RHIANNA VS beyonce

The difference is the lead singer had a hell of a voice for a young boy. Two of the brothers were excellent guitarists. The group was not manufactured, or put together by some record label exec, they were purely family and truelly talented.

its the same concept no matter how u put it. everything was done for them by specific people. And thats the point. They had no creative control until they signed with CBS, talented or not thats how it was done.
its the same concept no matter how u put it. everything was done for them by specific people. And thats the point. They had no creative control until they signed with CBS, talented or not thats how it was done.
Not really. First they were put with Gamble and Huff by the label. Because those 1st two albums didn't do well, the group was allowed some control.
No i got ur point. U said it loud and clear. U think shes a puppet cuz of the team behind her. And If thats how u feel u might aswell say the same thing for the jackson5. All they did was record songs written for them,and wear what they were told, they didnt produce nor arrange any of their albums until they went 2 CBS and became "The Jacksons". Yet people dont say oh they're number1 hits dont count because its basically sum1 else's work. because thats exactly what they were doing if u want 2look @ it from that perspective. And as a SOLO artist rhianna has outsold beyonce and broken billboard chart records whereas bey hasnt.

How has Rihanna outsold Beyonce whenever her albums struggle just to break the million mark? Good Girl Gone Bad is her first truly successful cd. Can someone come up in here with some actual numbers. I'd really like to see it with my own eyes.
rhi has a new number 1 single DISTURBIA IS THE NUMBER 1 SONG N THE COUNTRY!! Damn this girl is on a role!
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How has Rihanna outsold Beyonce whenever her albums struggle just to break the million mark? Good Girl Gone Bad is her first truly successful cd. Can someone come up in here with some actual numbers. I'd really like to see it with my own eyes.

how when the previous album sold over 4.8million+ her album sales have moved up with each release. Beyonce has released 2solo albums rhianna has 4. and if we add singles in she blows bey out of the water. So like stated rhianna has outsold beyonce

Music of the Sun 2mill+
A girl Like Me 4,800,000+
Total Sales For GGGB+GGGBRLD 5,481,840

Rhi= 12,281,840 records sold (singles not included, and no updates on A girl like me or MOTS)

Dangerously in Love 6,363,000
B'day 4.000.000+
Bey= 10.363.000
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for the billionth time we kno whos the better singer give that a rest lol. Rhi rhi is dominating the charts right now and have been for the past few years and beyonce hasnt...next
its the same concept no matter how u put it. everything was done for them by specific people. And thats the point. They had no creative control until they signed with CBS, talented or not thats how it was done.

You don't back down do you?,lol! I like your loyalty dawg, but you're clutching at straws right now!
for the billionth time we kno whos the better singer give that a rest lol. Rhi rhi is dominating the charts right now and have been for the past few years and beyonce hasnt...next
If so, what's the point of this thread anymore?
Well apparently Rhianna is now broke and one of the many reasons is her poor album sales.
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Well apparently Rhianna is now broke and one of the many reasons is her poor album sales.

Haa yet u can only find this information on BLOGS when a reliablle source confirms then il believe it. they also said mike was broke come on now get real
I think it is a fair comparision between Rihanna and Beyonce.

i mean bday was just awful..

I am the biggest "hater" of Beyonce you ever wanna met but I am telling you, that CD was very good. I have that CD on one of my ipods and I really like it. I cannot say the same about Rihanna's. Her cd was some terrible mess. Trust me, I only listened to "Umbrella" and listened to other people. LOL.

I would have to say that I would chose Beyonce over Rihanna. Beyonce is more talented that Ri. She has stage prescence (sp), more groomed and more "educated" regarding her craft. Rihanna, no offense, seems more like a puppet to me. When she "performs" she is just standing there singing the songs instead of being a performer and put some kind of feeling in the song. Rihanna is just a "singer" or act with a very pretty face and I have no clue, if those stats are legit, why she is selling more that Beyonce. I thought Beyonce sold more than her. Maybe that is because I tend to count her success with DC. You can tell that Rihanna never studied any type of old school performers to try to sharpen her performing skills. To me, that is not a good thing. I am still trying to understand what was Morris Day and the Time thinking when they decided to perform with RiRi on the Grammys this year. LOL.

