Open Letter to Michael Jackson's Accuser - by Chris Tucker's Ex


Proud Member
Nov 30, 2007
Azja Pryor, former girlfriend to Chris Tucker, was a regular guest at Michael's Neverland Valley Ranch and had also been in close contact to the Arvizo family, who accused Michael of child molestation. Michael Jackson was found innocent on all charges on June 13, 2005, but as long as the media casts shadows, we must all continue to speak the truth and honor those who step up to support justice.

Following Michael's tragic death, Azja Pryor wrote a stunningly heart-felt letter to the accuser and his family who's false allegations forever changed The King of Pop's life as well as the lives of his millions of fans around the world.

OPEN LETTER TO A MICHAEL JACKSON ACCUSER (THE ARVIZO FAMILY): Subpoenaed by the defense in 2005, Azja Pryor writes to Jackson's 2nd accuser

Dear Gavin, Star, Davellin, and Janet:

After Michael's tragic death last week, I have to say that all the negative feelings I've had towards your family following the outrageous claims made by you Gavin and your mother Janet--against Michael--came back to me tenfold. The pain, disappointment, anger, and betrayal I feel towards you simply cannot be put into words.

You have shown me that your greed, lies, and personal gain override any “morals” your family claims to have; and you have proven yourselves to be the kind of people capable of turning your back on the very person who came to your rescue when you were most desperate.

The fact that you falsely accused Michael of the most heinous of acts, and made his life a living hell in what would become his last years is unthinkable; and I am sure some would say, unforgivable. In your attempts to destroy him once again, you, Gavin, accused the man you called your “best friend” of the one thing that you (and everyone else) knew would completely turn his life inside out.

You took the one thing we all know that Michael cared about most in life--children, especially children who are suffering, and you tried to turn it into a bad thing. You Janet, as a parent, allowed this, encouraged this, and went forward with the awful lies in an attempt to destroy Michael Jackson and swindle money from him.

Shame on you!

This man did nothing but help your family in their darkest hour. I know Michael was just like my family. We were all pulled into your woeful stories and shared your family's plight as Gavin fought for his life during his battle with cancer. Gavin, you told me that Michael's love helped cure you of cancer.

Your entire family praised Michael privately to everyone who would listen, yet turned against him so viciously in public. I have remained silent for many years, but I can no longer do so. Right now I struggle to find the words to adequately write this letter, as I am so filled with anger towards you and pain for the Jackson family.

You call yourself Christians. If this is true I call on you, Gavin, and your mother Janet to finally do the right thing for Michael in death that you never did during his days here on earth. You need to completely exonerate Michael's name and legacy from the awful, disgusting claims you made against him.

Claims and allegations that you and I both know are completely false and utterly ridiculous. Whatever your motives at the time to create such accusations are now minute and unimportant.

It is much bigger than you.

We are speaking on this man's legacy; a man who positively touched lives around the world. A man who is arguably the greatest entertainer the world will ever know. Michael is someone who shared in your family's pain; opened his home to you and included you in his very own family. He was a human being who never deserved any of this.

Gavin and Janet, you can change your identity and try to hide from the public scrutiny, but ultimately, you cannot hide from the wrath of God's judgement. This is the right thing to do. It is the very least you can do for Michael, his children, and his legacy.

Gavin you are now 19 years old, no longer an impressionable young boy under you mother's guidance, nor are you a pawn in this grand scheme to assassinate Michael's character. I know your heart, and I know that you are capable of doing what is right. Clear Michael's name of your ugly accusations once and for all. You owe it to him. You owe it to his family. And you owe it to God. Let's finally give Michael the ability to completely rest in peace.

Azja Pryor
July, 2009


UPDATE: Azja sent this to the fans of

Although I have yet to hear from the subjects of my letter, the Arvizo family, I have received an overwhelming show of support from Michael Jackson fans around the world. I have received encouragement from others like myself, who believe in standing up for the truth, and honoring Michaelʼs legacy free of these disgusting lies. For me this was such a heartfelt letter, and one of the easiest letters Iʼve ever written. The support I've received only confirms to me that I am doing the right thing in demanding publiclythat Gavin Arvizo finally come forward and clear an innocent man's name.

I will not stop until this is done.

