Random Inspiration...

Inspiring thread.
Michael has inspired me in many ways, very simple. He has opened some doors in my life and made me realize a lot of things in life. I'm actually a member of a humanitarian organization, where we're helping others the best we can. The real sources of inspiration in my life would have to be Michael Jackson, my incredible strength aunt who died of cancer, my heart is crying just thinking about her (Your always in my heart :cry:. :cry: ) , my family and my real, real friends.

To make your dreams reality, and never give up. To follow your heart, and remember to love what you have dear. And almost most importantly, to have faith.

Sending a prayer to my aunt, I hope she's happy where she is now. :cry: I'm glad she's not suffering anymore... Even tho' I miss her awful lot.
im inspired by you all the time i so need to give some rep to u guys but i am falling asleep here meh ill give u all rep then ill leave im so tired and ive got to be up at 10am urgh

good luck susie in ur finals keep ur inspiration goin in this thread and in ur last exam and all will be fine

now for the rep points lets me see

please note : if i accidently put a disapprove and then approve on ur rep its becoz im half asleep and i have no clue what im doin :lol:

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"Some can be so self absorbed that they tuly forget about the qualities, and the opportunities to be all that you can be..!

Knowledge Is Growth~~~

Opps posted twice

i wouldnt worry about it i think the boards server sometimes posts our comments twice i do it all the time even to bump threads so dont worry :better:we still love ya woman i posted twice hehe so who cares

can i please make it clear that susie is an amazing woman and means no harm to anyone with her inspiration she is a kind hearted woman and will help anyone even under stress i am one of those many ppl she has listened too i hope she finds some comfort in this becoz i heard selfish ppl on here report posts for no reason im standing up for her becoz she is my best friend if any of you need a good friend shes amazing and i recommend her friendship

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i wouldnt worry about it i think the boards server sometimes posts our comments twice i do it all the time even to bump threads so dont worry :better:we still love ya woman i posted twice hehe so who cares

can i please make it clear that susie is an amazing woman and means no harm to anyone with her inspiration she is a kind hearted woman and will help anyone even under stress i am one of those many ppl she has listened too i hope she finds some comfort in this becoz i heard selfish ppl on here report posts for no reason im standing up for her becoz she is my best friend if any of you need a good friend shes amazing and i recommend her friendship


Thank you for your support and kindness...


"Drama is UGLY, EVIL, and "ALWAYS" produces NEGATIVE ENERGY...

WE WILL NOT be sucked in to this type of NEGATIVE, UNPRODUCTIVE ACTIVITY...

It is a waste of precious time, energy, and the knowledge of growth..!"

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simple as that michael doesnt have bullys in his fanbase well i didnt think he did u never know these days

I certainly do not believe that there are ANY MJ fan who could mob another fan, or at all just bully ANYONE. :no: Michael really have done something to us .... Michael Jackson fans are just magical, sweet, thoughtful and loving. :wub:
"All the love and all the hatred, split from our desire to BE

All the Love and all the hatred, Leading to hostilities

All the Saints and all the Prophets, All the secrets that you keep,

exist with one intriguing question: tell me dearest...who are we?......

sentiments spent on emotions, derrived from our Eternal Spark,

All beyond our comprihention, watching protons in the dark...."
^^Love and Hatred^^

"....so bury fear, for fate draws near, and hide the signs of pain.

with noble acts, the bravest souls endure the heart's remains.

discard regreat, that in this debt, a better world is made.

that children of a newer day might remember, and avoid our fate.

(ive waitied all day in the pouring rain, but nobody came, no nobody came)

PREPARE FOR BATTLE!....I will live my life for love, for i am winterborn."

both songs written by the amazing Rouge of the Cruxshadows....>>>>Live. Love. Be. Believe.

Today I would like to address a negative type of person we all know. What I’m referring to is a common personality type we all find in our lives. Some of us find this person at work, and some of us find him or her in our personal lives. Who is this negative person I am referring to? It’s the person that I call…The Complainer!

To complain, by definition, means: To find fault; declare annoyance. In short, complaining is the act of identifying, dwelling on and commenting about the negative. It seems that no matter what good there is at hand, The Complainer always finds something negative to focus on and talk about. Since The Complainer has a talent for creating negative energy around them, my reflection today is as follows: Beware of The Complainers in your life, and do not allow them to pollute your day and infect your mind with inconsequential negativity. The Complainer has the ability to find that one single weed, in an acre of roses, and then fixate on it and whine about it. If you want to live a wellness-oriented life, I suggest you ignore The Complainer and enjoy the roses!

