Rebecca Black - Friday, the worst song ever made?


Proud Member
Jan 15, 2010
The Netherlands
Judge for yourselves:


Released last month, this video has become an internet sensation with 24 million views already. However, the reason this video became so 'popular' is because it's so incredibly bad. It is like a parody of modern pop music, from the amateurish video full of cliches (teenage girl partying with friends, driving in a convertible with the top down, rapper that seems out of place, etc.) to the awful lyrics ("kickin' in the front seat, sittin' in the back seat, which seat should I take?" "Yesterday was Thursday, today it is Friday, tomorrow is Saturday and Sunday comes afterwards", etc.) to the excessive use of autotune. This girl comes from a brand new label called Ark Music Factory that focuses on young teenage "talent" (9-17) and makes their parents pay a fee of at least $2000,- to record a song and shoot a video to put on YouTube. This is just one of them, if you want to see the rest (I would advise against it) look up the Ark Music Factory launch party.

Many are now arguing that this is actually the worst song ever made. Do you agree?

Personally, I think it's always tricky to speak in such definite terms as "ever" but I honestly cannot think of any song I've ever heard that's worse than this.

Some articles related to this that tell you more about the background of this video and record label:

Who The Hell Made Rebecca Black's 'Friday' Video?

Rebecca Black's Friday Becomes Internet Sensation


^ Chris is being nice about it lol :lol:


^ This guy may be a bit over the top but he's hilarious :lol:
I fail to see the difference between this and most of the mainstream music out today. Perhaps this is an unintentional social commentary on just how banal and pointless the industry has become. "It's Friday, Friday, Friday...", "P-P-P-Poker Face..." "Baby, Baby, Baby....", "Na-na-na-come on, come on!" What's the difference?

I think it's pathetic that parents are actually willing to pay $2,000 to put their idiot kid on a music video on YouTube. It only comes to show how egocentric, materialistic, and wasteful our society has become--$2,000 can easily feed a poor child for some time, a much better use for that money that having this talentless brat star in a music video. The market is failing, houses are being foreclosed, natural disasters are killing people by the thousands--but don't worry, you can soon star in your very own music video! :)

As for this being the worst song/music video ever made, I disagree. I think he's got you beat on that one:

(It's technically not his song, but it still sucks, a lot. The original song sucks too, though.)
I really believe that the song is either a spoof of this new trush trend in todays music industry or it is some kind of an experiment. There is no way that this song is real because if it is then oh my God!!!
Mikage id rather listen to william hung's song than rebecca's sadly enough. At least its a real song hes singing where as rebecca's just yeh...
When I first saw that video I thought it was a spoof. I mean there's no way... NO WAY it's real. It just can't be :no:
I've seen this song posted so many times over the web, it is terrible !! e=Even with the autotune, its definitely one of the worst songs I've ever heard :lol: Does anyone actually like this song, I don't think I've actually heard of anyone liking it.
From the Horse's Mouth: Rebecca Black's Rationale for "Friday", as Quoted from

"The other song was about adult love -- I haven't experienced that yet. 'Friday' is about hanging out with friends, having fun. I felt like it was my personality in that song." ~Rebecca Black

Well, at least she acknowledges she's got no personality. :D

For the full article, go to:
The worst song ever made? Subjective, indeed.

Geez - yet if Kesha sang something like that, she'd be applauded for it. It's meant to be a bit of fun - whereas Kesha's songs are just totally grating. Although it'd have been nice if they'd taken the autotune off it; it might have sounded a lot better.

Hopefully this song gets people to notice how bad autotune can be.
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^Ke$ha is talented, actually, but I have to agree with you. Her officially released songs are too auto-tuned and don't really do her any justice. She's better than the likes of Fergie in that at least she writes her own material, and writes for other artists such as Britney Spears. Her demos are far better than anything on Animal or Cannibal, though.

Regarding this specific topic, I don't think Black's song was the worst ever made, but it's pretty down there, due to lack of talent, low quality of lyrics, lack of creativity in video production, etc. In other words, it fits right in with the rest of 2010-2011 as far as mainstream music goes. :p
^Ke$ha is talented, actually, but I have to agree with you. Her officially released songs are too auto-tuned and don't really do her any justice. She's better than the likes of Fergie in that at least she writes her own material, and writes for other artists such as Britney Spears. Her demos are far better than anything on Animal or Cannibal, though.

