R.I.P. Patrick Swayze

I was thinking about him recently. It's sad he's gone. RIP Patrick Swayze.
I just found out! R.I.P Patrick! I grew up watching Dirty dancing and still have it! He was a cool handsome sweet man! My sister loved him! What a real F*cked up yr this has been. So many icons gone. The entertainment bussiness has really really died. MJ was the signed of that end when he left!
makes me think that it is nicer up there now as here on earth.............

so so sad and so young........

rip patrick

oh yeah of course it is nicer up there.....It is Heaven....no pain..no sorrow.....its a beautiful place..All those that are called when it is their time are in peace...:yes: Another one gone to soon. RIP Patrick
Honestly, and not to be rude at all, but I saw this coming. I actually thought of him to be next right after Michael.
The grim reaper is really making his way around. :(
So much talent lost this year, it's unbelievable.

With all due respect, RIP Patrick Swayze.
oh yeah of course it is nicer up there.....It is Heaven....no pain..no sorrow.....its a beautiful place..All those that are called when it is their time are in peace...:yes: Another one gone to soon. RIP Patrick

I agree, I bet it is nicer up there. With all that's wrong in the world, and then we keep losing all the good ones.

:cry: Poor Patrick, horrible what he had to go through.

Rest In Peace to him, and thank you Patrick for not letting anyone put baby in the corner :)
Honestly, and not to be rude at all, but I saw this coming. I actually thought of him to be next right after Michael.
The grim reaper is really making his way around. :(
So much talent lost this year, it's unbelievable.

With all due respect, RIP Patrick Swayze.

Im worried about Peter Tork as well from the monkees. Hes battling a form of cancer right now. I've been praying for him though.

This is such a rotten year.. Im making a nice slideshow for Patrick right now its making me so sad..
wow, this year just sucks and keep getting worse.. 3 of my major childhood icons gone. Michael, Farrah and now Patrick.. not to miss anyone else that passed but these 3 where HUGE in my growing up.. how much more can we all take :cry:
I read somewhere last week that in 2009 21 celebrities have passed away. Now it's 22. RIP Patrick
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Wow man. I actually thought too that he'd pull through but this was definetly a surprise. Love Ghost and To Wong Foo myself. May he rest in peace.
I just found out about this, I'm shattered.
I still remember watching him in "North & South" tv series when I was not older than 6 years old... He was a sweetie.

Rest in Peace, Patrick, you'll live in our hearts.
We only part to meet again.

I heard he fought it for 20 months, when most people only live a few after being diagnosed. He gave such a fight. I admire him for that. What an inspiration. We all should go put She's Like The Wind, in our ipods/MP3 players in his memory!
Aw damn, i only watched his last interview a few weeks ago and he was so posative.
its such a shame, all these good guys get taken away far too soon its not fair.
theres another angel now.
R.I.P Patrick.
love to your family. you will be missed hunny xxx
I knew the chances were slim given that it's pancreatic cancer, but he fought long and hard and i'm so sad to hear of Patrick's passing. He was very talented. "Ghost" and "The Outsiders" are my fave films of his. He seemed like a nice guy and really fought hard. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and loved ones right now. May he RIP.
I knew he was sick, but I really thought he was gonna make it. Im totally shocked.
Rest In Peace Patrick. :( I'm gonna watch Dirty Dancing tonight in his memory. Thank you for the wonderful films.