Paul Anka Claims 'This is It' is a Rip-Off

why do we keep respecting articles by Roger Freidman? he's banned from this site..or so i thought. and why should i believe a corrupt old man such as Paul Anka? he's disputing the copyright office for god's sakes!

Friedman is a theif who got himself fired from a major network, for his theivery, and all of his writings on Michael Jackson are skewed by Friedman's own hate of Michael. Michael's songwriting legend speaks for itself. Anka isn't the first person to dispute Michael's genius...and he won't be the last. and all the disputers are unwarranted. and Roger Friedman is unwarranted. he is in no position to talk about who is going to dispute anything. Friedman's record speaks for itself. and Anka's songwriting is subject to subjectivity. and it's been dead and dated, for years.
Thank you. I will not post that idiots stuff again.
Sorry guys. . . I'm sorry but I just need to vent about this Paul Anka thing. It makes me so angry that he has called MJ a thief, that he couldn't really write songs or melodies, and basically downplaying Michael's talent.

What makes me angry is that it is common knowledge that Michael's songwriting and producing skills are downplayed so much. This is the guy that wrote 'Don't Stop Till You Get Enough', 'Working Day and Night', 'Beat It', 'Billie Jean', 'Dirty Diana', 'WBSS', 'Who Is It', etc etc. . . We've heard him beatbox on Oprah and in those depositions. . . he is music personified.

It makes me angry because no one questions Prince and his musical capabilities. No one does that to Paul McCartney and John Lennon. Even Madonna writes her own songs and no one talks about her or whatever.

I know that this whole thing will blow over when the movie comes out and that is going to amaze everybody. But how come no one is standing up for Michael's musical skills?? I mean where is Bruce Swedien, Teddy Riley, Rodney Jerkins, Akon? I know Quincy won't stand up for Michael. But there are countless other people out there who worked with michael that describe him as a musical genius. No one sticks up for him. I am so ashamed of Branca and McClain and how they allegedly threw Michael under the bus to kiss Anka's ass after he made a hoopla out of this.

Or do you think this was Branca's plan? Branca knew about this song and the baggage with this. Is this all for publicity for the single and the movie? I mean everyone already talks shit about Michael anyway, but he still seems to sell records and movie tickets.

It's just so upsetting that Michael's musical integrity is not being stood up for because that is one thing that the world always knew Michael had with no questions asked.

Thanks for letting me vent. . .I am just so sick of Michael being constantly put down, especially since he is not here to defend himself.
it also recalls an incident in 2001 when he “stole” the finished tapes for his “invincible” album and refused to return them until sony procured him a part in “men in black 2.” that’s the real michael jackson, whether he was murdered or not.
Michael's songwriting legend speaks for itself. Anka isn't the first person to dispute Michael's genius...and he won't be the last. and all the disputers are unwarranted. and Roger Friedman is unwarranted. he is in no position to talk about who is going to dispute anything. Friedman's record speaks for itself. and Anka's songwriting is subject to subjectivity. and it's been dead and dated, for years.

I hope people will think this way but unfortunately most of them will NOT because this is a problem with “people” and most of them would like to listen to negativity. It is a human nature. This guy Paul Anka is not stupid and he found an opportunity and he ceased it! This is publicity money cannot buy!! Who to blame? Sony for their incompetence.

When a snippet of the song “Place Without No Name” leaked earlier some reactions to this song were very negative, people were questioning why Michael didn’t write his own song, and they were questioning if Bellie Jean and other songs he wrote were actually his or he stole them! I was very furious… And do you know what is happening right now? Paul Anka a musician attacks Michael – not an ordinary person – a musician! Things are really messed-up right now and the media trying the best to tarnish Michael’s image. Where are the Jacksons right now! They need to step-up for their brother!
umm who's paul anka? isn't it.. a dog?:unsure:


lol wtf with the whole mess he's doing.. people already got he co-wroted the song with him on the first time he said it.

eh, I don't think he should sue anyone, now he'll get more money from the mess than he ever got from airplays.-_-
I hope people will think this way but unfortunately most of them will NOT because this is a problem with “people” and most of them would like to listen to negativity. It is a human nature. This guy Paul Anka is not stupid and he found an opportunity and he ceased it! This is publicity money cannot buy!! Who to blame? Sony for their incompetence.