When it comes to writing songs, we all should know that Beyonce wins that category. Yes, Beyonce does her CDs quite fast but everyone has their own type of work ethic. BTW, michaelson, you can't get on Beyonce for doing a CD in two weeks, Rihanna did a CD in 2005, 2006, 2007 and re-release GGGB in 2008. I mean, did she ever took a break from "making music"? I mean, I got to give it to Beyonce, at least she takes her time. RiRi doesn't write her songs and at 20, she better start doing that. I do not mean to put MJ and Stevie in this thread but they started writing songs way before they were some 20 years old. RiRi gotta start doing that.

They both make catchy songs, but I perfer Beyonce's songs better. I can honestly say that I like only two songs from Rihanna: "Unfaithful" and "Umbrella". Whereas, Beyonce, I like almost all of her songs - she just get on my nerves and she cannot talk to save her life. If you ever see Beyonce in interviews, when she talks, you just want to pop her. LOL. I mean, ugh!! RiRi, I can understand her when she talks because I am used to people with accents.

As for longitivity (yes, that word is spelled wrong), I think Beyonce has staying power. If she continues to do what she always do regarding her music and is educated in the business more, she can stay in the business longer. Rihanna seems to me, she is just enjoying being famous, wearing designer clothing and looking pretty everywhere she goes. That PR stunt she is having with Chris Brown is making sure she is in the papers and blogs.
I'd pick Jill Scott, Chrisette Michele, or Joss Stone myself

Same here. Now, those are artists/ musicians and who doesn't love some Erkyah Badu? I love her.
I think it is a fair comparision between Rihanna and Beyonce.

I am the biggest "hater" of Beyonce you ever wanna met but I am telling you, that CD was very good. I have that CD on one of my ipods and I really like it. I cannot say the same about Rihanna's. Her cd was some terrible mess. Trust me, I only listened to "Umbrella" and listened to other people. LOL.

I agree with the fact that you said its fair to compare them both because they are in the same category. They both are just products of mainstream. I didn't bother to even listen to Rhinnas or Beyonces C.D. because I don't listen to mainstream. The ONLY time I listen to the radio is when my parents turn it on and thats rare because we listen to old school tapes. That being said most of the time we I do turn on the radio, Beyonce was being played. Beyonce is very commercially played out on the radio. Her music doesn't impress me and it does nothing for the music industry. Its just crap. Her songs have no meaning or originality about it. The SAME goes with Rhinna. The ONLY difference is Beyonce has a better singing voice than Rhinna. Which isn't really a big deal because their are plenty of female singers that can sing just as good OR better in the music industry OR non commercial. There is nothing unique or original about neither one of them.

I would have to say that I would chose Beyonce over Rihanna. Beyonce is more talented that Ri. She has stage prescence (sp), more groomed and more "educated" regarding her craft. Rihanna, no offense, seems more like a puppet to me. When she "performs" she is just standing there singing the songs instead of being a performer and put some kind of feeling in the song. Rihanna is just a "singer" or act with a very pretty face and I have no clue, if those stats are legit, why she is selling more that Beyonce. I thought Beyonce sold more than her. Maybe that is because I tend to count her success with DC. You can tell that Rihanna never studied any type of old school performers to try to sharpen her performing skills. To me, that is not a good thing. I am still trying to understand what was Morris Day and the Time thinking when they decided to perform with RiRi on the Grammys this year. LOL.

If it be my way I wouldn't choose neither BUT if I HAD to choose I would choose Beyonce ONLY because she has a descent voice. Beyonce can be "entertaining" on stage but I don't find her THAT entertaining, she is exactly quite boring to be honest. What she does on stage is nothing original or innovative. She rips of Tina Turner, Diana Ross and Janet in alot of her choregraphy.

She can not dance and if the media calls shaking your behind and doing a couple of one two steps dancing, then you know "entertainment" has really went down hill. Nothing when she performs screams " original Beyonce". When I look at her I see Tina, I see Janet etc. That's what makes it so non interesting to look at. All artists do today is recycle whats ALREADY been done. When I look at her perform, I don't see an artist that is trying to be innovative and push beyond boundaries. I just see an artist trying to copy off of a great artist. Beyonce is JUST very very overrated. She isn't doing anything that music industry hasn't done or seen. Once again the same goes for Rhinna.

