Program for Michael's service

Great. . . now everyone is going to know where the family and friends are going to after the funeral!!! That restaurant is going to be mobbed.

Guys, I know everyone is hurting and maybe that's why we're not thinking straight today. But I really don't think the funeral is going to aired at all if that is what people are thinking. We are not going to see anything that is going on in doors. The media is just going to be outside, probably behind the gate reporting when people arrive, who arrives (if they can tell), and when they start leaving. Though, it is still an invasion of privacy because this is a private burial.
But even though this is a private burial, nothing seems to be private about it. . .

I agree. I think that will happen too.
OK, I read the CNN article and I think that this is what channels are talking about when they say that they are going to be 'LIVE' with some footage:

The news media -- which have closely covered every aspect of Jackson's death -- will be kept at a distance, with their cameras no closer than the cemetery's main gate. The family will provide a limited video feed that will only show mourners arriving.
Oh God, so this is it eh?? :( I cant believe this is happening, im speechless, his death still seems too surreal to me.. I dont think i'll ever accept it.. I feel the same as you, this is the end of an era.. God bless our angel,he was a kind and pure soul on this earth. He'll always be a part of me, theres so many memories of my life attached to his music since i was a little girl..I'll never let you part Michael, i feel so overwhelm right now....:(
it's hard reading that and it being in regards to Michael. Can't wait to wake up from this bad dream.
I'm kinda glad that someone scanned the programm actually.... feel a part of it...
Me too, in the end. We will "participate" in our way at 4am. We have our table done up with flowers and his pictures and candles. I want to read a few things from Dancing the Dream and pray. I'm already crying, so I don't know how I'll actually read anything. I'll try to, at least...
Oh jeez. This is just too hard for me to handle.
I just wish this would all go away. Everytime I read something about Michael being burried I just cant help imagine him singing that Peter Pan song.

'Dancing on a cloud soaring up so high
Watch me now, watch me fly
I'm Peter Pan, I can do anything. I soar so high
I am forever.'

Can someone please wake me up from this terrible nightmare...:no:

Gonna lit 51 candles for him at 4.00 (European Time).
this is so hard. it feels so real seeing that but still can't believe it really happened
I must be the odd one out... since the days of the memorial I haven't cried anymore. And today I just feel extremely peaceful.
i am hoping to feel more peaceful after today....................i found the concert day and the time whe we read the coroners verdict to be heartbreaking and i cried so much
I actually feel peaceful today as well. I thought I would be a wreck but everything feels tranquil. Finally Michael will find peace and be laid to rest.
I'm so gonna go to visit Michael's grave! Never been to US, now i'll have a a serious reason to go.
I ain't gonna lie my curiosity emotion is kicking in but I will not give CNN the hits they are seeking.
*continues my block out of CNN and Faux news*

Rest my baby MJ. I love you so much sometimes it hurts physically.
I actually feel peaceful today as well. I thought I would be a wreck but everything feels tranquil. Finally Michael will find peace and be laid to rest.

Nicely put. I agree..

Let's not dwell on that he is getting buried today (it was going to happen) - Besides it's been over 2 months now. He needs to be laid to rest for more than MANY reasons.

Here is something that someone made way back in March 2009 - it will also bring a bit of peace to some.

^^ brings me tears and a smile. Love him forever and always.

Where I won't be at peace is because of his death. I won't be at peace until justice is done and those that caused his untimely death PAY DEARLY for it.
I'm so emotionless. I don't feel anything. I just feel fully numb. I can't believe this is happening.
Um that quote that is supposed to be from Dancing the Dream - isn't, it's from the Oxford speech. Is this for real?
Let's not dwell on that he is getting buried today (it was going to happen) - Besides it's been over 2 months now. He needs to be laid to rest for more than MANY reasons.

as sad as this day is :boohoo: i have to agree. .. he needs to be laid to rest . :huggy:'s to all
it won't let me show the invitation, can someone post it in this thread please