Open Letter from MJ fans in Support of MJ Estate

Thank you, MJJC! I support this letter 100%!

At the end of the day, the Estate has done more good for MJ's legacy than the Jacksons have all together! It is as clear as a day that they don't give a rat's ar$e about their brother. All they ever come up with is accusation after accusation with NO evidence whatsoever! And Janet... well, the sun doesn't shine out of her ar$e, she has lost her credibility a long time ago.
I don't support everything this letter says. I am not backing it. IMO, there are multiple ways that The Estate has failed. With that being said, I surely don't support the actions taken by the family. I'll just choose to be indifferent to all of them. *shrug*

My sentiment exactly. I've been away for a while. I'm now trying to catch up. I'm still confused. I know I just saw part of the story, not the whole story. Therefore, I can't support either side.

Also, as a fan, I don't want to overstep my mark.
I have to say, this has become a Jackson Family Obsession Fan Board.....Let the Jackson's deal with their own shit they've accumulated....Why are you intervening? Why do you care? Why is this letter written on behalf of all MJ's fans? Excuse me? Especially since I've seen the tables turned in other issues (Cascio tracks, etc), stating that 'Not all fans feel the same'....And, so what is the difference now, exactly? Do not speak for me, and I don't think other fans want to be spoken for, either...

I'm so glad I know absolutely nothing about the Jackson's. I know nothing about their custody battles with their ex-wives, mistresses, financial matters, little schemes, or whatever else...Why the hell would I want to know about that kind of stuff? Michael likely didn't know about all that stuff either, considering he didn't see them that often....So why do fans waste their time caring? I can't say 'I love his kids, those children are precious, etc...'...How would I even begin to know how they are, or what kind of people they are? I wish the best for them, and I hope the family figures this whole thing out....But in reality, I don't effing care...I'm a Michael Jackson fan. That's as far as it goes for me...

You know what I've been doing this entire time this whole shit storm has been happening? I'm visiting with my family from across the country...MY family....Not the Jackson family....

With that, I'm out...I have nothing else to say with this whole Jackson fiasco...

I'm gonna go listen to some MJ, melt in his voice, and anticipate the BAD25 Anniversary....Cuz that's what I became a fan for in the first place....
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I have to say, this has become a Jackson Family Obsession Fan Board.....Let the Jackson's deal with their own shit they've accumulated....You know what I've been doing this entire time this whole shit storm has been happening? I'm visiting with my family from across the country...MY family....Not the Jackson family....

With that, I'm out...I have nothing else to say with this whole Jackson fiasco...

I'm gonna go listen to some MJ, melt in his voice, and anticipate the BAD25 Anniversary....Cuz that's what I became a fan for in the first place....

I think spending time with our own family, listening to Michael and anticipating the BAD25 anniversary is a wonderful idea.
I have to say, this has become a Jackson Family Obsession Fan Board.....Let the Jackson's deal with their own shit they've accumulated....Why are you intervening? Why do you care? Why is this letter written on behalf of all MJ's fans? Excuse me? Especially since I've seen the tables turned in other issues (Cascio tracks, etc), stating that 'Not all fans feel the same'....And, so what is the difference now, exactly? Do not speak for me, and I don't think other fans want to be spoken for, either...

I'm so glad I know absolutely nothing about the Jackson's. I know nothing about their custody battles with their ex-wives, mistresses, financial matters, little schemes, or whatever else...Why the hell would I want to know about that kind of stuff? Michael likely didn't know about all that stuff either, considering he didn't see them that often....So why do fans waste their time caring? I can't say 'I love his kids, those children are precious, etc...'...How would I even begin to know how they are, or what kind of people they are? I wish the best for them, and I hope the family figures this whole thing out....But in reality, I don't effing care...I'm a Michael Jackson fan. That's as far as it goes for me...

You know what I've been doing this entire time this whole shit storm has been happening? I'm visiting with my family from across the country...MY family....Not the Jackson family....

With that, I'm out...I have nothing else to say with this whole Jackson fiasco...

I'm gonna go listen to some MJ, melt in his voice, and anticipate the BAD25 Anniversary....Cuz that's what I became a fan for in the first place....

couldn't agree more!!!!

all this family drama only made me miss Michael even more and it made me VERY sad that we're even talking about his family's matters, that's a personal thing and does not have anything to do with us, fans.

we should focus on his music & spreading his legacy
The Jackson's tried to wage war in the media and it backfired. It is long overdue that fans unite against the exploitation of the Jackson family. For lack of a more proper term their actions and portrayal of Michael have been disgusting. Many fans have known all along, but the families latest actions have caused them to reach a point of no return as far as credibility goes.

However the fan letter also points out a big concern. The executors have done a good job of continuing Michael's wishes and legacy... But while the executors receive 100% credit for the financial success, Michael is portrayed as having left nothing but "debt" when it comes to his own Estate. The media's constant focus on the word "debt" has purposfully given a false view of Michael's true financial picture. Despite everything the King Of Pop left his children enormous assets and a huge net worth.

