Rebecca Black - Friday, the worst song ever made?

Shes #1 on itunes......oh dear god what are ppl thinking?? :doh:

Now a days people's standards have become so boringly low. I swear that today someone could release a song of themselves burping the alphabet with a loud beat over it and that would get to number 1
This company Ark Music Factory is so wrong in every way!! Parents paying for kids to create a autotuned mess of a song, and a very cheesy video, then releasing it as a single!!! This Rebecca Black girl is now apparently 'Raking in the cash' as reported today. It's not right!! Whatever happened to people working for their goals? Look at MJ, working in sleazy clubs for a few dollars a night. Nowadays, chuck some money in and bam! you've got a single and worldwide exposure.

Music is dying. The fact this Friday song is No.1 on US iTunes proves this :(
i think MUSIC it been used like JUST MONEY. like a hooker
I flagged the video for "child abuse" lol.

I can't believe the like to dislike ratio this video has, I thought Justin Bieber's "Baby" video was bad but this one has almost 10x more dislikes than likes :bugeyed That's gotta be a record. Apparently, there are still people who like this song though as it got to #1 on iTunes. How sad.
All this dumbed down music today is really insulting to my/many people's intelligence
Now a days people's standards have become so boringly low. I swear that today someone could release a song of themselves burping the alphabet with a loud beat over it and that would get to number 1

It wouldnt surprise me if that ends up happening with the way the music indurstry is today
Anyone who listens to music from about 20-30 years ago and listens to music today and says that the quality hasn't dropped really needs to get their ears checked.

I wish that people would stop buying the mainstream music of today because when they do all that's telling record companies is ''Yes we want more music like that''

Also i know that alot of young people won't admit to this but i think the only reason why they buy all this new music is so they can ''fit in'' and ''be cool'' to all their friends. It doesn't matter to them if the music is good or not. All that matters to them is being current. I went through this myself. In the early 00's when i was about 12-14 i went through the ''I wanna be current and trendy'' phase. I never listened to anything old it was just all current things. Then when i got older i realised that predenting to like current things just to ''fit in'' with others wasn't really worth it, so i just listened to the things i actually do like.
^Some of us are strangely immune to that. :p

I do agree with your statements, however. From my general observations, the analysands (an entire campus' worth of them!) tend to embrace similar artists as a way to establish comradeship with each other. Most of the popular candidates are Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Beyonce, Katy Perry, et cetera. The top two candidates seem to be Gaga and Bieber, especially among the "popular" group of adult children. There are certain deviations witnessed in sub-groups, most notably the prevalence of hip hop among African-American students, but even they listen to the likes of Gaga and Bieber as well, so the influence of peer pressure appears to be virulent and pervasive in its spread to the majority of the population.

I sometimes wonder whether their choices are based on their general ignorance of the world around them (not being exposed to anything other than mainstream music through media communications such as radio, television, internet), or , as you suggest, an invisible pressure to "fit in" with the trends of their generation.

As a complete outsider, I can't honestly tell you anything about their psychology or their rationale for choosing to financially support such banality.
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My mom likes the song. I don't understand. :mello: Well, at least now I know a way I can make some money: sing random lyrics into the camera (talent not included), and get a number one hit. Wow, it's nice to know I can feel safe and secure with horrible singing. :p I could use a paying job, maybe I should give it a go.
it is so bad and funny, that you just gotta laugh and yet this goes to show with the money,hype, that anybody can blow up.

watch if this chick lasts a few years she will be judging singing. she could be your future american idol judge.

paula abdul and jiffer lopez are like gladys knight and aretha franklin compared to this chick, however there is a pattern.
Well.....i don't know what else to say about this song that hasn't been said already lol Is the song bad? Yes. Can she sing? No. Is it a shame that two grown men wrote this? Yes. Did the video (13 year olds driving/awkward, awful 'older' rapper) make sense? No. All this and the song is #1 on iTunes? lol
I've been hearing her name for quite some time now and after reading this thread I finally decided to listen.

I can't figure out the weird noises this girl makes in the beginning of the song. What is that? LOL! Also, not only is her voice atrocious, but the lyrics are beyond terrible!! I love how in the song she sings about making her bus, but in the video she jumps in to a car with her friends. This is awesome in an audaciously bad kinda way. :lol:
It may well be the worse song ever made.........

......but I have yet to hear every song that has been made...........
^ I know right? I mean I dont mind Enrique Iglesias (HATE HERO though, LOL) but to even compare the others to this tripe is really an insult to the others. I happen to love those other songs, yes were they VERY popular? yes. Were they the epitome of who the artists are? no. Doesn't mean they suck as songs either. I love "Don't wanna miss a thing" btw... :)

Rebecca Black compared to even the likes of Britney Spears (hell even Ke$ha, and I can't stand her) etc. is an insult imho. LOL! Girl just needs to go away. This "song" if you can even call it that makes me LOL and not is a good way...It makes me very sad...
1,304,900 dislikes lol
This song is shit haha hey I'm being honest here.. really bad imo.
^^NO WAY!!!!! Drew, I can't believe you actually said that. :eek: You hate the song that much? haha I love it.
I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing is my favourite non-Michael song. I can't believe it's just been compared to Friday. It's a classic.

You have to understand people are buying this song for the entertainment purposes, by that I mean the terribe songwriting and bad singing. People are buying and sharing this because it's so bad that it's funny.

On a serious note, these have to be the best lyrics ever written, they put Michael to shame!
Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday
Today i-is Friday, Friday (Partyin’)
We-we-we so excited
We so excited
We gonna have a ball today

Tomorrow is Saturday
And Sunday comes after...wards
I don’t want this weekend to end
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Those vocals.. close your eyes. It brings you on a journey of emotions. By the end you'll be crying and you'll have no idea why. This is real music.

Some unexpected people have something to say about Rebecca Black...

(If you're unfamiliar with Der Untergang parodies, basically, they make fun of Bruno Ganz's portrayal of Hitler's emotional outbursts by having him "react" to events in the news, pop culture, etc. The movie's original subtitles are thus replaced with fake subtitles which depict the fictional situation in a humourous manner.)