Po#104: Georgia's army filmed shelling Tskhinvali from tanks/Grad;Po#83/75/62: Kosovo/MacCain/Lesson

Re: Post #83: Georgia to be no more: Kosovo precedent; Post #75: McCain wins; Post #62:Georgia lesso

Really? I didn't know that, being a citizen of Serbia myself... Split or no split, Kosovo will always be a part of Serbia. It's a shame what they are doing to it... But I guess us,mortals will never have the power to decide...
Re: Post #83: Georgia to be no more: Kosovo precedent; Post #75: McCain wins; Post #62:Georgia lesso

Not all countries, including Russia, recognized Kosovo as independent country.
Re: Post #83: Georgia to be no more: Kosovo precedent; Post #75: McCain wins; Post #62:Georgia lesso

They can recognize it as an independent universe, it is still a part of Serbia.
Re: Post #83: Georgia to be no more: Kosovo precedent; Post #75: McCain wins; Post #62:Georgia lesso

RIA Novosti said:
"The Russian armed forces act strictly in accordance with the international agreements and continue the withdrawal of troops to places of previous deployment," said Col. Gen. Anatoly Nogovitsyn, deputy chief of the Russian General Staff.
Russia began pulling back troops from Georgia on Monday in accordance with a six-point plan drawn up by the Russian and French presidents. It has criticized Georgian troops for not following orders to leave the South Ossetia conflict zone.
Nogovitsyn said tensions in the area were being exacerbated by NATO's role in rebuilding the Georgian army.
"We consider such 'peacemaking' [on the part of NATO], when the aggressor, which was earlier abundantly armed, is being restored, a clear factor provoking a new blitzkrieg," Nogovitsyn said.
He warned that the Russian military would take "appropriate measures" to neutralize such a threat.
Russia will also insist on creating no-fly zones for Georgian aircraft and giving its peacekeepers the right to carry out reconnaissance missions, Nogovitsyn said.
"If the zone is under peacekeepers' control, nobody else should fly there," he said, adding that another Georgian unmanned aircraft was downed in South Ossetia on Tuesday.
Asked about Russian military losses in South Ossetia, Nogovitsyn said 64 service personnel had been killed and another 323 injured.
"The number of those killed has been revised downward - from 74, as announced on August 10, to 64," he said, without elaborating.

Nogovitsyn also said that Russian army will not return USA's-made military equipment that was confiscated in Georgia or dumped by country's military forces in South-Ossetia.
Re: Post #83: Georgia to be no more: Kosovo precedent; Post #75: McCain wins; Post #62:Georgia lesso

Some of the most competent analysis out there:

IHT said:
Greenway: America botches Georgia

By H.D.S. Greenway
Published: August 19, 2008

In years to come, the short, sharp Russo-Georgian war may be remembered as the nadir of American post-Cold War power and influence - the moment in the closing months of George W. Bush's hapless administration when all the damage that he has done to America's position in the world came into focus.

The United States encouraged Georgia into thinking it was under American protection, built up and trained its armed forces with a little help from the Israelis, established one of the biggest embassies in the region to make it a center of American influence in the Caucasus, and, despite private warnings, issued public statements of undying support. And now America's client is wiping blood from its nose. The wreckage of Georgia's towns and countryside, however, is not as complete as the ruin of Bush's policies.

Having misread America's mixed signals, it is President Mikheil Saakashvili of Georgia who deserves much of the blame. He wanted to restore the breakaway enclaves of South Ossetia and Abkhazia to Georgian control. He badly overplayed his hand. Perhaps he really thought that the patronage of the United States would enable him to get away with rattling the bear's cage. Saakashvili played his America card and found it to be a deuce.

As for Russia, it wanted to reassert itself in the region, and Saakashvili gave it the opportunity. The United States has to stand with Saakashvili now, but when this is over, and when the Russians have withdrawn, he should be spanked.

South Ossetia and Abkhazia clearly do not want to be part of Georgia. The Russians were willing to let stand the ambiguous status of both enclaves - nominally part of Georgia but not under Georgian control. But Saakashvili thought he saw his chance while the world was watching the Olympic Games and sent his troops to upset the delicate status quo.

