Rewinding Michael Jackson


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
What parts of Michael's songs do you always seem to want to rewind to an listen again ?

For me lately its been what my signature say, im always rewinding to that. Also in Black or White as soon as the rap verse finish's an it goes into "DONT TELL ME YOU AGREE WITH ME, WHEN I SAW YA KICKIN DIRTY IN MY EYE !". I love that part so much, so much energy ! Also the chorus on Another Part Of Me is great as well.
mine is from is it scary

"and if you wanna see eccentric oddities.. i'll be grotesque before your eyes"


"but if you came to see .. the truth .. the purity ...

it's here inside a lonely heart

so let the performance start ...

i love those parts and i rewind them a lot when i listen to the song :yes:
cool thread - i'm a chronic rewinder

ones that immediately came to mind:

Break Of Dawn
the bridge (and build up to it) - "Let's not wait, the sun is out.."

Remember The Time video version: the dance break fill (alternate drums)

She Drives Me Wild: the music when the rapper comes in - the walking bass is priceless

Morphine: Demerol passage.

All I Do Is Think Of You: love the intro

Be Not Always: "Mother's cry, babies die.." bridge - haunting cello line

Heartbreak Hotel (Live) - when Michael and the backing do the "hoo hoo" call and response

i'm sure there are more...
I'm a chronic rewinder, too! :cheeky:

I do it mostly with his videos.

Man in the mirror from Moonwalker!!! :lol: I used to rewind it at least 15 or 20 times when I was a teenager... :blush:

Smooth criminal, for sure :cheeky:

Speed demon - dance part at the end :wub:

Another part of me, TWYMMF, TDCAU prison version

Stranger in Moscow - making of :wub:

anything relating Bad era (concerts, footages, etc.)

I just can't stop loving you - speaking intro

montages by Bigdb or Malc Jennings, etc.

any kind of concert footage I find really amazing, sexy, exceptional, etc.
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Remember The Time video version: the dance break fill (alternate drums)
I have rewinded that a zillion times!

Are theres lots but lemmie think of a few
Dangerous the 1995 performance I can watch the entire performance over and over again

What more can I give - The parts where Mike starts singing essecially the "over and over again"

The adlibs near the end of Dangerous

A tiny part of the adlibs at the end of 'In the Closet' I think it says "break it down" or something :lol:

Sometimes that 'Demerol' part in morphine

Streetwalker "Why don't you give me some time, wont you gimmie some time" lines

Your are not alone - "You are always in my heart" that line I loved it lol

Oh and some parts in Liberian Girl

Speed Demon - Speed Demon, You're The
Very Same One
Who Said The Future's In
Your Hands
The Life You Save Could Be
Your Own
You're Preachin' 'Bout My
Life Like You're The Law
Gonna Live Each Day And
Hour Like
For Me There's No Tomorrow

Heaven Can wait - Towards the end it pauses then he comes back shouting noooo or whatever lol

Butterflies - "All you gotta do is just walk away and pass me by" "I caress you, let you taste us, just so blissful listen I would give you anything baby, just make my dreams come true"

Is it scary - The entire song lol. And I really love the "Don’t wanna talk about it
I don’t wanna talk about it" towards the end

Theres some more but off the top of my head I cant really remember.
no all of these are neccessarily rewinding all the time but main what I LOVE hearing. I have rewinded them sometimes though lol
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I also love as soon as the beat drops in "Who Is It". I always rewind to that part and as soon as it drops try to beatbox it like Michael does on Oprah.
mine is from is it scary

"and if you wanna see eccentric oddities.. i'll be grotesque before your eyes"


"but if you came to see .. the truth .. the purity ...

it's here inside a lonely heart

so let the performance start ...

i love those parts and i rewind them a lot when i listen to the song :yes:

i love those parts, my favourite of the song :D i also love from Dont Walk Away

'and why, all our dreams are broken, i dont know where we're going, and everything begins to set us free, cant you see i dont wanna walk away' :clapping: i love it!!!
I'm not too big on rewinding, but the part in Can't Let Her Get Away where... Here, I'll just use the song.

From 3:23 to 3:38

I just can not listen to the song without repeating that part over and over again, lol.
cool thread - i'm a chronic rewinder

ones that immediately came to mind:

Heartbreak Hotel (Live) - when Michael and the backing do the "hoo hoo" call and response

Man! I love that part, look at the fire in his eyes.. he does it for longer on the BAD Tour!!
I don't really rewind Michael's song cause I want to let the song finish, lol. But I'm constantly rewinding video of him dancing, lol.
Oooo thought of loads more:

Stranger in moscow : " Take my name and just let me be" and the whole last minute.

