Program for Michael's service

That's a beautiful looking program, but I'm not planning on watching the funeral on TV at least. I don't watch much TV anyway. Might catch clips of it on YouTube like I'm sure there will be. I just want to see the chaos end, but I don't expect it will ever end.
The invite had the name of the person on there as well and she blocked it off. So it may or may have not been that person.

Unless someone's invite got stolen, my hunch is that the invitee provided the information or someone working for one of these invitees.
I'm too sedated to really feel the impact of what's about to happen in a few hours, and that's probably for the best. I won't be watching, but I hope I'll be dreaming of him instead.
All my love to the fans for tonight, be strong everyone.
I'm too sedated to really feel the impact of what's about to happen in a few hours, and that's probably for the best. I won't be watching, but I hope I'll be dreaming of him instead.
All my love to the fans for tonight, be strong everyone.

:agree:Yes this time tomorrow he will be at rest, we've done the last 10 weeks and we can do this.
I'm so gonna go to visit Michael's grave! Never been to US, now i'll have a a serious reason to go.

I think you can't. In a program today on dutch television , a guy was there...outside of forest lawns and he said you simply can't get there.
Now i am not sure if he meant only today...or just never as in..never ever.

The guy said you need a special key to get there and things like that. Sounds more like something you really can't get to.
I think you can't. In a program today on dutch television , a guy was there...outside of forest lawns and he said you simply can't get there.
Now i am not sure if he meant only today...or just never as in..never ever.

The guy said you need a special key to get there and things like that. Sounds more like something you really can't get to.

That is what one of the Forest Lawn employees said on I think it may have been Good Morning America...that only family has a key and the only people that can go in are the people who have this key and employees of Forest Lawn. And I just saw the first shot of the burial and it will be outside.

Good Bye Michael - We Miss You And We love You


The video CindyRilla posted is beautiful... I must admit I cried from seeing it..
The program is also just as beautiful. Michael will be at peace today, finally.
I'm too sedated to really feel the impact of what's about to happen in a few hours, and that's probably for the best. I won't be watching, but I hope I'll be dreaming of him instead.
All my love to the fans for tonight, be strong everyone.

Ditto. I'd probably start puking if I saw it, the emotions would be too overwhelming for me right now. So I will continue on with my time-out for another couple of days or so. I will be praying for him and his family, lighting candles, and everything of course. Be strong people. I'm still in recovery mode and would like to keep it that way. Michael knows that, too. :angel:
this is just sooo heart sunk again....this is it....:cry::cry:
No words can describe how I feel right now...

Michael, wherever you are, know that you will forever be loved and remembered by all your family, fans and specially by your children. Rest In Peace Michael. I will ALWAYS love you.
Well the program is lovely. But it only proves that the Media got a hold of something they know they weren't suppose to get.
What the heck did Michael ever do to deserve all this crap? He can't even die and get buried without all the hoopla & rumors! an emotional roller coaster all over again :(

god, that BURIAL "invite"/program just kills me... oh gosh :(
What's more tragic is that MJs family are the ringmasters of the hoopla. They alerted the media, not the media chasing after them.

Well the program is lovely. But it only proves that the Media got a hold of something they know they weren't suppose to get.
What the heck did Michael ever do to deserve all this crap? He can't even die and get buried without all the hoopla & rumors! an emotional roller coaster all over again :(
What's more tragic is that MJs family are the ringmasters of the hoopla. They alerted the media, not the media chasing after them.
You don't really think it would have made a difference do you? This is Michael Jackson we are talking about here. If the family hadn't said anything, someone else surely would have.
You have a point there.

But I think Larry King's wife or Larry King himself scanned it for CNN to post.

You don't really think it would have made a difference do you? This is Michael Jackson we are talking about here. If the family hadn't said anything, someone else surely would have.
come on guys, let's not get too depressed. we wanted michael to be laid to rest and he finally is. also, HE IS NOT GONE....stop saying that. He is with us forever...He has just crossed over into another realm and he is happy, so let's be happy for him! HE IS STILL WITH US!
I really can't get over these so called friends of his and their complete disrespect now in his death. It's really very sad.
Oh sure they do!

Larry King's wife is co-producing Jermaine's "Tribute" concert in Vienna.

They're BFFs.
Then it makes no sense for him to be 'covering' this if he was invited. Obviously not so BFF.
I must be the odd one out... since the days of the memorial I haven't cried anymore. And today I just feel extremely peaceful.

This is exactly how I feel..peaceful....don't know why, but I do.