Signature involvement in 02 concerts

Who has MJ had open his shows in the past? I actually don't know because i've never seen him live... hmm? Does anybody know :huh:
can we all please be realistic here

as much is signature are great and good fun, can you really see them either opening the show or being a part of it ?

Michael does everything 'BIG' and sadly i dont think signature will be apart of it
Cassy!! I agree 100%!
Great minds think alike!

I like Signature and all, but they really annoy me sometimes. All they ever talk about is themselves. I mean, rightfully so, but still. They've gotten more self centered since they've been on all these shows. If anything, their being conceited is making me less of a fan. I so hope Michael decides against them. They'd be awesome for after-party, though, but there's no live performers during those.
Noway are they low grade :p and the songs have the bollywood twist!! once again amazing!! contempry.

And LOVING the idea of a dance off..

Dont get me wrong, I love Signature, but when names like AKON and NEYO are being mentioned they dont really make the equation
I like Signature and all, but they really annoy me sometimes. All they ever talk about is themselves. I mean, rightfully so, but still. They've gotten more self centered since they've been on all these shows. If anything, their being conceited is making me less of a fan. I so hope Michael decides against them. They'd be awesome for after-party, though, but there's no live performers during those.
Michaholic, you really don't have any idea about them, yet you speak and comment quite negatively with this assumed knowledge. It's like what MJ said; "Never judge a man unless you have walked 2 moons in his moccasins." So let's leave the pre-judging to one side.
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Personally, I would love it if Singature supported MJ. They really know how to put on a show (having played to sell-out shows at O2 Arena 4 times in the last 9 months) and as they have supported him publically, it would be quite fitting. HOWEVER, as the main show is what we are paing our tickets for, any support act is a's not part of the show......!!!!! So why don't we just wait and see.....and enjoy and trust whoever MJ selects.

MJ KNOWS MORE THAN US......he's seen all the Greats.....if he decides on Signature or a kangaroo from Australia, who the heck are we to challenge or question him? It's his show. He has a right to do what he likes.....I'M HAPPY TO BE SEEING MJ, THE KING HIMSELF FOR THE FIRST TIME.....and I'm not bothered in the slightest who supports him.
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If I'm not mistaken, they 'leaked' a story about them performing with Michael months ago too. I said then, and I say it again: if you are in talks for anything, you don't blab about it. I would be very surprised if this turned out to be true. But if they prove me wrong... great for them!

Who has MJ had open his shows in the past?

On the Bad tour it was Kim Wilde (great opening act, great woman).
Dangerous tour had Kris Kross and Rozalla.
I think on HIStory he had changing acts. I remember DJ bobo for a couple of shows. I don't even remember the opening act from his concerts in Amsterdam.
Aw wow thank you for telling me! I had no idea :lol:

I agree with mo_rizwan, all i am bothered about is actually seeing MJ, someone said after a discussion about the opening acts they "don't even think they wanna go to the concert anymore"... how stupid is that seriously?
all i want is to see Michael Jackson! and whoever is lucky enough to open the show, well thats a bonus :)

lets just stay positive and concentrate on MICHAEL JACKSON!
I mean, when it comes to the discussions of the shows when the shows start, i don't think the subject will be on the opening.. it will be about Michael :)
Michaholic, you really don't have any idea about them, yet you speak and comment quite negatively with this assumed knowledge. It's like what MJ said; "Never judge a man unless you have walked 2 moons in his moccasins." So let's leave the pre-judging to one side.
I just LOVE how you assume I talk before knowing anything. I DO know them. LOL. I've talked to Madhu a LOT more than Suleman and will say, at least Madhu asks how my family is. The only time I ever hear from Suleman is when he's promoting himself. I'm not pleading the fifth. I probably would do the same, but to a point. I like to be a friend to my friends. I do stand corrected. I didn't Mean Signature makes me less of a fan of them. SULEMAN makes me less of a fan of SULEMAN as a person, not performer. I'd pay to see them any day. They both rock.

