Paul Anka Claims 'This is It' is a Rip-Off

could you give a link to the original interview? Some fans on other boards disbelieve this could be a correct quote, thanks.

I would but the mods removed the link (which is against forum rules to post/link to Roger Freidman).

Here is the original post without the link - but I read the comments section before the link went down & they ripped Roger & Anka up.

Here is a quote from Anka in an interview with Roger Friedman:

" Who is to blame? Michael Jackson. In death he’s just as much trouble as he is in life. This was an example of his basic dishonesty. He was not a great songwriter and often took credit for material that wasn’t his. “He was more of a riff writer than a melodist,” said Anka, whose hits include Frank Sinatra’s “My Way” and the theme music to the Johnny Carson “Tonight” Show."
here it is:

interesting... the quote NOW looks as if Roger Friedman said it and not Anka. a matter of sloppy use of quotation marks? Judge for yourself:

“When the calls started coming in on Monday, I didn’t know what was going on,” Anka told me. He figured it out quickly. The Jackson executors were quick to fix the situation. “They didn’t know how it happened. No one there is to blame.”

Who is to blame? Michael Jackson. In death he’s just as much trouble as he is in life. This was an example of his basic dishonesty. He was not a great songwriter and often took credit for material that wasn’t his. “He was more of a riff writer than a melodist,” said Anka, whose hits include Frank Sinatra’s “My Way” and the theme music to the Johnny Carson “Tonight” Show.

well, you know RF(who seems to have gotten a new license to be on this site), seems quite obsessed with the artist he disparages. if you think an artist isn't great, you don't spend your life writing about him. And the quote thing makes no difference. Anka still didn't take back the unwarranted word, 'stole' which Anka said in the video. people are always going to wrongly call a great businessperson a thief, when they are left in the dust by his good business decisions. the fact that the accusers are true thieves, themselves, is why they are at the bottom of the pile. it's called karma. RF recently pirated a movie from his own former employer, and Anka keeps taking full credit for a song he only half wrote. and some may say that This Is It is full of riffs.(not that riffs are a bad thing, because they are not,) and MJ wrote a soaring melody called 'Earth Song'. another called 'Heal The World' and co wrote another called 'We Are The World'
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this is clearly the words of an envious lying dishonest, dishonoring old fart, whose light went out years ago, and who would not have a career if great voices didn't sing his mediocre songs. the key to a song's greatness is it's popularity, so Anka is overrating himself. he clearly is a hypocrite, because his song 'having my baby' sounds like a platitude of 'riffs'.

Ladies & Gentleman, this comment is what I call a....


LOL!! You sure told it like it is!!!!
dude...Anka said he wrote the whole song. he did not. he only wrote half. nobody is complaining about him getting fifty percent. they're complaining about how he's handling the situation, and that he wants more than he deserves, because the song is dead, if Mj's voice doesn't appear on it.

this is clearly the words of an envious lying dishonest, dishonoring old fart, whose light went out years ago, and who would not have a career if great voices didn't sing his mediocre songs. the key to a song's greatness is it's popularity, so Anka is overrating himself. he clearly is a hypocrite, because his song 'having my baby' sounds like a platitude of 'riffs'.

TELL THE TRUTH Girl! :clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:
is it true paul anka's my way is similar to a french song released in 1967 ...anyone got a link to that
I have to be fair and acknowledge that perhaps Michael was not the kind of person some liked to deal with on a professional level. And quite a few people have/had issues with him as it pertains to that.

HOWEVER, there can be no challenging of Michael's immense skills and talent. It is almost laughable, really.

And yes, Mr Anka, SHOULD have handled this better.
interesting... the quote NOW looks as if Roger Friedman said it and not Anka. a matter of sloppy use of quotation marks? Judge for yourself:

Who is to blame? Michael Jackson. In death he’s just as much trouble as he is in life. This was an example of his basic dishonesty. He was not a great songwriter and often took credit for material that wasn’t his. “He was more of a riff writer than a melodist,” said Anka, whose hits include Frank Sinatra’s “My Way” and the theme music to the Johnny Carson “Tonight” Show.
And that's exactly what I said in my posting earlier today. It must be killing Friedman to see the love Michael continues to receive from around the world, while he resides in the bowels of tabloid world. Since Friedman is no longer front and center on FoxNews front page, he is basically unknown and that too must be killing him.

