Poll: DVD Release Date, DISCUSS re: DVD and Blu Ray Dec '09 or Jan '10?

Predict when DVD will be released

  • November or December 2009

    Votes: 127 50.6%
  • January or February 2010

    Votes: 104 41.4%
  • March, April 2010

    Votes: 14 5.6%
  • May, June 2010

    Votes: 2 0.8%
  • It will be released after June 2010

    Votes: 4 1.6%

  • Total voters
Re: Where is the THIS IS IT DVD release date???

Sony is every bloody where. I think they will see how the movie is doing at the BO then release the DVD accordingly. Is anyone in a hurry here? lol!!
Re: Where is the THIS IS IT DVD release date???

It wouldnt surprise me if they released it 12:00am december 25th just to see how many fans would camp out for days to get thier hands on a copy lol.

They are probably working on a dvd right now,but everyone working on the project will have signed an agreement from day one vowing not to talk about it,unless officially allowed to.
Re: This is it Blu Ray -Yeahhh Babbyyyyy;-)

great!!! wow

yeah PS3 is the best way to get BLURAY!! and you got a console ;)
You can plug harddrive external to it.. it's amazing a PS3!
Re: This is it Blu Ray -Yeahhh Babbyyyyy;-)

I definately recommend a PS3. Brilliant machine. If your going to get a Blu Ray Player why not get the PS3 and get a console as well.

This is going right on my Christmas list :):)
Re: This is it Blu Ray -Yeahhh Babbyyyyy;-)

Re: This is it Blu Ray -Yeahhh Babbyyyyy;-)

I definately recommend a PS3. Brilliant machine. If your going to get a Blu Ray Player why not get the PS3 and get a console as well.

This is going right on my Christmas list :):)

Sony mady a dementy that it wont release before XMAS! :no: :doh:
Re: This is it Blu Ray -Yeahhh Babbyyyyy;-)

I definately recommend a PS3. Brilliant machine. If your going to get a Blu Ray Player why not get the PS3 and get a console as well.

This is going right on my Christmas list :):)

Yepp I´ll buy a PS3!!! Thanks for the recommendation!
Re: This is it Blu Ray -Yeahhh Babbyyyyy;-)

Sony mady a dementy that it wont release before XMAS! :no: :doh:

Really??? That sucks big time!!!

Where is the dementy???
Re: This is it Blu Ray -Yeahhh Babbyyyyy;-)

I just have the german one

its really true

they wrote to media (papers etc.) to clear up the wrong news about releases before Xmas :(

it will happen few months later

maybe a Easter-Egg?!
Re: This is it Blu Ray -Yeahhh Babbyyyyy;-)

I just have the german one

its really true

they wrote to media (papers etc.) to clear up the wrong news about releases before Xmas :(

it will happen few months later

maybe a Easter-Egg?!

Can you please post the link.
Re: This is it Blu Ray -Yeahhh Babbyyyyy;-)

Sony mady a dementy that it wont release before XMAS! :no: :doh:

Kenny Ortega just said today on the radio that the DVD will be released shortly after the film.
Re: This is it Blu Ray -Yeahhh Babbyyyyy;-)

Kenny Ortega just said today on the radio that the DVD will be released shortly after the film.

So Kenny says one thing and Sony Germany another. What the...
Re: This is it Blu Ray -Yeahhh Babbyyyyy;-)

Hope for a BR release before christmas.
Re: This is it Blu Ray -Yeahhh Babbyyyyy;-)

yeah i also dont understand this any more

we just should wait

we would see at least on 24th Dec if we need to wait or not ;)
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Re: This is it Blu Ray -Yeahhh Babbyyyyy;-)

I hope Kenny is right. Releasing it after Christmas would be very stupid, but we still talk about sony so I won't be suprised if they release This Is It next year.

I was expecting fast DVD/BR release because it's not usual to screen a movie for only two weeks. Let's just wait and see.
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Re: This is it Blu Ray -Yeahhh Babbyyyyy;-)

Can Sony be so stupid???????

Yes They Can!!
Re: This is it Blu Ray -Yeahhh Babbyyyyy;-)

This is what Sony Germany is saying:

ressemitteilung von SONY:

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

über diesen Film spricht gerade die ganze Welt: MICHAEL JACKSON'S THIS IS IT.

Um den King of Pop rankten sich nicht nur zu seinen Lebzeiten zahlreiche Gerüchte, auch über den Film wird derzeit viel spekuliert. Ein spezielles Gerücht, das sowohl Fans als auch Presse beschäftigt, wollen wir heute jedoch gerne aus der Welt schaffen: Dass der Film angeblich kurz nach seinem Kinostart und noch rechtzeitig vor Weihnachten bereits als DVD erhältlich sein wird. Dies ist nicht der Fall! Tatsächlich wird MICHAEL JACKSON'S THIS IS IT erst nächstes Jahr, in einigen Monaten, als DVD und auf Blu-ray erscheinen.

Wir würden uns sehr freuen, wenn Sie diese Information in Ihre Berichte mit einfließen lassen könnten, da bereits mehrere Falschmeldungen hierzu in Umlauf sind.

Noch eine Woche, dann erobert der King of Pop die große Leinwand - und die Fans in aller Welt werden gemeinsam die Chance haben, das wahrscheinlich meistdiskutierte Konzert aller Zeiten, das nie stattgefunden hat, nun doch noch hautnah mitzuerleben: im Kino!

