Signature involvement in 02 concerts

screen dumpe from Max Jax

1. You are guys sure it's really him? I mean, some people have no lives and post as someone else. Just look at me, I'm not the Bruce Wayne :p

2. Having Signature opening might not be the most epic thing in history but at the end of the day we will always find something to complain about. If it's not the opening act it's the popcorn, the lightning, the sound system, the waiting line e.t.c.

Me personally don't give a !½"# about the opening acts, I have much worse things to worry about. If I can make it to London with good health, get into my seat and watch the entire Michael Jackson concert and leave in one piece I'm more than happy.

What I'm trying to say is don't stress about this small stuff, if you guys really hate Signature that much then just don't show up early.
1. You are guys sure it's really him? I mean, some people have no lives and post as someone else. Just look at me, I'm not the Bruce Wayne :p

2. Having Signature opening might not be the most epic thing in history but at the end of the day we will always find something to complain about. If it's not the opening act it's the popcorn, the lightning, the sound system, the waiting line e.t.c.

Me personally don't give a !½"# about the opening acts, I have much worse things to worry about. If I can make it to London with good health, get into my seat and watch the entire Michael Jackson concert and leave in one piece I'm more than happy.

What I'm trying to say is don't stress about this small stuff, if you guys really hate Signature that much then just don't show up early.

You make a good point!

I guess someone over at MaxJax might know if it actually is him??
1. You are guys sure it's really him? I mean, some people have no lives and post as someone else. Just look at me, I'm not the Bruce Wayne :p
No shit! Damn, and I was so honored to post at the same board than Batman.... another illusion shattered! ;)
What I'm trying to say is don't stress about this small stuff, if you guys really hate Signature that much then just don't show up early.

And when Michael performs Dangerous I must go out of the venue and then come back 5 min later? because he is dancing there aswell...

I would like to know if all this is true, can someone please say soon? because this Signature thread keeps coming up every so often and we still do not know if this is true after so many posts...
Wow, I really hope they're not. I don't like the idea of that at all. :bugeyed
And when Michael performs Dangerous I must go out of the venue and then come back 5 min later? because he is dancing there aswell...

I would like to know if all this is true, can someone please say soon? because this Signature thread keeps coming up every so often and we still do not know if this is true after so many posts...

Look... there are some MJ numbers that I don't find that exciting neither, but what I wanted to say is that try not to let a minor thing like this ruin the whole show for you guys.
I mean, wait at least until you've seen the show, then go all "Kanye West" on them :)
If I wanted to see a tribute act I would go to Thriller live or one of the old MJ day's. Good for them if they do have the job, but I must admit it is not my cup of tea.
I contacted Suleman Earlier today
when I first saw this message being posted
This was his reply to me

Mickie Qbees

Today at 3:58pm

Hi Suleman

A story is circulating on MJ fans boards
that you wrote this message _

It is my understanding that performers
dancers and musiciand are under contract
that inculdes a gag order not to discuss any
details of the shows

can you please state if you are
responsible for this message
Luv yu Mickie

Suleman from Signature has confirmed that Signature will be performing with MJ at The O2 and also gave the following info:

"As I am currently in the USA I now have been given permission to give the following information.

Myself and Madhu are going through some fine tuning for our opening act for Michael's tour.
We have been commisioned to dance 2 numbers for the opening act, 1 of which will open the main start of his show.
We will be performing our rendition of "billie jean", followed by a collabaration with myself and Michael of "Dangerous"

It was a long and hard negotiation to make as we were fighting off a great performer "Navi".

We are very honoured to have this opportunity, we hope that this information is of use to the fans around the world.

See you at the O2


PS While im still here....

Q1... We are only available for a select number. We are, however, trying to arrange to free up our dates to include more. I can tell you that the last 5 date Michael will be surprising you.

Q2... It goes without saying that there should be other acts. If we cannot make all the dates then there is a backup plan.

Although I cant be sure on this, I thought I heard meantions of Slash returning on guitar."


Suleman Mirza

Today at 9:18pm

THIS IS A FAKE POST please spread thwe is not me...i have posted an official statement regarding this on MJJC forum...

please let ppl know that the post is by an imposter..



Mickie Qbees

Today at 11:21pm

Thank You Suleman :)
I didnt think it was you
it just didnt seem right
Im suprised so many fans
fell for it

Thanks for the response
God Bless
I contacted Suleman Earlier today
when I first saw this message being posted
This was his reply to me

Mickie Qbees

Today at 3:58pm

Hi Suleman

A story is circulating on MJ fans boards
that you wrote this message _

It is my understanding that performers
dancers and musiciand are under contract
that inculdes a gag order not to discuss any
details of the shows

can you please state if you are
responsible for this message
Luv yu Mickie

Suleman from Signature has confirmed that Signature will be performing with MJ at The O2 and also gave the following info:

"As I am currently in the USA I now have been given permission to give the following information.

Myself and Madhu are going through some fine tuning for our opening act for Michael's tour.
We have been commisioned to dance 2 numbers for the opening act, 1 of which will open the main start of his show.
We will be performing our rendition of "billie jean", followed by a collabaration with myself and Michael of "Dangerous"

It was a long and hard negotiation to make as we were fighting off a great performer "Navi".

We are very honoured to have this opportunity, we hope that this information is of use to the fans around the world.

See you at the O2


PS While im still here....

Q1... We are only available for a select number. We are, however, trying to arrange to free up our dates to include more. I can tell you that the last 5 date Michael will be surprising you.

Q2... It goes without saying that there should be other acts. If we cannot make all the dates then there is a backup plan.

Although I cant be sure on this, I thought I heard meantions of Slash returning on guitar."


Suleman Mirza

Today at 9:18pm

THIS IS A FAKE POST please spread thwe is not me...i have posted an official statement regarding this on MJJC forum...

please let ppl know that the post is by an imposter..



Mickie Qbees

Today at 11:21pm

Thank You Suleman :)
I didnt think it was you
it just didnt seem right
Im suprised so many fans
fell for it

Thanks for the response
God Bless

Thanks for posting this qbee and clearing things up.

So it was an imposter then, they fooled so many people into thinking that they were the real deal including myself, I hope whoever wrote that fake post is ashamed of themselves.

I have big support for Signature and loved what they did on Britain's Got Talent :).
Ladies & Gents...

If we think logically about this..."I doubt it"...

Its Signatures way of expressing wishful thinking, and a great marketing (PR) ploy for their exposure...

But hey, what do I know...anything in life is possible...

:angel:Knowledge IS Growth