Sir Michael Jackson

So Diana had the tile 'lady' even though see was just a descendant of King Charles II's illegitimate children? I didn't know that.
Her father had an hereditary peerage. The type that pases down from father to sons. He may have got ot for doing good deeds for the monarchy. Earl Spencer had one son who was Vicount. When his father died he inherited the title, so he is now Earl Spencer. Diana had 2 sisters, all of them carried the titled 'Lady'. It is not a very high honour. The Queens helpers have that title as well. The only way Diana could have kept her title after marriage was to marry a Lord or marry into title which she did at the highest level.:)
That's interesting Datsymay. I was wondering, do you know what would happen if after Diana divorced Charles, she married Michael? Just for arguments sake. Would Michael be a prince, or would he be nothing? Did Diana retain her "Princess" title after the divorce?
Michael isn't British, so it's impossible for Michael to become a Sir Michael Jackson. Besides, does Michael Jackson really need to be a "Sir", because there are so many Sir's. Just being Michael Jackson, the King of Pop who's is increasingly referred to as a genius as time goes by is far more impressive than being a Sir.
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That's interesting Datsymay. I was wondering, do you know what would happen if after Diana divorced Charles, she married Michael? Just for arguments sake. Would Michael be a prince, or would he be nothing? Did Diana retain her "Princess" title after the divorce?
By tradition, when a prince divorces his wife, the monarch may use it's discretion about what title she retains. Charles and Diana's divorce was ordered by the queen during a most hostile relationship, Afeter the divorce, Diana was stripped of her royal privalege and became a commoner again. This meant that she would not receive the royal curtesy and she would not be called. HRH anymore. Howver, she would be addressed as Diana, Princess of opposed to 'The Princess of Wales. The bolded title symbolises that the partner is now divorced from her husband.
So technically, Diana was no longer a princess when she died.
In British royalty, titles are only passed on from the male line, except in the case of a female monarchy. The queens daughter,Princess Anne, royal by birth, married a commoner and had two children. None of them carry a title. Of course had the queen given Princess Anne's husband a title, the children would also have had a title.
No, Had D and MJ married, Neither of them would have had a title, but there would have been an uproar from the media such as never been seen before and maybe an invasion of America.:)
Really? lol. An invasion of the US because someone practically kicked out of the royal family married a US pop star? There'd be a lot of media attention and they'd be the talk of the century. But I wonder why you think there'd even possibly be an invasion of the US?
Really? lol. An invasion of the US because someone practically kicked out of the royal family married a US pop star? There'd be a lot of media attention and they'd be the talk of the century. But I wonder why you think there'd even possibly be an invasion of the US?
I was just joking bob. I am not a member of the armed forces so I can't say that there would be an invasion.
I don't think anything would have hapened if they had been married beside the media having a nervous breakdown,(joking).
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The media would absolutely go nuts. Can you think of any high profile relationship in the last 50 years that would even come close to Princess Diana marrying Michael Jackson? I couldn't even comprehend the media backlash over a relationship like that. OMG!
as others have already said u dont have to be british to get kighhood they give honoury ones. ppl such as bob geldorf bono etc.
Well most of the non Britons "honorably knighted" were either from other European countries that actually CONNECTED to ties with the UK (Ireland's Bono and Van Morrison for example). I forgot where Bob Geldof comes from but I think he's been living in the UK for a good minute.

And the Americans "honorably knighted" were born in the UK (Liz Taylor, Steven Spielberg). So that could only explain why Michael Joseph Jackson (of Gary, Indiana) probably WON'T be knighted.
steven wasnt born in the uk the end of the day mj is to controversal to ever be recognised in such a way unless a big fan becomes king lol.anyway who wants him to get means nothing nowadays
Well most of the non Britons "honorably knighted" were either from other European countries that actually CONNECTED to ties with the UK (Ireland's Bono and Van Morrison for example). I forgot where Bob Geldof comes from but I think he's been living in the UK for a good minute.

And the Americans "honorably knighted" were born in the UK (Liz Taylor, Steven Spielberg). So that could only explain why Michael Joseph Jackson (of Gary, Indiana) probably WON'T be knighted.

Good point.

As far as I'm aware Steven Spielberg was born in the USA, Cincinnati, Ohio not in Great Britain. The fact he made Saving Private Ryan (mainly about the US army) which is set in the 2nd world war, and the fact he's made a great contribution to the British film industry through his great use if Pinewood Studios (he's use of the studios will have generated a lot of money in the UK)in the UK will have greatly contributed to his nomination for his knighthood.

I think for Michael to receive a knighthood (and he could in 5 to 20yrs time). Michael would have to give something to the Great Britain, such as recording albums with British producers and musicians. And although Michael has been very generous with his money when giving to UK based charities, he would have to give a greater contribution, to give Michael even more of a British connection that he appears to have. As Knighthoods are nominated by communities and peers, so Michael would have to form a closure bond to the British entertainment business or charities to receive a nomination for a knighthood.

Some countries give their top honors just on the cultural impact a famous person has. And just on cultural impact in Great Britain Michael deserves one. But the British "establishment" is very selective, and cultural impact isn't exactly what they look for. Besides I'm have no idea why some people are Kinghted, Dames or receive any kind of honor when what they are supposed to have contributed to British society is of no importance at all.
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Michael isn't British, so it's impossible for Michael to become a Sir Michael Jackson. Besides, does Michael Jackson really need to be a "Sir", because there are so many Sir's. Just being Michael Jackson, the King of Pop who's is increasingly referred to as a genius as time goes by is far more impressive than being a Sir.

