second single after 'hold my hand'?

I've listen to INVINCIBLE thousand times, and got usual by his "Invincible era" voice

i always think BN is MJ

Is "Monster" really gonna be the next single??
^ Non fans don't think it's MJ because they think any song that doesnt sound like Billie Jean isn't him. They haven't heard 2000 Watts or Money or Shout, etc. MJ has many vocal outlets. He was always trying new things. The difference is this:

For the first time ever, MJ was not here to prepare the final product. All of his amazing arrangements and producing abilities are non existent. What we are left with is a different sound.

I look at it like this: even if you are a fan that believes 3 songs are not fully MJ, that still leaves 7 beautiful songs that are 100% MJ in everyones mind. Isn't that enough to support the album? This is MJ's first posthumous album of new material and that booklet will contain new pics of MJ, lyrics, and album art, etc. What I am saying is this: can the album fan critics overlook their opinions of those 3 songs and still support a Michael Jackson product?
^There are also fans, many of them long-time fans, who don't believe its MJ.
^ Non fans don't think it's MJ because they think any song that doesnt sound like Billie Jean isn't him. They haven't heard 2000 Watts or Money or Shout, etc. MJ has many vocal outlets. He was always trying new things. The difference is this:

For the first time ever, MJ was not here to prepare the final product. All of his amazing arrangements and producing abilities are non existent. What we are left with is a different sound.

I look at it like this: even if you are a fan that believes 3 songs are not fully MJ, that still leaves 7 beautiful songs that are 100% MJ in everyones mind. Isn't that enough to support the album? This is MJ's first posthumous album of new material and that booklet will contain new pics of MJ, lyrics, and album art, etc. What I am saying is this: can the album fan critics overlook their opinions of those 3 songs and still support a Michael Jackson product?

Thats fair, but you also have to ask yourself would MJ have approved of 3 fake tracks being on his album ? How upset would he have been to think his fans were being made to pay for songs that weren't even him.

I also think you're insulting the intelligence of nearly everyone by saying they dont think a song that sounds different than Billie Jean is him. Everyone is certain that Hold My Hand is him ... but Breaking News. No.

The other very sad fact is this. What are we supporting ? MJ isn't here to enjoy the success of an album. The public perception doesnt matter anymore. Nobody cares about his sales. He is already down in the history books as the greatest. MJ is not here to care if this album doesnt sell more than every other this year. This is all for profit and all to prop up already bulging bank accounts.
^ Well with that mindset, you might as well sign off the forums and never come back. The reality is that now that MJ is gone... all we have are these projects. Technically anything the estate announces will be seen as negative in some fans minds. You have two options:

1) you support the new MJ ventures

2) you don't

It's that simple. But it's the estates job to keep MJ's legacy alive for new generations who are less familiar with his work. This is done through new albums, new singles, new DVD packages, Cirque concert deals, product endorsements, video games, online virtual games, movies, etc. Michael would have never wanted the world to see This Is It , but nobody complained about that.

The point I'm making here is this: Once an artist dies, the estate and record companies always release material and new projects. Just look at Elvis, Bob Marley, etc. This is the way the music business works. I understand that some fans don't like it, but look at it this way: Michael Jackson loved his 3 children more than any other people on this planet. And every album you buy, you will put $2.50 in their pockets. Any estate endorsed project you will give them money for their future. That's one positive you can find out of this.
I agree with smooth about this, actually.

I'm with you on most of your other points, but I think that, even though the estate and Sony are here to make money and to make sure that the money earned from MJ products goes to the appropriate places, it is also the fans who want this material. I was really looking forward to hearing what was left in the vaults and to see what producers could do with his work.

I think I was pretty reasonable in my expectations. I didn't expect an album the likes of what was released when he was alive. I expected maybe a few background singers to flesh out background melodies that weren't finished, for producers to touch up songs, etc. I'm even okay with the use of ad-libs from past songs (though I expected them to be a little less obvious than what we heard on Breaking News and the snippet of Monster).