When it comes to writing songs, we all should know that Beyonce wins that category. Yes, Beyonce does her CDs quite fast but everyone has their own type of work ethic. BTW, michaelson, you can't get on Beyonce for doing a CD in two weeks, Rihanna did a CD in 2005, 2006, 2007 and re-release GGGB in 2008. I mean, did she ever took a break from "making music"? I mean, I got to give it to Beyonce, at least she takes her time. RiRi doesn't write her songs and at 20, she better start doing that. I do not mean to put MJ and Stevie in this thread but they started writing songs way before they were some 20 years old. RiRi gotta start doing that.

What songs that Beyonce has written that will be remember as classics 50 years from now?
People will still be listening to, Marvin Gaye's "Whats going on", Michael Jackson's, "Billie Jean", Stevie Wonder's, "Superstitions" OJay's, "Money" These great artists made music with REAL meaning that touch the soul and ALL races.

Beyonce doesn't write OR produce half the things she comes out with AND even IF she did, her lyrics are crap, all her songs sound the same and their is no innovation. She doesnt even sing R&B, she sings "popular" music. The same goes for Rhiinna. Real MODERN R&B are artists like, Boys II Men, SWV, En Vogue, Jodeci etc... most of the 90's era r&b.
All that loud bass and cross to hip hop Beyonce does is not what REAL r&b is suppose to sound like. The same goes for Rhinna, its just popular music for mass appeal period.

The fact that Beyonce came out with a non quality C.D. in two weeks that was successful, doesn't mean anything. The reason why it was successful is because Beyonce has a really good market base and the songs were catchy. She was commericial enough to get her music out there. That by any means isn't a reflection of the quality of her music, it just means that she promoted the album well which she did.

They both make catchy songs, but I perfer Beyonce's songs better. I can honestly say that I like only two songs from Rihanna: "Unfaithful" and "Umbrella". Whereas, Beyonce, I like almost all of her songs - she just get on my nerves and she cannot talk to save her life. If you ever see Beyonce in interviews, when she talks, you just want to pop her. LOL. I mean, ugh!! RiRi, I can understand her when she talks because I am used to people with accents.

I dont care for neither one of there songs and I don't like any of there music but I feel that way about mainstream overall. Its just garbage. Erykah Badu, Jill Scott Marsha from floetry and others are WAYYY better than both of them. They write, produce and arrange their music. Theire music has meaning. There music IS what REAL r&b is suppose to sound like.
I much rather listen to them than that trash. Beyonce and Rhinna are mainstream thats the ONLY reason why they are popular. There are plenty of other more talented female singers out today and thats the truth, that are NON commericial.

As for longitivity (yes, that word is spelled wrong), I think Beyonce has staying power. If she continues to do what she always do regarding her music and is educated in the business more, she can stay in the business longer. Rihanna seems to me, she is just enjoying being famous, wearing designer clothing and looking pretty everywhere she goes. That PR stunt she is having with Chris Brown is making sure she is in the papers and blogs.
Doesn't Beyonce wear designing clothing and enjoy looking pretty? To me she flaunts it more than Rhinna. They are BOTH the same. Beyonce may have more hype over Rhinna but she will never be a legend period. She hasn't done anything and neither as Rhinna. It just gets on my nerves when artists get overly praised over things they didn't do for the music industry when their are more talented artists that get nothing.

BUT you right with the simply fact that its FAIR to compare them because I wouldn't compare them with someone like Erykah Badu. Beyonce and Rhinna are no where in her league of "talent"
I am still trying to understand what was Morris Day and the Time thinking when they decided to perform with RiRi on the Grammys this year. LOL.
They wouldn't have been asked to appear by themselves, unfortunately. Just like Tina Turner & Beyonce'. Tina & Beyonce kinda made sense, but The Time & Rihanna didn't. But, because The Time did the show, a promoter in Las Vegas saw them and got them a big gig to replace the ill Toni Braxton. They also got several offers to tour, but they didn't want to leave their families, and this is why they accepted the Vegas shows, so their families could be there. It was also good publicity for the new album they're working on, their 1st since 1990. A lot of people have said when she came on, the performance started to drag, and picked up when she finished her songs. Not good to be upstaged by some 50ish year olds, lol. The contrast between the old and new was apparent.
I think it is a fair comparision between Rihanna and Beyonce.

