second single after 'hold my hand'?

Re what smooth said...

Hope it's a totally new album. MICHAEL hasn't even come out yet and it's already a disaster with Jackson family (and thousands of fans, myself included) opposing some songs on it etc.

MICHAEL should not be dragged on. Release the singles that are legit, do videos, get the hits and sales and MOVE ON!

MICHAEL should be left behind asap in my opinion. It's already left a dirty grease stain on mj's previously pure white musical legacy.

I'm sure some of u don't agree, but I'm sure a lot of u DO agree.

What the family and a few friends think doesn't really matter for the overall album, Sony are looking to sell Michael in the millions so all the talk on here will be of little significance to Sonys plans for the album, i am shocked that there are still people continuing with this rubbish about it not being 100% Michael. A few hundred fans on here won't stop this album being huge.
What the family and a few friends think doesn't really matter for the overall album, Sony are looking to sell Michael in the millions so all the talk on here will be of little significance to Sonys plans for the album, i am shocked that there are still people continuing with this rubbish about it not being 100% Michael. A few hundred fans on here won't stop this album being huge.

Of course it won't stop it being huge. Unfortunately that's all some fans care about... "oh golly gosh lets get MJ to #1, who cares how much integrity the estate shows and how much blatant disregard they give the legacy of the greatest musician in history".... Seriously, thats what fans are acting like. The action of buying and supporting this stuff speaks louder than the words you can type on a forum. You don't see the Jackson family and thousands (yes its thousands, not hundreds - check the petition figures out there, in the multiple thousands) calling 2000 Watts fake... or calling Shout fake... because even though MJ sounds different on those, it's still MJ. This case is different.

In regards to the singles, I would hope that they only release singles that are UNDENIABLY MJ! Ones that don't raise a shred of doubt. Hold My Hand is a brilliant platform to start from and I hope they continue that way.

As I said, I am most keen to hear Hollywood Tonight. The song title is intriguing especially considering its NOT Do You Know Where Your Children Are, and we have been given a small insight to the Hollywood Tonight lyrics, and its apparently recorded in 2007.

Hopefully the song is something MJ had completed, or was near competition on.

The next single HAS to be better than Hold My Hand. And i LOVE Hold My Hand, but the way singles work, the first single is hardly ever the best. The record label wont want to peak early, and have everything following the lead single to be received on a lesser scale. Having better singles as the album goes along is the best way to maintain strong continued album sales.

I also hope there is NO re-issue of Michael. To follow this they need a BRAND NEW album to redeem themselves for all the uproar this one has caused fans, regardless of if it was intentional or not.
The best songs on the album is supposed to be "Hollywood Tonight" and "Best of Joy". To keep the album high on the charts into the next year, they have to release the best songs on the album as a follow up. To spark further interest next summer, they could release "Much too soon" in June and later "Monster" with a fancy video. I love Another Day, but only if they get as far as releasing a fifth single, would I find it likely that it could get a single release.
No way would Much Too Soon be released. It's a beautiful track, but would not do well as a single. It's an album track through and through.

A nice way to end the album as well I thought!

No way would Much Too Soon be released. It's a beautiful track, but would not do well as a single. It's an album track through and through.

A nice way to end the album as well I thought!


Agreed. It's not worthy to be a single. But it serves it's purpose as a gorgeous album closer.
For those who think this album is going to be promoted for 1-2 years with 6-7 singles... I hate to tell you that's not the way it's going to happen.

I was told they are likely only going to release 3 singles from MICHAEL, with the possibility of a 4th should the next two perform well. This is not your usual MJ album where it goes on for 2 years with 6-8 singles. It's a posthumous album which means it's more short lived. Expect big sales in December and moderate sales through January. After that, things will slow down. It's around this time (Spring 2011) where Sony and the estate are talking about MICHAEL-reloaded with 4-5 new songs and a brand new single to re-gain interest in the album. There is talk about a whole new album coming out sometime next year but that's not confirmed just talk.