There are many such ambiguous territorial situations around the world. China claims Taiwan as an integral part of its territory, but is willing to allow de facto independence as long as Taiwan doesn't declare de jure independence.

Kosovo used to be another useful ambiguity. Legally an integral part of Serbia with historical and emotional ties going back half a millennium, the region has an Albanian majority who, like the Abkhazians and Ossetians, didn't want to be part of the country they found themselves in at Cold War's end.

The Russians were furious when Europe and the United States backed Kosovar independence, and last week's military assault into Georgia was partly a payback. But Georgia's military grab for South Ossetia, which has its own language and culture, was too much for Russia to take. One can imagine the American and NATO reaction if Serbia tried to invade Kosovo.

The United States needs Russia's support on a host of issues: containing Iran, combating terrorism, nuclear proliferation, the Middle East. Despite Russia's warnings, however, the United States has steadfastly ignored Russia's interests. Expanding NATO eastward is one example, "a solution for which there was no problem," as the saying goes.

Taking former bits of the Soviet Union into NATO is a needless provocation - especially Georgia's entry, which the Bush administration backs. For say what you will about NATO no longer being an anti-Russian alliance, no one in Russia believes it. And no one in Georgia or Ukraine believes it either.

The missile defense shield in Poland and the Czech Republic is another example of sticking it in Russia's eye. Given the administration's attitude toward Moscow's interests, it was only a matter of time before Russia pushed back.

And so you have disillusioned Georgians wringing their hands and wondering if they put too much faith in America. Other countries in the region will draw their own conclusions as America looks both weak and feckless.
Russia feels about the Caucasus as the United States views Central America - its own backyard, an area not to be trifled with. Georgia has become Russia's Cuba, and in the brutish way of the old Soviet era, Russia is determined to teach Georgia and the West a lesson.

U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates says Moscow's actions have forced a profound rethinking of America's relations with Russia. Pity there isn't a profound rethinking of America and Georgia's actions as well.

Three things, though:

1) if Russia would want to "reassert" itself in the region, then it could not wait until Georgia would start the war and start it itself when Georgia already broke (another) peace agreements with Abkhazia, moving its troops to demilitarized zone two years ago. But Russia did not do it, and it took part in the war now only because there was no way to avoid it. It was probably the shortest, the least bloody and the most effective peace enforce operation in decades.

2) Georgia is no Cuba. Even though both regimes supress opposition (yes, "democratic" Georgia, too), Cuba's leader had dignity, including such as not attacking sleeping cities with bombs and missiles.

3) South-Ossetia and Abkhazia are not Kosovo. People there in two regions are not simply overgrown non-native population during latest decades, contrary to Kosovo. Also, people there were never citizens of Georgia, and those regions were illegali included into Georgia as standalone country since there was law how USSR's republics could go independent, which said that autonomies of unitarian republics had to have referendum on matter whether they want to stay with republic (Russia was not the subject since it was the only federative republic in USSR). Of course, there was no referendum in Abkhazia and South-Ossetia for that.
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Re: Post #83: Georgia to be no more: Kosovo precedent; Post #75: McCain wins; Post #62:Georgia lesso

BBC said:
Afghanistan criticises US attack

By Alastair Leithead
BBC News, Kabul

The US counter-insurgency mission is trying to win local support

Afghan President Hamid Karzai has criticised US forces for "unilateral operations" in the west which, the government says, killed at least 70.
A spokesman for the US task force, that operates outside Nato, said an inquiry was under way. They had initially denied any civilians had been killed.
Tribal elders said a bomb had been dropped on mourners at a wake in Herat.
Meanwhile, a local MP said Afghan security forces had fired on hundreds of people protesting against the raid.
He said they had killed at least one person and wounded two others.
The Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission said initial findings were that 78 civilians had been killed in the US raid, including women and children, but this could not be fully verified and a delegation was investigating.
Mr Karzai's statement said he had launched an investigation and had ordered various ministries to "prepare a comprehensive plan to prevent civilian casualties" which would be handed over to the coalition.
The US forces initially said they "remained confident" no civilians had been killed, something they said had been verified by Afghan security forces, but later added they were investigating and "every effort is made to prevent the injury or loss of innocent lives".
The issue of civilian casualties has constantly been a source of friction between Mr Karzai and international forces.
The deaths of innocent people not only affects families and tribes of those killed, but impacts on the whole counter-insurgency mission, which is to try and win people's support, not drive them against the government and the international presence in Afghanistan.

