
OK, let's look at this Logically:

Dangerous Tour

Will You Be There: No Dancing, No LIVE Singing
Heal The World - No Dancing, No LIVE Singing

HIStory Tour

Stranger In Moscow - No Dancing (while he's singing), No LIVE Singing
You Are Not Alone - No Dancing, No LIVE Singing
Come Together/DS - No Dancing (unless you think otherwise), No LIVE Singing
Earth Song - No Dancing, No LIVE Singing
Heal The World - No Dancing, No LIVE Singing
HIStory - No Dancing, No LIVE Singing

Of course, there's the exception of the last few minutes of Improvisation with the likes of Man In The Mirror, You Are Not Alone and Heal The World

My Overall Opinion: MJ's Just Lazy. But then, you'll still get a few fans who will bend-over-backwards to defend the guy in any given situation :)

Oh, and as for Laryngitis, it's Amazing how THAT doesn't stop him from singing Wanna Be and the Jackson Medley absolutely LIVE in all Tours.

I'm still surprised he managed a few lines of We Are The World at the 2006 World Music Awards.

Yeah and he did alright there. But he didn't sound like he even wanted to sing anyway plus he was surrounded by the teenage choir around him so he just stopped singing. :lol:

I feel if he had continued laryngitis, he should do what Celine did in the '90s, don't talk for the weeks leading up to the show, train your vocal chords and then go out there, RELAX, and sing them. Michael's thing is if he doesn't dance, he can't be the "world's greatest entertainer". It's like JUST singing is just a bore. Say what you want about Michael's Motown period, but when he was singing, the guy was (still is but back then) one of the best vocalists to ever touch the microphone.

Now he's more known for his great dancing, his singing being secondary. :lol:

That's just a fact. ^_^ I think some of us just wish he sing more live. Not every tour's gotta be a music video. :cheeky:
But on tour it's not like he had weeks in between each show, he had like one day, lol. He danced just as much before signing to Motown, and they sqaushed it once he got there. They only let him do those stupid J5 routines.
Who's 'They'?

Last time I checked, it's Michael who decides the setlist of the show and how to perform each song. Besides, it is a 'Michael Jackson' show :)
Now, here during "Billie Jean", he sings under the studio version, near the end, the studio version disappears and Michael's own vocals are sung. Compared to his 1980s performances on stage to "Billie Jean", that's real rough:

Plus for some reason, I think him SCREAMING had a lot to do with his vocal problems as the years went on. And singing in a growl can wear on your voice. If Otis Redding was still alive and singing, it would've effected his performances, it effected Alexander O'Neal's, I saw a few performances of his from recent years and while his tenor is still good when he tries to bring out his full baritone he can barely get an audible vocal. Bobby Womack can still sing his growl but it's more choppier than it used to be though that has never stopped him. It probably effects rock singers like Steven Tyler and Robert Plant too.
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What performances though? Motown basically decided all that stuff, and Joe. Especially early on through like 1974 and 75. Michael wasn't allowed to do much until the late 70s with his dancing. Suzanne De Passe even said she made a concerted effort to make Michael stop dancing, lol.

I mean, have you ever seen that interview with Michael on Soul Train from around 1975, and Don whathisface says to Michael "You used to dance a lot more before you signed to Motown." And Michael actually got kind of miffed and said, as mean as he could be back then, lol, "I still dance a lot." Motown just wouldn't let him show it.

And Michael sounds rough because of the laryngitis. I know ya'll think I'm just making excueses, but it's the truth.
Motown controled Michael's career when he was signed to them. Berry Gordy, basically. And Joe Jackson.
Yes, but that doesn't mean that they made him do the Medley during his Solo Tours. Once he left Motown, he was FREE to do what he wanted. There was no contract stating that he had to perform the Jackson Medley on any future tours.

And yes, you are making excuses....only this time, you're not making sense :lol:

He never suffered laryngitis in 2001 (the year of the MSG shows). I still think he sounded rough...that's the truth :)
Yes, but that doesn't mean that they made him do the Medley during his Solo Tours. Once he left Motown, he was FREE to do what he wanted. There was no contract stating that he had to perform the Jackson Medley on any future tours.