I don't think the reputation of MICHAEL is tarnished. Some fans speculate based on Jackson family opinion that 3 songs contain fake vocals. The reality is that the vocals ARE NOT fake, and the album credits will prove that. It's public knowledge that James Porte did background vocals on the songs because MJ was never able to. In Monster, MJ is even credited for some background vocals because he was able to record a bit of it. If 2000 Watts was on that album in a crappier production I guarantee the same people would say it's fake.

When all is said and done, MICHAEL will sell millions, and be a posthumous success. Let's say even if 50,000 fans don't support the album, when the album sells 6-7 million copies.... a number like 50,000 doesn't mean anything. Plus I guarantee that half or more of those 50,000 will break down and buy the album once they see it on that shelf. So at this point, if your a fan of MJ you might as well support his children and continue on his legacy.
For those who think this album is going to be promoted for 1-2 years with 6-7 singles... I hate to tell you that's not the way it's going to happen.

I was told they are likely only going to release 3 singles from MICHAEL, with the possibility of a 4th should the next two perform well. This is not your usual MJ album where it goes on for 2 years with 6-8 singles. It's a posthumous album which means it's more short lived. Expect big sales in December and moderate sales through January. After that, things will slow down. It's around this time (Spring 2011) where Sony and the estate are talking about MICHAEL-reloaded with 4-5 new songs and a brand new single to re-gain interest in the album. There is talk about a whole new album coming out sometime next year but that's not confirmed just talk.

I don't think the reputation of MICHAEL is tarnished. Some fans speculate based on Jackson family opinion that 3 songs contain fake vocals. The reality is that the vocals ARE NOT fake, and the album credits will prove that. It's public knowledge that James Porte did background vocals on the songs because MJ was never able to. In Monster, MJ is even credited for some background vocals because he was able to record a bit of it. If 2000 Watts was on that album in a crappier production I guarantee the same people would say it's fake.

When all is said and done, MICHAEL will sell millions, and be a posthumous success. Let's say even if 50,000 fans don't support the album, when the album sells 6-7 million copies.... a number like 50,000 doesn't mean anything. Plus I guarantee that half or more of those 50,000 will break down and buy the album once they see it on that shelf. So at this point, if your a fan of MJ you might as well support his children and continue on his legacy.

Thank you so much and yea I agree I think its gonna be a success anyway
Sometimes, I feel we are setting the standard (in terms of sales and chart performance) too high for this album. Let's face it. This is a posthumouse release. If this album sells 5 million copies around the world, it will be a record for a posthumous release. Why would we expect non-stop single release and two-year life span when the artist himself is no longer here to promote the album?

I know it's Michael Jackson, the greatest ever lived. 1% of his genius is still better than most music we hear these days. But still, the pop music landscape is very different. People are into teengaer sensations, such as Swift and Bieber. That may explain the reason Hold My Hand doesn't get as many radio spins as it deserves.

Michael's legacy is solidified. He's the best selling. Period. No one can take that away from him. If this album doesn't top the chart or sells tons, it doesn't mean people are forgetting Michael. The performance of this album will never match Michael's past catalog because of the sad circumstances. But, an icon like Michael Jackson would never be forgotten.
Of course it won't stop it being huge. Unfortunately that's all some fans care about... "oh golly gosh lets get MJ to #1, who cares how much integrity the estate shows and how much blatant disregard they give the legacy of the greatest musician in history".... Seriously, thats what fans are acting like.

I understand many fans want to get Michael to number 1. The rationale is that Michael was obssessed with chart performance himself. But, Michael really has nothing more to proove any more. Another number 1 album is not going to hurt, but what can it really do to Michael's legacy?

I'd rather the Estate forget about getting a number 1 album and focus on putting high quality songs together and come up with an album that further reinforced Michael's unparalleled legacy.