If one would take into account who made Karzai's regime stand -- it were USA and the allies (with non-military help of Russia) -- having him say what he said means a lot, contrary to claims by Georgian authorities.


In the other news, USA military ships entered the Black sea to bring "humanitarian aid" for Georgia. Since when civil fleet or at least cargo (military) fleet was disabled that USA had to use battle crafts for those declared purposes? You see, those ships have almost no use for those goals comparing to cargo/barges that used for humanitarian aid normally -- that all if not military equipment and weaponry, which those ships are stuffed with are not actual "humanitarian" help for Georgia. Lets hope it is not so, but the past history makes it probable.
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Re: Post #83: Georgia to be no more: Kosovo precedent; Post #75: McCain wins; Post #62:Georgia lesso


Image Russia bringing humanitarian aid to Cuba with the ships like this (the biggest nuclear battleships currently in service). Not to say that Cuba is Georgia's equivalent -- Cuba did not destroy sleeping cities with missiles and bombs and did not break international law or its agreements.
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Re: Post #83: Georgia to be no more: Kosovo precedent; Post #75: McCain wins; Post #62:Georgia lesso

RIA Novosti said:
Russian troops to patrol Georgian port of Poti - Gen.Staff

15:28 | 23/ 08/ 2008
MOSCOW, August 23 (RIA Novosti) - Russian troops will patrol the Georgian Black Sea port of Poti, the deputy chief of Russia's General Staff said at a news conference Saturday.
"These patrols were envisaged in the international agreement," Col. Gen. Anatoly Nogovitsyn said. "Poti is outside of the security zone, but that does not mean we will sit behind a fence watching them riding around in Hummers."
Two more NATO ships, a Polish frigate and a U.S. destroyer, passed through the Bosporus strait and entered the Black Sea on Friday evening to boost the alliance's presence in the Black Sea, where it is delivering humanitarian cargoes to Georgia, a source in the Turkish navy said.
Nogovitsyn said with confidence that Georgia was restoring its military potential for a new act of aggression.
"Now that Georgia has actually acknowledged being an aggressor, and is asking for the potential of its armed forces to be restored, it can be restored only for another act of aggression," the Defense Ministry official warned.
In an interview with the Financial Times, Batu Kuteliya, Georgian deputy defense minister, said that Georgia had decided to attack South Ossetia's capital, Tskhinvali, despite the insufficient amount of anti-tank and air defenses to protect its armed forces against potential serious resistance.
"I didn't think it likely that a member of the UN Security Council and the OSCE would react like this," Kuteliya told FT.
Georgia lost 215 of its nationals in the conflict, including 13 policemen, 133 military personnel and 69 civilians, Givi Targamadze, who heads the Georgian parliament's defense and security committee, said Wednesday.
Nogovitsyn said 64 Russian servicemen had been killed in the recent conflict, with more than 370 injured.
"We do not gather statistics on the death toll among civilians, but according to South Ossetia's Interior Ministry... 2,100 people were killed in the conflict," he said.
The General Staff deputy chief also warned that Russia could increase the number of its peacekeepers in Georgia's two breakaway republic of Abkhazia and South Ossetia if Washington helped Georgia to beef up its military potential.
At a news conference on Friday, Nogovitsyn said Russia would deploy 2,142 peacekeepers in Abkhazia, but that the number of peacekeepers in South Ossetia would be fixed at a later date.
The military official also said Russia had set up 18 peacekeeping posts in South Ossetia and would build as many in Abkhazia "in order to avert looters and the transportation of arms and ammunition."