When a snippet of the song “Place Without No Name” leaked earlier some reactions to this song were very negative, people were questioning why Michael didn’t write his own song, and they were questioning if Bellie Jean and other songs he wrote were actually his or he stole them! I was very furious… And do you know what is happening right now? Paul Anka a musician attacks Michael – not an ordinary person – a musician! Things are really messed-up right now and the media trying the best to tarnish Michael’s image. Where are the Jacksons right now! They need to step-up for their brother!

who has Michael always had? the fans. and that is the only reason why the haters hate. they don't hate because Michael did anything wrong. they just hate because Michael has fans that have always stuck up for him.

And what does it say about Roger Friedman to chase someone, even after they are gone? could it be that Friedman has no peace in his soul, because he knows he has hated without a cause? there's no peace there. there's only darkness. and so his hate won't stop. and you have to wonder about anyone who is comfortable around that kind of hate. if Anka is comfortable around Friedman, you have to wonder about what's inside Paul Anka, too.

around Michael, a boy has been healed of cancer, and another child had an organ transplant. there have been religious articles that have said, that a person cannot have that healing inside of him or her, if he or she has hate inside them, or true evil. Michael couldn't have that healing inside him, if he truly had evil inside him. they cannot coexist together.

have we heard of that healing being inside the Friedmans and the Ankas of the world?

this is not saying that Michael is God. what it is saying is that the kind of goodness that is conducive to that kind of healing cannot coexist in a person who has the kind of evil that Friedman is accusing Michael of.

But it does ask about what's inside of Friedman, and those who feel comfortable behaving like Friedman, because we have not heard of that kind of goodness, conducive to healing, being inside of Friedman, and those who feel comfortable around him and his behaviour. Good gifts tend to be bestowed upon those who have basic goodness inside. but not inside those who have basic evil inside.
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Thanks vncwilliam. Your post made me feel better. Paul Anka and Roger Friedman have shown their true colors. They have no love in their hearts and like to create negativity. If Paul Anka was this bitter, why didn't he speak up more about it before Michael died!? It's all about the publicity for him now and the money that he is going to get.

I am not buying the TII sndtrk. The fact that Anka is going to get a piece of the pie has totally turned me off from it. But when the other music comes out, hopefully on a different label, I am going to buy like a hundred copies!!!

Michael's not perfect and never claimed to be, but we all know he had a good heart and always good intentions towards everything and everyone.

who has Michael always had? the fans. and that is the only reason why the haters hate. they don't hate because Michael did anything wrong. they just hate because Michael has fans that have always stuck up for him.

And what does it say about Roger Friedman to chase someone, even after they are gone? could it be that Friedman has no peace in his soul, because he knows he has hated without a cause? there's no peace there. there's only darkness. and so his hate won't stop. and you have to wonder about anyone who is comfortable around that kind of hate. if Anka is comfortable around Friedman, you have to wonder about what's inside Paul Anka, too.

around Michael, a boy has been healed of cancer, and another child had an organ transplant. there have been religious articles that have said, that a person cannot have that healing inside of him or her, if he or she has hate inside them, or true wrongdoing. Michael couldn't have that healing inside him, if he truly had wrongdoing inside him. they cannot coexist together.

have we heard of that healing being inside the Friedmans and the Ankas of the world?

this is not saying that Michael is God. what it is saying is that the kind of goodness that is conducive to that kind of healing cannot coexist in a person who has the kind of wrongdoing that Friedman is accusing Michael of.

