RHIANNA VS beyonce

U wanna get on accomplishments?
Beyonce has had 17 Grammy nominations with 7 wins ..(not including Destiny's Child)
5 of whcih are from one album which leaves her sharing the record for most grammys won by a female artist in a single night with the likes of Alicia Keys and Lauryn Hill

Rihanna has...6 nominations. 1 Grammy

nuff said


ok, ok.....I'm gonna have to say in Rihanna's defense:
Bad song choice. Rihanna has a unique voice and Mariah songs aren't for her. :no:

But for some reason I recently deciced that I like rihanna more than I thought I did. She has amazing fashion sense (for her personal style), and I love looking at what she wears at this one website. She seems nice, and she's chasing her dream. I mean, at least her songs are catchy and I can relate to some of them.

Eh well, what can you say? I like Beyonce too. lol

They are both special in their own little way *violins*
so sue me. I'm a double poster.....
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U wanna get on accomplishments?
Beyonce has had 17 Grammy nominations with 7 wins ..(not including Destiny's Child)
5 of whcih are from one album which leaves her sharing the record for most grammys won by a female artist in a single night with the likes of Alicia Keys and Lauryn Hill

Rihanna has...6 nominations. 1 Grammy

nuff said


Pleaseeeeee, who cares? Awards don't mean anything any more. I wouldn't be surprise if anybody had a grammy or more than 2 nowadays. Who else are the masses going to give it to? It doesn't mean anything and just because someone picks you to win an award doesnt mean that you have accomplish anything. I'm sick and tired of real innovative artists not getting there dues while mediocre acts or artists with no talent do. There are plenty of other WAY better female artists better than both of them. Marvin Gaye didnt have alot of grammies neither did James Brown, does that mean that they are less successful? HELL NO BECAUSE its not about awards. Its about what you have contribute to music and the innovations that you have made WHICH NEITHER BEYONCE OR RHINNA HAVE DONE which why this thread is useless. There just pop artists who are both popular because they have mass appeal and are marketable, next?
Pleaseeeeee, who cares? Awards don't mean anything any more. I wouldn't be surprise if anybody had a grammy or more than 2 nowadays. Who else are the masses going to give it to? It doesn't mean anything and just because someone picks you to win an award doesnt mean that you have accomplish anything. I'm sick and tired of real innovative artists not getting there dues while mediocre acts or artists with no talent do. There are plenty of other WAY better female artists better than both of them. Marvin Gaye didnt have alot of grammies neither did James Brown, does that mean that they are less successful? HELL NO BECAUSE its not about awards. Its about what you have contribute to music and the innovations that you have made WHICH NEITHER BEYONCE OR RHINNA HAVE DONE which why this thread is useless. There just pop artists who are both popular because they have mass appeal and are marketable, next?

ummm do u need a hung? and rhi rhi is bein very innovative. shes doin her, not copying off of no1 else. shes n her realm. Come on now..find a track and video like "disturbia"..oh thats right u cant because its original creative and very innovative. No one liked umbrella, but rhianna took the chance with it and made it her own..why because she takes risks which sets her apart from the rest. and if u feel this thread is useless...why waste ur time posting?
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:bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed OH NO NO NO! At first I was like this aint too bad whats the deal........................and then.......................OH NO NO NO! NO NO NO NO NO. Mother of GOD! Have mercy

But you know all in all it was a nice try for "Rhi Rhi" :clapping:
:lol:I loved the what is it she said? "Dissaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrheeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeehereherehere" or whatever
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I thought mary liked it and was thinking of doing it but blah blah some reason or other Rhianna got to do it instead.

nope she said shes bigger than that song. or somethin like that..like it was for some1 under her level..thats y she passed it up
nope she said shes bigger than that song. or somethin like that..like it was for some1 under her level..thats y she passed it up

(who am I kidding :p)
But oh ok you're probably right, I'm the worse Mary J fan ever lol. But I love her so much. I so bad I shouldnt even call myself a fan :lol: I cant tell you the first thing about this chick life wise. I think I just found out she was addicted to crack or something like that. Yeah yeah whatever I know..............
Honestly I'm glad she didnt do the song
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wait brother! Are you tryna tell me what my favourite artist said!!! B/c i think i would know so dont ever ever ever correct me on that again!