I am the biggest "hater" of Beyonce you ever wanna met but I am telling you, that CD was very good. I have that CD on one of my ipods and I really like it. I cannot say the same about Rihanna's. Her cd was some terrible mess. Trust me, I only listened to "Umbrella" and listened to other people. LOL.

I would have to say that I would chose Beyonce over Rihanna. Beyonce is more talented that Ri. She has stage prescence (sp), more groomed and more "educated" regarding her craft. Rihanna, no offense, seems more like a puppet to me. When she "performs" she is just standing there singing the songs instead of being a performer and put some kind of feeling in the song. Rihanna is just a "singer" or act with a very pretty face and I have no clue, if those stats are legit, why she is selling more that Beyonce. I thought Beyonce sold more than her. Maybe that is because I tend to count her success with DC. You can tell that Rihanna never studied any type of old school performers to try to sharpen her performing skills. To me, that is not a good thing. I am still trying to understand what was Morris Day and the Time thinking when they decided to perform with RiRi on the Grammys this year. LOL.

When it comes to writing songs, we all should know that Beyonce wins that category. Yes, Beyonce does her CDs quite fast but everyone has their own type of work ethic. BTW, michaelson, you can't get on Beyonce for doing a CD in two weeks, Rihanna did a CD in 2005, 2006, 2007 and re-release GGGB in 2008. I mean, did she ever took a break from "making music"? I mean, I got to give it to Beyonce, at least she takes her time. RiRi doesn't write her songs and at 20, she better start doing that. I do not mean to put MJ and Stevie in this thread but they started writing songs way before they were some 20 years old. RiRi gotta start doing that.

They both make catchy songs, but I perfer Beyonce's songs better. I can honestly say that I like only two songs from Rihanna: "Unfaithful" and "Umbrella". Whereas, Beyonce, I like almost all of her songs - she just get on my nerves and she cannot talk to save her life. If you ever see Beyonce in interviews, when she talks, you just want to pop her. LOL. I mean, ugh!! RiRi, I can understand her when she talks because I am used to people with accents.

As for longitivity (yes, that word is spelled wrong), I think Beyonce has staying power. If she continues to do what she always do regarding her music and is educated in the business more, she can stay in the business longer. Rihanna seems to me, she is just enjoying being famous, wearing designer clothing and looking pretty everywhere she goes. That PR stunt she is having with Chris Brown is making sure she is in the papers and blogs.

Lol beyonce takes her time? she shot like 99videos n a week lol. I like beyonce dont get me wrong but pple blow her up when shes not that big. All of her number1 singles have been featured with another artist except Irreplaceable. Call rhi rhi a "puppet" if u will but shes a damn good 1 and overall has become superstar in just 3short years. Shes dominating the hot100 charts aswell as te digital downloads charts. Shes releasing 3more singles and best beilieve they will hit NUMBER1. And GGGB was a GREAT album. Faaaaaaar better the bday. U can obviously tell she recorded it in 2wks. The strong points on bday were irrepplaceable, flaws n all,and get me bodied. GGGB has take a bow, disturbia,breakin dishes,sell me candy,rehab,dont stop the music, the whole album from start 2 finish is a killer. and so what rhi rhi dont write her songs, maybe thats not her element..nowhere does it says in order 2be a singer u must write ur songs, thats just an added bonus. rhianna can dance but she chooses not to. and the girl can get down! trust. And so what rhi rhi had a cd every year. she had hits of all of them they were all in the top 10 except 1. and as a solo artist beyonce has not outsold rihanna. They always add in he destinys child which isnt fair cuz she is 1/3 of the group. when they talk about kelly n michelles sale then they better add in DC aswell.
Im not knockin bey cuz i do....like her....or tolerate lol i give props where its due and yes the girl can sing and entertain. but as far as music she has done nothin innovative...GGGB was just new and refreshing the album had a story it followed a whole theme and the art form sense is amazing. the singles and videos r killer with more to come. Rhi Rhi takes the cake
To mjcarosal: You know what, I had everything all type out here and some weird nonsense happened to this trash computer that I am using. So, please understand that I am not typing it again. You know, you just have family members that know how to ruin a computer that you are using so you cannot get anything done on here. I am very angry at the moment so please understand where I am coming from.