But it does ask about what's inside of Friedman, and those who feel comfortable behaving like Friedman, because we have not heard of that kind of goodness, conducive to healing, being inside of Friedman, and those who feel comfortable around him and his behaviour.
and the spirit that embodies the dance moves that are billie jean...the dance that is that composition, is clearly embodied in Michael. the long introduction, that had to be a certain length, so that those signature dance moves could be burned into our hearts? you're telling me, you can't see that that song eminated out of Michael's body, and Michael's body, alone?

that song is MICHAEL'S composition. Nobody else's.

Quincy said the intro is too long. Michael said it wasn't long enough. how could Michael KNOW that such a long intro was JUST RIGHT for what we were about to see on the Motown 25 stage, if that composition wasn't Michael's and Michael's ALONE?


you know, Friedman suddenly thinks the AMA's are second rate, just because they nominated Michael. now that's making a superior reaching effort to pull out some serious hate, beyond reason.

does anybody ever accurately predict the next big thing? no. did anybody know that Michael's combination of talents..his unusually high voice, his unheard of dance steps, and his type of music writing would combine to take off like they did? NO. So, now that the combination took off to the stratosphere..suddenly Michael stole his combination of steps, writing, and singing voice from other people, in order to make it, big, essentially.

Yeah, right.

i am supposed to believe that Michael's strange high singing voice, over that billie jean track, was something that people just KNEW would take off, before it did. I DON'T THINK SO.

so..would others confidently claim that STRANGE combination to be their own, KNOWING it would be a big hit? Absolutely NOT.

they didn't claim it BEFORE it hit. so they can't claim it, now.

they can't SUDDENLY claim THEIVERY.

and they certainly can't go to the copyright office and switch documents, to say that Michael didn't write or cowrite those songs. we already saw the documents, and the BMI information.
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I love Michael more each day... :wub:
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who has Michael always had? the fans. and that is the only reason why the haters hate. they don't hate because Michael did anything wrong. they just hate because Michael has fans that have always stuck up for him.

And what does it say about Roger Friedman to chase someone, even after they are gone? could it be that Friedman has no peace in his soul, because he knows he has hated without a cause? there's no peace there. there's only darkness. and so his hate won't stop. and you have to wonder about anyone who is comfortable around that kind of hate. if Anka is comfortable around Friedman, you have to wonder about what's inside Paul Anka, too.

around Michael, a boy has been healed of cancer, and another child had an organ transplant. there have been religious articles that have said, that a person cannot have that healing inside of him or her, if he or she has hate inside them, or true evil. Michael couldn't have that healing inside him, if he truly had evil inside him. they cannot coexist together.

have we heard of that healing being inside the Friedmans and the Ankas of the world?

this is not saying that Michael is God. what it is saying is that the kind of goodness that is conducive to that kind of healing cannot coexist in a person who has the kind of evil that Friedman is accusing Michael of.

But it does ask about what's inside of Friedman, and those who feel comfortable behaving like Friedman, because we have not heard of that kind of goodness, conducive to healing, being inside of Friedman, and those who feel comfortable around him and his behaviour. Good gifts tend to be bestowed upon those who have basic goodness inside. but not inside those who have basic evil inside.


I love what you said. Very true!
I've always thought of Paul Anka as a wanna be Frank Sinatra and yet he calls "This is It" a Rip Off, hmm touche Paul just look at your image and the Music your producing and then look at Frank Sinatra, Paul is a rip off of Frank.
Imagine if the situation was reversed and MJ was alive and Anka released a song that MJ had ownership of without asking MJ. If MJ said Anka stole his song, I doubt any of you would be jumping on MJ the way SOME of you guys are attacking Anka and calling him names like a 5 year old would do.
knowing Michael I doubt he'd say anything... I'm sure he wouldn't make it a such biggie and give billion statements to TMZ like Paul Anka did. I think Paul Anka has the right to say he also wrote it, but there's a way to say anything.
Sorry guys. . . I'm sorry but I just need to vent about this Paul Anka thing. It makes me so angry that he has called MJ a thief, that he couldn't really write songs or melodies, and basically downplaying Michael's talent.