(who am i kidding :p)
but oh ok you're probably right, i'm the worse mary j fan ever lol. But i love her so much. I so bad i shouldnt even call myself a fan :lol: I cant tell you the first thing about this chick life wise. I think i just found out she was addicted to crack or something like that. Yeah yeah whatever i know..............
Honestly i'm glad she didnt do the song

b4 i even read the last part i knew u were kidding lol..u bein mean is like...me becomin asian...its impossible lol
ummm do u need a hung? and rhi rhi is bein very innovative. shes doin her, not copying off of no1 else. shes n her realm. Come on now..find a track and video like "disturbia"..oh thats right u cant because its original creative and very innovative. No one liked umbrella, but rhianna took the chance with it and made it her own..why because she takes risks which sets her apart from the rest. and if u feel this thread is useless...why waste ur time posting?

I can't name one because I don't bother looking or listening to mainstream artists or music because its all crap. There is alot of people tired of the hype these mediocre acts get when there are plenty of other artists with MORE talent that get nothing.
This thread is useless in regards to the debate between the two because they both are crap and in the same category. The music industry as a whole needs a reality check because the music sucks. All these artists do is sell a image. Since the music is crap they replace it with a flashy video? Big deal and even still the videos are crap. Once again, they both are overrated, both are un original, both haven't done anything innovative, they both don't write produce, arrange their own music period. There is more music beyond mainstream and its sad that people think thats the only music thats out there when its not. There is good music out there and WAY better artists that are non commercial you just have to find them. I do find some of the mainstream music catchy but thats IT I wouldn't go as far as to say its innovative because its not and I don't take seriously. There isn't one mainstream artist right now that is doing something that hasn't been done and if so please name?
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ummm do u need a hung? and rhi rhi is bein very innovative. shes doin her, not copying off of no1 else. shes n her realm. Come on now..find a track and video like "disturbia"..oh thats right u cant because its original creative and very innovative. No one liked umbrella, but rhianna took the chance with it and made it her own..why because she takes risks which sets her apart from the rest. and if u feel this thread is useless...why waste ur time posting?

Am I missing something here? The last time I checked Rihanna is nothing but a marketing puppet with someone behind her pulling all the strings. Don't get me wrong, I really like her songs but she isn't a real artist. In time she could be but right now she is just a singer with the right songs being chosen for her. No writing credits, production, and her style comes straight from a stylist. All I can say about Beyonce is that I like some of her songs and at least she does have a hand in making her albums.
BEYONCE the way cuz i don't play dat...ella ellla eh eh EH! MESS i mean da song is nice but beyonce is just amazing!
Oh god. I adore both of them.
I can't say who has more talent, because I dont see it fit for me to decide that.
They both are really talented.
Sorry but I don't even see this a fit comparison.

Rihanna and Beyonce are WAY different artists.
I do believe Rihanna gives an innovative and unique approach in music.
I LOVE Rihanna and Beyonce to death!

Beyonce's voice I find stronger. Just listen to the song "Listen" from Dreamgirls.
So yeah, I can't compare.
But Beyonce is globally popular. She sells out arenas all over the world.
She even played Wembley Stadium with her first solo album. A MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENT.
pleaseeeeee, who cares? Awards don't mean anything any more. I wouldn't be surprise if anybody had a grammy or more than 2 nowadays. Who else are the masses going to give it to? It doesn't mean anything and just because someone picks you to win an award doesnt mean that you have accomplish anything. I'm sick and tired of real innovative artists not getting there dues while mediocre acts or artists with no talent do. There are plenty of other way better female artists better than both of them. Marvin gaye didnt have alot of grammies neither did james brown, does that mean that they are less successful? Hell no because its not about awards. Its about what you have contribute to music and the innovations that you have made which neither beyonce or rhinna have done which why this thread is useless. There just pop artists who are both popular because they have mass appeal and are marketable, next?

u need more than a hug..beyonce has contributed style, persitence and what it means to be a hard worker if nothing else..sure ppl wanna hate cz shes popular and does a lot of booty shaking and automatically assume thats all shes about when its not true...shes taken r&b and pop and done things most other females these havent or would dare try. Rihanna has kinna done the same thing...so if anything, beyonce (and maybe rihanna) have encouraged others to dare to be different and not stick to cookie cutter r&b or pop....
I can't name one because I don't bother looking or listening to mainstream artists or music because its all crap. There is alot of people tired of the hype these mediocre acts get when there are plenty of other artists with MORE talent that get nothing.
This thread is useless in regards to the debate between the two because they both are crap and in the same category. The music industry as a whole needs a reality check because the music sucks. All these artists do is sell a image. Since the music is crap they replace it with a flashy video? Big deal and even still the videos are crap. Once again, they both are overrated, both are un original, both haven't done anything innovative, they both don't write produce, arrange their own music period. There is more music beyond mainstream and its sad that people think thats the only music thats out there when its not. There is good music out there and WAY better artists that are non commercial you just have to find them. I do find some of the mainstream music catchy but thats IT I wouldn't go as far as to say its innovative because its not and I don't take seriously. There isn't one mainstream artist right now that is doing something that hasn't been done and if so please name?