Regarding this specific topic, I don't think Black's song was the worst ever made, but it's pretty down there, due to lack of talent, low quality of lyrics, lack of creativity in video production, etc. In other words, it fits right in with the rest of 2010-2011 as far as mainstream music goes. :p

Yeah Ke$ha is still young and she writes her own lyrics (which are crap btw) but this song by Rebecca Black was written by 2 (!) grown men. And all they could come up with is "fun, fun, fun, fun" type of lyrics? The sad thing is that her parents paid thousands of dollars to create this song and video, money that could have been spent on her college tuition or even donated to charity. And personally I found Tik Tok rather catchy and fun, while Friday is just cringeworthy. No comparison imo.
It is a bad song in my opinion but there actually are people enjoying this song and buying it on Itunes believe it or not.
I don't see the appeal but I guess like some others have mentioned it's actually not that different than some of the pop hits we have seen these last few years.
Those are just as meaningless and make no sense either.
Some people seem to like songs just because they are "catchy". (catchy nowadays really seems to just mean repetitive really.)
At least this girl is only 13 and didn't write it. I heard she got some really horrible comments thrown her way after doing this which I think she doesn't deserve.
Having said that I can't listen to this song more than once, the way they made her voice sound is just really irritating.

The lyrics did make me laugh though. They are really bad. lol
And the rapper that just appears out of nowhere. If it were a parody it would have been a great one but the fact that it isn't.....just no.
^ The people who bought the song are either completely clueless about what good music sounds like and are tone deaf or they thought it was hilarious and wanted something that would make them laugh, I'm hoping for the latter. It's sad because this song makes Ke$ha (who I can't stand) sound like a beautiful song bird (no offense Ke$ha fans), and it makes Justin B. (again no offense to his fans) look like a modern day Mozart...I honestly thought this was a joke when I heard it. Then when I found out it was serious...I had a major "WTF" look on my face.

As for the video I laughed my ass off watching it, I mean the kids in the video are like what 13,14? And they're driving a car? LOL! That's hilarious, kinda reminds me of Mandy Moore's video for "Candy" (remember that one?) and at the time she made it she was underage/not of legal driving age (I believe she was 15) and yet she was driving a car in the video...yeah reminds me of that LMAO...BUT the cherry on top for me was the "random rapper guy" at the end...LOL! I was like, "Who the F%#^k is this guy? And why does he care that it's friday?" LOL!

God I need good music...**walks out of thread to go listen to Michael**
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Did you guys know the rapper is actually one of the founders of the Ark Music Factory record label? He appears in all these kids' songs. Kinda sad really :mello:
Did you guys know the rapper is actually one of the founders of the Ark Music Factory record label? He appears in all these kids' songs. Kinda sad really :mello:

Yeah, that's a bit pathetic. I can't make it as a serious rapper, so I'm going to just make my own label where I can rap alongside talentless teens and look great in comparison. It's a fool-proof plan! :D
wow..I think I would have to be a teenager to understand WHY she is so popular...I am sure he is just a fly by night thing..until the next song comes along she will get all the views..but then..its..bye bye Friday Girl..:D
Yeah Ke$ha is still young and she writes her own lyrics (which are crap btw) but this song by Rebecca Black was written by 2 (!) grown men.

Omg u gotta be kidding me...:doh:
@LindaVG: Not all of Ke$ha's lyrics are crap. Some of her demos are amazing, and not all her lyrics are idiotic, although most of her officially released ones are. However, comparing that to those of her peers, I daresay they're pretty well-matched.

@The fact that this song was written by two grown men: I second 8701Girl's :doh:...
On the subject of Kesha, I've heard the demos on YouTube. Some are actually not that bad but what's being put out there under her name, officially, is utter tripe. Yet those demos would never be released because they wouldn't appeal. She could be taken as a singer and songwriter with a knack for a melody.