Honestly, the whole Breaking News incident makes me doubt the Estate's determination in respecting Michael's legacy. It's truly an unnecessary sad thing.
I understand many fans want to get Michael to number 1. The rationale is that Michael was obssessed with chart performance himself. But, Michael really has nothing more to proove any more. Another number 1 album is not going to hurt, but what can it really do to Michael's legacy?

I'd rather the Estate forget about getting a number 1 album and focus on putting high quality songs together and come up with an album that further reinforced Michael's unparalleled legacy.

Honestly, the whole Breaking News incident makes me doubt the Estate's determination in respecting Michael's legacy. It's truly an unnecessary sad thing.

...couldn't agree with you more....this had/has the potential to be much bigger in terms of his legacy....yet, they're screwing up big time...WHY? ...just WHY?
...couldn't agree with you more....this had/has the potential to be much bigger in terms of his legacy....yet, they're screwing up big time...WHY? ...just WHY?

I ask the same questions again and again. Just why?

At first, I thought the songs in the vault are not good enough. But, it doesn't make sense. Michael was such a perfectionist. He had a reputation of over-recording not by a few songs, but by as many as over a hundred songs. We all heard his demos before, the demos sound almost as good as the finished version. Scared of the Moon, Beautiful Girl, Fall Again are all demos, but they are beautiful.

After hearing Hold My Hand, DYKWYCA and Much Too Soon, I'm further puzzled and confused. Michael left great unreleased songs. Why the Estate opted to pieces together rough demos...

I don't understand. I'll buy the album. But, unfortunately, the damage is done. :no:
I ask the same questions again and again. Just why?

At first, I thought the songs in the vault are not good enough. But, it doesn't make sense. Michael was such a perfectionist. He had a reputation of over-recording not by a few songs, but by as many as over a hundred songs. We all heard his demos before, the demos sound almost as good as the finished version. Scared of the Moon, Beautiful Girl, Fall Again are all demos, but they are beautiful.

After hearing Hold My Hand, DYKWYCA and Much Too Soon, I'm further puzzled and confused. Michael left great unreleased songs. Why the Estate opted to pieces together rough demos...

I don't understand. I'll buy the album. But, unfortunately, the damage is done. :no:

I agree...I'll be buying it...but what a massive let down...unless something changes in the next little's such a shame..and such a waste...:no:
Sometimes, I feel we are setting the standard (in terms of sales and chart performance) too high for this album. Let's face it. This is a posthumouse release. If this album sells 5 million copies around the world, it will be a record for a posthumous release. Why would we expect non-stop single release and two-year life span when the artist himself is no longer here to promote the album?

I know it's Michael Jackson, the greatest ever lived. 1% of his genius is still better than most music we hear these days. But still, the pop music landscape is very different. People are into teengaer sensations, such as Swift and Bieber. That may explain the reason Hold My Hand doesn't get as many radio spins as it deserves.

Michael's legacy is solidified. He's the best selling. Period. No one can take that away from him. If this album doesn't top the chart or sells tons, it doesn't mean people are forgetting Michael. The performance of this album will never match Michael's past catalog because of the sad circumstances. But, an icon like Michael Jackson would never be forgotten.

I would be more optimistic about the sales of the new album, if we judge the huge sales of 2009 concerning the previous albums, more people have discovered or rediscovered Michael's music - I guess they would like to listen to what Michael has done after these ones - ...
I hope so
After hearing Hold My Hand, DYKWYCA and Much Too Soon, I'm further puzzled and confused. Michael left great unreleased songs. Why the Estate opted to pieces together rough demos...

At first glance you would think the reasoning behind such a move was because they wanted to create a final album for MJ, the final album he had been working on for the past few years. In such respect it made since to try and finish it for him. But what they ended up doing didn't make sense because they added in these "finished" songs with other tracks going back as far as 1981. I really don't understand it. There was enough material around from the past 10 years to give MJ a proper send off. Because they choose the compilation route I don't really get why they choose "pieced" together tracks over awesome 100% Mj material. (For the record I think the Casico tracks are MJ).

