press conference coming up on CNN

Live -- Joe Jackson Press Conference

Posted Jun 29th 2009 2:00PM by TMZ Staff

Joe Jackson and Al Sharpton are about to hold a press conference to address his concerns about Michael's death. We hear the family is outraged over how MJ died -- and that sparks are going to fly at the presser. Stay tuned...
MSNBC just announced that Joe & Al Sharpton will be appearing outside the Encino home at any minute as well.
honest question, why are they so mad? its over with. sure those Dr.'s shouldnt have been enabling Mj, but Mj knew what the ultimate consequence could be. its so sad. i would be more furious at the people around MJ who didnt force him to get help.
Who is the man on the right of the screen next to Al? wearing the white hat? He walked out with them, looks familiar but can't identify him.
What in the he babbling about. NO ONE cares about his record label....his son is not even in the ground and he's trying to cash in.
did he say that they're not ready for the funeral yet? that they're "waiting for something?" He's difficult to understand at times LOL
I'm not watching it right now...Is Joe Jackson really talking about his record label? If so, you have got to be kidding me.
Joe Jackson is trying to make all about HIM!!!

No hes not, you have mis interpreted what he was saying. He was explaining that he was asked about what he was doing last night, to shut up those who were saying he just cares about himself and were upset he was talking about his record company so soon after Michaels death.
Omggggg he is laughing and talking bout his company and reahersalsss...................................I'm M A D! ! !
Joe Jackson is a vulture. His son is dead a few days, and he's already on red carpets, and giving press conferences about his own record company. It's beyond disgusting. I fear for Michaels children, if Joe Jackson gets his greedy hands on them!!!!!!
Angel should be controlling the presser better than this. Too many questions thrown at them that couldn't be answered.
This conference is disgusting..........I hate the people surrounding MJ..Joe makes my skin crawl..