Oscars pay tribute to the ones we lost...MJ is one of them MERGED (Video, photo)

stuff like this hurts like hell. doesnt help at all when u are trying to live in denial
Re: Oscars pay tribute to the ones we lost...MJ is one of them MERGED

Glad they included Michael but what about Farrah?

I agree. I'm really happy they included Michael. That was sweet.

But how on earth could they forget about Farrah Fawcett and Bea Arthur? The producers messed up there. Those two women should have been included.
,The Academy is right in not mentioning any other thing except his name Michael Jackson-the name of the GREATEST ENTETRTAINER WHO EVER LIVED!!! Michael can NEVER be gone! I don't know why I'm still crying...miss him with every breath but know he IS NOT GONE! He's here with us more than ever!Love you more and more and more forever Michael,Sir !!!
Thanks for the video. We lost so many from the film industry last year :( It was very nice of them to include Michael in there.

I think they should've included Farrah Fawcett there too though.

you're welcome for the video. I know,I it was nice to see Michael being acknowledged,yet bittersweet. I,too noticed Farrah & Soupy Sales not being shown. Atleast 'We' remember them..It shows they are not forgotten either.
so many celebs died this year and last that is hard to put everyone in a montage. if you did that it would last an hour. They DID include Heath in Last year's awards. Farrah is a TV actress. Bea Arthur idk why she wasn't added but there were so many people are bound to over look one or two and its probably not out of malice either.
Re: Michael Remembered at the Oscars

I thought that was really sweet they included him

During the Memoriam clip, they showed Michael...='( Anyone notice how under all the others they included the occupation, like "actor" or "director", but under Michael's name there wasn't anything...meaning he did it all!
it's almost surreal that his name is among others who are dead....
I still find it hard to believe.....
Yeah I cried when I saw Michael's pic there. :sad: I thought that Farrah was gonna be included but then I was thinking if she had ever made movies (not only series) but I didn't know.
Bittersweet :yes: but TII deserved to be nominated for best documentary at least. Avatar was released on december and it had lot of nominations. That wasn't fair, I'm not sayin it's a bad movie but talking about scheduels for registration Avatar was too late.
This tribute by the Oscars really hit me hard, don't know why. Maybe it will be one of the last tributes to Michael, that thought alone is just awful...I feel so sad! :cry:
Nice of them to include Michael. I cannot believe they didn't show Farrah though..
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It never fails to be a huge punch in the gut every time I see Michael in these 'in memorium' sections. He shouldn't be there.
I was happy to see him and then I realized why am I happy? I don't want to see Michael in the "in memory" part of the show. I don't like it and I wish he was still here. I thought they should have included Farrah since she did movies too.
Re: Oscars pay tribute to the ones we lost...MJ is one of them MERGED

But how on earth could they forget about Farrah Fawcett and Bea Arthur? The producers messed up there. Those two women should have been included.

It would be nice to see them included but on the other hand if you think about it Bea Arthur worked in TV and Theater and Farrah Fawcett didn't have any Academy Award nominations. On the other hand Michael was nominated for a Best Original Song Academy Award with "Ben".
The only time when those words "in memoriam" have no meaning to me.
It was really nice to mention him, but am longing for the justice he deserves.
Nice of them that they included Michael. He did so much for all, but it wasn't his time yet to be on that list. :cry: Thanks for posting but I'm crying all over again, his name in the screen was hard to see.
What makes Farrah's snub so sad is the fact that her death was overshadowed MJ's passing, so not to include her while he was, was like piling it on, IMO.
Yes I was watching it too. I was working on a letter for the Legacy Project so I wasn't really paying attention. My sister caught my attention, I looked up and there he was; Michael's eyes were looking right at me. I had to back up a bit and watch it again, then I saw those words "In Memoriam". Like many of you, when I saw those words, my heart just ached. I couldn't comprehend that Michael was even in that list. I still can't believe it....:no: It's just very surreal. I too am sad today.:cry: He is on my mind very much. :angel:
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stuff like this hurts like hell. doesnt help at all when u are trying to live in denial

I so understand what you're saying, I just NEVER thought after watching these award shows all these years that I would ever see MJ's name among the others In Memoriam:no:

No matter though, I'll never let him go....
Farrah Fawcett should have been included. Granted, many of her feature films were flops and her better work was on television but she did make feature films and she was nominated for a best actress Golden Globe award for her work in the movie "Extremities". How could they overlook her?
What I don't like is that they use Farrah's snub as a reason to down MJ. In the papers they keep saying Farrah wasn't included but Mj was? As if it was not deserved for him. But, yeah, I think she should have been included as well.
I normally skip these but I DID anticipate seeing if they would mention him. And the moment he showed up on the screen, it was like everything in my veins went hot for the entire time he was on. Felt like sand or something gritty was going thru my blood or bones. And then it hit me again WHY I normally skip this stuff. :( However, knowing how much Michael loved film, I guess I was kinda hoping they would recognize him and his contribution to that medium. Was glad they did but for as much as I thought I was prepared to see it...guess I wasn't.
Re: Oscars pay tribute to the ones we lost...MJ is one of them MERGED

It would be nice to see them included but on the other hand if you think about it Bea Arthur worked in TV and Theater and Farrah Fawcett didn't have any Academy Award nominations. On the other hand Michael was nominated for a Best Original Song Academy Award with "Ben".

It doesn't matter if you get an Oscar Nomination to be remembered in the Memorial or not at the Oscars. Look at Patrick Swayze as a prime example-while yes he was nominated three times for a Golden Globe, he never was nominated for an Oscar. And before anyone thinks I think because of that he didn't deserve to be there, hold your horses I so think he belonged there. He was just an awesome actor, and I was pretty shaken up when he died this past year too.

And, yes I will give you that Farrah and Bea are both known for their work in TV, they did appear in movies as well, so they should have been there. It has nothing to do with whether you were ever nominated for an Oscar or not....

But for everyone who is mad (including me) that Farrah and Bea weren't mentioned keep in mind this is the same Academy that has never awarded Harrison Ford and Oscar either......