It's also one of the reasons this forum no longer allows Roger Friedman to be posted on this site. Or did that rule change, because last I heard Friedman was not allowed on this site, AS IT SHOULD BE, in my opinion.
this jerk's hateful comments make me laugh. He didn't realize how stupid he is to say those words. Michael is the most talented song writer, singer, dancer... I believe the popularity of the songs proved everything. his music inspired the whole world, not just US. In my country, "We are the world" and "heal the world" are the songs to learn in class for middle school students. last month, our prime minister visited the middle school and watched the children singing "we are the world". by the way, the prime minister also commented that Michael Jackson's song spread love and unite the world. It's the good song for children to learn.
I really hate this mess. Anka got the money and the credit and the whole world now knows he exists. what else does he want? shut up already.
this jerk's hateful comments make me laugh. He didn't realize how stupid he is to say those words. Michael is the most talented song writer, singer, dancer... I believe the popularity of the songs proved everything. his music inspired the whole world, not just US. In my country, "We are the world" and "heal the world" are the songs to learn in class for middle school students. last month, our prime minister visited the middle school and watched the children singing "we are the world". by the way, the prime minister also commented that Michael Jackson's song spread love and unite the world. It's the good song for children to learn.

sorry to ask; what country is that.
I have to be fair and acknowledge that perhaps Michael was not the kind of person some liked to deal with on a professional level. And quite a few people have/had issues with him as it pertains to that.

HOWEVER, there can be no challenging of Michael's immense skills and talent. It is almost laughable, really.

And yes, Mr Anka, SHOULD have handled this better.

there isn't a person in history who someobody else doesn't think is too shrewd for their own good. but Donald Trump said that MJ was a great businessperson.

so..i think that the naysayers have sour grapes. a good businessperson will get enemies, because he won't let someone walk all over him. they wanted MJ to be this lamb, because of his lamblike eyes. they were wrong, so they bellyache about it. he watched out for his own interests in a fair way, and that is the name of that song. if he didn't, then his business skills SHOULD be questioned. there is no doubt, people wanted to take advantage of him, and wanted him to be the latest in a long line of musicians like himself, who they could roll right over.. and when he didn't let them, they called him bad for business. so their crap doesn't wash. not one of the accusers has clean hands.
Like Michael needed to steal anyone's song :no: Sounds like a lawsuit to get some money to me or boost flagging record sales to me
I haven't read through this whole thread so I apologise if I'm duplicating anything.

From the US Copyright Office:

This is it / Michael Jackson.

Type of Work: Music
Registration Number / Date: PAu000668598 / 1984-11-16
Title: This is it / Michael Jackson.
Description: 1 sound cassette.
Copyright Claimant: Mijac Music
Date of Creation: 1980
Authorship on Application: words & music: Michael Jackson.
Names: Jackson, Michael; Mijac Music

I never heard / Anka, Jackson.

Type of Work: Music
Registration Number / Date: PAu000533333 / 1983-08-08
Title: I never heard / Anka, Jackson.
Description: 1 p.
Notes: Lead sheet.
Copyright Claimant: Mijac Music & Paulanne Music, Inc.
Date of Creation: 1980
Authorship on Application: words & music: Michael Joe Jackson & Paul Anka.
Names: Jackson, Michael Joe; Anka, Paul; Mijac Music; Paulanne Music, Inc.

So, it would appear that both This Is It and I Never Heard originate from 1980. Paul Anka stated that he wrote it with MJ in 1983. So I wonder if this demo was actually recorded in prior to 1983? This would make sense to me as the song sounds like it came from that era and the Jackson brothers are doing backing vocals (wasn't the Victory album the last recordings made of the Jacksons)?

Have Sony actually stated when it was recorded?
I haven't read through this whole thread so I apologise if I'm duplicating anything.

From the US Copyright Office:

This is it / Michael Jackson.

Type of Work: Music
Registration Number / Date: PAu000668598 / 1984-11-16
Title: This is it / Michael Jackson.
Description: 1 sound cassette.
Copyright Claimant: Mijac Music
Date of Creation: 1980
Authorship on Application: words & music: Michael Jackson.
Names: Jackson, Michael; Mijac Music

I never heard / Anka, Jackson.

Type of Work: Music
Registration Number / Date: PAu000533333 / 1983-08-08
Title: I never heard / Anka, Jackson.
Description: 1 p.
Notes: Lead sheet.
Copyright Claimant: Mijac Music & Paulanne Music, Inc.
Date of Creation: 1980
Authorship on Application: words & music: Michael Joe Jackson & Paul Anka.
Names: Jackson, Michael Joe; Anka, Paul; Mijac Music; Paulanne Music, Inc.

So, it would appear that both This Is It and I Never Heard originate from 1980. Paul Anka stated that he wrote it with MJ in 1983. So I wonder if this demo was actually recorded in prior to 1983? This would make sense to me as the song sounds like it came from that era and the Jackson brothers are doing backing vocals (wasn't the Victory album the last recordings made of the Jacksons)?

Have Sony actually stated when it was recorded?

well Anka is claiming that he wrote the song by himself. that's not right. it's possible that Michael emitted notes from his mouth and produced what is called a 'sound recording' and Anka wrote sheet music.

collaboration can be a sticky thing. i think there is still controversy over who wrote what between Lennon and McCartney. who was the one who REALLY wrote the music..or did they write a melody alone? or did one of them write background that INSPIRED the melody? this could go on forever. but MJ's track record is sterling. and he's not the one associated with sheet music. he's associated with sounds on tape.

a lead sheet leaves room for interpretation, but sounds from the mouth do not.
there is enough truth documented in the copyright office. the song is a collab between Michael and Anka. Anka is getting his fifty and MJ estate is getting fifty. it doesn't matter how the composition happened. the important thing is, it happened between the two of them. just like Lennon and McCartney.
Shimar, remember you posted that you couldn't find 'This Is It' in the BMI catalog? But you found 'I Never Heard'.

How come a 'This Is It' is registered under the US Copyright office in 1984?

Hmm. . this is getting really fishy!!!

And. . . isn't it interesting that the Date of Creation is 1980?????? Where does Paul fit into this?

What if there is a different song out there called TII, but some nutjob put the wrong cassette in the wrong case or whatever. . .

Lol, imagine that.Ooooooops!!!!

I haven't read through this whole thread so I apologise if I'm duplicating anything.

So, it would appear that both This Is It and I Never Heard originate from 1980. Paul Anka stated that he wrote it with MJ in 1983. So I wonder if this demo was actually recorded in prior to 1983? This would make sense to me as the song sounds like it came from that era and the Jackson brothers are doing backing vocals (wasn't the Victory album the last recordings made of the Jacksons)?

Have Sony actually stated when it was recorded?

Interesting. Sony haven't really said anything about it I don't think. It was just 'found in a box' with TII written on it. Not sure if the Jackson brother vocals are new or old?
i find that odd that John Branca was also Paul Anka's lawyer at the time and he supposedly was the one who got MJ to return the tape after Anka threatened legal action. So how come he let this mess get this far. Something just doesn't add up.
i find that odd that John Branca was also Paul Anka's lawyer at the time and he supposedly was the one who got MJ to return the tape after Anka threatened legal action. So how come he let this mess get this far. Something just doesn't add up.

I agree. Branca should have said something from the time Sony came up with the idea of releasing this. I know I'm stretching the possiblity a bit. But maybe if he had, the whole thing could have been avoided. Anka, for his part, should have handled this alot better. But Branca, to my knowledge, has the final say on all deals for things like this. And he could have put a stop to it before it even started. So in my opinion he's as much to blame for this as McClain.
maybe on some level, but Anka admitted that he used to deal with mobsters. and Michael needed protection, because as we have all heard in the video, Anka still talks as if the entire song was all an Anka composition AND production and that Michael was ONLY the vocalist, even though Anka is acquiescing to only fifty percent(though Michael's starpower demands enough that solely a vocal would be enough for MJ to get fifty percent). and it wasn't. it isn't. it's a compositional collaboration. somehow, i think i can understand why Michael was paranoid with the tapes.

and Anka's protests continued, even in the face of copyright document evidence that he is lying. if anything, the docs suggest that MJ was the sole writer, in one instance, and in the other instance, the suggestion is compositional collaboration. but there is no evidence of a sole composition by Anka, in the copyright docs. and yet Anka won't change his story.
Paul Anka is a disgusting and bitter man to me. Why the hell does Michael Jackson get all these wankers and backstabbers to work with?

Interesting that Quincy hasn't said a word. Wasn't it Quincy and Michael who went back to get the tapes?

