

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I am in the washington, DC. metro area and we are having some snow today. Anyone else having any???

I love snow!!!
I love snow too!
Unfortunately winter hasn't been very snowy so far here in Finland :( We only have little frost on the ground and trees but that's beautiful too. I'd like to have big piles of snow until Christmas but that's probably not going to happen.. but I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Great that you're having some snow too! :give_heart:
Since morning here In VA!! But its now was white outside b4, but now its like mud mixed with snow...

But I was soo i put on Jackson's/Michael's Christmas songs...ohh was beautiful!

Romi where I am it is now snowing.....only suppose to get a dusting though...I heard maybe 1-3 inches..
Yep, we got some snow today and I hate it! lol. I'm a big summer person and I hate the cold and snow. But yep, it snowed pretty much all day. It didn't lay though. However, there was just a terrible accident up the street from me due to black ice.
Unfair i want snow 2 :(

It's going into summer here and we missed out on snow in winter so have to wait till next winter
Yep, we got some snow today and I hate it! lol. I'm a big summer person and I hate the cold and snow. But yep, it snowed pretty much all day. It didn't lay though. However, there was just a terrible accident up the street from me due to black ice.

yeah I agree with you...I am not a snow lover at all.....I only like to see it come down..I think it is beautiful...after that I really have no use for it....I absolutely detest the cold weather...ewww....I like spring..:)
it never snows in Ireland.. :(

Really? I would expect it to snow there. It never snows where I am either and I've never seen snow (except for on TV lol). We are just getting rain in my area.

When I was a kid they had a snow day where we'd get dressed up in warm clothes and they'd have a pile of shaved ice and we'd play around in that. :D
No way!
We had some 30+ celcius degrees today and we had our first "Beat it" flashmob today, so it was really hot while we were walking and dancing and running from one place to the other. But that was so cool! (though we did poorly... 100% passion, 10% style hahahhaa :D).

Nice. Under snow and sun, MJ fans stand together :)
Man, is it cold now. Old man winter sure is here. Had to scrape off the ice when I got off from work. That sucked. LOL!
We had snow here in WV yesterday, and some of the roads were actually icy, but not too bad. Icy roads is the only thing I dislike about the winter weather. I love it when the trees get a dusting of snow on the pretty! :)
Yes!!!! And I'm in freakin Houston! It was a record breaking snow fall. And it's too cold, and we don't know how to drive in this stuff so there have been so many wrecks! But it was so beautiful!
We had snow here in WV yesterday, and some of the roads were actually icy, but not too bad. Icy roads is the only thing I dislike about the winter weather. I love it when the trees get a dusting of snow on the pretty! :)

My brother in law and his family are in WV. They said they had 5 inches. We will be visiting them in January.
My brother in law and his family are in WV. They said they had 5 inches. We will be visiting them in January.

Wow! 5 inches! We didn't get that much in my area of WV....we got a light dusting on the ground here.

Have a fun and safe trip to WV in January!! :) WV is a beautiful place.
It´s supposed to snow at the weekend here...:mello:
At least thats what they said in the news.
I don´t like snow.:no::no:
Only on Christmas then i love it, but when christmas is over then i´m ready for spring
and wait for the summer....:clapping::cheeky:
No snow! Something is wrong with NYC, it's broken or something. It's usually been snowing for months by this point! It's a high of 50 today...I don't get it. :no:
Before I clicked this thread, I thought it was about the reggae artist called Snow. Here is his hit "Informer":

And the spoof by Jim Carrey:
I'd like snow if it would just magically land on the ground and not the roads.
And I hate the combo of wind and snow. It sucks. Yesterday it was so cold between snow, wind, and ice.. My car doors froze.. brrr.. There's also a drift in my apartment covered all my windows with plastic, but its on the door. I almost need a new one, but i dont count on my landlord for much.
I'd like snow if it would just magically land on the ground and not the roads.
And I hate the combo of wind and snow. It sucks. Yesterday it was so cold between snow, wind, and ice.. My car doors froze.. brrr.. There's also a drift in my apartment covered all my windows with plastic, but its on the door. I almost need a new one, but i dont count on my landlord for much.
Nothing is more fun than a windy snow storm! :D Unless you're outside..though sometimes that's fun too! I love to sit inside and watch the rain with a cup of hot chocolate.

We have a tiny layer of snow right now but I'd like to have much more. There's still over a week 'til Christmas! *fingers crossed*
England is lucky to get any snow these days.
We had some snow in November or even the end of Ocstober, I don`t remember :eek: but now it only often rains, I hate such weather:/
Nothing is more fun than a windy snow storm! :D Unless you're outside..though sometimes that's fun too! I love to sit inside and watch the rain with a cup of hot chocolate.

We have a tiny layer of snow right now but I'd like to have much more. There's still over a week 'til Christmas! *fingers crossed*

I totally agree!!! Love it!!!
It was really cold when I woke up this morning - I jumped out of bed thinking that maybe we have snow, but it was just frost :lol:

We don't generally get snow til february in the UK anyway :p