Rebecca Black - Friday, the worst song ever made?

A bit harsh, no? The criticisms are legit. The girl has one of the worst voices I've ever heard. Yes, she's a kid (and I'm sure a lovely one) but singing is not her calling and that voice is so nasal! It's like Ray Romano and Kermit the frog had a lovechild. The song is a joke and people are reacting. Nothing about "Friday" should be taken seriously.
A bit harsh, no? The criticisms are legit. The girl has one of the worst voices I've ever heard. Yes, she's a kid (and I'm sure a lovely one) but singing is not her calling and that voice is so nasal! It's like Ray Romano and Kermit the frog had a lovechild. The song is a joke and people are reacting. Nothing about "Friday" should be taken seriously.

Exactly, I don't understand why we shouldn't be allowed to criticize her voice or the song just because she's a "kid" (as if a 13-year-old has no idea about her own abilities). I would never say "harsh words" about Rebecca herself, I don't know the girl and she may have a great personality. However, she chose to record this song and she wants to be famous. Her record company offered to take the video off in the beginning due to all the criticism it was getting but she insisted to leave it online. It is a terrible song and Rebecca has no artistic talent at all. I'm not gonna deny this and pretend like it's not crap just because she's young. If she were 6, you may have a point, but 13? I agree that some take their criticism way too far and attacks on her personality or looks are out of line (I don't like that with any celebrity) but unfortunately, that is the price of fame.
?riticize? Yes! But nobody should call her dumb bitch or wish her to die. That's what I was talking about. People gone too far.
?riticize? Yes! But nobody should call her dumb bitch or wish her to die. That's what I was talking about. People gone too far.

I think I can safely assume that we all agree with that. Those reactions are from your typical internet smark with nothing going on in their real life. I can't even feel sorry for those types. They don't deserve it.
I might nominate "signs" by Beyonce as the worst song ever because Friday is funny bad, that's just bad. I don't know. So many bad songs nowadays. But Friday is truly epic for all the wrong reasons. LOL.
agree....the music sounds the same as music nowadays....only her singing is off & the lyrics (i just can't) but she's only 13. In spite of the hates, she gained more fame & money...the song is in Itunes top 40 & her MV is on 100M views already....she got bucks already for these haha , I guess she got the last laugh lol
This is like the worst composition meets the worst lyrics featuring the worst video. The guy must've been drunk when writing the lyrics.
Though I won't be listening to Black's further releases, but I hope she'd come up with better songs and not put this one into her debut album.
She'd be crazy not to feature this on her debut. This single made her! Like it or not, it is her ticket to the big time (well, the big time for her that is).
?riticize? Yes! But nobody should call her dumb bitch or wish her to die. That's what I was talking about. People gone too far.

Those are the pathetic losers with no brain who believe that they are allowed such sick language cause they are hidden online... people like that make me sick! Although for critics on the song, voice and video, unfortuantely she is kinda looking for it LOL!!! I mean seriously is this meant to teach pre school students about the days of the week...

"Yesterday was Thursday, Today is Friday, We so excited!! Tomorow is Saturday, Sunday comes afterwards"... I mean like WTF??? LOL!!!!! But my favorite part has to be without a doubt when she looks to the sky and yells out Celine Dion style "which seat will I take??", almost passed out on that part... It's like Michael when he would yell during Earth Song, but he would do it for the injustice the planet was going through while she's doing it for a car seat LOL!!! Now I have that friday song stuck in my head... Damn you Rebecca Black!!!! LOL!!!!
Yes, and only idiots write those harsh words about her just for fun.

There is a difference between criticism and abuse, and I have stated on a previous post on this thread that I don't think she deserved to be told to go kill herself, etc. That's just abusive and not criticism at all. It's unacceptable no matter how bad of a singer she is.

Regarding the actual criticism she's gotten (i.e. this song sucks, etc.) she should know better than to expect everyone to love her, ahem, material. Not everyone is going to love any given thing (especially when it's this bad)--it's part of human nature to be diverse in tastes and opinions. Posting her video on YouTube (of all places!) was her way of opening herself up to be judged by that website's community (and it's no secret the majority of YouTube users are not afraid to speak their minds.) Fancying herself to be a singer when she knows she can't sing was a mistake, and she deserves all the criticism she's gotten thus far.

I don't think she should be complaining about the actual criticisms, since at the end of the day, she's the one laughing all the way to the bank (thanks to all the aural masochists who bought her song.)

She'd be crazy not to feature this on her debut. This single made her! Like it or not, it is her ticket to the big time (well, the big time for her that is).

I don't know if that would be possible--since she didn't write the song, or compose the melody, etc. she might have to duke it out with Ark Music Factory (or whoever did those things, if they aren't part of AMF) over whether or not she has the right to release "Friday" as part of her debut with the label she's been signed on to.

Here's a fascinating post about that:
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