But look on the bright side, over the next 6 years we will probably have a great deal of AWESOME stuff from the vault. Make your ipod play-lists and create your own ideal 7th MJ Album. That's what I'm doing. Personally I cannot wait to have everything released from the 2002-2009 era so I can listen to it together as it should have been.
I think they will release 4 singles after HMH: Another Day, Monster, Hollywood Tonight and Much Too Soon..

Yes that sounds right. Although I think the second one would be an uptempo song like Hollywood Night then Another Day, Monster and finally around his anniversay Much Too Soon. sigh And maybe another one (hoping).
What the family and a few friends think doesn't really matter for the overall album, Sony are looking to sell Michael in the millions so all the talk on here will be of little significance to Sonys plans for the album, i am shocked that there are still people continuing with this rubbish about it not being 100% Michael. A few hundred fans on here won't stop this album being huge.

I agree all this talk is rubbish - lol does this "family" have any cred ?NOT! Sony is indeed not worried about these fans. There are millions of ppl out there that will love this album - it resonates with the average person out there and that is what is going to make this album successful not some disgruntled fans.

And btw,there are plenty of hard core fans that are fully supporting this album.

It is disheartening that at a time when we should all be super excited and supporting Michael 100%, there are fans out there being negative. I always think about everything Michael has given me throughout my life, and supporting him in any way I can is my way to show gratitude. Say "thanks Michael."
Remember Michael was very competitive, he always wanted to be No.1. He wanted his next project to top everything else. And this may not be what he totally envisioned because after all he did not envision not being here to complete it, but this is what we have left. Be grateful we have this. This is what Michael was working on his last few years. Don't judge these songs like the public and the media judged him. Give them the benefit of the doubt. Listen to the final version on the album. Wait and see.
Give THANKS to Michael~:yes:
Im pretty sure they wont drop another single until the album drops and then the second single would be Another Day because they would have kraviz to help with promotion and video.
I would like to hear Another Day as second single, then Hollywood Tonight as third and Monster as fourth but not final. I would like Best Of Joy to be final single from MICHAEL..
I agree about Much Too Soon. Its gorgegous and I love it to pieces but its not a single, its an album song.
Also, I was told today that another album will be released in 2011 which will either be an expanded version of MICHAEL with 4-5 new songs or a brand new album with 10 songs, similar to MICHAEL. More to come...

See? You don't need worldwide conspiracies and/or a fake singer or something to make money off of Michael Jackson. You just release the same album AGAIN with a bunch of new songs and call it a day...

If that turns out to be true, it'll be ridiculous, frankly.
Lady Gaga re-released her album and nobody cared. Many artists do that. But like usual, MJ fans will always find a way to criticize everything!
smooth you say you are certain that it is MJ on Breaking News and Keep Your Head Up..if you dont mind me asking, how long have you been a fan of mj?
smooth you say you are certain that it is MJ on Breaking News and Keep Your Head Up..if you dont mind me asking, how long have you been a fan of mj?

i have been an MJ fan since I was a baby...but became hardcore in 1991. And i too, believe the vocals are MJ's.
Lady Gaga re-released her album and nobody cared. Many artists do that. But like usual, MJ fans will always find a way to criticize everything!

I'm going to tread on egg shells here cos I was banned for simply saying I didnt think these tracks were MJ before.

But how are you so sure smooth_criminal05 that these songs are MJ and that you know his voice etc, when you posted this after initially hearing Breaking News

It's 100% fake, sorry to say. I know Michael Jackson, I've listened to his songs for years. Unless they provide me with video of MJ singing these lyrics then I will continue to go with my gut.....

All many fans are doing is expressing the same sentiment as you originally did and you are berating them for it.

Once again there's nothing wrong with fans being upset when they dont believe these Cascio tracks are MJ. We're just as protective of MJs legacy and believe that if these songs were so dubious as to require several tests to tell that they could be MJ, they should have used songs that nobody was disputing.
^ I've been a fan of MJ since 2003, so over 7 years. I've listened to his music on a daily basis since then. I'm a huge fan. MJ has been my #1 artist since this time. I know his vocals like I know my own mothers. I've listened to every song MJ has recorded thousands of times each, plus his raw demos and anything else that has his voice on them.