True, his name only is enough.
Good point.

As far as I'm aware Steven Spielberg was born in the USA, Cincinnati, Ohio not in Great Britain. The fact he made Saving Private Ryan (mainly about the US army) which is set in the 2nd world war, and the fact he's made a great contribution to the British film industry through his great use if Pinewood Studios (he's use of the studios will have generated a lot of money in the UK)in the UK will have greatly contributed to his nomination for his knighthood.

I think for Michael to receive a knighthood (and he could in 5 to 20yrs time). Michael would have to give something to the Great Britain, such as recording albums with British producers and musicians. And although Michael has been very generous with his money when giving to UK based charities, he would have to give a greater contribution, to give Michael even more of a British connection that he appears to have. As Knighthoods are nominated by communities and peers, so Michael would have to form a closure bond to the British entertainment business or charities to receive a nomination for a knighthood.

Some countries give their top honors just on the cultural impact a famous person has. And just on cultural impact in Great Britain Michael deserves one. But the British "establishment" is very selective, and cultural impact isn't exactly what they look for. Besides I'm have no idea why some people are Kinghted, Dames or receive any kind of honor when what they are supposed to have contributed to British society is of no importance at all.

For Mike to be knighted in anyway, he probably have to be living in England for a good minute (say 15 years), lol. The UK only looks at Michael as American-based. Then again, ask yourself why Steven got an honorary knighthood (if that is in fact true).
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Michael isn't British, so it's impossible for Michael to become a Sir Michael Jackson. Besides, does Michael Jackson really need to be a "Sir", because there are so many Sir's. Just being Michael Jackson, the King of Pop who's is increasingly referred to as a genius as time goes by is far more impressive than being a Sir.

wow i'm from england and i never knew that :unsure: i feel embarrassed
wow i'm from england and i never knew that :unsure: i feel embarrassed

I knew that for a good minute. But yeah, you have to be a Briton to be referred to as "Sir" or "Dame". Liz, I think, is referred as "Dame" because she was actually born in England. That I do know.
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Hasn't this already happened? Macho J.acko is already a sir
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Uh... no. :lol: And "king" is better than "sir", thank ya very much.

Michael Jackson is a sir, I promise you. If you do a little research, you will find it to be 100% true. He has made great contributions to Britain and deserves his knighthood completely.
That is the Sir Mike Jackson who was captain of the Army in Iraq.

Ja, a very brave man. His Macho J.acko nickname is quite amusing, isn't it? Seriously though, this really isn't going to happen to the other Mr. Jackson unless many things change.
Or that she was joking?
I am not Joking. Sir Mike Jackson was the captain who led the British troops in Iraq until his retirement about a year ago. He later complained about the inadequate equipment for the soldiers there, and embarrassed the british govt. I remember him well cause he was in the news a lot during the MJ crises, and people were saying,'No not THAT Michael jackson'.:)
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Dear Yahoo!:How exactly does one get knighted?Liam
Walla Walla, Washington Dear Liam:We assume you're asking about becoming a Knight of the British Empire. That's the knighthood that has honored people like Sir Paul McCartney, Dame Maggie Smith, and Rudy Giuliani. Other monarchies and even the French Republic award knighthoods. There are also fraternal organizations that refer to their members as knights, such as Knights of Columbus, a Catholic lay order, and the Knights Templar, a Masonic order. But British knightings tend to get the most attention.
The sovereign of the United Kingdom (currently Queen Elizabeth II) is traditionally referred to as the "fountain of honour," the source of titles such as knighthoods, awarded in recognition of service. Various honorific orders exist, but not all of them include knighthood. Recipients of the four highest orders, including the Order of the Garter, are personally chosen by the sovereign. The Cabinet Office of the U.K suggests the rest of the honorees for the sovereign's approval.
Anyone can nominate a British citizen for knighthood or other royal honors (although self-nomination is discouraged). Nominations from the public account for about a quarter of all recommendations. The Prime Minister and government departments usually submit the rest of the recommendations for the biannual Honors List.
The Order of the British Empire is perhaps the most common knighthood given today. It's frequently awarded to civilians for public service and contributions to the nation. Many British scientists, educators, doctors, nurses, charitable and social workers, business people, athletes, writers, actors, musicians, and artists have received this distinction.
Foreign nationals can also be knighted, but they are not allowed to use the title "Sir" or "Dame" before their names (sorry, Rudy), although they can add "KBE" after their names. The U.K. Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs usually nominates foreigners for knighthood and similar honors. Foreign knighthoods are conferred based on a person's contribution to relations between their country and Britain.

I found the above article on yahoo
Honorary knighthoods are awarded by the queen, on the advice of the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, to those who have made an important contribution to relations between their country and Britain.
Foreign nationals just cannot use the title Sir/Dame.
Pre allegations I am almost sure MJ would be a candidate for British Knightwood / Post false allegations I am not so sure anymore but anything is possible. But maybe MJ does'nt need the title of Sir because we have already crowned him King :punk:
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What MJ should do is legally change his name to King Michael Jackson! Imagine what the tabloids would say!
What MJ should do is legally change his name to King Michael Jackson! Imagine what the tabloids would say!

That would be funny but the tabloids would be horrible!
It would probably bring Mj to making another song like, Privacy, Tabloid Junkie or Leave Me Alone.

Michael is the true KING OF MUSIC!

Anyone up for starting a petition on petition spot for Mj to be knighted?, its just ridicules that he isnt....
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