What makes me angry is that it is common knowledge that Michael's songwriting and producing skills are downplayed so much. This is the guy that wrote 'Don't Stop Till You Get Enough', 'Working Day and Night', 'Beat It', 'Billie Jean', 'Dirty Diana', 'WBSS', 'Who Is It', etc etc. . . We've heard him beatbox on Oprah and in those depositions. . . he is music personified.

It makes me angry because no one questions Prince and his musical capabilities. No one does that to Paul McCartney and John Lennon. Even Madonna writes her own songs and no one talks about her or whatever.

I know that this whole thing will blow over when the movie comes out and that is going to amaze everybody. But how come no one is standing up for Michael's musical skills?? I mean where is Bruce Swedien, Teddy Riley, Rodney Jerkins, Akon? I know Quincy won't stand up for Michael. But there are countless other people out there who worked with michael that describe him as a musical genius. No one sticks up for him. I am so ashamed of Branca and McClain and how they allegedly threw Michael under the bus to kiss Anka's ass after he made a hoopla out of this.

Or do you think this was Branca's plan? Branca knew about this song and the baggage with this. Is this all for publicity for the single and the movie? I mean everyone already talks shit about Michael anyway, but he still seems to sell records and movie tickets.

It's just so upsetting that Michael's musical integrity is not being stood up for because that is one thing that the world always knew Michael had with no questions asked.

Thanks for letting me vent. . .I am just so sick of Michael being constantly put down, especially since he is not here to defend himself.

i feel u. I said the same thing yesterday. Where is teddy riley, Akon and some other people who calls Mike a musicologist ( don't coint on bruse Sweden. hes as fake as Quincy. He insinuated crap about MJ during the trial.) Why can't they come to his defense. Thats when they should be vocal.
I've always thought of Paul Anka as a wanna be Frank Sinatra and yet he calls "This is It" a Rip Off, hmm touche Paul just look at your image and the Music your producing and then look at Frank Sinatra, Paul is a rip off of Frank.

also Anka said that he 'got' the rights to the song 'my way' without paying for them. who does that? did Anka steal that song? nobody can acquire the rights to a song without paying money for them. he said he changed the song. that means it was someone else's before it became 'his'. someone oughta search...did he get the song from public domain? did someone really just 'give' that song to Paul Anka? usually an accuser is guilty of a crime. like the Arvisos were guilty of all kinds of fraud.

and Anka is still calling 'this is it' his song, instead of a partnership between him and Michael, writingwise, even with other doc evidence in our faces. Anka is deluded. the other song he wants released he is calling his sole project too, though he partnered with MJ on that, too.
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Must I question why you said that when DuranDuran (and they're great, by the way, though not as great as Mike - obviously) just stated the truth? No, really, I didn't get it. You know that even if Michael's a genius and his legacy will live forever... That's not saying there's no talent everywhere else in this world, right?

PS.: If Anka's has the rights, well, he has the rights... But he didn't need to say bad things about Michael. That's the problem. He could have sorted it out with Sony like a MAN and an ARTIST but he chose to sort it like a JERK LOOKING FOR ATTENTION. Lost all my respect. And who the hell is Safire?
Is that i dont like duran duran man, i prefer other musicians ok??
Sorry guys. . . I'm sorry but I just need to vent about this Paul Anka thing. It makes me so angry that he has called MJ a thief, that he couldn't really write songs or melodies, and basically downplaying Michael's talent.

What makes me angry is that it is common knowledge that Michael's songwriting and producing skills are downplayed so much. This is the guy that wrote 'Don't Stop Till You Get Enough', 'Working Day and Night', 'Beat It', 'Billie Jean', 'Dirty Diana', 'WBSS', 'Who Is It', etc etc. . . We've heard him beatbox on Oprah and in those depositions. . . he is music personified.