I, like many fans, were swept away with the whole fake bandwagon started by 3T and continued with the Jackson brothers. Once I was able to sit and listen to it carefully including the a-capella, I concluded the vocals were indeed MJ.

I can confidently say that Breaking News contains MJ's vocals. There are however parts of the song that are not MJ. (some backing vocals, and a select few lead parts), but majority IS Michael. Keep Your Head Up is 100% Michael singing.
I agree all this talk is rubbish - lol does this "family" have any cred ?NOT! Sony is indeed not worried about these fans. There are millions of ppl out there that will love this album - it resonates with the average person out there and that is what is going to make this album successful not some disgruntled fans.

And btw,there are plenty of hard core fans that are fully supporting this album.

It is disheartening that at a time when we should all be super excited and supporting Michael 100%, there are fans out there being negative. I always think about everything Michael has given me throughout my life, and supporting him in any way I can is my way to show gratitude. Say "thanks Michael."
Remember Michael was very competitive, he always wanted to be No.1. He wanted his next project to top everything else. And this may not be what he totally envisioned because after all he did not envision not being here to complete it, but this is what we have left. Be grateful we have this. This is what Michael was working on his last few years. Don't judge these songs like the public and the media judged him. Give them the benefit of the doubt. Listen to the final version on the album. Wait and see.
Give THANKS to Michael~:yes:

I support Michael 100%, I bought Vision today, and I consider myself a completist. I have over 300 Michael Jackson CDs, and Vinyl in my collection.

But I won't be buying this album and you I dont think you should judge fans and tell them they are being negative etc if they dont either. I will buy the tracks that are MJ. ie all of them apart from the Cascio ones.

But how is it if being negative if you feel you are upholding Michaels legacy by not supporting fake songs ? These tracks were never 100% confidently Michaels. The Estate and Sony have admitted that by subjecting them to numerous 'tests'. I will stand firm that these tracks should never have seen the light of day when there are apparently 'hundreds' more that are definitely MJ.

If a new Elvis album was coming out and around half the fanbase didnt think it was him, you can be sure his estate wouldnt dare. Elvis legacy has been treated VERY carefully, and MJs should be treated no less carefully.
^ I've been a fan of MJ since 2003, so over 7 years. I've listened to his music on a daily basis since then. I'm a huge fan. MJ has been my #1 artist since this time. I know his vocals like I know my own mothers. I've listened to every song MJ has recorded thousands of times each, plus his raw demos and anything else that has his voice on them.

I, like many fans, were swept away with the whole fake bandwagon started by 3T and continued with the Jackson brothers. Once I was able to sit and listen to it carefully including the a-capella, I concluded the vocals were indeed MJ.

I can confidently say that Breaking News contains MJ's vocals. There are however parts of the song that are not MJ. (some backing vocals, and a select few lead parts), but majority IS Michael. Keep Your Head Up is 100% Michael singing.

This is the thing though Smooth .. I have been a fan for 25 years, I am a completist, I own over 300 CDs and Vinyl (I also own songs that have been divulged to only a handful of fans who have paid though the nose for them), Ive listened to him more that you have you can be sure (this is not an argument I might add) and I too would say I know this voice like I know no other. So that argument really is totally moot.

I am 100% certain that's NOT MJ. Even moreso after hearing the acapellas.
If I get banned for responding to you I don't mind. Im not arguing here.

But those who support these songs need to understand that those who DONT are not grumblers or groaners etc, we have every right to be upset and concerned when we truly believe this is not Michael. We are 100% concerned abotu his legacy. On every other fan board you'll see that the fans who DONT think these tracks are real outweigh the ones who do. Even non fans dont think its MJ. You must agree that the amount of stress and anxiety this has caused the fan community should have led Sony to rethink these songs.