Do not hope BBC or CNN actually reporting part in the bold, because if they do, then how can they keep creating false reality about who is the "evil" here?
Re: Post #83: Georgia to be no more: Kosovo precedent; Post #75: McCain wins; Post #62:Georgia lesso



-- this is just for comparison -- the Allies were targeting Wesel's function as depot. Russia's military had similar targets in inner Georgia -- to destroy also military bases, including radars, military airports (not civil). Of all of that activity couple of building were harmed, with at least one of which being side-burned by flying shells from bombed weapon warehouse. However, there could be still real casualties, which is always horrible tragedy (and responsibility for Georgia's authorities who: started the war, did not evacuate people quickly; however, Georgia's defence ministry staff that worked as civil people on military objects, are not actual casualties, people consciously chose to work for the military machine and its infrastructure).
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Re: Post #83: Georgia to be no more: Kosovo precedent; Post #75: McCain wins; Post #62:Georgia lesso

Georgia is no more.

During all the recent years Putin warned "international community" that if it would accept Kosovo's independence, then this is will be a precedent. The more so for regions like Abkhazia and South-Ossetia, which have the way more rights for independence, including legal.

Russia was against Serbia's split to the very end, but "leading democracies" did not listen.

Now, "international community" can do nothing against Russia's decision to accept South-Ossetia and Abkhazia's independence. "Righteous", "moralistic" voices of "leading democracies" may continue, it is irrelevant.

Hypocrites are getting their lesson, they really-really wanted it all those years (I mean more European countries this time, which participated in a number of illegal wars and countries' tearing apart in 1990s).

More to come in the future, if the lesson is got, but not actually learned. Lets see, and hope that politics will understand the consequence of what they are doing to the world.

If Russia would seriously accept the rules of "game" that Mr.Bush's administration and European countries use towards international relations, then it will have huge consequences to the world.

Lets hope Russia will not follow "leading democracies" example in its fullest.
Re: Post #83: Georgia to be no more: Kosovo precedent; Post #75: McCain wins; Post #62:Georgia lesso

Mr.Bush said:
"This decision is inconsistent with numerous United Nations Security Council resolutions that Russia has voted for in the past, and is also inconsistent with the French-brokered six-point ceasefire agreement which President Medvedev signed," he said in a statement.

The decision contradicts certain earlier resolutions where Georgia's territorial integrity was one of the point, but comes from point six of the latest cease-fire agreement, which was about (re)-consideration of Abkhazia and South-Ossetia.

However, the right of nations for independence, which is crucial UNO principle is on the thin line with territorial integrity of countries, which is also UNO principle.

USA and Europe chose the latter with Kosovo (and earlier examples of 1990s), and Russia followed. This is the official end of double standards in international policy. If "international community" thought it can rule the world, then it is the end of it.

I personally hope that Russia will not try to be as "civilized" and "democratic" as European countries (I am not even talk about Mr.Bush's administration) and will not start any illegal wars, and will not recognize any other regions as "independent" for a mere being overpopulated by certain nationality -- like EU and USA did with Kosovo and contrary to South-Ossetia and Abkhazia, which had legitimate reasons for claims of independance beyond abstract concept of the free will of nations to live however they want.

I really hope, but Russia can do it, and if it will do it, then Medvedev and Putin will be just as good as EU and USA governments, and not worse. Just hope Russia will not get "civilized" that much.

All of this is not good, probably.
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Re: Post #83: Georgia to be no more: Kosovo precedent; Post #75: McCain wins; Post #62:Georgia lesso


Georgia located 27 “GRAD” emplacements in the vicinity of Gori.

An entire motorized column passed in the direction of South Ossetia. From Kutaisi , twenty trucks with military personnel, twenty 4x4 “Toyotas” armed with heavy machine-guns, three “Grad” rocket systems, three IFVs and three rocket launchers were moved to Gori.

"Peacekeepers have detected illegal passes of at least eight aircraft [over S. Ossetia], including five Su-25 Frogfoot attack planes and three reconnaissance drones," said Vladimir Ivanov, an aide to the commander of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces in the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict zone. He said the aircraft flew from Georgia heading north toward the Dzhava district in South Ossetia.

South Ossetia said on Wednesday that Georgia is planning a full-scale invasion of the region before the start of September.

August 7, 2008 (12:00)
Notice the date -- day before Georgia's government started the attack on South-Ossetia. Also take notion that "international community" did not bother when South-Ossetia was about to be attacked, nor it react in any way when Georgia invades the region.