Wishing You Great Health,
Dr. John H. Sklare
This a favorite and very funky inspirational composition that Shagy released a few years back...

:angel:You can accomplish anything in life...by just believeing in yourself..!


is that the one you sent me last night on msn ?? i love his songs i used to have the album in my car


Today I would like to address a negative type of person we all know. What I’m referring to is a common personality type we all find in our lives. Some of us find this person at work, and some of us find him or her in our personal lives. Who is this negative person I am referring to? It’s the person that I call…The Complainer!

To complain, by definition, means: To find fault; declare annoyance. In short, complaining is the act of identifying, dwelling on and commenting about the negative. It seems that no matter what good there is at hand, The Complainer always finds something negative to focus on and talk about. Since The Complainer has a talent for creating negative energy around them, my reflection today is as follows: Beware of The Complainers in your life, and do not allow them to pollute your day and infect your mind with inconsequential negativity. The Complainer has the ability to find that one single weed, in an acre of roses, and then fixate on it and whine about it. If you want to live a wellness-oriented life, I suggest you ignore The Complainer and enjoy the roses!

Wishing You Great Health,
Dr. John H. Sklare

i got this via PM
To All Who are interested...

Check this #1 Best Selling Book and/or Video...

"The Secret"


:angel:he Secret reveals the most powerful law in the universe. The knowledge of this law has run like
ugh the lives and the teachings of all the prophets, seers, sages and saviors in the world's history, and through the lives of all truly great men and women. All that they have ever accomplished or attained has been done in full accordance with this most powerful law.

Without exception, every human being has the ability to transform any weakness or suffering into strength, power, perfect peace, health, and abundance.

Rhonda Byrne's discovery of The Secret began with a glimpse of the truth through a 100 year old book. She went back through centuries, tracing and uncovering a common truth that lay at the core of the most powerful philosophies, teachings and religions in the world.

What Rhonda discovered is now captured in The Secret, a film that has been viewed by millions around the world. The Secret has also been released as an audio-book and printed book with more than six million copies in print.

The Secret explains with simplicity the law that is governing all lives, and offers the knowledge of how to create - intentionally and effortlessly - a joyful life. This is the secret to everything - the secret to unlimited happiness, love, health and prosperity.

This is the secret to life.

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I can't help it...

Here is another fine insperational reflection of thought...

"Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish." -- John Quincy Adams
From the Masters...

:angel:Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing." -- Abraham Lincoln

:angel:Make friends with the angels, who though invisible are always with you. Often invoke them, constantly praise them, and make good use of their help and assistance in all your temporal and spiritual affairs.

-St. Francis de Sales
Well here we are on the doorstep of another new year. I always find myself amazed and a bit surprised every year at how fast the year seems to have passed. At the same time, if you’re like me, you are always ready for the a year of new beginnings.

There is just something exhilarating and magical about a new year. It holds with it the promise of something better, the opportunity to start anew and the potential of becoming more like that person you really want to be. So, with that said, let me offer you a New Year’s suggestion that I hope will lift your spirit, recharge your motivational batteries and open up the door to a healthier life in 2009 and beyond!

On this precious and wondrous day I suggest you begin to enthusiastically usher wellness into you life. I’m going to be a bit vague here because I want you to determine what wellness means to you. It may mean that you should stop smoking, embrace exercise, start being kinder to those around you, or find a better job. The list is endless, but the benefits of living a wellness-oriented life are bountiful. So what do you say?

Is this going to be another year like the last one? Or are you going to take corrective action in 2009 and invest time and energy into a lifestyle that improves your health and extends your time on this wonderful planet? If you do, it will be a Happy New Year indeed!

Wishing You Great Health,
Dr. John H. Sklare

:angel:peace, Love, Health, and Happiness:angel:
Let me know what happens to you the morning after you open this e-mail.
This is an unusual one. It actually gives you a time tomorrow. Let's see if it works.



Forward this message the same day you received it
It may sound ridiculous, but it is right on time
We believe that something is about to happen.
Angels exist, only sometimes they haven't got wings
and we call them friends; you are one of them
Something wonderful is about to happen to you and your friends.
Tomorrow at
08:37AM somebody will address you and tell you some thing you have been waiting to hear.
Please do not break this. Send it to at least 7 of your friends

"Patience & Perseverence have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obsticles vanish..!"

