Oscars pay tribute to the ones we lost...MJ is one of them MERGED (Video, photo)

Re: Oscars pay tribute to the ones we lost...MJ is one of them MERGED

It would be nice to see them included but on the other hand if you think about it Bea Arthur worked in TV and Theater and Farrah Fawcett didn't have any Academy Award nominations. On the other hand Michael was nominated for a Best Original Song Academy Award with "Ben".
Michael was NOT nominated for an Oscar. The award for best song goes to the writer. It doesn't go to the performer.
What I don't like is that they use Farrah's snub as a reason to down MJ. In the papers they keep saying Farrah wasn't included but Mj was? As if it was not deserved for him. But, yeah, I think she should have been included as well.

Yeah, I saw a certain daytime co-host known here for her usual MJ put downs do something like that this morning (initials JB, lol). It's sad. She complained because MJ made "only one movie" and they left Farrah out who made more. Oh, brother!
Re: Oscars pay tribute to the ones we lost...MJ is one of them MERGED

Michael was NOT nominated for an Oscar. The award for best song goes to the writer. It doesn't go to the performer.

I know. Still at least a song he performed was nominated. Bea Artur did not do any movies and Farrah Fawcett or any movie that she took a part was not nominated for an Oscar. All I was trying to say is "perhaps they thought Michael was more relevant". None the less, it would be better if they included Farrah and Bea.
I'm glad to see MJ being defended BIGTIME by most of the posters on the boards and blogs i've been to that is discussing Farrah and Bea's exclusions.

I found this when I logged onto my yahoo messenger.

They where wondering why Michael was shown but not Farrah. This can be taken in a positive and a negative way. I do think Farrah should have been added because she has done a lot for television and she has been in a few movies but I am sure someone is going to attack the Michael memorial at the Oscars because hes is a singer and not really an actor to some critics. We all know Michael has been in a few movies however I think this might start some negativity.

I hope not but you never know.
Why does Farrah being excluded have anything to do with Michael's mention? It's not his fault, geez.
Why does Farrah being excluded have anything to do with Michael's mention? It's not his fault, geez.
Exactly! Why do they have to pick on Michael??? :( Why do people have to whine about him being shown? They should rather whine about the Academy, it's their fault, they messed up and simply forgot Farrah. And the media should look at themselves first, it's them who feed of anything related to MJ like leeches! I didn't see them making a fuss about Farrah's death (all they showed was MJ ralated), so they can shut the hell up!
Fawcett omission from Oscar segment no accident

The executive director of the film academy said Tuesday that Farrah Fawcett wasn't included in the Academy Awards' In Memoriam segment because the actress was better known as a TV star.

It was a difficult decision for the committee that assembles the segment to omit Fawcett, said Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences executive director Bruce Davis, who added that he's not surprised some fans and family members are upset.

Fawcett's family issued a statement through a publicist Tuesday saying they were "deeply saddened" and "bereft with this exclusion of such an international icon who inspired so many for so many reasons."

Davis said the academy committee debated about including Fawcett and Gene Barry, a longtime TV actor who died in December at age 90, in the memorial segment but ultimately omitted both.

Davis and his colleagues thought that while the two actors appeared in movies, they were better known for their "remarkable television work" and would be more appropriately honored by the television academy at the Emmy Awards.

The group "was kind of figuring that probably the Farrah Fawcett and Gene Barry omissions would be the ones we'd get the most comments on," he said. He acknowledged that he "did get one letter about Miss Fawcett."
The academy director said "an unusual number of extremely distinguished screenwriters" died this year, and the academy tried to honor many of them in the short memorial segment.

"In every category, you're going to miss some wonderful people," said Davis, who has helped assemble Oscar's In Memoriam montage since it began in 1993.

When asked why Michael Jackson was included when actors were left out, Davis explained that Jackson had appeared in a popular theatrical film recently. Fawcett and Jackson both died on June 25.

"Think of all the blogging we would have gotten if we had left him out!" he said.

Still, he said he understands that the Fawcett and Barry omissions sting.
"There's nothing you can say to people, particularly to family members, within a day or two of the show that helps at all," Davis said. "They tend to be surprised and hurt, and we understand that and we're sorry for it."

I didn't like how they didn't clap much. But it's nice he's still not forgotten.
When they showed Michael I was finished, I just can't get over it.

I think Farrah should have most def been included...but why are they picking on Michael??? that is so ridiculous.
Yeah I did hate that Farrah was snubbed but I am so tired of the Media using her to down MJ. :mat:

And I think that DuranDuran is right. T.V actress and actors are never taken seriously with snobs like the Ocsars.
Trouble is last year we had so many deaths that they would never be able to include everyone, it would go on forever. Yes its a shame that Farrah Fawcett was seemingly snubbed but all the people blaming it on Michael and saying its Michael's fault need to stop. Scream at the academy all you want but don't blame it on Michael. How is it his fault exactly?
I didn't like how they didn't clap much. But it's nice he's still not forgotten.