It makes me angry because no one questions Prince and his musical capabilities. No one does that to Paul McCartney and John Lennon. Even Madonna writes her own songs and no one talks about her or whatever.

I know that this whole thing will blow over when the movie comes out and that is going to amaze everybody. But how come no one is standing up for Michael's musical skills?? I mean where is Bruce Swedien, Teddy Riley, Rodney Jerkins, Akon? I know Quincy won't stand up for Michael. But there are countless other people out there who worked with michael that describe him as a musical genius. No one sticks up for him. I am so ashamed of Branca and McClain and how they allegedly threw Michael under the bus to kiss Anka's ass after he made a hoopla out of this.

Or do you think this was Branca's plan? Branca knew about this song and the baggage with this. Is this all for publicity for the single and the movie? I mean everyone already talks shit about Michael anyway, but he still seems to sell records and movie tickets.

It's just so upsetting that Michael's musical integrity is not being stood up for because that is one thing that the world always knew Michael had with no questions asked.

Thanks for letting me vent. . .I am just so sick of Michael being constantly put down, especially since he is not here to defend himself.

I TOTALLY AGREE, i will explain it, Michael was too damn TALENTED, just too DAMN much, noone can come near him and thast exactly what people in music and critics in music are afraid of, they fear other artists cant be as good as phenomenal as Michael Jackson,

people (fans/friends of other musicians who are in the media know this very well, and they know that even though Prince is awesomely good, he does not come near Michael Jackosn, not even a bit, Michael did not needed to go everywhere saying "oh i play this and that and that, and everything", Michael did NOT feel the need to show it cause he was DAMN GENIUS at the level of REAL geniuses of MUSIC like Mozart,

you know, Mozart was belittle for a long time even after he died, he was a rebel, he didnt went with the flow, he was damn talented musician, he died young and for a long time he was still not recognised for his unearthly musical skills, people at the time were afraid that Mozart's tremendous talent will overshadow the ones of the alive ones,

its like a fear of not beeig able to be as good as Mozart, and in this case like Michael Jackson, see with Michael, you see thousand of imitators but they only imitate his dance moves, they dont ever sing, they dont write the music, they dont produce, they are just like the IMAGE of Michael the phisical Michael,

people in the media will continue to belittle Michael Jackson, as well as many other artists will as well, they are afraid, see, i knew Prince first cause i was born after Thiller, but in a no very special occasion i knew Michael's music, and forget it, i said: OH MY GOD! look at that guy! and Prince was there, but left aside... And thats exactly what people belittling Michael think... is simple, as simple as that. They will not credit Michael cause they know thyey cant be as good as him, you know, he was the only real last genius, it will take at least 100 years to find another one... sadly... Geniuses are very very very few...

its sad that they do this, but it happened to Mozart, what will not happen to Michael...
Sorry guys. . . I'm sorry but I just need to vent about this Paul Anka thing. It makes me so angry that he has called MJ a thief, that he couldn't really write songs or melodies, and basically downplaying Michael's talent.

What makes me angry is that it is common knowledge that Michael's songwriting and producing skills are downplayed so much. This is the guy that wrote 'Don't Stop Till You Get Enough', 'Working Day and Night', 'Beat It', 'Billie Jean', 'Dirty Diana', 'WBSS', 'Who Is It', etc etc. . . We've heard him beatbox on Oprah and in those depositions. . . he is music personified.

It makes me angry because no one questions Prince and his musical capabilities. No one does that to Paul McCartney and John Lennon. Even Madonna writes her own songs and no one talks about her or whatever.

I know that this whole thing will blow over when the movie comes out and that is going to amaze everybody. But how come no one is standing up for Michael's musical skills?? I mean where is Bruce Swedien, Teddy Riley, Rodney Jerkins, Akon? I know Quincy won't stand up for Michael. But there are countless other people out there who worked with michael that describe him as a musical genius. No one sticks up for him. I am so ashamed of Branca and McClain and how they allegedly threw Michael under the bus to kiss Anka's ass after he made a hoopla out of this.