In conclusion, the Jackson's definetly deserve to be exposed for their agenda and creatiing conspiracy theories. We also want to thank the united fans for acknowledging that "500 million in debt" is just the most sensational version of the debt rumor.
MJ Legacy7
The Jackson's tried to wage war in the media and it backfired. It is long overdue that fans unite against the exploitation of the Jackson family. For lack of a more proper term their actions and portrayal of Michael have been disgusting. Many fans have known all along, but the families latest actions have caused them to reach a point of no return as far as credibility goes.

However the fan letter also points out a big concern. The executors have done a good job of continuing Michael's wishes and legacy... But while the executors receive 100% credit for the financial success, Michael is portrayed as having left nothing but "debt" when it comes to his own Estate. The media's constant focus on the word "debt" has purposfully given a false view of Michael's true financial picture. Despite everything the King Of Pop left his children enormous assets and a huge net worth.

In conclusion, the Jackson's definetly deserve to be exposed for their agenda and creatiing conspiracy theories. We also want to thank the united fans for acknowledging that "500 million in debt" is just the most sensational version of the debt rumor.
MJ Legacy7

I think the estate needs to clarify this 500 mil figure. They allowed the media to run with this figure and have never made a statement to the contrary. I guess this is one of the reasons the open letter states that fans have not agreed with everything the estate has done. Hopefully the estate will clarify this soon.
I agree with some of Arklove's words, but then again they wanted it out there for the public to see. The staff just reported the news and if it's gotten this "obsessive" it's because they wanted us to walk along with their ish. I've been visiting my family too, listening to Michael non-stop, doing the normal things people do and I did before this whole wildfire of madness emerged lol..Of course still as excited about BAD25 also. But you can't blame the board or us for trying to keep up with it, because it's very linked to Michael, he's the very core of this mess. Also, the issue about the letter and some fans not wanting it to "speak for themselves" was cleared out pages ago.. it was clearly said that this represents whoever felt it was expressing their feelings towards The Jacksons letter, if somebody felt it wasn't their personal opinion it was as easy as ignoring it. Having said that, had this ended sooner the better, but they just kept going and going. It's impossible not to get caught up.. IMO.
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^^ it's absolutely possible to not get caught in all this...I'm not...this has gone beyond being about's about obsessive venting about the Jackson's...believe me, I am absolutely stunned at the whole slew of events but I prefer to just stay away from it...what exactly are fans gonna accomplish anyway? It's not helping the situation when the only thing that's reared it's head from the fans is a Twitter war and raging postings on a Michael Jackson fan board...You're beating your heads up against the wall...Of course it's gonna keep going and going; it's a media doesn't mean we have to feed it....

It's quite embarrassing from BOTH sides....
No it's not. If you chose not to write your thoughts on it, it's one thing but hadn't you gotten caught up, you wouldn't even know it happened or what's going on and you do. When I don't care about something I just let it slip,I don't even read about it. But this is beyond disgusting and again I say it, it's related to Michael directly, how is it beyond Michael if THIS is what he went through for as long as he was here and more? It's now being confirmed by his own family. Why was it ok to focus on all the drama when he was here and now that he's gone we've got to pretend nothing is happening? I don't think so. Plus, showing you care about whatever happens with the Estate and whoever tries to ruin or mess with MJ's legacy is not embarrassing, if you want to think so it's up to you but you can't tell me you think we're "obsessively venting" that's unfair and it's as if you're looking down on everyone's opinion about this issue.
, if you want to think so it's up to you but you can't tell me you think we're "obsessively venting" that's unfair and it's as if you're looking down on everyone's opinion about this issue.

I want to comment on that "obsessively venting" thingy as I wholly agree with your post.
Everybody is venting on something of these boards, one way or the other. It might be the latest Jackson drama thread, it might be BAD 25 thread, or even Controversy threads;-) I think some people just need to look the man in the mirror and get off their high horses. It just look hypocritical that some people are allowed to say something from other people without any proof of their wrong doing yet, the nerve to tell other people they shouldn't be doing it.
The letter in the OT doesn't say anything about the family drama. It only lends support to the Estate against the letter in which four of Michael's siblings (I say four, because Tito retracted since) attack Michael's Estate telling demonstrably untrue things. The family drama unfolded after and only proved our concerns about the true motives of these siblings.

The letter itself was probably leaked by the siblings themselves. At least they never said it was not. They never said "we sent it to the Estate, but someone leaked it". In fact, the Estate claims they got informed of the letter from the tabloid media to which it was distributed. Randy tweeted the letter was authentic.

