article. Maybe it's an excerpt shown somewhere else but not originally broadcast on the special. I DO know I remember Sway asking if Em thinks MJ is weird and Em responding, "not really, the media blah blah blah blah, if there's one person targeted more than me it's MJ blah blah, MJ doesn't care what anyone thinks and I wish I had that attitude, etc." I've never been able to find it though, along with the part of the interview represented in the MTV article. For some reason footage of this interview seems to be a rare gem on the Internets.
and this is the video of the show. go to 1:25 point he says it was just spoofing, Michael is a legend and he's neutral in regards to Michael's personal life and business.

I don't think this is the interview in question because the subject of MJ was too brief. The one being referred to delved into the topic longer and included an apology. I think the one you posted was years later considering his hat says "Shady 08."
I don't think this is the interview in question because the subject of MJ was too brief. The one being referred to delved into the topic longer and included an apology. I think the one you posted was years later considering his hat says "Shady 08."

No, it's real. I saw it on MTV when it aired as part of a special promoting the Encore album. Don't have a link or anything,

see the link :

see the pictures on the top.

at the video I posted previously go to 4.30 minute that sway mentions "toy soldiers" from the new album - which was on the Encore

beginning of the second video ( mentions "it is time for Eminem's Encore (album)"

this is the aired MTV interview for Encore album like you said.
^ Hmm, touche. The hat threw me off. They're definitely not showing everything being said because I do know Em talked about MJ at greater length, and the clip is missing specific quotes I recall hearing out of his mouth. It's in the realm of possibility that there was another similar interview around the same time as well. It's just one of those things I guess *shrug*.
I remember that interview! Eminem was upset that BET wouldn't play (BANNED) his video. He even had a press released about how he was disappointed in BET!! But, MTV dumb asses stood by his side and not MJs! Like always! So I'm not surprised they got to ask about MJ!

So his apology is shit! In my opinion he was backtracking because he messed with the wrong guy in the music industry! Many felt it was very racist what he did to MJ in that video! Lots of people stood up for MJ like BET, Stevie wonder and of course fans! So he felt the heat! LMAO!

I stop liking Eminem because of that! You don't go around dissing other artist especially if they done nothing to u! That's why MJ quoted Stevie Wonder when he said "what Eminem did was B.S!" LOL I AGREE!

And Sway was an ass too he made fun of MJ before this interview! But, then he wanna act all emotional when MJ dies! o_O The hypocrisy! These people are the real freaks and the true weirdos! So PATHETIC!
I'm sorry but I think Eminem is a hypocrite. I lost respect for him a few years back, and what he did with that video was way out of line and disgusting.
The thing about Eminem is that he jokes and dissed everyone and everything, with very few things (if any) being off-limits. He's a rapper/comedian, and most of the time his stuff isn't too bad. The MJ-related tracks on Encore, however, were just plain nasty. They went too far and they touched upon really sensitive subjects. I thought him going there was inappropriate and nasty. I lost a lot of respect for him after that album, because he seemed to single Michael out.

It was not his usual joking like saying Kim Kardashian has a big ass, Jessica Simpson is fat, etc. It was really agressively attacking Michael almost exclusively. To me, there is nothing he can say that can justify what he did. I definitely look at him differently now, but I wouldn't hold a past episode over him forever. I hope he knows, and I am sure now more than ever he knows, how much it hurt Michael, who has never done that to anyone. :(
michael's fans defended him and we were very upset about the eminem video ...we created an entire movement so eminem was forced to kind of apologize...
The thing about Eminem is that he jokes and dissed everyone and everything, with very few things (if any) being off-limits. He's a rapper/comedian, and most of the time his stuff isn't too bad. The MJ-related tracks on Encore, however, were just plain nasty. They went too far and they touched upon really sensitive subjects. I thought him going there was inappropriate and nasty. I lost a lot of respect for him after that album, because he seemed to single Michael out.

It was not his usual joking like saying Kim Kardashian has a big ass, Jessica Simpson is fat, etc. It was really agressively attacking Michael almost exclusively. To me, there is nothing he can say that can justify what he did. I definitely look at him differently now, but I wouldn't hold a past episode over him forever. I hope he knows, and I am sure now more than ever he knows, how much it hurt Michael, who has never done that to anyone. :(

I see what you mean and i agree as well, at the time Michael was going through enough shit already and here comes a rather popular rap artist dissing you. Like Stevie Wonder said 'Kicking a man when he's down' and that's exactly how it is. Even to this day i hate the video, the song itself is stupid anyway, no question. The whole hair on fire thing, nose falling off and so on went way too far. But i've forgotten about it, i enjoy his new music now ,which is more serious and grown up and thats good.
I don't think I've seen the video =O just the lyrics in just lose it. saying in the interview joking about the nose.. um no it was a joke about the accusations. I died when I heard it.
I don't think I've seen the video =O just the lyrics in just lose it. saying in the interview joking about the nose.. um no it was a joke about the accusations. I died when I heard it.

Thing is lets say he's telling the truth and it wasn't a joke which i don't believe for one second, then he was selfish as hell, his millions of fans won't realise it's a joke, i can't stand the man he's plain thick if he doesn't realise his influence over peoples opinions and actions when he is that big, i've watched 10, 11 year olds listening to some of his extreemely explicit songs from his early years giving them a totally distored picture of reality and ill never forgive him for that, people take his lyrics more seriously than you'd think.

He is clearly jealous, cause he is a pretty big name in the industry, but he is way of the next level of the true greats, and he tried to take on the all time great monolith MJJ turning to childish antics to try and boost his career, the agenda is clear for all to see. I become infuriated when i hear people say he is talented and has clever lyrics, he is just a thug sadly behind all the dressage, never liked him and that video was the final nail in the coffin. I get very mad when comedians take the piss out of him, taking a hit at someone who revolutionized things and changed the world just to boost their pathetic little careers. You would think after doing everything he had being that big, acheiving so much that he would have earnt some respect and be immune for cheap playground bullying, but thats just the nature of most humans im afraid.
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