Or do you think this was Branca's plan? Branca knew about this song and the baggage with this. Is this all for publicity for the single and the movie? I mean everyone already talks shit about Michael anyway, but he still seems to sell records and movie tickets.

It's just so upsetting that Michael's musical integrity is not being stood up for because that is one thing that the world always knew Michael had with no questions asked.

Thanks for letting me vent. . .I am just so sick of Michael being constantly put down, especially since he is not here to defend himself.

no need to apologize. you are correct 1000000000000 %.

as usual.... mike gets spit at and we the fans get outraged. where are the celebs, friends, and the so-called next gen of artists. GAWD. Whatever.
Michael did NOT feel the need to show it cause he was DAMN GENIUS at the level of REAL geniuses of MUSIC like Mozart,

you know, Mozart was belittle for a long time even after he died, he was a rebel, he didnt went with the flow, he was damn talented musician, he died young and for a long time he was still not recognised for his unearthly musical skills, people at the time were afraid that Mozart's tremendous talent will overshadow the ones of the alive ones,
I'm glad you say that! It's so right.
It's a qoute from Wagner, he said, like that:
It was good for all the composers which followed after Mozart was dead, 'cause if he had lived longer they wouldn't have nothing more to compose. That's all.
I TOTALLY AGREE, i will explain it, Michael was too damn TALENTED, just too DAMN much, noone can come near him and thast exactly what people in music and critics in music are afraid of, they fear other artists cant be as good as phenomenal as Michael Jackson,

people (fans/friends of other musicians who are in the media know this very well, and they know that even though Prince is awesomely good, he does not come near Michael Jackosn, not even a bit, Michael did not needed to go everywhere saying "oh i play this and that and that, and everything", Michael did NOT feel the need to show it cause he was DAMN GENIUS at the level of REAL geniuses of MUSIC like Mozart,

you know, Mozart was belittle for a long time even after he died, he was a rebel, he didnt went with the flow, he was damn talented musician, he died young and for a long time he was still not recognised for his unearthly musical skills, people at the time were afraid that Mozart's tremendous talent will overshadow the ones of the alive ones,

its like a fear of not beeig able to be as good as Mozart, and in this case like Michael Jackson, see with Michael, you see thousand of imitators but they only imitate his dance moves, they dont ever sing, they dont write the music, they dont produce, they are just like the IMAGE of Michael the phisical Michael,

people in the media will continue to belittle Michael Jackson, as well as many other artists will as well, they are afraid, see, i knew Prince first cause i was born after Thiller, but in a no very special occasion i knew Michael's music, and forget it, i said: OH MY GOD! look at that guy! and Prince was there, but left aside... And thats exactly what people belittling Michael think... is simple, as simple as that. They will not credit Michael cause they know thyey cant be as good as him, you know, he was the only real last genius, it will take at least 100 years to find another one... sadly... Geniuses are very very very few...

its sad that they do this, but it happened to Mozart, what will not happen to Michael...

absolutely true. i really appreciate what you bolded. it's so true, also.
Yes it is true, where are the other artist/singers and so call friends of Michael. Why are they not standing up for him? They are too scared they get shut down by the press? The Bloody Anka wants the other song released? huh? I never thought I would say this but this man can go to hell and rot there..sorry, but I had to say it.
These people do not have emails because they know we will kick their a$$.
If he has so much money then why does he want the recognition?..Did he sing the bloody song? nooooooooo!! it is Michael's voice and emotions. damnnnn!!!
Imagine if the situation was reversed and MJ was alive and Anka released a song that MJ had ownership of without asking MJ. If MJ said Anka stole his song, I doubt any of you would be jumping on MJ the way SOME of you guys are attacking Anka and calling him names like a 5 year old would do.