If Russian citizens were about to die, then it is perfectly fine with Mr.Bush, or Mrs.Merkel and other politicians. They only bothered when Russia took action to stop the bloodbath of the local Hussein which advertised bombing "democracy" in the best traditions of "international community" from 1990s and 2000s.

One "Grad" discharges 40-missiles at once with 800 kg (about 1700 lbs) of TNT-equivalent explosive force.

Almost all of those 27 "Grad" systems were discharged on 8th August, even not one but few times during several hours.

Up to 30 tons (30 000 kg; 65 000 lbs) of explosives were "missiled" to Tskhinvali and 10 villages near it (like 1500 missiles in total). Not counting bombs and missiles from Georgia's bombers, shells from common artillery and Georgian tanks which entered South-Ossetia few hours later.

Just for comparison, tactical nuclear warhead for a bomb or a missile has power of 20-50 tons (45 000-110 000 lbs) of TNT-equivalent.

That is a something for a tiny territory with 50 times less population than Georgia, where people had very little to protect against Georgia's army, which had, for example, more than 300 tanks (in total).

This is what Georgia's "young democracy" calls "respond" to "provocation" from South-Ossetia, which had no tanks or missile systems or air defence systems or war planes or helicopters. Even Russian peacekeepers had only armoured vehicles there with no tanks, no air defence systems, no big guns, no nothing serious.

That is why 10 Russian soldiers died there right away day before Russia added its troops to enforce the peacekeepers and to stop the war. By default Russia could not enforce peacekeeping contingent in South-Ossetia beforehand since formally peace agreement between Georgia and South-Ossetia, to which Russia was mandated guarantor, was still in force.

And, by the way, one can not use "Grad" systems against points of fire since it is principally for use for destruction of wide areas and can not be pointed on anything. Missiles are not controlled on their way.
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Re: Po#102: a tactical nuclear bomb equivalent was used by Georgia; Po#83/75/62: Kosovo/MacCain/Less

One of the biggest German TV channels "ARD" interviews and censors Putin -- even in the text version of the interview, let alone video.

Original text in German as published by ARD:
Autotranslated text in English:

Some key messages to Europe and its citizens were censored (see below text that marked as bold; the translations is automatic, though I tried to smooth it somewhat):

what ARD censored said:
V.V.PUTIN: How you consider, who started the war?

Т.Roth: the attack of Georgia to Tskhinvali became the last incentive motive.

V.V.PUTIN: Thanks you for this answer. It is the truth. On this theme we will talk later in more detail. Now I only wish to note that not we have created this situation.


Thereupon, if the European states wish to serve foreign policy interests of the USA, in my opinion, they will win nothing.

Now we take our international legal obligations. Under the international agreements, the Russian peacemakers have incurred a duty to protect the peace population of South Ossetia.

And now lets recollect 1995, Bosnia. The European peace-making contingent presented by the Dutch military men, did not execute its mandate to constrain one of the attacking parties, and allowed this party to destroy the whole settlement. Many have been killed, hundreds of people have suffered. A problem and tragedy in Srebrenitsa is well-known to Europe.

You what, wanted, that we ran away, too?
That we would have left and have given the chance to the Georgian armed divisions to destroy people living in Tskhinvali?


The Minister for Foreign Affairs of France has visited the North Ossetia and met refugees. And eyewitnesses tell that the Georgian military divisions tanks smashed women and children, exhausted people in houses and alive burnt. And the Georgian soldiers when have rushed into Tskhinvali so, by the way, passing by houses, by cellars where women and children hid, threw grenades in there. What is this, if it not a genocide?


T.ROTH: It not your decision, and the Georgian decision. [about whether to move away Saakashvili from the power in Georgia]

V.V.PUTIN: Certainly. But we know precedents and other character. We will recollect, how the American armies have entered into Iraq and what they have done to Saddam Hussein, which destroyed some Shiit villages. And here during the first hours of Georgia's attack 10 Ossetines' villages in territory of South Ossetia were completely destroyed, wiped out.

T.ROTH: Mister the Prime minister, whether you consider yourselves as a result of it have the right to interfere on territory of the sovereign state, that is not to remain in a conflict zone, and to carry out its bombardments. I sit today near to you only thanks to accident because in 100 metres from me, in inhabited quarter Burn, the shell, a bomb dumped from your plane has blown up. Whether is it infringement of norms of international law, namely that you de facto occupy the small country. Whence at you this right?

