Sir Michael Jackson

What MJ should do is legally change his name to King Michael Jackson! Imagine what the tabloids would say!

The only thing missing in this picture is the crown


He could get knighted but he's just not allowed to use the title of 'Sir' as an American (same goes for anyone outside of the Commonwealth countries).

Ooops, just saw that someone posted that article on the page before :)
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Well i thunk he deserves a knighthood to be honest.
I searched the three words "Michael Jackson Kighthood" on google and all i got was this rappy article:
I mean come on, Paul McPartney, Michael Jackson, Elton John, who is the biggest there, who made the biggest contributions to .... everything... THATS RIGHT, MJ DID , SO WHY IS HE NOT "Sir Michael Jackson" YET!

Because he is black. :(
Like others have said, Michael is not from the UK , so it wouldn't happen anyway (thankfully lol) but I find titles like this to be dumb and pretentious. I was glad when David Bowie (among others)turned down the chance to be knighted. I really think these titles are pointless and really don't serve any purpose other than building up famous people's already huge ego's.
tho i dont know if the americans have their own version of "knighting"?
but i dont think he`d want to be knighted i think knighting is a lotta crap anyhow lol
^Andymachine, you don't need to have a new post for sentence, unless you are trying to bump your post count :p
I hear that the british made the Americans sign a treaty stating that they would not create any knighthoods or royalties when they took over the rule of the country and that is why America has no kings, queens or knights.
I hear that the british made the Americans sign a treaty stating that they would not create any knighthoods or royalties when they took over the rule of the country and that is why America has no kings, queens or knights.

Lol, love it. We rule all...!
Some great thread speaker said it best:

Mike has a title that is more important than anything Europe can title him as:


I tend to agree. :p
he is american royality . i think he can get a honarary knighthood from the queen . steven spielberg got one.