Okay u dont listen to mainstream thats great and fine for u. And i do agree most of them suck. And selling an image comes with the territory. How else are u supposed to get it out there. Rhianna is no where near overrated. She is breakin chart records and doin a damn well great job. And her 1st album she co-wrote most of her songs. Yes she barely writes music but so what. The jackson5 didnt write,arrange,and produce there music did they..no. so whats ur point. And im a music love i know its more than mainstream music but once again its not about that. and if u find the debate uselesss than dont debate on it simple right??
Am I missing something here? The last time I checked Rihanna is nothing but a marketing puppet with someone behind her pulling all the strings. Don't get me wrong, I really like her songs but she isn't a real artist. In time she could be but right now she is just a singer with the right songs being chosen for her. No writing credits, production, and her style comes straight from a stylist. All I can say about Beyonce is that I like some of her songs and at least she does have a hand in making her albums.

Ok in that case so were the Jackson5. Becuase when they first started someone was telling them what 2do and say every step of the way. There clothes came from a stylist and they did not write their songs and their tracks were chosen for them. They didnt start writing their own until they left Motown. ITs the same thing...sooooooooooooooo NEXT
Okay u dont listen to mainstream thats great and fine for u. And i do agree most of them suck. And selling an image comes with the territory. How else are u supposed to get it out there. Rhianna is no where near overrated. She is breakin chart records and doin a damn well great job. And her 1st album she co-wrote most of her songs. Yes she barely writes music but so what. The jackson5 didnt write,arrange,and produce there music did they..no. so whats ur point. And im a music love i know its more than mainstream music but once again its not about that. and if u find the debate uselesss than dont debate on it simple right??

lol the debate is useless in regards to the two because their in the same category BUT I can still state my opinion. Rhinna is overrated mike srry but she is. She honestly really isn't a great singer and she just makes catchy music. It doesn't matter if she broke chart records, so did Brittany so did Justin so did Miley... they ALL do that isn't a reflection of the quality of the music. It just means she was marketable enough to get the music out there and played on the radio. Your right the jackson 5 didn't and shoot neither did the Temptations BUT the motown songwriters were exactly writing about something. LYRICS see the lyrics back then meant something and nowadays they don't mean a damn thing. The songwriters back then were successful with going beyond the song and touching the soul thats what music is suppose to do. Umbrealla ella ella a ?? what the hec is she singing about? what do the lyrics mean? Songwriters nowadays write about garbage because that is what SELLS.

I look at it like this, to be honest it really doesn't matter if you do or don't write, produce arrange your own music but its not fair when the masses and the media give artists who don't do any of that more credit than what they exactly deserve. Its not just with that area its also with dance, singing etc. But thats typical media because commercial artists always get away with that because they can get thereselves out there FYI, the jacksons did write their own music when they became "The Jacksons" and no longer the Jackson 5 and you know what else the lyrics were still good. It doesn't matter who's writing the artist or songwriter if the music is good its good.

But you are allowed to have ur opinion and Im cool with that, I'm not going to cut ur throat because u feel that way lol if you like her or mainstream music then thats you BUT thats my 2 cents. Im just old school at heart and I'm tired of the mainstream artists getting more praised then what they really deserve.

u need more than a hug..beyonce has contributed style, persitence and what it means to be a hard worker if nothing else..sure ppl wanna hate cz shes popular and does a lot of booty shaking and automatically assume thats all shes about when its not true...shes taken r&b and pop and done things most other females these havent or would dare try. Rihanna has kinna done the same thing...so if anything, beyonce (and maybe rihanna) have encouraged others to dare to be different and not stick to cookie cutter r&b or pop....

I need a hug? You need a music history lesson

Stevie Wonder
Marvin Gaye
Michael Jackson
Tina Turner
Aretha Franklin
James Brown
Led Zepplin
Jimi Hendrix
The Supremes
Sammy Davis Jr
Bob Marly
these are some of many legends that contributed to music and what we call innovaters in the music world. There hasn't been ANY I repeat ANY artists that are mainstream except MJ and Prince that has change the music world over the last 20 yrs.

What does style, persistence, hardwork have to do with real music? Thats the problem music isn't about JUST musc anymore. Anybody can be a hardworker. Some have a great market base to get their name out and some dont, that doesn't make them a innovater, doesn't make them a special talent, and that doesn't mean there product is ALWAYS good.

The artists I listed above were all hard workers BUT they were original,innovative, contributed to music and were talented in different areas in music.So just because ur a hardworker, persistance etc doesn't mean anything.