That's the point. He is not alive. Read the article again. This thing was settled between Michael and Anka. He said when they saw each other on another occasion they did not speak of it. Why speak of it now because MICHAEL IS DEAD AND CANNOT DEFEND HIMSELF ABOUT BEING CALLED A THIEF. Anka is do his money, it was always there because both names are on it. He is bitter and wants to slander MJ's name THAT IS WRONG.
Thanks Draliongirl. I didn't know that about Mozart. I've heard Michael be compared to Mozart before, saying that he's the best child musical prodigy since Mozart.

I just feel that Michael has been gone for more than 3 months now and people are still talking sh*t about him. Where is the respect for the dead? I mean, I don't think I've ever really encountered people still talking bad about a celebrity after their death. That's why it makes me so upset. The man is gone and he is still being ridiculed and belittled. It's really quite abominable.
Thanks Draliongirl. I didn't know that about Mozart. I've heard Michael be compared to Mozart before, saying that he's the best child musical prodigy since Mozart.

I just feel that Michael has been gone for more than 3 months now and people are still talking sh*t about him. Where is the respect for the dead? I mean, I don't think I've ever really encountered people still talking bad about a celebrity after their death. That's why it makes me so upset. The man is gone and he is still being ridiculed and belittled. It's really quite abominable.

Yes, there's like an OBSESSION with bringing down Michael, but see people who cares about talent know this kind of things and we just dont need to pay more attention to the negative people, i mean, let THEM waste their energy. Michael was a genius, no matter how hard they try and keep on trying, people who really love and appreciate music wont let him down...

See thats why we adore people like Mozart, cause even though they tried to hide him, the music was there, and we, the music lovers just found it, one way or another
Originally Posted by Eric
Imagine if the situation was reversed and MJ was alive and Anka released a song that MJ had ownership of without asking MJ. If MJ said Anka stole his song, I doubt any of you would be jumping on MJ the way SOME of you guys are attacking Anka and calling him names like a 5 year old would do.

That's the point. He is not alive. Read the article again. This thing was settled between Michael and Anka. He said when they saw each other on another occasion they did not speak of it. Why speak of it now because MICHAEL IS DEAD AND CANNOT DEFEND HIMSELF ABOUT BEING CALLED A THIEF. Anka is do his money, it was always there because both names are on it. He is bitter and wants to slander MJ's name THAT IS WRONG.
That's the point. He is not alive. Read the article again. This thing was settled between Michael and Anka. He said when they saw each other on another occasion they did not speak of it. Why speak of it now because MICHAEL IS DEAD AND CANNOT DEFEND HIMSELF ABOUT BEING CALLED A THIEF. Anka is do his money, it was always there because both names are on it. He is bitter and wants to slander MJ's name THAT IS WRONG.

you know your battle is uphill when you have to argue with somebody who is defending someone who is claiming 100% of something he owns 50% of, and meanwhile, belittles both you and 5 year old children. there's really no use dealing with this guy. it's hard enough for MJ fans as it is, especially when the quote of the guy clearly shows no respect for MJ.
Originally Posted by Eric
Imagine if the situation was reversed and MJ was alive and Anka released a song that MJ had ownership of without asking MJ. If MJ said Anka stole his song, I doubt any of you would be jumping on MJ the way SOME of you guys are attacking Anka and calling him names like a 5 year old would do.

That's the point. He is not alive. Read the article again. This thing was settled between Michael and Anka. He said when they saw each other on another occasion they did not speak of it. Why speak of it now because MICHAEL IS DEAD AND CANNOT DEFEND HIMSELF ABOUT BEING CALLED A THIEF. Anka is do his money, it was always there because both names are on it. He is bitter and wants to slander MJ's name THAT IS WRONG.

you know your battle is uphill when you have to argue with somebody who is defending someone who is claiming 100% of something he owns 50% of, and meanwhile, belittles both you and 5 year old children. there's really no use dealing with this guy. it's hard enough for MJ fans as it is, especially when the quote of the guy clearly shows no respect for MJ.

I guess you are right. Beating your head up against a brick wall only cracks your skull. WOW