In der Nacht vom 27. auf den 28. Oktober feiert MICHAEL JACKSON'S THIS IS IT in Berlin Premiere - zeitgleich zur Weltpremiere in Los Angeles. Der mit großer Spannung erwartete Film wird ab dem 28. Oktober weltweit nur zwei Wochen lang im Kino zu sehen sein. Der Kartenvorverkauf hat begonnen. Sony Pictures hat allen deutschen Fans, die wissen wollen, wann und wo der Film laufen wird, eine spezielle Website eingerichtet:

If the translation prog is correct Sony says it will be released month after the cinema release.....sucks!!!

But why isn´t Sony USA releasing an Statement since when is Germany in charge???

Many people will not wait for an next year release and will download it from the net-so stupid from Sony the whole company sucks bigtime!!
Re: This is it Blu Ray -Yeahhh Babbyyyyy;-)

Many people will not wait for an next year release and will download it from the net-so stupid from Sony the whole company sucks bigtime!!

Yeah, rushing the release so they can make money for christmas seems right to me. Oh, wait...

I can actually wait if they give us some good bonus. That should be good for all fans, but... oh well. Fans wants everything their way and then complain when they don't get it. Why not support the official release if it's delayed for our own good? They could work on bonus stuff and here you are saying they suck bigtime because they won't give you a christmas gift. C'mon...
Re: This is it Blu Ray -Yeahhh Babbyyyyy;-)

The DVD is coming out before Xmas, I heard on the radio Sony have pushed for it 100% so they can ride a cheap advertising campaign because the film hype will still be fresh
Re: This is it Blu Ray -Yeahhh Babbyyyyy;-)

This is what Sony Germany is saying:

ressemitteilung von SONY:

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

über diesen Film spricht gerade die ganze Welt: MICHAEL JACKSON'S THIS IS IT.

Um den King of Pop rankten sich nicht nur zu seinen Lebzeiten zahlreiche Gerüchte, auch über den Film wird derzeit viel spekuliert. Ein spezielles Gerücht, das sowohl Fans als auch Presse beschäftigt, wollen wir heute jedoch gerne aus der Welt schaffen: Dass der Film angeblich kurz nach seinem Kinostart und noch rechtzeitig vor Weihnachten bereits als DVD erhältlich sein wird. Dies ist nicht der Fall! Tatsächlich wird MICHAEL JACKSON'S THIS IS IT erst nächstes Jahr, in einigen Monaten, als DVD und auf Blu-ray erscheinen.

Wir würden uns sehr freuen, wenn Sie diese Information in Ihre Berichte mit einfließen lassen könnten, da bereits mehrere Falschmeldungen hierzu in Umlauf sind.

Noch eine Woche, dann erobert der King of Pop die große Leinwand - und die Fans in aller Welt werden gemeinsam die Chance haben, das wahrscheinlich meistdiskutierte Konzert aller Zeiten, das nie stattgefunden hat, nun doch noch hautnah mitzuerleben: im Kino!

In der Nacht vom 27. auf den 28. Oktober feiert MICHAEL JACKSON'S THIS IS IT in Berlin Premiere - zeitgleich zur Weltpremiere in Los Angeles. Der mit großer Spannung erwartete Film wird ab dem 28. Oktober weltweit nur zwei Wochen lang im Kino zu sehen sein. Der Kartenvorverkauf hat begonnen. Sony Pictures hat allen deutschen Fans, die wissen wollen, wann und wo der Film laufen wird, eine spezielle Website eingerichtet:

If the translation prog is correct Sony says it will be released month after the cinema release.....sucks!!!

But why isn´t Sony USA releasing an Statement since when is Germany in charge???

Many people will not wait for an next year release and will download it from the net-so stupid from Sony the whole company sucks bigtime!!

Why does it suck that they will release it a month after the film release? I thought that was a good thing :S lol
Re: This is it Blu Ray -Yeahhh Babbyyyyy;-)

Why does it suck that they will release it a month after the film release? I thought that was a good thing :S lol

It says next year in a couple of months not one month after the cine release.

Yeah I would love to have bonus material but Sony can easily release the DVD this year before Christmas and a Special Limited Edition with a lot of bonus material for easter.
That would be a clever move by Sony. Everyone would buy the normal DVD for Christmas and the fans will definatley buy the Special Edition next year and we can also have something to look forward to while enjoying already the movie on High Def in Dez.
Re: This is it Blu Ray -Yeahhh Babbyyyyy;-)

The DVD is coming out before Xmas, I heard on the radio Sony have pushed for it 100% so they can ride a cheap advertising campaign because the film hype will still be fresh

You believe a Radio DJ over the official Sony Statement about the release???
Re: This is it Blu Ray -Yeahhh Babbyyyyy;-)

You believe a Radio DJ over the official Sony Statement about the release???

Perhaps he means Kenny Ortega. Kenny said on the radio today that it would be released shortly after the films release :)
Re: This is it Blu Ray -Yeahhh Babbyyyyy;-)

Perhaps he means Kenny Ortega. Kenny said on the radio today that it would be released shortly after the films release :)

ANd why is Sony releasing a report which says -NOOO release this year?????
Re: This is it Blu Ray -Yeahhh Babbyyyyy;-)

Can anyone from Germany ask Sony Germany about the report. Please!
Re: This is it Blu Ray -Yeahhh Babbyyyyy;-)

ANd why is Sony releasing a report which says -NOOO release this year?????

I dont work for Sony. I cant tell you that......
Re: This is it Blu Ray -Yeahhh Babbyyyyy;-)

ANd why is Sony releasing a report which says -NOOO release this year?????

A German Division of Sony, which we actually have no link of here, merely a copied and pasted essay in German; and yes, it was Kenny, he was doing an interview for UK promotion... There is as much evidence that it will be out as it won't be right now Arty...