
Yeah, that's all. Plain and simple, its just hard to sing and dance at the same time, and when you're battling an illness, like Michael WAS on his last two tours, that makes it even harder, then you factor in age, and all this other stuff. People just need to cut him a break, I think. I mean, obviously, if the man wanted to just stand there and sing his heart out, he could cream everybody. But he's probably just afraid of dissapointing people. And who can blame him, the way some fans critisize him.
Yes yes, I got you.

Actually, contradicting what I said earlier, I'd like to see Michael dance instead of sing. Who needs singing? No one. That's what albums are for!

Seriously, I would pay just to see Michael dance. He's the greatest dancer in the world. Who wouldn't?
Seriously, I would pay just to see Michael dance. He's the greatest dancer in the world. Who wouldn't?

hahaha I joke. :tease:

But seriously, let's see Michael even out there live again before we jump the gun. Who gives a damn, he's been doing his concerts that way for years now... and it's been working for him. I encourage it, actually... you can lip sync all you want, Michael, lol.
Ahhhhhh lol, I will die if he lip synchs all his future concerts

Don't do it Mike!
Mike said he did not want to perform on stage after the age of forty, but he did. He also said that he did not want to be run down and tour when he is old like James Brown RIP.

Only time will tell, but I think Mike will do one great concert on each continent
Invincible was sh!t, deal with it.

Got it? Good. Carry on lol

As for his future performances, I can bet my house that he's gonna mime at least 90% of the time (and he'll say it's 'cause of laryngitis lol)
U know what I'm gonna take the high road and not insult u lol. Get it got it good. Carry on, and dont take me ish again lol
Never left?

Never left what? The stage? The music scene? His home? The country? lol

Jokes aside he has left and all these re-releases prove it. People don't talk about comebacks if you haven't left, back in the day MJ was sh*ttin out albums there was a new one every three years or so or at least fresh material. I don't believe we are waiting now because he is being too much of a perfectionist, (partially still), in fact I heard that sony said he hasn't come up with any single material yet and thats what the hold up is. Whether thats the reason or not I'm waiting for new material, I'm not saying he owes it to me or anything but at the same time I dont have to buy another rehash of Thriller with Fergie *shudders* on it. I could care if it takes another three years to see something new as long as it comes out and its done right, unlike some other albums of these decade*cough*Invincible*cough*
ur a newbie so im goin 2 be nice and inform u on a little info...dont u ever take a stab @ invincible EVER. got it? good carry on lol
Invincible was sh!t, deal with it.

Got it? Good. Carry on lol
U know what I'm gonna take the high road and not insult u lol. Get it got it good. Carry on, and dont take me ish again lol
Good, as long as we both understand each other :smilerolleyes:
To be very realistic, I dont mind Mike miming to a fast track if he dances his heart out and emotes as per usual like Motown 25, MTV 95,JAM performances ect. Its when he he sings YOU ARE NOT ALONE , HEAL THE WORLD, WHAT MORE CAN I GIVE live that I find kinda embarasing. However I do agree that Mike is considerd to be a dancer more than anything ,thats why his performances are considered to be the greatest regardless. But lets face it, that perception of Michael as only a dancer falls away for a duration of performance of a ballad.
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If Mike ever tours again i wouldn't put it past him to actually sing his heart out and dance at the same time leaving everyone with their jaws dropped to the ground lol.

We should never underestimate Michael
No, don't underestimate him.

lol, no one seems to believe he had laryngitis during both his last two tours, which confuses me. You can hear it in his voice when he does sing live and you could even see on certain nights he wasn't feeling well. I just would like to see Michael's own fans cut him some slack and try to be more understanding.
If Mike ever tours again i wouldn't put it past him to actually sing his heart out and dance at the same time leaving everyone with their jaws dropped to the ground lol.

We should never underestimate Michael

I'm not an underestimated dude. ^_^ Because I KNOW Mike can sing his heart out, the question is will he WANT to? :lol:

Notice I didn't say "...and dance"... remember what y'all told me? "It's IMPOSSIBLE to sing and dance at the same time". And it is. ;)
You guys are going round and round and round and this obviously won't go anywhere...

Why not just agree to disagree? ^_^
The question is it will he mine on his next tour. The question is will he ever tour again. Or will he do small venues and alot less dates.
Most of the money he made from doing concerts went to charity any ways. Just me knowning most of the concert money went to charity i'm fine if he mimes.
Gosh, I don't care if he mimes, or mines, or shmimes! He is Michael Jackson and that's it.
Well, but he was in his physical prime in 87.
...and he wasn't in '92 :smilerolleyes:

obviously not if u listen to some of the out of breath live vocals from some shows. physcial fitness levels start going down once you get into your 30s
I don't care if he will mime or dance, if he just performes again!
Basically you lot would pay to see him sit and read the paper for two hours.
Umm. Thats a hard question. First off all, lets just see if his gonna tour again.
IF that is going to happend, I think he will mime. Mostly because he is 50 years old, and its very difficult to dance AND sing at the same time!

- Jayjackson