John Quincy Adams
From: http://www.heartsandminds.org/quotes/joy.htm

Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the happiness that you are able to give.
- Eleanor Roosevelt

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.

- Anonymous

One joy scatters a hundred griefs.
- Chinese Proverb

Into the house where joy lives, happiness will gladly come.
- Japanese Proverb

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
- Philippians 4: 4-7

A smile is a light in the window of the soul indicating that the heart is at home.
- Anonymous

This is the best kind of voyeurism, hearing joy from your neighbors.
- Chuck Sigars
I feel like a tiny bird with a big song!
- Jerry Van Amerongen

Joy is the feeling of grinning inside.

- Melba Colgrove

Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.
- Mother Teresa

There may be peace without joy, and joy without peace, but the two combined make happiness
- John Buchan

Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.
- Thich Nhat Hanh

Let a joy keep you. Reach out your hands and take it when it runs by.
- Carl Sandburg

Joy can be real only if people look on their life as a service, and have a definite object in life outside themselves and their personal happiness.
- Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy

There are those who give with joy, and that joy is their reward.
- Kahlil Gibran

On Anger:

Anger makes you smaller, while forgiveness forces you to grow beyond what you were.
- Cherie Carter-Scott
Anyone, any age, can get angry. Tiananmen Square, Beijing, China
When anger rises, think of the consequences.
- Confucius

The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
- Anonymous

Holding on to anger, resentment and hurt only gives you tense muscles, a headache and a sore jaw from clenching your teeth. Forgiveness gives you back the laughter and the lightness in your life.
- Joan Lunden

When you feel "dog tired" at night, it may be because you growled all day.
The best remedy for anger is delay.
- Brigham Young

Anger is never without a reason, but seldom a good one.
- Benjamin Franklin

Anger makes dull men witty, but it keeps them poor.
- Elizabeth I

People all over the world get angry, that's one of many things we have in common
If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.
- Chinese Proverb

Never get angry. Never make a threat. Reason with people.
- Mario Puzo
If you do not wish to be prone to anger, do not feed the habit; give it nothing which may tend to its increase.
- Epictetus
Speak when you are angry - and you will make the best speech you'll ever regret.
- Laurence J. Peter
Anger is always more harmful than the insult that caused it.
- Chinese Proverb

Anger is a bad adviser.
- French Proverb

Eventually, we hope, we gain the wisdom to deal with anger
Anybody can become angry, that is easy; but to be angry with the right person, and to the right degree, and at the right time, and for the right purpose, and in the right way, that is not within everybody's power, that is not easy.
- Aristotle

He who flings mud, loses a lot of ground.
- Anonymous

A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control.
- Proverbs 29:11

If what we are doing with our anger is not achieving the desired result, it would seem logical to try something different.
- Harriet Lerner

Anger helps strengthen out a problem like a fan helps straighten out a pile of papers.
- Susan Mancotte

From: http://www.heartsandminds.org/quotes/joy.htm

Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the happiness that you are able to give.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.

- Anonymous
One joy scatters a hundred griefs.
- Chinese Proverb
Into the house where joy lives, happiness will gladly come.
- Japanese Proverb
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
- Philippians 4: 4-7
A smile is a light in the window of the soul indicating that the heart is at home.
- Anonymous
This is the best kind of voyeurism, hearing joy from your neighbors.
- Chuck Sigars
I feel like a tiny bird with a big song!
- Jerry Van Amerongen
Joy is the feeling of grinning inside.

- Melba Colgrove
Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.
- Mother Teresa
There may be peace without joy, and joy without peace, but the two combined make happiness
- John Buchan
Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.
- Thich Nhat Hanh
Let a joy keep you. Reach out your hands and take it when it runs by.
- Carl Sandburg
Joy can be real only if people look on their life as a service, and have a definite object in life outside themselves and their personal happiness.
- Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy
There are those who give with joy, and that joy is their reward.
- Kahlil Gibran

Awesome Linda...Simply Awesome~~~

:angel:Thank You for sharing..!
Thanks Susie. Isn't the pic of that baby grinning just enough to put you in a good mood? So absolutely cute...here's another:

Thanks Susie. Isn't the pic of that baby grinning just enough to put you in a good mood? So absolutely cute...here's another:


:angel:Awwwe how very precious...Tears of happiness in my heart...