Destiny: " I look to greet the stars but there's no stars to see"

Wanna be startin somthin: The whole vegetable part and " If you can't feed your baby then don't have a baby" and the end verse.

Lady in my life: " I want you to stay with meeeeeeeeeeee" then " I need you by my siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide" and all the sexy ad libs.:wub:

I reckon everyone rewinds first verse of hold my hand lol !

With performances I love the spin at the end of wanna be startin somethin BAD tour and another part of me in paris.
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Oooo thought of loads more:

Destiny: " I look to greet the stars but there's no stars to see"

Wanna be startin somthin: The whole vegetable part and " If you can't feed your baby then don't have a baby" and the end verse.

Lady in my life: " I want you to stay with meeeeeeeeeeee" then " I need you by my siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide" and all the sexy ad libs.:wub:

i love those parts, my favourite of the song :D i also love from Dont Walk Away

'and why, all our dreams are broken, i dont know where we're going, and everything begins to set us free, cant you see i dont wanna walk away' :clapping: i love it!!!
Streetwalker "Why don't you give me some time, wont you gimmie some time" lines

Your are not alone - "You are always in my heart" that line I loved it lol

Heaven Can wait - Towards the end it pauses then he comes back shouting noooo or whatever lol

Man in the mirror from Moonwalker!!! :lol: I used to rewind it at least 15 or 20 times when I was a teenager... :blush:

Smooth criminal, for sure :cheeky:

Speed demon - dance part at the end :wub:
Break Of Dawn: the bridge (and build up to it) - "Let's not wait, the sun is out.."

All I Do Is Think Of You: love the intro

Be Not Always: "Mother's cry, babies die.." bridge - haunting cello line

I agree with all of the above :yes:
Oh and browneyedgirl, I loooooooove that part of 'can't let her get away' too!!!!!

I love to rewind the ad libs from the dangerous tour at the end of IJCSLY!!!

And from 'get on the floor' I looove the end part starting with
'get up, won't you gon' get down....'
and whe he says
'and I sure would like just to groove with you'

there are millions more! lets just say that i,too, have joined the 'chronic rewinders' lol
Thriller the short film, when Michael showing his big white eyes, It's just a second before the dance with all the zombies behind him.

Heaven Can Wait- At the beginning from the song, when he sings: ''Tell the angels no''.

And ofcourse the bridge from For all time.
I would love to hear "Cry" it gets 2 me :(

Somebody shakes when the wind blows
Somebody’s missing a friend (Hold on)
Somebody’s lacking a hero
And they have not a clue when it’s all gonna end again

Stories buried and untold
Someone is hiding the truth (Hold on)
When will this mystery unfold
And will the sun ever shine
In the blind mans eyes when he cries
just thought of another; in Fall Again where Michael uses the "cool" vocal effect at the end. i always want to know exactly what it is that makes that phasing effect.
no that's definitely an effect - in the fade-out of the Glenn Lewis version, it's used on his voice also.
Money... the part where he says "cuz they're da back stabbers" and the beat drops and you just here the snaps. And around the end of the song where he goes, "money, money, money, AOW!!!" Makes the hair in the back of my neck stand up! :stretcher:
Will You Be There - The part where MJ sings ''But they told me, i ment to be faithfull''
Smooth Criminal - The part after when the guy says ''Ok i want everyone to clear the area right now''
Who Is It - The keyboard section in the middle of the song
no that's definitely an effect - in the fade-out of the Glenn Lewis version, it's used on his voice also.

Are you talking about the sound that Mike imitates right after you hear it play and states that he likes that sound and that it sounds cool, or are you refering to something else?

Have to add that I always tend to rewind the falsetto part in Speed Demon, killer bassline with great vocals...
We've Had Enough - 'Deep in your soul let God decide, His love's the reason I'm still alive'
Smooth Criminal - The 'I don't know' and 'dad gone it, Annie' section
another one to add: Do What You Wanna - Mike's ad libs are priceless there; scattered around but rewindable

Are you talking about the sound that Mike imitates right after you hear it play and states that he likes that sound and that it sounds cool, or are you refering to something else?
yeah that's the sound, although i always thought it was a vox phasing process but listening to it again has made me unsure now because of the natural-sounding reverb when he did it.
In you are not alone when he says "i can hear your prayers"

in GITM when his voice does that dip on the word "say" when he's singing "simply do the things I say"

many others but those two i have to back up and rewind often
In Scream i keep rewinding the part were he says just stop f*cking with me. cuz i can't imagine Michael cursing!