Randy to get fans to MJ's Burial Site *Update post 291*Randy's Explanation

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Dangerous Incorporated

Randy Jackson's plan to let fans flock to Michael Jackson's mausoleum is setting up a nasty battle ... with the family of another celebrity buried in the extremely private section of Forest Lawn Cemetery.


It's all over Randy's tweet, in which he said he was going to do his best to get MJ's fans "beyond the gates of Forest Lawn" to pay their respects on June 25 -- the 1-year anniversary of the singer's death.

It sounds like Randy is offering a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, because normally non-family members can't access the mausoleum where MJ and a few other celebs are buried -- one of them being Clark Gable.

The legendary actor's grandson, Clark Gable III, told TMZ he's not down with Randy's plan ... saying the mausoleum "wouldn't be as sacred" if just anyone could go inside.

On the flip side, Randy has at least one supporter ... author Ronald J. Fields -- grandson of W.C. Fields, who's also buried there -- says he thinks fans should be allowed inside because it would be "moving to them."

Randy did not respond to our calls for comment.
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Battle brewing at michael jackson burial site

Battle Brewing at Michael Jackson's Burial Site
Originally posted 36 minutes ago by TMZ Staff
Randy Jackson's plan to let rabid fans flock to Michael Jackson's mausoleum is setting up a nasty battle ... with the family of another celebrity buried in the extremely private section of Forest Lawn Cemetery.

It's all over Randy's tweet, in which he said he was going to do his best to get MJ's fans "beyond the gates of Forest Lawn" to pay their respects on June 25 -- the 1-year anniversary of the singer's death.

It sounds like Randy is offering a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, because normally non-family members can't access the mausoleum where MJ and a few other celebs are buried -- one of them being Clark Gable.

The legendary actor's grandson, Clark Gable III, told TMZ he's not down with Randy's plan ... saying the mausoleum "wouldn't be as sacred" if just anyone could go inside.

On the flip side, Randy has at least one supporter ... author Ronald J. Fields -- grandson of W.C. Fields, who's also buried there -- says he thinks fans should be allowed inside because it would be "moving to them."

Randy did not respond to our calls for comment.
Re: Battle brewing at michael jackson burial site

I saw it coming.

I sure hope to be wrong, but I see MJ being moved

to Neverland at some point.


I saw it since I read Tohme's interview back in July

and watched Jermaine talking to Larry King.
Re: Battle Brewing at Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Just a warning guys and girls, keep this one free from arguments or it will be closed. It will be interesting to see everyones views on the possibility of fans being allowed to see Michaels resting place. I myself have mixed feelings.
Re: Battle Brewing at Michael Jackson's Burial Site

battle brewing at michaels jacksons burial site ...that whole title :weeping:
rabid fans .:(
god..no comment @ the moe . :huggy: to all..
Re: Battle Brewing at Michael Jackson's Burial Site

battle brewing at michaels jacksons burial site ...that whole title :weeping:
rabid fans .:(
god..no comment @ the moe . :huggy: to all..

I have edited the title and removed "rabid" from the article, no need for that
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Why didn't discuss tis with Forest Lawn & secured an approval before posting this on twitter...other than to throw a bone to his supporters?
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I can understand why relatives of other people buried there would be against this. Holly Terrace is extremely private. And to me, it's a sign of respect towards all those people who found final resting place there.

I also can understand the fans who want to go inside... For me, it was so emotional just seeing Michael's resting place from a distance when the flower shop people left the door open for a couple of minutes and let me and my friend look inside from the entrance... And I am thankful they did that for us, because it also somewhat helped to deal with the whole thing, you know?... But there were just the two of us and we were calm and quite. We didn't take pictures, we didn't step into the building, we were silent. But there might be people who won't be able to control their feelings, especially if there are many fans together. And then the place will become loud and there will be chaos, and it will be disrespectful...

So if they are able to find a solution without ruining the atmosphere of the place, it will be nice. I think they could let the fans in in small groups for a few minutes..
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I can understand both sides of the argument and I suppose that Forest Lawn will need the agreement of all relatives before they could even consider Randy's idea, so it's a non-starter IMO.
Anyway, I was always disappointed that MJ never got the opportunity to be surrounded by his fans during his funeral procession or ceremony. Sure, there were fan gatherings all over the world, but to see MJ's coffin surrounded by thousands of fans would have been so good. So IMO I really hope that something can be arranged. It would be really nice for MJ if his fans were allowed to visit, even if it is just this once. The appropriate security could be provided by the estate to ensure that nobody does anything disrespectful while they're in the building and all other tombs, plaques etc could be covered to protect the 'residents' identity and privacy. Fans could be allowed to QUIETLY and PEACEFULLY walk into the building, around MJ and then back out in a procession. I don't think anybody should be allowed to hang around in there. Unfortunately I won't be able to go.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

fan also need their closure.but randy surely playing here with fans emotion,before putting anything on twitter ,he needs to conform it first because its along process .we need a place where we can go and show our love and respect to Michael,right now everything is to scattered like our state of mind.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Perhaps he is trying to raise public and fan support for his plans by making them public, thus creating pressure for Forest Lawn to agree to it?
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Forrest lawn is not going to let fans in and they should not
That place is not graceland. And I say good for them
Re: Battle brewing at michael jackson burial site

I saw it coming.

I sure hope to be wrong, but I see MJ being moved

to Neverland at some point.