As I see it it's a PR move to trash the executors and try to turn MJ fans against them. The purpose of the fan letter is to let the executors and the four siblings know that this PR move has failed. Obviously not for every fan. Some are on the family's side or/and anti-Estate camp or want to stay out of it altogether. MJJC did not claim to speak for each fan. But looking at the opinions on this board I'd say most of us co-sign this fan letter.
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I want to comment on that "obsessively venting" thingy as I wholly agree with your post.
Everybody is venting on something of these boards, one way or the other. It might be the latest Jackson drama thread, it might be BAD 25 thread, or even Controversy threads;-) I think some people just need to look the man in the mirror and get off their high horses. It just look hypocritical that some people are allowed to say something from other people without any proof of their wrong doing yet, the nerve to tell other people they shouldn't be doing it.

I haven't really thought about it but you're right. All of us vent about something we don't agree with on each thread. You're absolutely right. So, why is it wrong to do so on such heated and controversial topic, right? The situation asks for it, as much as you want to "stay away". I just don't like when other members' opinions are belittled or questioned. We're all entitled to post what we feel, as long as the mods allow it. Lol.
I want to comment on that "obsessively venting" thingy as I wholly agree with your post.
Everybody is venting on something of these boards, one way or the other. It might be the latest Jackson drama thread, it might be BAD 25 thread, or even Controversy threads;-) I think some people just need to look the man in the mirror and get off their high horses. It just look hypocritical that some people are allowed to say something from other people without any proof of their wrong doing yet, the nerve to tell other people they shouldn't be doing it.

That's what I'm saying though....When I say 'obsessively venting'...I mean, it's about the Jacksons! When other people obsess, at least it's about MJ's music...;)

But, all in all, I wasn't trying to put anyone down....I know it came across that way, and it wasn't my intention...It's just that I guess I'd rather see fans obsess about Michael's MUSIC, it seems this fan board is so far off from that now....We gotta stick to that as much as possible..Instead, we're discussing this issue (I understand that partly, it's a HUGE issue)...But do you see what I"m trying to say? :(......Maybe when BAD25 comes, we'll remember what it's like again ;).....
^ No i don't know what you're trying to say. You just want to talk about mj's music, fine but what gives you the right to decide what mj fans should be interested in. If it's your forum then that wd be your prerogative to just allow threads on music etc, but it's not. This jackson family drama is only a 2/3 threads in one subforum, if you're not interested don't visit but other people are so why not let them. I happen to be interested in mj the man as well as his music, the huge issues that affected his life, how he was perceived, what influenced him, how he provoked such strong reactions. You can't understand mj unless you can try and understand his family as it informed so much of his life and the choices he made, so i've been really interested in teh human drama that has been played out this past week. I really didn't appreciate being told that i shouldn't be interested in it - it's a big enough forum to 'allow' differences of emphasis in how we appreciate mj. Like it or not he was more than just music to alot of people.
That's what I'm saying though....When I say 'obsessively venting'...I mean, it's about the Jacksons! When other people obsess, at least it's about MJ's music...;)

But, all in all, I wasn't trying to put anyone down....I know it came across that way, and it wasn't my intention...It's just that I guess I'd rather see fans obsess about Michael's MUSIC, it seems this fan board is so far off from that now....We gotta stick to that as much as possible..Instead, we're discussing this issue (I understand that partly, it's a HUGE issue)...But do you see what I"m trying to say?

:(......Maybe when BAD25 comes, we'll remember what it's like again ;).....

Fortunately for Michael Jackson Legacy not all people love and respect him only for his music. Michael Jackson would never ever be so fascinating all around the world just for his music. Fans like you underestimate very badly his phenomena. For me personally his music was never something what was holding my interest in him (even if I knew he had perfect pitch since the very beginning). I love classical music, especially simphonic chorus and orchestras so the pop music for me needs to show the highest quality to appreciate it. I like Michael's music but as former music journalist I dedicated a lot of my professional and private life to promote his message because I just loved his personality. I think I loved and still love him more as a person and an artist in general than a musician. I also think he was very sexy not only on the stage but privately too. Not always but pretty often. Other fans love different aspects of his showmanship or just only music like you. I'm positive there are the boards where you can talk only about MJ's
edit. nevermind...I have no desire to fight with anyone...
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I think the estate needs to clarify this 500 mil figure. They allowed the media to run with this figure and have never made a statement to the contrary. I guess this is one of the reasons the open letter states that fans have not agreed with everything the estate has done. Hopefully the estate will clarify this soon.

Unfortunately they will not say anything. The executors won't see clearing up rumors about Michael's finances as a benefit to them. The execs are fully aware of how Michael is treated when it comes to his own estate. There are only specifics about what they did for the Estate never MJ. Meanwhile the hateful media is free to lie on MJ. Even exaggerate by adding 100+ million in debt rumors while they erase his net worth from every article. This is only done because nobody says anything.

Speaking of not saying anything that brings us back to why this type of fan letter is a good idea. Again my group does not endorse the letter for a specific reason, but the idea behind the letter is something Michael's legacy needs. A voice a show of stregnth against lies and those who try to exploit him.
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