Rebecca Black - Friday, the worst song ever made?

That 'I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing' song is nearly as bad as Friday.

Wow.. really?

Some unexpected people have something to say about Rebecca Black...

(If you're unfamiliar with Der Untergang parodies, basically, they make fun of Bruno Ganz's portrayal of Hitler's emotional outbursts by having him "react" to events in the news, pop culture, etc. The movie's original subtitles are thus replaced with fake subtitles which depict the fictional situation in a humourous manner.)

This song is the worst song ever recorded..she makes my ears bleed...literally...:bugeyed:
^ I know right? I mean I dont mind Enrique Iglesias (HATE HERO though, LOL) but to even compare the others to this tripe is really an insult to the others.

My housemate plays that song ALL DAY :no: My ears bleed.

I think it's funny how much attention this song is getting.. I think that's exactly what these people wanted :lmao:
^^NO WAY!!!!! Drew, I can't believe you actually said that. You hate the song that much? haha I love it.
I hate it. Aerosmith died with that song. Then again, that's debatable whether it had already happened 15 years prior.

Those vocals.. close your eyes. It brings you on a journey of emotions. By the end you'll be crying and you'll have no idea why. This is real music.
I cried the first time I heard it because of how bad it was. I just laughed at Friday. Opinions, though.

Anyway, some kick-arse parodies of Friday: (the best one yet)
I hate it. Aerosmith died with that song. Then again, that's debatable whether it had already happened 15 years prior.

I cried the first time I heard it because of how bad it was. I just laughed at Friday. Opinions, though.

ohh that was harsh! :no:

hehe The first one was scary!
It's a terrible terrible song, but worst song ever? I'm not sure about that
Some unexpected people have something to say about Rebecca Black...

(If you're unfamiliar with Der Untergang parodies, basically, they make fun of Bruno Ganz's portrayal of Hitler's emotional outbursts by having him "react" to events in the news, pop culture, etc. The movie's original subtitles are thus replaced with fake subtitles which depict the fictional situation in a humourous manner.)
^ Lol...

OMFGOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!
I remember hearing about that song on Good Morning America. That song to me is no different than any other of today's songs that are out now. This Friday song is one of the main reasons why I no longer listen to today's music.
''I could lie awake just to hear you breathe...''; well yeah, that's what happens when you're awake with someone else.

Dianne Warren needs to get a lesson in songwriting. With those parodies, the second one is the best.

I thought it goes like this: "I could stay awake just to hear you breathing" lol..did I miss something? :unsure: ok its certainly not their best song but I still love it. Opinions like you said. And the video clip is cool too.

^LMAO! It was pretty weak until the end, but that ending more than made up for it! If only that would have really happened... *sigh*
That 'I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing' song is nearly as bad as Friday.

I so agree! I thought I was the only one cringing at this song. Aerosmith have not redeemed themselves ever since. I detest that song with a passion. Sorry for being off topic...
Some unexpected people have something to say about Rebecca Black...

(If you're unfamiliar with Der Untergang parodies, basically, they make fun of Bruno Ganz's portrayal of Hitler's emotional outbursts by having him "react" to events in the news, pop culture, etc. The movie's original subtitles are thus replaced with fake subtitles which depict the fictional situation in a humourous manner.)
:lmao:....I seriously cannot stop laughing....thank you for posting this..
^ I was just gonna post that :lol: Btw the version you posted is no longer available so here's a new link:


I thought it goes like this: "I could stay awake just to hear you breathing" lol..did I miss something? ok its certainly not their best song but I still love it. Opinions like you said. And the video clip is cool too.
Luv Lies is a far better song about the same thing. Diane Warren is like the songwriter you don't want, unless you're Meat Loaf.

I might be thinking of a live version. I refuse to listen to it to find out the right line though.
The song got the credit it deserved but honestly the girl herself is getting waaay too much flak. it's kinda sad actually.
Lol, so much hatred towards a little silly pop-song and teen singer... People really need to find something better to do with their lives than hating on things that they do not like...
I dont understand why this song is picked on so much. Yeah it's terrible but to me it's no more terrible than most of the mainstream music of today.
^I agree. It's practically indistinguishable.

As for the "abuse" she's getting, she's the one raking in all the bucks at the end of the day, for a song she knew absolutely sucked, so I won't believe she didn't know it was going to happen, and I can't say I feel sorry for her at all. Granted, things like "go kill yourself" are uncalled for and abusive, but some of the more honest opinions (most people's comments) are the truth and not at all abuse. The song does suck, it is uncreative, auto-tuned, and stupid. However, she wins at the end of the day because she's the one making tons of money off the stupid people who buy her song, just like real pop stars, which is what she wanted all along! :D
I actually feel sorry for her. I mean she is only 13 years old. To get so much hatred at this tender age must be really hard. I wonder how come her parents didn't prevent her from singing that awful song. I consider them resposible for what is happening to their child. If Rebecca couldn't understand how bad the song was and the negative critism that it would get because of her age, i am sure that her parents could but they chose to ignore it.
^I politely disagree. She knew it sucked, and it's her fault for fancying herself a competent singer when she isn't. It's the parents' fault for being vain and wasting their money, too, though. Besides, it's obvious she hasn't really been affected by it, since $1M later, she's reportedly already signed to a major label and will have an entire album worth of s--t coming at us in the near future.

The whole "she's 13" bs is also getting on my nerves. When I was 13, I wasn't vain and stupid, so as to fancy myself a singer when I knew I had no singing talent. So, no sympathy there. It's not at all a "tender" age. By 13, you should be able to assess your strengths and weaknesses to a fairly accurate degree, and I think it's obvious singing's not a strength of hers. Even if, for whatever reason, she didn't realize this until she got into the recording studio, the auto-tune should provide a clue as to where she stands regarding vocal talent.

I'd see the merit in that argument if she was 6 or 7, but not 13. Sorry.
^ Agreed. By 13, you know damn well if you can sing or not. I don't even know how she ended up in a studio..

At the end of the day, she got all the attention she and whoever produced this song wanted. They all knew it was horrible and they knew that it would get this "negative" feedback. I put negative in quotes because in the states, infamy is fame.
^I agree. It's practically indistinguishable.

As for the "abuse" she's getting, she's the one raking in all the bucks at the end of the day, for a song she knew absolutely sucked,

Oh, beleive me I could easily find the first 1000 songs I think suck more than Friday... if is a good or bad song is about taste, but in cases like this it's not really about the song, but about people finding a common object of hate...