However, I was not expecting anything even near the likes of Breaking News. I really hope that for the next single, it is NOT Monster if the snippet is a sign of what the song sounds like. I guess it doesn't really matter, since it will be on the album anyways, but I would much prefer Another Day, or Best of Joy or Hollywood Tonight if they're melodically strong.
^ I've been a fan of MJ since 2003, so over 7 years. I've listened to his music on a daily basis since then. I'm a huge fan. MJ has been my #1 artist since this time. I know his vocals like I know my own mothers. I've listened to every song MJ has recorded thousands of times each, plus his raw demos and anything else that has his voice on them.

I, like many fans, were swept away with the whole fake bandwagon started by 3T and continued with the Jackson brothers. Once I was able to sit and listen to it carefully including the a-capella, I concluded the vocals were indeed MJ.

I can confidently say that Breaking News contains MJ's vocals. There are however parts of the song that are not MJ. (some backing vocals, and a select few lead parts), but majority IS Michael. Keep Your Head Up is 100% Michael singing.

Great man, I've been a fan since 2003 too, and I have heard every single MJ song thousands of time, plus I've been studying music since I was 6 and I agree that BN and KYHU is Michael singing!!
^ Well with that mindset, you might as well sign off the forums and never come back. The reality is that now that MJ is gone... all we have are these projects. Technically anything the estate announces will be seen as negative in some fans minds. You have two options:

1) you support the new MJ ventures

2) you don't

It's that simple. But it's the estates job to keep MJ's legacy alive for new generations who are less familiar with his work. This is done through new albums, new singles, new DVD packages, Cirque concert deals, product endorsements, video games, online virtual games, movies, etc. Michael would have never wanted the world to see This Is It , but nobody complained about that.

The point I'm making here is this: Once an artist dies, the estate and record companies always release material and new projects. Just look at Elvis, Bob Marley, etc. This is the way the music business works. I understand that some fans don't like it, but look at it this way: Michael Jackson loved his 3 children more than any other people on this planet. And every album you buy, you will put $2.50 in their pockets. Any estate endorsed project you will give them money for their future. That's one positive you can find out of this.

Wow .. that was harsh. I know how the music business works, I was in it for 9 years. And once again I have been a die hard fan for 25 years. Ive been to 9 Michael concerts, and met the man in person. So I don't appreciate being questioned as a fan or as to my level of support for MJ.

I'm only saying, you don't need to be so condescending to fans who don't support an album with (as we believe) fake tracks on it. Michael won't be hurt by us not buying. I bought Vision today because I know there's no fake content on there.

What you seem to ignore is the fact we aren't disregarding every project. I was as excited about this album as anyone can be about anything, until the first vocals of Breaking News. Now I feel like a disservice is being done to Michael's catalogue. You yourself didnt think it was him to start with so you can't judge those of us who are still adamant its not him. I wasn't influenced in any way by the family. In fact I was one of the ones who castigated them for saying some songs weren't him.

The whole situation is rediculous. What it comes down to is this:

1) Were these 3 questionable songs worth all the trouble they've caused, when there were 8 songs by Rodney ready to go and so many other that are complete.
I think and I hope that Another Day will be the next single but I still thinking that it supposed to be released as a first single and „Much too soon” as a second (this song is so beautiful.
if monster had a video, it would be 50 cent style. lol

if theres rlly gonna be a vid for it, i suggest its gonna be like "DJ got us fallin in love again" lol
Thats fair, but you also have to ask yourself would MJ have approved of 3 fake tracks being on his album ? How upset would he have been to think his fans were being made to pay for songs that weren't even him.

That would be not be in the top 3 of Mike list of being upset.

He would be upset firstly because

- he was murdered,

- he died living his 3 kids without a father,

- then he would be upset seeing that Murray is still free, and maybe other guilty ones are free and laughing,

- he also might be upset because his 3 children where brought on Oprah
( that laughed so many times of him ) etc

Fans are making too much noise on this, comparative for justice. In that direction, all I hear is silence, more and more silence.