Ark Music Factory have a whole bunch of songs on YouTube - just look up Ark Music Factory. This place needs to be closed down - it's literally a factory with clones upon clones - sad to think this is how her big moment will be remembered. I'd say she writes her own song and see what comes out of it.

The abuse she was recieving; did she truly deserve that? Yeah, the decision to go with AMF (though they may not have known how bad the songs coming out there are before) isn't smart and I don't think anyone'll be rushing to them for a 'hit', but the torrent of abuse is uncalled for. If anyone needs the abuse it's AMF. For her to be able to see past all that and take it in her stride, and unlike most singers, bother to release an unplugged version - took some guts especially at that age. For that little, I can say she's amazing. Yet it must be working. Look at it on iTunes how far it's got - to number bloody one. It shows just how much a lack of anything can sell.

The other thing why I think it's amazing: look at the controversy it's generated. That's the best bit of it all.
Mikage Souji;3305386 @The fact that this song was written by two grown men: I second 8701Girl's :doh:...[/QUOTE said:
Anyone else wanna third it? LOL i truly reckon the fact it was written by tow grown men that deserves a third LOL
On the subject of Kesha, I've heard the demos on YouTube. Some are actually not that bad but what's being put out there under her name, officially, is utter tripe. Yet those demos would never be released because they wouldn't appeal. She could be taken as a singer and songwriter with a knack for a melody.

I couldn't agree more. She's definitely talented, but not exceptionally so. Her officially released stuff is more or less an insult to her own abilities, but I guess you could say the same about many other musicians' officially released material.

DrewHiggins said:
Ark Music Factory have a whole bunch of songs on YouTube - just look up Ark Music Factory. This place needs to be closed down - it's literally a factory with clones upon clones - sad to think this is how her big moment will be remembered. I'd say she writes her own song and see what comes out of it.

Be very afraid.

drewhiggins said:
The abuse she was recieving; did she truly deserve that? Yeah, the decision to go with AMF (though they may not have known how bad the songs coming out there are before) isn't smart and I don't think anyone'll be rushing to them for a 'hit', but the torrent of abuse is uncalled for. If anyone needs the abuse it's AMF. For her to be able to see past all that and take it in her stride, and unlike most singers, bother to release an unplugged version - took some guts especially at that age. For that little, I can say she's amazing. Yet it must be working. Look at it on iTunes how far it's got - to number bloody one. It shows just how much a lack of anything can sell.

The other thing why I think it's amazing: look at the controversy it's generated. That's the best bit of it all.

Her unplugged version sucks--a lot. No one forced her to sign on to AMF and I guess her own pretentiousness is what offends most people, myself included. I think she deserves some of the comments she's gotten, i.e. that she can't sing or she should pursue a different dream, or that she was an idiot for thinking she could have a music video, etc. However, I don't think she deserves to be told to kill herself, or anything along the lines of the more rude comments she's received.

I laugh at the fact that it's no. 01 on iTunes--like I said, it's not much worse from the rest of the stuff on the mainstream today. I remain hopeful that AMF is really composed of social malcontents who passive-aggressively trick idiot teenagers and their equally vain parents into giving them 2,000 USD to basically make fools of themselves on YouTube. It's a genius idea--criticize the banality of the music industry AND today's culture, and get paid to do it! :D

It is now Saturday. What should I do to get you to notice me? It's a secret. -enter awkward rapper-
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Her unplugged version sucks--a lot. No one forced her to sign on to AMF and I guess her own pretentiousness is what offends most people, myself included. I think she deserves some of the comments she's gotten, i.e. that she can't sing or she should pursue a different dream, or that she was an idiot for thinking she could have a music video, etc. However, I don't think she deserves to be told to kill herself, or anything along the lines of the more rude comments she's received.
I think she definitely needs to pursue a different career. At 13 do you honestly need to be making it big in the world? You might want to but do you need to? Hopefully those comments have given her the idea not to do another one.

The music video is ridiculous too. Driving cars at their age? It's been pointed out already I know, but...but...ah god.

I don't think she can sing yet, at least in a proper manner. When she's older, maybe...but for now, she needs to develop her voice. Go for some vocal training or something. The death comments are totally unneeded. Way to give her confidence in anything she wants to do.