It is my hope that once Gavin comes forward, he will then set an example for others to come forward publicly and state the truth about Michael! We are all faced with choices in life. We must then be able to live with the choices weʼve made. I do not know how on earth the Arvizo family can live with themselves knowing the choices they made ultimately led to the demise of such a caring, compassionate soul. The Arvizoʼs will never find peace in this lifetime, unless they do the right thing. I ask every Michael Jackson fan to please share this letter with everyone they know. It is crucial that this letter is received by the Arvizo family. Gavin speaking up and exonerating Michaelʼs name from his false accusations is a critical part of the healing process that is needed for everyone who loved Michael, and are now mourning his death. Some may say that itʼs too late. I say better now than never. Michaelʼs legacy will forever reign and touch lives around the world. The Gavin I know is a remarkably brave young man. I know he is capable of speaking the truth even amid the controversy. Letʼs all make sure that the truth is told for Michael, his family, and his millions of fans.

Azja Pryor

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I think though that the only person who would make the biggest difference would be one person only: Jordie. MJ had his day in court with the Arvizos and he won.
ok ppl whatever you want to comment here... threatening anyone will imediately be reported and lead to taking this thread off!
Also we do have enough drama going on I think... and this is the past.
Michael was proven innocent by court, to me nobody could have told the family better and clearer what losers they truely are than the simple verdict told at court ... but ok for those to whom it feels good to digg in the past... just please try to controll yourselves... don't do drama... and better behave.
Ok... let's try...
Awesome find, Steph.

And thank you to Azja Pryor. This is one powerful letter...with a lot of obvious anger and emotion - something which other pro-Michael statements lack. I'm so glad she's also writing this directly to Gavin. If I have to hear again that these 'kids' are "helpless, impressionable and powerless," I will throw a fit. They're adults now and are just as guilty, if not more guilty than their parents because they should KNOW better.

Let's hope this letter gets to them. I don't know how God-fearing they are or if they feel it's worth coming out - but let's hope so.
Wow that's very good written I really hope he is going to tell the truth but I can't believe that people don't believe in the juridical system...
I hope and pray the day will come.

Thank you for posting that letter here.
Well done!

They will NEVER escape God's judgement. Never. They will be punished for it.
The betrayal...
I'm again in disbelief at how Michael could get over this and smile and be happy again. It's incredible and that's one of the reasons I'll always be in awe of him.
The betrayal...
I'm again in disbelief at how Michael could get over this and smile and be happy again. It's incredible and that's one of the reasons I'll always be in awe of him.

Exactly! Every time I think of that, I think that anything is possible.

I love you Michael. :wub:
Well considering if they would come out with the truth now they could even make some good money for sure... well I don't know *shrugs* would be nice if one could sue Sneddon for subornation for perjury uh?! but well wouldn't the Arvizo family be sued for perjury then? I don't think they'll have the courage to come out with the truth ever.
Pointless and pathetic....

Not Gavin and Janet, but Jordy should speak up about the so-called charges, he is the key player, the Arvizos were clear con men.
Well considering if they would come out with the truth now they could even make some good money for sure... well I don't know *shrugs* would be nice if one could sue Sneddon for subornation for perjury uh?! but well wouldn't the Arvizo family be sued for perjury then? I don't think they'll have the courage to come out with the truth ever.

They'd definitely make a lot of money doing all the interviews. But right now no one really knows who they are or what they look like, if they come clean their faces will be all over the place and everyone will know what they did. I don't think we'll ever hear from them again unfortunately.
These people hurt him sooo much. Michael helped Gavin with his cancer. Damn, I don't know how this family could sleep at night, especially now. The least they could do for Michael after all the pain they put him through is tell the truth and exonerate him. I want Jordan Chandler to do the same. I'm sick and tired of this child molester label always being attached to Michael. He did not molest anybody. The only way Michael will be truly free and vindicated in the public is if these two boys come out and tell the truth.
They'd definitely make a lot of money doing all the interviews. But right now no one really knows who they are or what they look like, if they come clean their faces will be all over the place and everyone will know what they did. I don't think we'll ever hear from them again unfortunately.
Well weren't they under oath in court? They'd for sure get a huge fine or even go to jail... perjury is no joke in Germany... don't know the US law stuff too well. But sheeeesh what a joke they'd make out of Sneddon even more than they did... can't imagine he'd just let them even though he might retired in the mean time.
It would be a miracle if any of them do come out.