And yes, you are making excuses....only this time, you're not making sense :lol:

You're actually not making any sense. What does that have to do with what I said? I said Michael was forced basically to NOT dance during his stay at Motown and once he broke away from that, he started dancing a LOT.

You think he sounded rough on the J5 thing in 2001? Okay. He was fu*ked up during that period though, that's all I'm gonna say.
Yes, but that doesn't mean that they made him do the Medley during his Solo Tours. Once he left Motown, he was FREE to do what he wanted. There was no contract stating that he had to perform the Jackson Medley on any future tours.

And yes, you are making excuses....only this time, you're not making sense :lol:

He never suffered laryngitis in 2001 (the year of the MSG shows). I still think he sounded rough.....that's the truth :)

MJ performing the Motown medley alone in '96:

If Michael didn't like doing the Motown moves, then I guess he was doing it for the fans, right? ^_^

Also, he's singing real rough here too.

I'll Be There '96:

Now here, he's okay. When he does the fast songs though, his voice sounds shot. Maybe that's why he chose to lip it.

Michael's only 38 at this point, you go back to "I'll Be There" live in 1987, and he'll take you to CHURCH!


Michael at 29... damn, in nine years... there is SOME difference there... :lol:
Laryngitis. That'll mess your voice up something fierce. You guys aren't getting what I mean about Motown controling his dancing. It's not like Michael hated the steps he did with his brothers, that's not what I meant, I meant Motown wouldn't allow him to go out front and dance a lot like he did before signing with them, doing all those James Brown steps, etc... He started dancing a whole lot once he signed to Epic and even before then, nearing the end of his tenure at Motown.

Are ya'll saying you think Michael can't sing live anymore? Is that it? Because if you are, I'm just gonna laugh.
I hate the church... But this church is good! I don't expect to see it again.
MJ performing the Motown medley alone in '96:


Also, he's singing real rough here too.


When he does the fast songs though, his voice sounds shot. Maybe that's why he chose to lip it.
same medley, same year, different night:

in many gigs that year (96-97) he couldn't even hit the "Ohhh baby/darlin" and in others he could (that's just one example of many) so it's obvious he had a temporary medical condition, and if Nicole is right about laryngitis then that would explain it (i'm not familiar with what went on).

and I'll Be There at age 43:

he's older, and your voice no doubt changes with age but i feel there's a lot of unnecessary kaymonistic worries and melancholy going on in this thread lol
thanks, took some painkillers before coming in here lol

and i totally get what you and Elusive are getting at with his perfectionism. can be and is counter-productive.
Ahh, pain killers, man and woman's best friend, lol.

And yeah, exactly. I don't know why it's so hard to understand or why everyone is so mad or upset about the lip syncing. There's legit reasons for why Michael does what he does. But no one seems to want to hear it. And I don't see the big deal either way. He's still the most killer performer.
same medley, same year, different night:

in many gigs that year (96-97) he couldn't even hit the "Ohhh baby/darlin" and in others he could (that's just one example of many) so it's obvious he had a temporary medical condition, and if Nicole is right about laryngitis then that would explain it (i'm not familiar with what went on).

and I'll Be There at age 43:

he's older, and your voice no doubt changes with age but i feel there's a lot of unnecessary kaymonistic worries and melancholy going on in this thread lol


I always liked the high note he hit. ;)
yeah me too. and i thought that medley performance was the best arranged one out of all of them (some different chords, rhythms, backing vox). really neat and well put together.
After watching those videos, I wouldn't give a damn if he didn't even move his mouth during a concert. He can stare into space with only music in the background and I'd still pay.

"You Rock My World" - 2001

I can say he did great here. It was 50/50 live/lip sync. Live, he sounded good. :yes:

Now I gave him some props now. ^_^
Well you didn't, but some some people implied it, lol.

:lol: Yeah, I'm not trying to say that it's disappointing, I mean, sometimes when you dance and do other things, you can't match what it's on the record. But the last video I posted, he didn't sound bad at all. The band was on sync here too. I imagine this was from the second of the two MSG shows... I liked this one better than the other one to be honest.