What makes me angry is that Paul Anka is saying such horrible things about Michael and yet making money off of him. It makes me cry so much how disrespected Michael is being treated and no one but his fans are willing to stand up for him. His estate executors are kissing Anka's ass right now because of their f*ck up and allowing the a-hole to talk sh*t about Michael. I hate how Anka blames Michael for this mess eventhough he's dead! That guy is really mental.

It's just not fair and they are all doing this for publicity!
This is what Anka said about Michael Please Read:
(14-10-2009) Paul Anka got 50% of his own song, the one he wrote and recorded with Michael Jackson in 1983 but was released this week. In his recent article, Roger Friedman stated that Anka said he also got the promise of another song he wrote and recorded with the dead pop star to be included on a forthcoming album of previously unreleased material. That song is called “Love Never Felt So Good.”

But honestly, being a victim of theft never felt so good as Anka — a songwriting and performing superstar for five decades — cleaned up yesterday. He told me he got 50% of all the mechanical and publishing royalties to “This Is It” plus some points still being negotiated.

He’s not mad. But he does tell the story of how this happened. “Michael and I were recording two duets for my album in 1982 in Las Vegas. This was before “Thriller.” “I Never Heard” was one of them. Later when we were supposed to meet at the recording studio in Los Angeles, Michael didn’t show. The tapes were gone. The engineer told me Michael took them.”

Anka — furious — appealed to Jackson’s lawyer at the time, who was also his lawyer. Jackson eventually turned over the tapes, which belonged to Anka. “But he must have made copies,” Anka told me. “He took his copy and re-recorded the vocal, erasing mine. And that became ‘This Is It.’”

Anka ran into Jackson once at a lawyer’s office years after the incident, but they didn’t discuss what happened. It was always a sore spot for Anka, who eventually forgot about it. He got a minor hit out of the song in 1991 with singer Sa-Fire. Both “I Never Heard” and “Love Never Felt So Good” were registered at BMI under both their names.

“When the calls started coming in on Monday, I didn’t know what was going on,” Anka told me. He figured it out quickly. The Jackson executors were quick to fix the situation. “They didn’t know how it happened. No one there is to blame.”

Who is to blame? Michael Jackson. In death he’s just as much trouble as he is in life. This was an example of his basic dishonesty. He was not a great songwriter and often took credit for material that wasn’t his. “He was more of a riff writer than a melodist,” said Anka, whose hits include Frank Sinatra’s “My Way” and the theme music to the Johnny Carson “Tonight” Show.

“And then John McClain” — one of Jackson’s executors — called me up after this happened and said, the other best song in the box of tapes I found is called “Love Never Felt So Good,” Anka told me. “I told him, that’s mine, too.”

So that is it, and I’m sure Michael Jackson’s legions of fans will be upset to hear this or dispute it. But the story of this single should not interfere with the “This Is It” movie or much else. (Ridiculously, Jackson received nominations from the second-rate American Music Awards yesterday.) Rather, it speaks to Jackson. It also recalls an incident in 2001 when he “stole” the finished tapes for his “Invincible” album and refused to return them until Sony procured him a part in “Men in Black 2.” That’s the real Michael Jackson, whether he was murdered or not.

Maybe “This Is It,” the single, is jinxed. McClain actually had Michael’s brothers Jackie, Marlon and Tito add backup vocals to it. (It’s unclear whether Jermaine ever showed up.) The only thing Michael would have wanted less was his father in charge of his estate or children. So maybe “This Is It” is just being haunted.

Source: MJFC /
The real Michael Jackson I guess is a thief for stealing his own music. Why do we live around so many morons? Poor Michael had to live with this everyday of his short-lived life. I don't know if I could have made to fifty without dying or killing someone.
why do we keep respecting articles by Roger Freidman? he's banned from this site..or so i thought. and why should i believe a corrupt old man such as Paul Anka? he's disputing the copyright office for god's sakes!

Friedman is a theif who got himself fired from a major network, for his theivery, and all of his writings on Michael Jackson are skewed by Friedman's own hate of Michael. Michael's songwriting legend speaks for itself. Anka isn't the first person to dispute Michael's genius...and he won't be the last. and all the disputers are unwarranted. and Roger Friedman is unwarranted. he is in no position to talk about who is going to dispute anything. Friedman's record speaks for itself. and Anka's songwriting is subject to subjectivity. and it's been dead and dated, for years.