Honestly, if they were cruel enough to go through with the accusations in the first place, living the rest of their lives in shame wouldn't be too hard at all.
Very well-written letter. I hope the accuser steps forward and admits that it was all a big lie. Sure, the chances of that happening are slim at best, but there's always a possibility that a bad person will do something good and betray their character.
Mechi, the not guilty verdict did nothing to clear MJ's name. This son of a bitch should come out and tell the truth regardless of whether this was on trial. Same to jordan chandler!!!
lilsusie I wish I could agree with it...
but there was a jury of 12 ppl not believing that family knowing all evidence existing. If that doesn't clear Michaels name I don't have much faith anything else will.

You really think ppl would believe this family now? Nope those who don't want to believe Michael is innocent yet will not change it cuz the known for lying family is changing their story (again!). Those ppl who want to believe Michael is guilty will say they (that anyways lying family) did change their story now only for money and/or fame bla... Some ppl will not see the truth even when it would directly jump into their faces.

I wish it would be that easy, but I just experience often life is not.

Ppl will always tend to believe what they want to believe.
Pointless and pathetic....

Not Gavin and Janet, but Jordy should speak up about the so-called charges, he is the key player, the Arvizos were clear con men.

Pointless and pathetic? That ain't pathetic/pointless! This is the right thing to do!

And both of them should confess! Chandler and Arvizo.
lilsusie I wish I could agree with it...
but there was a jury of 12 ppl not believing that family knowing all evidence existing. If that doesn't clear Michaels name I don't have much faith anything else will.

You really think ppl would believe this family now? Nope those who don't want to believe Michael is innocent yet will not change it cuz the known for lying family is changing their story (again!). Those ppl who want to believe Michael is guilty will say they (that anyways lying family) did change their story now only for money and/or fame bla... Some ppl will not see the truth even when it would directly jump into their faces.

I wish it would be that easy, but I just experience often life is not.

Ppl will always tend to believe what they want to believe.

But why would someone WANT to believe that a man is a child molester? It doesn't make sense to me. It's like saying they want to believe this child was molested. Why would they want to believe anything like that? I just think people believed the allegations because they don't know the facts and the media were telling them a bunch of cr@p. And because the media are supposed to be a reliable source of information, they believe everything that comes out of their tv screens. I am sure, that if Jordan and/or Gavin admitted to lying about Michael Jackson, then that would officially clear his name. If any one tried to call Michael Jackson a child molester after that they are going to look like idiots.
But why would someone WANT to believe that a man is a child molester? It doesn't make sense to me. It's like saying they want to believe this child was molested. Why would they want to believe anything like that? I just think people believed the allegations because they don't know the facts and the media were telling them a bunch of cr@p. And because the media are supposed to be a reliable source of information, they believe everything that comes out of their tv screens. I am sure, that if Jordan and/or Gavin admitted to lying about Michael Jackson, then that would officially clear his name. If any one tried to call Michael Jackson a child molester after that they are going to look like idiots.

Let me state it again.
Fact is Michaels name is clear.
Never ever there was presented some evidence that there was some wrong doing of any kind.
I know you guys don't want to make it sound different. But please also know that is the point where I'm coming from!

I don't know why that is that some ppl are not open to that and why they want to believe different... but if they do then maybe it's cuz they would openly admitt they've been idiots in judging someone (Michael) the way they did judge him before?!

I've been to the Court TV boards that time several times... please know some ppl are just locked inside and you'll get no facts/truth in there whatever one would try. Many ppl, when they've made up their minds, it's just they will not change their opinion whatever you would tell them or even if you'd fire them with facts every day for the rest of their lives.
Let me state it again.
Fact is Michaels name is clear.
Never ever there was presented some evidence that there was some wrong doing of any kind.
I know you guys don't want to make it sound different. But please also know that is the point where I'm coming from!

I don't know why that is that some ppl are not open to that and why they want to believe different... but if they do then maybe it's cuz they would openly admitt they've been idiots in judging someone (Michael) the way they did judge him before?!

I've been to the Court TV boards that time several times... please know some ppl are just locked inside and you'll get no facts/truth in there whatever one would try. Many ppl, when they've made up their minds, it's just they will not change their opinion whatever you would tell them or even if you'd fire them with facts every day for the rest of their lives.

I gotcha. I guess you just can't get through to some people. It's a shame really. I don't know why they actually want to believe it. It makes me sick to think people want to believe a child was molested :scratch: