Program for Michael's service

Okay. What MORON who is invited to this thing allowed CNN to photograph this?

And people talk about the family????

How did they get hold of one of those?

I worked at a Kinko's in California and one of the employees gave TMZ a wedding invite to some celebs wedding, they got paid a lot of money too. So it may have been someone at the printing company looking for some money.
I worked at a Kinko's in California and one of the employees gave TMZ a wedding invite to some celebs wedding, they got paid a lot of money too. So it may have been someone at the printing company looking for some money.

Well, they blocked out the name of the invitee, so I have to assume that the invitee provided the information.
no doubt some idiot who aint even mjs friend i swear if i see feldman or his likes there again. it will just sum it up.
Well, they blocked out the name of the invitee, so I have to assume that the invitee provided the information.

The invite had the name of the person on there as well and she blocked it off. So it may or may have not been that person.
Well oh well, it will starting at 4 o'clock in Holland... I will see tomorrow the updates about this... I can't understand this whole situation...
Wow reading that service booklet is way too depressing.. I still cant comprehend his death but when I read this funeral service programe it all hits me.. Michaels death has felt surreal up until I witness the memorial service or read this funeral programe, because it reminds me of the funerals Ive been to, and its real. Its bloody real....
the BBC News is going to air the funeral live starting at 03:00 gmt ;(
This really isn't a program, this is an invitation for the service.
Wow reading that service booklet is way too depressing.. I still cant comprehend his death but when I read this funeral service programe it all hits me.. Michaels death has felt surreal up until I witness the memorial service or read this funeral programe, because it reminds me of the funerals Ive been to, and its real. Its bloody real....

Yup...OMG, he's really gone. :cry:
Yea, fellow MJ fans. This is one of those stages in life that we will never forget.
I think it`s`s a hard day....:(

I agree, it's beautiful and sad at the same time, sometimes I still can't believe that he's really gone and then it suddenly hits you :(
I still don't know if I should stay up and watch or not.
Great. . . now everyone is going to know where the family and friends are going to after the funeral!!! That restaurant is going to be mobbed.

Guys, I know everyone is hurting and maybe that's why we're not thinking straight today. But I really don't think the funeral is going to aired at all if that is what people are thinking. We are not going to see anything that is going on in doors. The media is just going to be outside, probably behind the gate reporting when people arrive, who arrives (if they can tell), and when they start leaving. Though, it is still an invasion of privacy because this is a private burial.

But even though this is a private burial, nothing seems to be private about it. . .
I cried today and yesterday more than I cried during the memorial .The fact that he is gone forever is just too hard for me to accept . :cry: