Oscars pay tribute to the ones we lost...MJ is one of them MERGED (Video, photo)

Re: Oscars pay tribute to the ones we lost...MJ is one of them MERGED (photo added)

i was really surprised to see him on there! kinda jumped when i saw his face actually, since u know the GRAMMYS just so happened to forget to mention MJ in their in memoriam segment.. but im glad the people behind the Oscars know what theyre doing! Lov u MJ!!
Re: Oscars pay tribute to the ones we lost...MJ is one of them MERGED (photo added)

They showed bllack or white, thriller and the wiz in one shot. It's like 3 in one. It made me cry and remind of how much I do miss him.

Yes, they showed 3 clips for MJ (love that cute one from The Wiz). It was "nice" but it's always sad to see him in these "in memoriam" tributes. He just doesn't belong there.

And a side note...I hate those greedy Cablevision and ABC/Disney for taking away ABC-7, making me scramble to set up my digital converter box and a VCR I haven't used in ages so I can record The View on Monday just in case. I watched the Oscars from my mother's place.
It didnt surprise me he was there. People very much forget what else Michael did but only sung and danced, and where. For example:
- 'Ben' was nominated for an Oscar and Michael performed it at the gala
- Michael played Scarecrow in 'The Wiz' and did it great. He got even awarded with the other price. He also performed 'You cant win' and 'Ease on down the road'
- Michael starred Captain EO and wrote songs for it too ('We Are Here To Change The World')
- Michael composed many songs for the movies: Will You Be There (Free Willy), Childhood (Free Willy 2), On The Line (Get On The Bus)
- Michael co-produced so many amazing, movie-like music short films, and starred them: Ghosts, Thriller, Bad, Moonwalker..
- And then.. 'This is it'. I think it was the 15th biggest of all the movie theather works last year. Of course he didnt actually make the film but without him it wouldnt have happened
Re: Oscars pay tribute to the ones we lost...MJ is one of them MERGED (photo added)

During the Memoriam clip, they showed Michael...='( Anyone notice how under all the others they included the occupation, like "actor" or "director", but under Michael's name there wasn't anything...meaning he did it all!
I'll be watching to see if he's mentioned again.

Michael Jackson doesnt need a description, exactly he did them all. His name carries the entire weight.

You know it really does emphasize to me that he is gone when i see these in memoriams, I guess i am just numb and I do feel that he lives on through his music and legacy

Hate that thought too that his now being mentioned in memoriam :( He was supposed to be immortal.. damm it.
It was definitely hard seeing his name on that list. Just another painful reminder. :(
Haven't watched the ceremony yet (going to download it and watch later) but just reading this thread breaks my heart all over again. :( Michael shouldn't be in these In Memoriam clips... It's way too soon for him... Life is very unfair... I love you, Michael.
No description was needed as he didn't need any. This was a man who did it all and did everything so brilliantly it was mindblowing. I am thankful to God that I had Michael Jackson in my life.
I cant believe I fell asleep on the program.
Just as well tho, these remembrance spots always give me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. :(
Respect to Michael, this is not the end for him there is a hope for a resurrection to life again Acts 24: 15.
He was great writer, dancer, director, musician and so on... He deserved to be there without any description. Everyone know who he was and how great he was whatever he has done.
He didn't deserve to be there because he doesn't belong to that list!
It's just so damn unfair plus I believe they are hypocrites...
Thanks for the video. We lost so many from the film industry last year :( It was very nice of them to include Michael in there.

I think they should've included Farrah Fawcett there too though.
I'm not surprised Michael was included in the Oscars tribute, because he is Michael Jackson and a huge part of the entertainment business regardless of genre. I still find it hard to believe or accept Michael is no longer with us. He was so alive and and robust looking when I saw him close up at the O2 Arena press conference last year. Michael will always be alive to me through the energy I experienced from seeing him in person, that was pure magic I will never forget or let go of.
That was nice that the ocars paid tribute 2 michael :)
Aww thats sweet. I'm glad they did that and the no name part was striking. He really doesnt need a label. He was everything.
I taped the Oscars because I had that feeling they might show something about him. I never really watch the Oscars. Only because I never see my favorite Hollywood actors and actresses there. Mainly because most of them are dead now. But I did start to cry the second I saw that image when I came in to this topic. I still miss him way more than words can ever describe. I still find it very hard even after these months that he is really gone. But it is still very nice that the Oscars did that for him.
I missed the whole thing but will try and watch the video at home tonight.
Re: Michael Remembered at the Oscars

During the Memoriam clip, they showed Michael...='( Anyone notice how under all the others they included the occupation, like "actor" or "director", but under Michael's name there wasn't anything...meaning he did it all!
I'll be watching to see if he's mentioned again.
I don't think they didn't include a title under his name because he did it all. It was because he didn't belong in that list of people. MJ was basically in one movie in his lifetime, The Wiz. Farah was in 10 or so movies and they didn't even include her in the list. It's a true testament to MJ's star power that even though he wasn't involved much in their industry, they would include him on that list. But it would have been strange to see the title 'entertainer' or 'singer' under MJ's name because the Academy doesn't honor those fields.

I know Ben was nominated for an Oscar, but had it won, MJ wouldn't have recieved it. It was an award for the song writer, not the performer. On a side note, I was sad to see that MJ's performance of Ben from the Oscars was lip-synced.
It's great that they added Michael, but he did deserve it in the first place... he's the man who created and opened the door to the art of short musical video clips! It's his music video revolution that brought music and movies together in one place! The oscars should praise Michael's work! Although I'l be honest, I still have a thooth against the oscars for not having given any nominations for TII... especially as there excuse was that it was too late for the entry, while Avatar got nominations and came out ages after TII! I'm still very disapointed at them! TII deserved an Oscar!

still cant get over it ... :cry:

i Know Michael deserves this, but a lot of people are angry because they´ve Forgotten Fawcett and Bea and they do not understand why Michael was in it
thanks for sharing. I didn't see it, so it was great you provided the link.
Small... but yet, so hard for our poor hearts to bear. It's like our hearts skip a bit when we see him there. His face, his eyes... ahhh... time flies... almost nine months gone now. Nine months might be enough for a new life to be born, but not enought for a great life to be forgotten :no:

Miss you much, MJ. Miss you much.
:( Ouch. Thanks for the thread, though. I wasn't able to watch last night.

They didn't include occupation under his name because... he's Michael Jackson. In a category of his own. He's the only one ever who could do the job of being Michael Jackson... so amazing and iconic that no description is necessary (& it's so vast that it couldn't possibly fit onto that screen.) They could have just put "KING" under his name, though ;) :cry:
It's great that they added Michael, but he did deserve it in the first place...

Awww, dear, don't say that. Let's be grateful they included him :better:
It was great they had him there, they could have easily left him aside. See, they forgot Farrah :( I doubt they did it on purpose, but it's sad that happened.

There is nothing to celebrate about being included in a memorial, no question, but if they include Mike, I think that's nice from them (and sad for us, of course).
Aw man, it's still so hard seeing tributes like that. :cry:

Thanks for posting. :flowers: