
The question is it will he mine on his next tour. The question is will he ever tour again. Or will he do small venues and alot less dates.

The question is if he does mime will you pay to see his show? .....YES. I would love for Michael to sing live but if he doesn't thats okay as well, just seeing Michael perform is worth the money. What gets me is folks think just because some people mime that means they can't put on a good show singing live ?? which isn't the case at all (sometimes)
I'd pay to just hear him fart. That's how good he is. But ya can't plz everybody.
What? Wait a minute, so you mean you guys mean to tell me you'll pay to see Michael sit on a toilet and fart? :blink:

Next, you guys will tell me you like to see MJ pick boogers out of his nose and eat it too? :mellow:


Y'all need help. :lol:
Lawwwd :lol: I don't even know what to say to that

Mike certainly does have some dedicated and interesting fans lol
Oh naw :rofl: I don't mean it forreal, I'm just saying... who cares if he lip syncs or not? I didn't know it mattered so much.
i will pay to see him whether it's live or not.
as if it's going to happen lol
but if he really does tour i hope he can sing the slow songs live and mime the fast songs while dancing at the same time. it's damn hard to sing and dance at the same time, anyone who complains about him lipsyn try it yourself.
Oh naw :rofl: I don't mean it forreal, I'm just saying... who cares if he lip syncs or not? I didn't know it mattered so much.

I don't know why it's such a big deal. Everyone knows Michael can sing as well live as on record, he's proven that numerous times in the past.
about the 'live' singing thing -> there are some rehearsals to find on youtube of mj practicing for some tour, that's all live, amazing and fun to watch.
but not 'perfect enough' for Mike of course :)
This is an interesting discussion, but while singing live is a very valid concern for many fans, all I know is that I'm in the camp that's never seen MJ live and therefore would pay to see him fart as well LOL :laugh: . I know there's many other people in that camp as well :).
I don't understand how proving you can sing, many years ago, makes it viable for you to mime now. If it was any other artist, you would say they can't sing, or they're not as good as Michael. How come his dance can deteriorate but his voice can't? Especially with all that "laryngitis" and such.
How do you know I would say any other artist can't sing if they lip sync? I wouldn't. But furthermore, as I pointed out before, Michael is incomparaible to other artists because no other artist, most especially his age, dances with the kind of intensity he does on stage. Most people either stand still, walk back and forth slowly or sit on a stool while singing. If Michael did that, he wouldn't need to lip sync either.

Anyway, the voice is in it's prime from the ages of 35 through 55, typically speaking, for singers who take care of it, which I know Michael does because he is grateful for his talent. His voice has sounded fantastic on recordings from 2001, 2004 and 2007. That's proof enough. He never faked his voice or used technology to make it sound better or as though he can sing. He doesn't need that.

If you don't think he can sing anymore, that's your problem.

If you don't believe he had laryngitis, that's also your problem.
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Were you in the studio when he was recording that? See, the point I'm trying to make, is your too biased. For the sake of it, whether I agree with you or not, you brown nose so hard that I have to challenge you, we don't know all the facts, we can only give our opinions and discuss them, which is something I think you fail to do. Every time I come across thoughtful threads, by the likes of Troubleman and others, in an attempt to have a thoughtful "discussion", which either get hijacked, ignored, or filled with everyone posting the same comment or taking it the wrong way, because they have failed to pay attention to the topic. The general response people get for reacting to that or in a way that is looked down on, is, "That's my/your opinion, and if you don't like it, you don't have to be here" or "your not a true fan"... Then I forget the rest I was gonna say, lol.

Edt: Oh yeah, why exactly is that my problem? I don't see quite how it affects me exactly?
I'm not sure what you're talking about. I get involved in plenty of serious discussions on this board and it should be assumed everything said by everybody is nothing more then an opinion. And since I don't ask you to reiterate that what you say is "your opinion", you shouldn't ask the same of me.

I know Michael can sing. He's proven that in the past and I use logic and reasoning to assume he can still do so today. Someone like you seems to want to harp on the negative and find any excuse you can to highlight those negatives. Certain fans rarely post at all when something positive is occuring or to say anything which could actually be deemed as a compliment or supportive of Michael. That doesn't make you a "bad fan", I've never called anyone that, but it makes your behavior as typical and extreme and predictable as you think mine is.

It's your problem because it apparently bothers you a great deal.
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too bias, lol.. look where we are.

the breathing technique used to sing, im pretty sure is almost the opposite used when you attempting to dance..... his tours also can't be compared with other artists because his are much longer than most so greater strain on him. I always thought he should do like 75min shows instead of the longer ones...

but hey that's what happens when your that good at both dancing and singing, you are always gonna compromise one or the other.
Thank you giddyup! See, you understand. And I agree, 75 minute shows would be a good thing for him, rather then 120 plus minutes.
And also just small performances at grammy, WMA etc. would be great!