They talk out of pride, ego, want everything peachy perfect, in the same time fearing for worse... when in fact the worse happened already...Mike's death!

Fans are not fighting for justice but for principles, throwing hate and ego into mix, and for their petty money 11-13 $ the cost of an album. Forgetting that the Estate is paying 25% to charities... and that the money people would gave won't be lost, would serve to good causes.

If there's a second single, I think there should be a dance track. Level things out...
I sooooooo hope that the next single is DYKWYA but, of course, this is almost impossible. The song always give me a good mood when hearing it. It is one of my favourite songs of Michael.
I sooooooo hope that the next single is DYKWYA but, of course, this is almost impossible. The song always give me a good mood when hearing it. It is one of my favourite songs of Michael.

Yes, it's impossible, because the song isn't on the album
I sooooooo hope that the next single is DYKWYA but, of course, this is almost impossible. The song always give me a good mood when hearing it. It is one of my favourite songs of Michael.

How can you be in a good mood when hearing this song? A Run away from a step father that sexually abused her, she runs off to hollywood where a man tries to make her a hooker when she is only 12 yrs old? How does this give you a "good mood"?
gotta be another day, I adore that song !! Come on December I'm still waiting to buy Hold My Hand about a million times :lol:
How can you be in a good mood when hearing this song? A Run away from a step father that sexually abused her, she runs off to hollywood where a man tries to make her a hooker when she is only 12 yrs old? How does this give you a "good mood"?

:lol: your right, but in the posters defence when you listen to the melody and tone it doesn't really sound like that type of song :)...
How can you be in a good mood when hearing this song? A Run away from a step father that sexually abused her, she runs off to hollywood where a man tries to make her a hooker when she is only 12 yrs old? How does this give you a "good mood"?

I also get in an good mood listening to it? It is such a powerful song by mike. And has a great beat.
How can you be in a good mood when hearing this song? A Run away from a step father that sexually abused her, she runs off to hollywood where a man tries to make her a hooker when she is only 12 yrs old? How does this give you a "good mood"?

LOL didnt know that. i only listen to the melody, not the lyrics
I heard the next single would be Another Day or Monster.. but they are leaning more towards Monster because they think it is more 'radio friendly'. I love Another Day, I don't see why that song would be 'radio 'un-friendly''. And it will be out a lot sooner than I thought.. I can't remember now if I read late December or early Jan..
How can you be in a good mood when hearing this song? A Run away from a step father that sexually abused her, she runs off to hollywood where a man tries to make her a hooker when she is only 12 yrs old? How does this give you a "good mood"?

As others already said, I listen to the melody in first place. Of course I know what the song is about but the rythm, especially in the refrain, is very catchy - so it just gives me a good mood.
The next single I'm told will most likely be Monster and it will be out as early as late December . Another Day is also expected to be released as a single. Those are the only planned single releases at this point, but they are considering a 4th single depending on the response from the 2nd and 3rd.

Also, I was told today that another album will be released in 2011 which will either be an expanded version of MICHAEL with 4-5 new songs or a brand new album with 10 songs, similar to MICHAEL. More to come...

hey Smooth, is there any talk about 'behind the mask' being released as a single? If we are to believe the people that say they heard the album (especially that french review) it's the best song on the album....
The next single I'm told will most likely be Monster and it will be out as early as late December . Another Day is also expected to be released as a single. Those are the only planned single releases at this point, but they are considering a 4th single depending on the response from the 2nd and 3rd.
I was told there have been NO discussions about the next single. The next album release is Off The Wall re-issue.
I was told there have been NO discussions about the next single. The next album release is Off The Wall re-issue.

Off The Wall 32 next year? Not a very good title. They should leave Off The Wall until 50 years, now there's an album. Maybe not 50 years, but 32 doesn't sound very significant.