Michael has never ever be given such a disgraceful applause where I literally checked my remote to see if I pressed on mute by accident! Those hollywood stars are too stuck up and envious.
We should be celebrating, not mourning. :cry: It was a year ago we were celebrating after he made the announcement. OMG Why why MJ?
Why did I watch Ben I feel so sick now I can’t take this anymore. :no:
Who is Farrah anyways compared to Michael, and all the other people they showed on the screen for that matter?!!

I think she was mainly famous for her hair-do anyways... ;)
We should be celebrating, not mourning. :cry:
It was a year ago we were celebrating after he made the announcement.
OMG Why why MJ?
Why did I watch Ben I feel so sick now I can’t take this anymore. :no:

:huggy: :better:

Even tho I go thru the same feelings more than I care to admit.
Who is Farrah anyways compared to Michael, and all the other people they showed on the screen for that matter?!!

I think she was mainly famous for her hair-do anyways... ;)

Thier actors that are supposed to be there, that's not a music award show like the Grammys, it's a movie awards show. :) And she has made movies and done tv beside that poster. And nobody is comparing Farrah to Mike because they are just too different. Farrah is an actress not a singer. Death should not be a contest of who's more important IMHO. I just wish Michael was still with us and not there with the dead. :cry:
Michael's Ground-braking revolutions of marrying Dance, Song and Film in the form of his "Short Films" are of as much relevance to the film industry as are the works of Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and James Cameron.
Who is Farrah anyways compared to Michael, and all the other people they showed on the screen for that matter?!!

I think she was mainly famous for her hair-do anyways... ;)

I think it's because they died on the same day, and MJ's death overwhelmingly overshadowed hers =/. JMHO.
I think it's because they died on the same day, and MJ's death overwhelmingly overshadowed hers =/. JMHO.

Yeah, but it's usally the hardcore haters that use Farrah's death to puss thier anti-mike agenda. The casual person who does'nt give a crap about mike would have a diffrent opinion.

I didn't like that quote that somebody made about how Farrah is only known for her hair. because a hater could say that Mike is just a singer who is only known for thriller and the typical babble , no need to reduce Farrah's (or the other deceased honorees) achievements. because Mike's getting bashed, well this old news anyway and the Oscars are usually the snobby type award (though why the hell did that song, "It's so hard for a pimp" win one I'll never understand), SAGs tribute is better. (woo, had to get that out of my chest.)
Who is Farrah anyways compared to Michael, and all the other people they showed on the screen for that matter?!!

I think she was mainly famous for her hair-do anyways... ;)

What did Farrah actually do to Michael to make it OK to make that comment? I hate when topics like this turn into a insulting another celebrity. You are proving no point whatsoever towards the argument when you make a comment like that.

How would you like it if someone said that Michael was mainly only famous for wearing one glove? Yeah that sounds pretty ridiculous doesn't it? Just as ridiculous as the comment about Farrah only being famous for her hair. It's comments like this that have people who don't really know how awesome Michael Jackson fans are as a whole think that we are nuts and totally elitist when it comes to Michael and everyone else.....
What did Farrah actually do to Michael to make it OK to make that comment? I hate when topics like this turn into a insulting another celebrity. You are proving no point whatsoever towards the argument when you make a comment like that.

How would you like it if someone said that Michael was mainly only famous for wearing one glove? Yeah that sounds pretty ridiculous doesn't it? Just as ridiculous as the comment about Farrah only being famous for her hair. It's comments like this that have people who don't really know how awesome Michael Jackson fans are as a whole think that we are nuts and totally elitist when it comes to Michael and everyone else.....

Thank you! :clapping:

Farrah has never said anything about Mike to warrant something like that. I don't like it when people disrespect one dead person who has done absulting nothing to Michael. And the script can be flipped by haters to say that Michael is only known by his personal life to do this or belittle him by saying that Billie Jean was his only good song. I mean people don't have to put down Farrah's or other deceased people's Careers to make a point. I mean Mike's career is awesome already. :D
And if anyone has a problem with it, talk to me directly. ^__^ Don't hide behind neg rep points.
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Thank you! :clapping:

Farrah has never said anything about Mike to warrant something like that. I don't like it when people disrespect one dead person who has done absulting nothing to Michael. And the script can be flipped by haters to say that Michael is only known by his personal life to do this or belittle him by saying that Billie Jean was his only good song. I mean people don't have to put down Farrah's or other deceased people's Careers to make a point. I mean Mike's career is awesome already. :D
And if anyone has a problem with it, talk to me directly. ^__^ Don't hide behind neg rep points.

I agree but at the same token between the two Farrah is MORE known for acting so I would kinda be a upset to if I was a farrah fan because Michael is more known as a singer than an actor. Personally it would not have bothered me as much if they didnt show Michael because its a acting award show ceremony I kinda would have rather seen them give tribute to Farrah which surprisely they didnt.