And for the record, I do NOT pre-judge. Mmmkay! :tease::smilerolleyes::cheers:

Now everyone, back on topic! :D Em, I agree. CONCENTRATE ON MICHAEL!!! ALL THE WAY!
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Aw wow thank you for telling me! I had no idea :lol:

I agree with mo_rizwan, all i am bothered about is actually seeing MJ, someone said after a discussion about the opening acts they "don't even think they wanna go to the concert anymore"... how stupid is that seriously?
all i want is to see Michael Jackson! and whoever is lucky enough to open the show, well thats a bonus :)

lets just stay positive and concentrate on MICHAEL JACKSON!
I mean, when it comes to the discussions of the shows when the shows start, i don't think the subject will be on the opening.. it will be about Michael :)

I said that in this thread and how is it stuipd? I don't wanna end up going to a show that has so many people that i dislike (performing wise) and one that I like. I don't want to see another "Michael Jackson and Friends"

Coming on before Michael is something else and with him is something else. We'll see what happens and don't walk about calling people STUIPD BECAUSE YOU DON'T AGREE WITH THEM!
Signature are not my cup of tea, but they have mass appeal, just like Akon and other people! Signature wont be doing a warm-up cuz they aint gonna play no mj til he is on stage, maybe an aftershow slot or something like that, if anything.

People have got to remember, Michael might have alot of guests and others swarming around these concerts but its his word at the end of the day, if he wants them there then its not for us to say

YOU WILL SEE MICHAEL!!!!! What you paid for and want, but anything else is a bonus
I am sorry DanceOfZenab1994 i didn't mean it that way :( I just don't see the big deal about the opening act, has it been a big deal in the past?
Oh well, i'm just greatful i'm getting to see Michael Jackson. I really don't mind who gets to open the show. Nothings been confirmed yet so lets just wait :D
and keep in mind we're going to SEE MICHAEL JACKSON :D!
I am sorry DanceOfZenab1994 i didn't mean it that way :( I just don't see the big deal about the opening act, has it been a big deal in the past?
Oh well, i'm just greatful i'm getting to see Michael Jackson. I really don't mind who gets to open the show. Nothings been confirmed yet so lets just wait :D
and keep in mind we're going to SEE MICHAEL JACKSON :D!

It's okay, it's just that i see it as the more of other artists, the less of Michael.
I've been thinking, and have decided that the reason i'd like to see Signature perform is that it would be good to see an act paying hommage to Michael as an artist. The world outside of the fan community has been constantly reminded in recent years that Michael is still HOT and HAPPENING if you like, and having Signature there would be a good build-up. It would also encourage people to come along and listen during the support, supposing that's what they're doing. If they came on with Michael during the main show, it would get people talking!! It's unlikely that they'd dance to more than one song if they were on with Michael, so what's the problem? This show is going to be so carefully planned i don't think we should worry about it.
^^I don't think either...
Mj is a pro..he KNOWS what looks good and not in his shows..
I'm sure he knows what he's doing and we can't complain that much before we've seen it and u never know :D people hating the idea might be surprised...
I just LOVE how you assume I talk before knowing anything. I DO know them. LOL. I've talked to Madhu a LOT more than Suleman and will say, at least Madhu asks how my family is. The only time I ever hear from Suleman is when he's promoting himself. I'm not pleading the fifth. I probably would do the same, but to a point. I like to be a friend to my friends.

I know for a fact 100% fact that you don't "know" them. Don't make yourself look a fool because I can prove it.
Ad long as they are a tribute band to michael jackson they won't have anything to do with the show.
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The report is from 'The Sun', so I don't think we should place that muce credibility on it :)
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swirly, roll up the sun newspaper and give him a whack or two on the head. :p
I'm gonna say it only once cuz ya'll know better. The ugliness in here is to stop. You got issues take them off MJJC or to pm where the rest of the board doesn't have to suffer your issues.

Respect and play nicely.
dont really see why they would be involved. maybe as one of several support acts but i really dont see that. no dsrespect to them but this is a highly produced show we are talking about with big name support acts not an MJ day