I'm tired of people always saying your "hating" or your a "hater" its very immature because not everyone is going feel the SAME way YOU do or has to. Its also annoying because people fail to back up their argument intelligently so they revert to saying, "your hating" .... its called "An Opinion Different From Yours".

I'm through, if you feel that way fine lol my thing is this just don't put them in the same category as some of the legends I listed up top because they are not and far from. Those are once in a lifetime artists which the music industry is lacking today which is why mainstream music sucks now.The End
Ok in that case so were the Jackson5. Becuase when they first started someone was telling them what 2do and say every step of the way. There clothes came from a stylist and they did not write their songs and their tracks were chosen for them. They didnt start writing their own until they left Motown. ITs the same thing...sooooooooooooooo NEXT

You completely missed the point. It flew straight over your head. The things you are claiming Rihanna to have done is actually something somebody else did for her. All Rihanna has done is put vocals to music. That's it. Nothing else. Beyonce has actually written songs and helped produce her albums, not to mention has sold a whole hell of a lot more. Again, I am not a hater and I do enjoy Rihanna's music but I'm being real about this. Rihanna and innovation do not go together unless you wanna talk about the people behind her cuz as of right now it's the only thing you can talk about.
lol the debate is useless in regards to the two because their in the same category BUT I can still state my opinion. Rhinna is overrated mike srry but she is. She honestly really isn't a great singer and she just makes catchy music. It doesn't matter if she broke chart records, so did Brittany so did Justin so did Miley... they ALL do that isn't a reflection of the quality of the music. It just means she was marketable enough to get the music out there and played on the radio. Your right the jackson 5 didn't and shoot neither did the Temptations BUT the motown songwriters were exactly writing about something. LYRICS see the lyrics back then meant something and nowadays they don't mean a damn thing. The songwriters back then were successful with going beyond the song and touching the soul thats what music is suppose to do. Umbrealla ella ella a ?? what the hec is she singing about? what do the lyrics mean? Songwriters nowadays write about garbage because that is what SELLS.

I look at it like this, to be honest it really doesn't matter if you do or don't write, produce arrange your own music but its not fair when the masses and the media give artists who don't do any of that more credit than what they exactly deserve. Its not just with that area its also with dance, singing etc. But thats typical media because commercial artists always get away with that because they can get thereselves out there FYI, the jacksons did write their own music when they became "The Jacksons" and no longer the Jackson 5 and you know what else the lyrics were still good. It doesn't matter who's writing the artist or songwriter if the music is good its good.

But you are allowed to have ur opinion and Im cool with that, I'm not going to cut ur throat because u feel that way lol if you like her or mainstream music then thats you BUT thats my 2 cents. Im just old school at heart and I'm tired of the mainstream artists getting more praised then what they really deserve.

The umbrella is a metaphor lol. that song does have meanin. basically saying when u n a bad time i got u covered. The rain outside representin ruff times and her umbrella being his n her protection from it. That means nothin? and yes rhianna isnt a great singer i know that. Beyonce runs circles around her n that department. and u cant cut my throat lol..no1 can (hahaha) but seriously i respect ur opinion, lets agree 2 disagree. love ya lol
You completely missed the point. It flew straight over your head. The things you are claiming Rihanna to have done is actually something somebody else did for her. All Rihanna has done is put vocals to music. That's it. Nothing else. Beyonce has actually written songs and helped produce her albums, not to mention has sold a whole hell of a lot more. Again, I am not a hater and I do enjoy Rihanna's music but I'm being real about this. Rihanna and innovation do not go together unless you wanna talk about the people behind her cuz as of right now it's the only thing you can talk about.

No i got ur point. U said it loud and clear. U think shes a puppet cuz of the team behind her. And If thats how u feel u might aswell say the same thing for the jackson5. All they did was record songs written for them,and wear what they were told, they didnt produce nor arrange any of their albums until they went 2 CBS and became "The Jacksons". Yet people dont say oh they're number1 hits dont count because its basically sum1 else's work. because thats exactly what they were doing if u want 2look @ it from that perspective. And as a SOLO artist rhianna has outsold beyonce and broken billboard chart records whereas bey hasnt.
Ok in that case so were the Jackson5. Becuase when they first started someone was telling them what 2do and say every step of the way. There clothes came from a stylist and they did not write their songs and their tracks were chosen for them. They didnt start writing their own until they left Motown. ITs the same thing...sooooooooooooooo NEXT

The difference is the lead singer had a hell of a voice for a young boy. Two of the brothers were excellent guitarists. The group was not manufactured, or put together by some record label exec, they were purely family and truelly talented.