I saw it since I read Tohme's interview back in July

and watched Jermaine talking to Larry King.

Won't happen unless his mother or kids want it. Jermaine has no say
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I hate Randy's gunghoe attitude. He's not doing himself any favours. If he's grieving as much as he says he is then why would he put his own brother's resting place at risk like this? Idiot.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

It's a nice gesture of him trying to do something for the fans...
Let's just wait and see...
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I dont see how the family is coping with this... all they do is constantly talk about it...
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Randy doesn't talk with his kids let alone with M's kids so I doubt he even bother to ask them....I think that it's very delicate and it's up to the kids to decide...but they are still young and they may have mixed feelings about this so I'd say it would be better to wait...it's the first year without their dad.
I personally don't like this idea,M shared his entire life with his fans and maybe his kids need to have their dad's resting place to be kept as private as possible.The kids have the priority not fans...
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Randy doesn't talk with his kids let alone with M's kids so I doubt he even bother to ask them....I think that it's very delicate and it's up to the kids to decide...but they are still young and they may have mixed feelings about this so I'd say it would be better to wait...it's the first year without their dad.
I personally don't like this idea,M shared his entire life with his fans and maybe his kids need to have their dad's resting place to be kept as private as possible.The kids have the priority not fans...

I agree. -_-
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I too can understand both sides of the argument, BUT Forest Lawn's duty to the "others" who are housed in the same space as Michael must also be considered.

I mean, those folks have paid top dollar to be in that SUPER secured location, in my opinion, this is going to be a very hard call for Forest Lawn to make.

Another thing to consider, Forest Lawn will have to basically frisk anybody, other then the family, to ensure that nobody takes any pictures of the inside of that location. They will also need extra security and "extra this" and "extra that," in order for Randy's suggestion to run smoothly. Who will be picking up the tab for all of the EXTRAS?
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I doubt Katherine will allow this, because she is the one in charge,not Randy or the other siblings, according to their own admission.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Can't see this happening personally. In my opinion I think it's better that his resting place is away from the public. Keeping it for the family/kids/people close to Michael. I just think that's nice. For now anyway. Not that I want the fans kept out, I don't know I can't really explain it.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Can't see this happening personally. In my opinion I think it's better that his resting place is away from the public. Keeping it for the family/kids/people close to Michael. I just think that's nice. For now anyway. Not that I want the fans kept out, I don't know I can't really explain it.

Exactly, his life as a celebrity/greatest show on Earth is over.

Like anyone else, his final resting place is for privacy and respect.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

It's a nice gesture of him trying to do something for the fans...
Let's just wait and see...

And you believe he is doing this for fans...? Randy has his own agenda...Didn't he tweet he is keeping his cards close to his chest....he is peddling to fans for support for his many plans by throwing them a bone.

I never believed his Forest Lawn tweet was genuine.

Notice how he threw it out as an afterthought....after his twitter-rant.

He knew the reaction he would get from fans...and I am surprised many are gullible enough to believe it.

Can't see this happening personally. In my opinion I think it's better that his resting place is away from the public. Keeping it for the family/kids/people close to Michael. I just think that's nice. For now anyway. Not that I want the fans kept out, I don't know I can't really explain it.

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Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

And this is not about the fans this is Katherine Jackson's son. She chose that place so her son can rest in peace. Not to be turned into a tourist attraction
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

And you believe he is doing this for fans...? Randy has his own agenda...he is peddling to fans...by throwing them a bone. I never believe his twitter was genuine.

Notice how he threw it as an afterthought....after his twitter-rant.

He knew the reaction he would get from fans...and I am surprised many are gullible enough to believe it.

Co-sign! In my opinion, he had to throw his "supporters" a bone, in order to keep them on the line.

I was also just thinking that all it takes is one entertainment reporter to get in there, with a very small recording device and we all know what would happen next...........
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

And this is not about the fans this is Katherine Jackson's son. She chose that place so her son can rest in peace. Not to be turned into a tourist attraction
Very nicely put. I could not agree more.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Co-sign! In my opinion, he had to throw his "supporters" a bone, in order to keep them on the line.

I was also just thinking that all it takes is one entertainment reporter to get in there, with a very small recording device and we all know what would happen next...........

Call me incredibly stupid (lol) but what do you mean?
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Exactly, his life as a celebrity/greatest show on Earth is over.

Like anyone else, his final resting place is for privacy and respect.



Justthefacts said:
And this is not about the fans this is Katherine Jackson's son. She chose that place so her son can rest in peace. Not to be turned into a tourist attraction
Agree SO MUCH!!!

clarac said:
Randy doesn't talk with his kids let alone with M's kids so I doubt he even bother to ask them....I think that it's very delicate and it's up to the kids to decide...but they are still young and they may have mixed feelings about this so I'd say it would be better to wait...it's the first year without their dad.
I personally don't like this idea,M shared his entire life with his fans and maybe his kids need to have their dad's resting place to be kept as private as possible.The kids have the priority not fans...
So true ...
I understand the suffering of fans.
But NOW everyone else (including RANDY), should leave Michael for HIS CHILDREN
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Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Call me incredibly stupid (lol) but what do you mean?
The inside of Michael's resting place would "probably" make the evening news.

The folks over at TMZ are probably having a meeting this very second. Their Agenda: "IF Forest Lawn signs off on this, how can we SNEAK a camera into Michael Jackson's final resting place."