I agree with almost everything that you stated. I prefer to listen to artists who are mainstream and not so mainstream that have some kind of talent. This thread is about Ri and Bey and not if they are doing things productive in the music industry. I can't see them as legends in a few years and I can't see them do anything productive in their upcoming CDs. They are not the only people that are doing music. I think that industry of today is used as a tool to get some of these acts doing other things besides music. They have nothing to give so they need to give it somewhere else. I still will chose Beyonce over Ri solely on what I stated but that is about it.

They wouldn't have been asked to appear by themselves, unfortunately. Just like Tina Turner & Beyonce'. Tina & Beyonce kinda made sense, but The Time & Rihanna didn't. But, because The Time did the show, a promoter in Las Vegas saw them and got them a big gig to replace the ill Toni Braxton. They also got several offers to tour, but they didn't want to leave their families, and this is why they accepted the Vegas shows, so their families could be there. It was also good publicity for the new album they're working on, their 1st since 1990. A lot of people have said when she came on, the performance started to drag, and picked up when she finished her songs. Not good to be upstaged by some 50ish year olds, lol. The contrast between the old and new was apparent.

Oh I see. I find it weird that they were not asked to appear on the show by themselves. Why not? They are just as part of the Grammys as these so called artists are. That tells you how these laughable awward shows work. It makes sense now. Wow, I didn't know that about the Vegas show, that is cool. I am glad to know that when she came on, the performance was getting kind of wack. LOL. It is never good to be upstaged by 50ish year olds with a lot of talent and has contribute a lot to music. That tells you that the music industry is not looking for talent. They are looking to clearly make money.

Michaelson, I got you. I gotta go but I am going respond to your post. LOL.
Oh I see. I find it weird that they were not asked to appear on the show by themselves. Why not? They are just as part of the Grammys as these so called artists are. That tells you how these laughable awward shows work. It makes sense now. Wow, I didn't know that about the Vegas show, that is cool. I am glad to know that when she came on, the performance was getting kind of wack. LOL. It is never good to be upstaged by 50ish year olds with a lot of talent and has contribute a lot to music. That tells you that the music industry is not looking for talent. They are looking to clearly make money.
Here's the performance. Apparently a teenager uploaded this, lol. Anyway The Time starts about 1:27
Oh goodness :no:

I like Rihanna alot. But she's not that good, come on!
She makes regular pop songs like Britney spears and the rest of them.
Hey, if I was a guy I'd like her cause she's pretty, wears really cute clothes, and really tiny clothes on stage.

But anyway, I don't see anything extra special about GGGB, I mean, it has her usual sound....and it's just another pop album!!!
I like some songs on there, but they won't last!

It's like if I was a guy and I came on here to fight over how great Britney Spears is. I could say, her record is on the list of best selling albums of all time, she dances, she sings, she came out with fresh songs when the market was full of boy bands. She outsold Rihanna and Beyonce. She can dance, although she chose not to on last years vma's. You know, Rihanna and Beyonce are ok, but they aint touched (or sold to) more people than Britney! Did you hear her song 'radar'??? That was new and innovative, and nobody out there is making music like that now! She was gone for a while, and came back with a HOT cd, and the singles were always #1 on TRL!!!! I mean, come on!!!:mello:

Anyone could come up with a bunch of facts and opinions, but does it really mean anything as far as being a great artist and artistry in general??? I could say Rihanna had more hits this year than Stevie, Marvin Gaye, or MJ, but does that mean she is better than them??? no. I like her, I really do....I check her fansite often (lol) But, I'm realizing what is true!
Not to say that ppl shouldn't want Rhianna or Beyonce as their favorites, but you gotta look at the bigger picture too! Hey, maybe it's just personal opinion
Beyonce is overrated because she can sing OK and that's about it.

but Rihanna is the epiphany of the image-crazy/voiceless Pop.

f*ck Jay-Z, the horny git.

Beyonce is not overrated. She is a great performer, a fantastic singer, and she writes her songs. She has amazing work ethic (one recent report in some magazine [forgot the name] said she was recording, on average, three songs a day...you don't even understand how ridiculous that is).

Beyonce has longevity. That's HUGE in this business, amongst so many one or two-hit wonders. It's hard to have longevity in this flooded music business. Anyone who does should be AT LEAST credited for that.

Beyonce is truly gifted. Again--amazing voice, she definitely knows how to put on a show, and she writes her songs.

Unlike....**cough cough** Rihanna.

Rihanna can't sing, she can't dance, she can't put on a show, and she doesn't write songs.