V.V.PUTIN: Certainly, we have on this right.. [peacekeepers mandate to make sides to stop use of force, which requires destroying military infrastructure of the attacker if it does not stop]

T.ROTH: Once again I specify - the bomb has been dumped on an apartment house.

V.V.PUTIN: Certainly, we operated within the limits of international law. Attacks on our peace-making posts, murders of our peacemakers and our citizens - all it, certainly, we have apprehended as an attack to Russia.

During the first hours operations by the blows the Georgian armed forces have killed at us at once some tens peacemakers.

Have surrounded our "Southern" small town (there there were "Southern" and "Northern" small towns of peacemakers) tanks and have started to shoot it over open sights. When our soldiers-peacemakers have tried to deduce technics from garages, blow by systems "Grad" has been struck. 10 persons who have come into a hangar, have died on the spot, have burnt down alive.

I yet have not answered. Then the aircraft of Georgia has struck blows to various points in territory of South Ossetia, not in Tshinvale, and in the centre of the South Ossetia. We have been compelled to begin suppression of points of a fire control which were behind a zone of operations and behind a safety zone. But it were such points, armed forces whence coped, and whence blows were struck to the Russian armies and peacemakers.

T.ROTH: But I said that bombardments of inhabited quarters were carried out. Perhaps, you not in a course of all information?

V.V.PUTIN: I, maybe, not in a course of all information.

Here errors are possible also during operations.

Here now only in Afghanistan the American aircraft has struck blow ostensibly to Talibs and has with one blow killed almost hundred civilians. It is the first of possibilities.

But the second, it is more probable. The matter is that aircraft and radar stations the Georgian party sometimes placed fire control points, points of management in residential areas to limit possibilities of application to us of aircraft, using civilians and you as hostages. [Gori has also three military bases and a huge weapons warehouse, which, being destroyed, started shells to fire and fly on a wide range around, causing destruction and fires on the nearby civil buildings -- from which Georgia's authorities evacuated people beforehand.]


T.ROTH: Other Minister for Foreign Affairs, this time of Great Britain, Mr. Millibend recently has stated some fears that "cold war" begins anew, new race of arms begins. As though you have estimated this situation? Whether there are we now on a threshold of the new "glacial age", new "cold war", the beginning of new arm race? Which it is, from your point of view?

V.V.PUTIN: you know, there is such joke: "Who the first shouts: hold the thief? - The one who has stolen".

T.ROTH: the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Great Britain.

V.V.PUTIN: It is you who said that. Remarkably. As it is pleasant to me to talk to you. But it you have told.

But if to speak seriously Russia does not aspire neither to any aggravations, nor to any pressure with somebody. We want kind, good-neighbourhood, partner relations with all.

If you allow, I will tell that I think about it. There was Soviet Union and the Warsaw contract. And the Soviet armies in Germany, as a matter of fact, it were necessary to tell fairly, it were occupational armies which remained in Germany after the Second World War, but under the pretext of allied armies. These occupational forces have left. Soviet Union has broken up, the Warsaw Pact does not exist any more. Threats from outside Soviet Union are not present. And the NATO, the American armies in Europe remained. What for? To put things in order in own camp, with own allies, to keep them in the frameworks of discipline -- external threat is necessary. Iran is not so good for this role. Very much it would be desirable to revive an image of the enemy in the form of Russia. But no one fears in Europe actually. [So new war was needed to twist it and create the ultimate evil Russia false reality to brainwash people.]


T.ROTH: Thus, you are saying that the European Union plays by various rules in various regions of the world which do not correspond to international law.

V.V.PUTIN: Exacty! Was Kosovo recognised? They "forgot" about territorial integrity of the state. "Forgot" about [UNO] resolution 1244 which they accepted and supported. There in Kosovo it was possible to make, and in Abkhazia and in South Ossetia it is impossible! Why?

T.ROTH: That is Russia -- the unique arbitrator of international law. All the others manipulate. They do not realise it. They have other interests or thay do not care. Did I understand you right?

