second single after 'hold my hand'?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I know, i know... we only heard 'Hold my hand', "breaking news" and "keep your head up" but there are a few leaks/snippets (much too soon, another day). What do you think they will release as second single after 'hold my hand'?

I think Sony will release "another day" and "monster" because they have Lenny Krevitz and 50 Cent on them and they think it will sell cause of other famous artists.

Do you guy's think 'Much too soon' has a chance of being released as a single?

I haven't heard the song in full but you'll think it's so great so i was hoping that maybe it can be heard on the radio one day... so that everyone hears how brilliant MJ was.

They will probably release four singles altogether - Another Day and Hollywood Tonight later on, in 2011.
I think Another Day will be the next single because of Lenny Kravitz's involvement, as well as the fact that it is a brilliant song. I think they will also release Monster as another single, but only because of 50 Cent. If it didn't have 50 Cent, I don't think this song would be considered to be released as a single.
I wonder if Much Too Soon could be the second single. Such a beautiful song and everyone loves it.
i was thinking that the 2nd single would be Another Day, then Monster, and Hollywood Tonight..
Well we have still not heard the full album so really impossible to answer that question, I personally think the second single will be something up-tempo, so not a big chance that the second single will me Much too soon....
Another Day ! it was supposed to be the first to be released but then noone knew that HMH would be in the album
How do single releases work? Do they always come before the album is released?
How do single releases work? Do they always come before the album is released?

Generally, the 1st single is out before the album release. It helps garner interest toward the album.

Once the album drops, 2, 3 or even 4 more songs get released as single to help keep interest of the album going. It all depends how long a record company wants to promote the album after it's been out.

For MJ's Bad album, the 1st single came out in 1987 and the last one (Smooth Criminal I believe) came in 89
I think they will release 4 singles after HMH: Another Day, Monster, Hollywood Tonight and Much Too Soon..
5 singles from Michael would be OK.

But I hope for 6 or maybe even 7 if the songs are good enough.
For music video purposed I wouldn't doubt if Another Day and Monster happen because they are collaborations. These other artists can be featured in the video much like Akon evidently is in Hold My Hands video.
The next single I'm told will most likely be Monster and it will be out as early as late December . Another Day is also expected to be released as a single. Those are the only planned single releases at this point, but they are considering a 4th single depending on the response from the 2nd and 3rd.

Also, I was told today that another album will be released in 2011 which will either be an expanded version of MICHAEL with 4-5 new songs or a brand new album with 10 songs, similar to MICHAEL. More to come...
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I think Another Day or Hollywood Tonight will be the next 2 singles. Then possibly a ballad? I hope so anyway. :)
The next single I'm told will most likely be Monster and it will be out as early as late December . Another Day is also expected to be released as a single. Those are the only planned single releases at this point, but they are considering a 4th single depending on the response from the 2nd and 3rd.

Also, I was told today that another album will be released in 2011 which will either be an expanded version of MICHAEL with 4-5 new songs or a brand new album with 10 songs, similar to MICHAEL. More to come...

Interesting..Thanks! :D
if they just "drop" them as digital downloads with no physical release, no videos, no remixes... they could put out even more "singles" as theres nearly no extra costs in doing that.
Thanks smooth.

Hope Monster is great. And I hope there will be no debate wheter or not it is MJ.

I hope that stupid talk will not ruin this album.
An all new album in 2011 seems wayy too soon. Promotion for Michael should last all 2011 IMO. So hopefully it's a special edition of Michael to keep focus on the album.

I really hope Michael is released as a special edition in 2011 with 4 all new songs. And that sales from that album will count as sales for Michael. - That way Michael could sell A LOT !!
Generally, the 1st single is out before the album release. It helps garner interest toward the album.

Once the album drops, 2, 3 or even 4 more songs get released as single to help keep interest of the album going. It all depends how long a record company wants to promote the album after it's been out.

For MJ's Bad album, the 1st single came out in 1987 and the last one (Smooth Criminal I believe) came in 89

Oh okay, thanks.
Well, I never really understood this - but what's the point of releasing a "single"? If you've already got the whole album released with the "single" on it, then what's the point of releasing the "single" separately from the album...Hasn't it already been released and bought because it was on the album...? Why have people buy it twice, when they've already got a copy of it?
I've heard 4 full songs now (HMH, MTS, the other ballad I've forgotten, BN, Another Day) and a snippet of Monster.

Based on what I've heard, I think Monster has a chance to be a smash and will have the most success of any song on the album. There's only 20 seconds on the snippet, but it makes me want to get up and dance the night away every time I hear it. I could really see it ending up a #1 hit if it's given the chance.
I think Michael will be #1 in many countries around the world.
Re what smooth said...

Hope it's a totally new album. MICHAEL hasn't even come out yet and it's already a disaster with Jackson family (and thousands of fans, myself included) opposing some songs on it etc.

MICHAEL should not be dragged on. Release the singles that are legit, do videos, get the hits and sales and MOVE ON!

MICHAEL should be left behind asap in my opinion. It's already left a dirty grease stain on mj's previously pure white musical legacy.

I'm sure some of u don't agree, but I'm sure a lot of u DO agree.
Re what smooth said...

Hope it's a totally new album. MICHAEL hasn't even come out yet and it's already a disaster with Jackson family (and thousands of fans, myself included) opposing some songs on it etc.

MICHAEL should not be dragged on. Release the singles that are legit, do videos, get the hits and sales and MOVE ON!

MICHAEL should be left behind asap in my opinion. It's already left a dirty grease stain on mj's previously pure white musical legacy.

I'm sure some of u don't agree, but I'm sure a lot of u DO agree.

I do agree. And releasing Monster as the next single seems like Sony are actually enjoying the negative publicity of the album....
I do agree. And releasing Monster as the next single seems like Sony are actually enjoying the negative publicity of the album....

Not all of the publicity has been negative and I know quite a lot of fans that are fully looking forward to his album and all 10 songs on it, myself included.
Oh okay, thanks.
Well, I never really understood this - but what's the point of releasing a "single"? If you've already got the whole album released with the "single" on it, then what's the point of releasing the "single" separately from the album...Hasn't it already been released and bought because it was on the album...? Why have people buy it twice, when they've already got a copy of it?

I think it's because some people may not wish to buy a whole album so they would just buy a few singles of songs that they really like from that one album, IMO. I'm not sure though.
Oh okay, thanks.
Well, I never really understood this - but what's the point of releasing a "single"? If you've already got the whole album released with the "single" on it, then what's the point of releasing the "single" separately from the album...Hasn't it already been released and bought because it was on the album...? Why have people buy it twice, when they've already got a copy of it?

Singles = hits and promotion, most album songs that are not singles does not get played on radios, on tv etc. and apart from that most singles comes with extra songs and remixes...
The publicity has not been that bad, we as fans blow it out of proportion because we are a lot more emotionally involved in the release. We owe it to ourselves to wait and see how things go. MICHAEL could turn out to be a big seller and very successful. A 2nd album won't sell as good as this one, as the novelty wears off faster.