V.V.PUTIN: you have misunderstood me. You have agreed with independence of Kosovo? Yes or not?

T.ROTH: I personally... I am journalist.

V.V.PUTIN: No, the western countries.

T.ROTH: Yes.

V.V.PUTIN: basically all recognised. But if recognised there, recognise then independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

No difference. No difference in these positions is present. It is the thought up difference. There was an ethnic conflict - here again the ethnic conflict. There were crimes practically from two parties - here again, probably, they can be found. If it is possible to rummage, then, probably, it could be found. Probably. There the decision was accepted that these people cannot live together in one state - here again they do not wish to live together in one state.

Yes, no difference is present, and all perfectly understand it. All is chatter. To cover not legal decisions. "The right of force", that is how it is called. The fist right. And here Russia cannot agree with it.

Mister Roth, you live in Russia already long. You perfectly speak in Russian, almost without accent. That you have understood me, not surprisingly. To me it is very pleasant. But I very much would like, that our, my European colleagues who will gather on 1st September have understood me also and to think over this conflict.

The resolution 1244 has been accepted? Was. There it is written down and underlined: territorial integrity of Serbia. They have thrown out this Resolution to a dustbin, have forgotten about it. [Before,] Tried to twisted. It it was impossible to twist it in any way. So decided to forgot it at all.

Why? White House ordered, and everyone executed as they were said.
If the European countries will continue such international policy further, then we will have to talk about the European affairs with Washington.

T.ROTH: I Understand that you have told. It is possible to continue without the translator?

V.V.PUTIN: It is possible.


T.ROTH: In the conditions of that crisis in relations which, undoubtedly, now are available (relations from the USA, with Europe), what contribution you can bring in business of that this crisis has come to naught?

V.V.PUTIN: First, I spoke yesterday about it to your colleagues from CNN. It seems to me that substantially crisis has been provoked, including our American friends during pre-election struggle. It is, of course, use of an administrative resource in its most pitiable way to provide advantage of one of candidates, in this case, of the ruling party.

T.ROTH: you have facts?

V.V.PUTIN: we have a situation analysis. We know that there were many American advisers [in Georgia]. It is very bad to arm one of the parties of the ethnic conflict and then to push it on the decision of these ethnic problems with the force way. It much, apparently, easier, at first sight, than to carry on long-term negotiations and to search for compromises, but it is very dangerous way.

Succession of events has shown it. But instructors, "teachers", in a broad sense - the personnel, training to work on the put military technology - where it should be - on ranges and in the educational centres, and they where were?

In a zone of operations. It already pushes on thought that the management of the USA knew about the preparing action and, moreover, most likely, took part, because without a top management command the American citizens had not the right to be in a zone of the conflict.

In a safety zone there could be only local citizens, there could be observers of OSCE and peacekeeping forces. And we there have found out traces of citizens of the USA which did not enter neither into the first, nor in the second, in the third category.

It already a question. Why the top management of the USA has resolved presence there the citizens who had not the right to be in this safety zone? And if they have resolved it then I have a suspicion that it has been made to organise small victorious war specially. And if [the war] would not turn out well -- then to create an image of the evil Russia, and already on this soil unite electorate around one of candidates in presidents. Certainly, the candidate from party in power because such resource the party in power can possess only.

Here are my reasonings and assumptions. This is your business - to agree with it or not. But they have the right to existence as we have found out traces of the American citizens in a zone of operations.

T.ROTH: And last question which I wished to set to you, it is very much interest for me. Whether you consider what you personally are in a trap of the authoritative state? In the system created nowadays you receive the information from your special services, you receive the information from various sources, including from the higher economic environment. But even mass media at times are afraid to tell something other that contradicts that you wish to hear.

Whether it has turned out so, what the system created by you, itself closes now to you a wide sight, possibility really to see those processes which now occur in Europe, in other countries?

V.V.PUTIN: Mr.Roth, you have characterised our political system as authoritative system.

You have mentioned during our today's discussion several times the term "general values". Where is the set of these values?

There are basic principles. Well, say, human rights for the life. In the USA, there is a death penalty, and in Russia it is not present, and in Europe, too. Whether it means, what you are going to leave, say, the NATO block because there is no full coincidence of values of Europeans and Americans?

Now lets take this conflict which we now discuss with you. Do you know, what occurred in Georgia last years? Mysterious death of the prime minister Zhvanija. Punishment of opposition. Physical dispersal of meetings of the protest of opposition forces. Carrying out of national elections actually in the conditions of state of emergency.

Then this criminal act in Ossetia with many human victims. [Also, closure of all Russian speaking channels as well Internet domain ".ru" zone; there is no also opposition-TV in Georgia] And this is, of course, democratic country with which it is necessary to carry on dialogue and which needs to be accepted in the NATO, and can be and in the European Union.

And if other country protects the interests, simply the right of the citizens to life, citizens on whom the attack is carried out - 80 persons have killed at once. 2000 peace citizens there as a result are killed. And we what, cannot protect a life of the citizens there? And if we protect the lives, then we will be left without a sausage supply? [meaning discussed economic sanctions] The choice they give to us -- between a sausage and a life? We choose a life, Mr.Roth.

Now concerning other value - freedom of the press.

Look at these events in a press of the United States, which is considered torch of the democracies, how they shined. And in Europe, too.

I was in Beijing when these events have begun. Mass bombardment of Tskhinvali has begun, already land operations of the Georgian armies have begun, already were numerous victims, -- no word about it was in the media. Your company [ARD] was silent, and all American companies were silent, as though nothing occurs -- silence.

As soon as the aggressor was stopped and started to run away, leaving behind all the American weapons, - at once all have recollected both about international law, and about spiteful Russia. At once all have begun to wail.

Now concerning sausage, economy. We want normal economic relations with all our partners. We are very reliable partner. We never brought nobody. When we built pipeline system in Federal Republic of Germany in the early sixties, there our partners in the USA advised to Germans to disagree with this project, too. You should know about it. But then the management of Germany has made the correct decision, and together with Soviet Union this system has been constructed. Today it is one of reliable sources of maintenance with hydrocarbons of German economy. 40 billion cubic metre Germany receives annually. Last year and in this also will receive.

Now let's look more globally. What structure of our export to the European countries, and to the North America? On 80 with superfluous percent are the goods of raw group: oil, gas, petrochemistry, the wood, different metals, chemical fertilizers. It is everything what the world and European economy extremely requires. These are very demanded goods in the world markets.

We have possibilities and in hi-tech areas, but they while are very limited. And, moreover, even having arrangements with the European Union, say, in the field of deliveries of nuclear fuel, us wrongfully do not start up on the European market. By the way, because of a position of our French friends. But they know about it, we with them long discussed.

But if someone wishes to break these communications, we cannot do anything with it. We do not want it. We very much hope that our partners will as execute the obligations as we executed and intend to execute the obligations in the future. It that, as to our export.

And as to your export, that is for us import, to Russia very reliable and a large market. I now do not remember figure, but deliveries, say, a German machine engineering industry on the Russian market grow from year to year. They simply very big today. Someone wishes to cease to deliver to us? We will buy in other places.

To whom is it necessary, I do not understand? We call for the objective analysis of a current situation. We hope that the common sense and justice will triumph. We are victim of aggression. We hope for support of our European partners.

T.ROTH: Warm thanks for this interview, Mr. the Prime minister.

V.V.PUTIN: Big thanks.

Russia's "authoritarian" regime -- contrary to "free press" -- posted complete interview, with the "inconvenient" questions (for Russia) being included:
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Re: Po#103: German TV channel ARD interviews and censors Putin; Po#83/75/62: Kosovo/MacCain/Lesson

Georgian soldiers "for fun" were filming their adventure of shelling at South-Ossetia's Tskhinvali buildings from tanks:

Here are some portions of Georgia's "Grad" system discharges to Tskhinvali and 10 other villages:

That is the way of "democracy" in true Mr.Bush's way; it is also the way
according to "international community" -- "leading" "civilized" "humanistic" "moral" governments of Mrs. Merkel, Mr. Sarkozy, Mr.Brown and others.

They all, as well as the media, were silent when South-Ossetia was attacked, it was just fine if Russian people would die.

No mercy for such politics. They should be tried in international tribunal for that. Though this never would happen, of course.
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